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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
    *picturing AT's reaction to the wardrobe*

    Wait, you want me to wear leather... and a corset... a leather corset... instead of baggy BDU's. Sweet.

    OK, maybe I'm just projecting my reaction.
    Not just your reaction, trust me!

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    not to mention that that angle is particularly 'good' at revealing any and all said cleavage

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    a TRADITIONAL american thanksgiving is

    mashed potatoes and gravy
    yams/sweet potatoes
    veggies - corn, green beans or whatever

    pumpkin pie for dessert

    but you can do anything literally. deep fried turkeys are quite the rage, smoked turkeys, ham and the associated side dishes.
    Oooooooh - deep fried turklebird *drools*

    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
    He's off with Vala doing *the rest of this message has been deleted due to the possible offensive nature. That's where Teal'c is.

    *runs before sky and the noodle of doom can attack

    Um ... I don't think there is an escape from the noodle of doom!!!

    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
    Hidden for sort of OT-ness.
    Talk of Thanksgiving always reminds me of when Becky was in America for a year of her University course. I was at work and the girl on the switchboard called across the office that I had a call and it was Becky. (Instant panic - she's phoning me at work - a definate no-no - what's wrong?) I now had all eyes in the office on me waiting for my reaction to whatever Becky wanted.
    "Hi Mum."
    "What's wrong?"
    "Wrong? Oh nothing's wrong - how do you cook a turkey?"

    She had bought all the makings, as she had seen me do for Christmas meals many times, but realised that she didn't know how to proceed once she had the stuff home.

    There followed a detailed conversation on the ins and outs of turkey preparation from thawing through to carving and distribution of the results. (My workmates were, by now, smirking happily and my Office Manager had this "Wait 'til you're done" look on her face.)

    Happily, the meal was a great success and the Brit earned some important brownie points with homesick Americans. I survived the wrath of the OM and the pool on how much my phone bill would be for the first quarter of her residence in Toledo OH was cancelled because nobody came close!

    Happy days!

    Kay aka Mumsey
    Who always wondered what pumpkin pie tastes like. After all - pumpkin is a vegetable isn't it?
    According to the OED, a pumpkin is technically a fruit. (Seeds on the inside.)
    To answer your question, how pumpkin pie tastes is very much dependant on what spices you put into the mix. My fam usually mixes pumpkin with squash to keep the pumpkin taste from being overpowering.

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    pumpkin pie actually...cinnamony. it has a brownish/orngish color, and pumpkin is - usually - smooth textured, so it's kinda like a custard pie - little thicker - and you taste the cinnamon and other spices.

    sweet potato pie is the same way

    the best thing about it is taht it's best cool so that the filling is set up and you smother it in cool whip
    Oh yeah - cool whip is definitely the topping of choice

    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
    True that. I do like the ice cream though. I love pumpkin pie for brekkie the day after Thanksgiving. I usually only eat pumpking pie around Thanksgiving and Christmas and no other time during the year. I'm weird like that.

    *thinks Sky is far more polite than I am. I wouldn't eat anything I didn't like at dinner, period.
    That's weird? Oh ... apparently I'm weird too then
    We ate turkey 3x a year -- Xmas, Thxgiving, and Canada Day ... and pumpkin pie always came with the turkey Mmmmmm - turkey.........
    ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

    SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
    ames on facebook
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      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
      Kay aka Mumsey
      Who always wondered what pumpkin pie tastes like. After all - pumpkin is a vegetable isn't it?
      Pumpkin pie is delicious! Well, my Mom's is anyway. Lots of spices, plus she makes hers a lot thicker than normal and with something that makes it lighter. Obviously, I haven't been able to pry the recipe' out of her yet

      Also, she only does the real, homemade whipped cream. MMMMMHHHMMMM!!

      Deep fried turkeys are awesome too! So moist and flavorful. And mashed potatoes. Yams. Vegetables ......All oh so good.

      My family also had one 'special' dish. Grandpa got it from his ancestors who came from Sweden. Corn and oysters. A really good casserole! (The ocean kind of oysters, not the Rocky Mountain kind )

      Okay, now I'm hungry


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        pumpkin pie actually...cinnamony. it has a brownish/orngish color, and pumpkin is - usually - smooth textured, so it's kinda like a custard pie - little thicker - and you taste the cinnamon and other spices.
        I always thought it was like apple pie - with actual pumpkin pieces - until a friend made it one year I visited her in America.

        I was rather disappointed that it was basically a pumpkin-flavoured custard tart. I was anticipating something a lot more textured.

        My misconception can be effectively blamed on the 'Little House On The Prairie' series, specifically the time when Ma makes Green Pumpkin Pie.

        Incidentally, what, exactly, does pumpkin pie have to do with Sam/AT?

        Oh, and a notice: I'm going to be in the city of Paris on Monday 12th November (this coming monday) and was wondering if there were any Amanda Tapping/Sam fans who would be interested in meeting up for the afternoon/evening. I'm on a travelling tour during that time and would love to meet up with some Amanda fans.

        PM me if you've any interest.


          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
          I would imagine Daniel can cook some exotic dishes given his field of with the Abydonians and in Egypt and all...but I like the idea of Sam bringing the soufflé...I still can't picture Teal'c actually cooking...maybe he would pick up the turkey at the store...already cooked and ready to eat!!
          Jack can have the potatoes and corn roasting on the BBQ...and Daniel can bring some exotic bean dish...the idea of Cam bringing the macaroons is pretty good...but I would imagine he would also bring some apple pie!!!
          Vala can bring the center piece for the table!!
          Would Lam, Landry or Hammond be attending??? And what about Cassie??
          Someone needs to bring the booze!!
          What do you drink on thanksgiving?? Is it eggnog or is that for Christmas only??
          Oh, that's a very good point about Daniel. He probably could make some kind of Middle Eastern side dish. Perhaps coucous stuffing for the turkey. I'm getting hungry now.

          I think they would invite everyone including Landry, Lam, and Hammond. Although I would imagine Hammond prefers to spend his holidays with his granddaughters. And Cassie would definitely have to be there. She's over 21 now, right? I think she could bring the wine and beer, since she is probably too busy at school to do any serious kitchen duty.

          With my family, we sometimes drink white wine at Thanksgiving now that everyone is an adult. It used to only be iced tea or soda. My parents didn't really drink much around us when we were kids. I guess they didn't want to give us any ideas. I had a sheltered upbringing. You'd never guess that now.

          Personally, I don't drink egg nog until Christmas. But I think some Americans do drink it on Thanksgiving. At least, it's in the dairy section already so someone must be buying it. They have all different kinds now. I saw some pumpkin spice egg nog just the other day. I considered trying it but decided against it since I'm not a big fan of the stuff.


            Originally posted by Melora View Post
            I think they would invite everyone including Landry, Lam, and Hammond. Although I would imagine Hammond prefers to spend his holidays with his granddaughters. And Cassie would definitely have to be there. She's over 21 now, right? I think she could bring the wine and beer, since she is probably too busy at school to do any serious kitchen duty.

            With my family, we sometimes drink white wine at Thanksgiving now that everyone is an adult. It used to only be iced tea or soda. My parents didn't really drink much around us when we were kids. I guess they didn't want to give us any ideas. I had a sheltered upbringing. You'd never guess that now.

            Personally, I don't drink egg nog until Christmas. But I think some Americans do drink it on Thanksgiving. At least, it's in the dairy section already so someone must be buying it. They have all different kinds now. I saw some pumpkin spice egg nog just the other day. I considered trying it but decided against it since I'm not a big fan of the stuff.
            Cassie would definitely be on alcohol duty. When I went away to college, the first year I was old enough to buy alcohol, that's what I was told to bring. This lead to the family discovering Riesling because I hate chardonnay and decided to be daring and buy something different.

            Ooooo egg nog! Thanks for reminding me it was coming up on egg nog season. Gah I can never get enough of that stuff! Egg nog lattes, straight up egg nog, egg nog and rum...


              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
              True that. I do like the ice cream though. I love pumpkin pie for brekkie the day after Thanksgiving. I usually only eat pumpking pie around Thanksgiving and Christmas and no other time during the year. I'm weird like that.

              *thinks Sky is far more polite than I am. I wouldn't eat anything I didn't like at dinner, period.
              I'm sort of the same way. I don't like pumpkin pie at any other time of the year. But once Thanksgiving rolls around, I always get a hankering for it. Perhaps it's all of those beautiful fresh pies at the bakery that are just put out to tempt me around this time of year.

              Even though I like pumpkin, apple pie will always be my OTP (one true pie ).

              And to get back on topic - what kind of pie do you think Sam prefers?


                Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                Cassie would definitely be on alcohol duty. When I went away to college, the first year I was old enough to buy alcohol, that's what I was told to bring. This lead to the family discovering Riesling because I hate chardonnay and decided to be daring and buy something different.

                Ooooo egg nog! Thanks for reminding me it was coming up on egg nog season. Gah I can never get enough of that stuff! Egg nog lattes, straight up egg nog, egg nog and rum...
                Actually, I could only stomach the egg nog, if it had rum in it

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                  Cassie would definitely be on alcohol duty. When I went away to college, the first year I was old enough to buy alcohol, that's what I was told to bring. This lead to the family discovering Riesling because I hate chardonnay and decided to be daring and buy something different.

                  Ooooo egg nog! Thanks for reminding me it was coming up on egg nog season. Gah I can never get enough of that stuff! Egg nog lattes, straight up egg nog, egg nog and rum...
                  Riesling is so good. I drink other kinds of white, but it is definitely my favorite.

                  You should try the pumpkin spice egg nog and let us all know what it's like.


                    Originally posted by Melora View Post
                    Riesling is so good. I drink other kinds of white, but it is definitely my favorite.

                    You should try the pumpkin spice egg nog and let us all know what it's like.
                    Well, since I like both pumpkin spice stuff and egg nog, I'll give it a go if i see it in the store and report back.

                    I'll take one for the team!

                    I do it all for you guys!


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      nah, i think she'd have an issue with the dreads

                      a man should never have longer hair than his female

                      (and i personally don't care for dreads simply because i have a 'clean hair' squick, and the very nature of dreads - just like cornrows for a female - means that it's not washed very often)
                      Not only should a man not have longer hair than his female companion, it cannot be prettier than hers either.

                      I hate guys who have prettier hair than I do. It just screws up the natural order of things. And I get mondo jealous.

                      In memory of Deejay.
                      May we all be so well loved.


                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        Not only should a man not have longer hair than his female companion, it cannot be prettier than hers either.

                        I hate guys who have prettier hair than I do. It just screws up the natural order of things. And I get mondo jealous.
                        And longer, thicker eyelashes!

                        That's just...wrong.

                        And not fair.

                        Though I do like guys with long hair as long as they keep it clean.


                          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                          Fic update

                          The Enemy Within - Warning, contains whumpage.
                          That was great. I really enjoy 'whump', don't know why. Looking forward to reading more!


                            I like guys with long hair too. It just makes my long hair feel terribly inadequate when his is prettier than mine. A girl, OK. But a guy?

                            I mean, I don't mind Amanda's in the least. I'm used to her being prettier.

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              I've been admiring the Ark of Truth promo photos in particular the full length shot of Sam in desert cammies. And I noticed something I've noticed many times over the years of SG1.

                              Sam has amazing nails! I work a desk job and can't seem to keep mine that nice. Just how does she keep them looking so good when she is so active Do all women Air Force officers have such good nails?


                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                I've been admiring the Ark of Truth promo photos in particular the full length shot of Sam in desert cammies. And I noticed something I've noticed many times over the years of SG1.

                                Sam has amazing nails! I work a desk job and can't seem to keep mine that nice. Just how does she keep them looking so good when she is so active Do all women Air Force officers have such good nails?
                                desert cammies?

                                Did I miss something?

                                The only ones I've seen so far she was in black bdu's and a flack vest.

