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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ames View Post
    Okay, to cut down on the length of this, I didn't do the multi-quote thing, so bear with me....

    Hi! I'm back

    I have to ask - what's the story behind the licking?

    If Helen Magnus met Sam Carter in a dark alley, who'd win? For starters, why are the two of them fighting? Can you imagine the crazy duo they would make if they joined forces??? But I digress into AU-fic-fodder-land. Right ... I think my money would be on Helen, for a few reasons. A) Helen has pretty darn cool weaponry. Then again, Sam has a zat. Hmmmmm... B) Helen's got decades of experience fighting both 'normals' and 'abnormals' ... sure, Sam's battled aliens, but for only a relative fraction of the time. C) For some reason in my mind Helen would seem more comfortable in the background of a dark alleyway -- I think the fight would be very different if set in a grassy field in the middle of the day. Of course that could just be me... D) Helen's used to playing by her own rules. Sure, she def adheres to rules -- but they are of her own devising. I think that might give her a slight edge on the moralistic/ethical/imaginative tactic front. Either way, it'd be one helluva a fight!!! ...why are they fighting on opposite sides again? Now there'd be an interesting negotiation table to observe....

    Addendum to above -- you have the Sanctuary team versus the original SG-1 team -- now who's your money on?

    Welcome back ames!!!!
    The licking I believe started when Chris Judge licked Amanda at kinda snowballed from there!!
    I love your insight into the Sam vs Helen debate...excellent points!!!...especially about why they would be fighting each other in the first place!!...and also about the dark alley vs green pastures.
    Joining forces....that would be awesome!!!
    Sanctuary team vs original SG1 team....hmmm...I'd probably have to say SG1...they have Jack, Sam and Teal'c who are all military minded whereas the Sanctuary team rely on their wits...and they have Wil who'd probably run the other way or hide in the scrub!!
    Originally posted by JanSam View Post
    Short Stuck update....We're still working out last detail..hope to have all details for ya soon. Sorry for the delay.
    Originally posted by Alan View Post
    Thanks Jan. Nice to know you're still out there working for us to get this DVD. We really appreciate what your doing.
    I'll second that...yay for Jan!!!!
    Originally posted by Lisa-Ann View Post
    Hi everyone,
    I've been reading this thread for months and I've enjoyed every post so I thought I'd join up and de-lurk and hopefully partcipate in all of the fun things that go on here.
    Amanda Tapping is made of awesome!
    Amanda is so talented and amazing and pretty and inspiring and funny. I'm so happy to have some place to come to catch up on all of the latest information and clips and pictures. And I've wanted to thank you all for a long time. You guys rock!
    Lisa x
    Welcome to Samanda Lisa!!!
    Lurking is no fun so it's great you've come out and decided to play with us!!!
    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    Off topic fluff
    I have a very pregnant cat snuggled up to me and I can feel the kittens moving I was really worried about them because a couple of days ago we got some defleaing stuff from the vet that was supposed to be safe for pregnant cats. She managed to lick some of it off the back of her neck and spent several hours frothing at the mouth and looking very miserable. But she seems a lot happier now and the kittens seem to be fine. *rests a hand on Fat Cat's side* Heeeee! I'm going to burst with fluffiness!
    We are going to have 6 or 7 toed kittens running around at Christmas!
    Also, yesterday I saw my Aunt who is 24 weeks pregnant. Last time I saw her (we keep missing each other at family gatherings) she was only 12 weeks. My sister and I have started calling her Fat Cat, the same nickname we have given Cletus the cat. Except my Aunt doesn't have 6 toes on each paw
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    i remember when my cat was pregnant and yeah, it was so cool to feel the kittens moving. when she was in labor, she laid on my tummy and i could feel the contractions.
    Ahhh...cats and their kittens....I remember when I was pregnant and in labour with hubby laying on my tummy...I could feel the contractions too...for three days!!!...and it bloody hurt!!!...then I went back for seconds...and it still hurt!!!!
    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    do you guys ever have one of those days where you just have these warm and fuzzies about your fave character or actress/actor? i'm having one of those today about amanda. it's prob because i'm mood swinging (period), but still...
    maybe because of amanda's latest scifi interview thingie, where she's THE MAN and is so obviously enjoying herself. i'm super glad amanda's happy. i want that for her as much as i would for a family member. and amanda DESERVES it!!!
    Yeah...I have those days too...not necessarily every day though...sometimes though, I get all warm and fuzzy and excited about the prospect of one day meeting everyone at one of the Gabit events...that really makes me smile...I can't wait!!
    I was just talking with dad the other day about it...
    he is hoping to go back to Germany in 2009 with my brothers and their families (he's been busy making plans since he found out about the cancer, which is good coz he has set goals and I think that's a good thing!!)...he wants me to go with him but there is no way I can afford to go to Europe twice...and given that there will be a crowd of 9 people...of whom I love but cannot be in their company for longer than a few hours...I think that if I want to go overseas and come back with life long happy memories, then going to Germany with dad is not the way to he's hoping that he and mum can make it when AT4 is on so that we can meet up over that sounds better to me...but it was a tough decision to make...but I'm happy with my choice!!

    Yay!! Thank you Jan...I just got to watch TR tonight...
    I thought it was awesome and Sam was just gorgeous!! I loved the scenes with Rodney and Katie...was totally bummed about Kate...but I thought the episode was just brilliant!! I loved the scene with the whale eating up the boat...that was awesome!!!

    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    my muse (not writing but storytelling in my head) got a kick in the pants just before atlantis started s4. i LOVE the idea of oberoth dealing with sam. i could see him sticking his hand in her head and accidently 'seeing' what fifth did to her... lots and LOTS of whumpsam possibilities there!
    That sounds like a great fic idea...or better...great episode idea!!!!
    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    I was actually talking about food (the crackers). Didn't mean to say something censored
    Well if it makes you feel better...I thought it was food you were talking about too....until about 5 seconds later...then...splash!!!!!
    Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
    Every waking second.
    It was totally her. was all Mandy's fault...again!!!!!!
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    yep, my mind plopped directly down in the gutter.
    We'll just ignore it and move on
    What??? Not you too???

    Give me that noodle need a spanking!!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by donamac View Post
      OT but couldn't resist. When I moved to the northwest coast 35 years ago I couldn't believe how many guys, both in Victoria and Seattle, wore shorts all winter usually with Birenstocks with socks! Then in March when I went to the Vancouver con there were some guys at Bridge studios dressed the same and it was pouring rain. BBRRRRRRRR!!! Postmen in Seattle too.
      And yes--I wear sandals all year round alternating with "sneakers" on really cold days. I believe in comfort... I'll bet Amanda does too.
      It must be something about Victoria...we live in Victoria...Australia...and my hubby almost lives in his work do my brothers and a few other chaps I know...and it doesn't matter if it's sunshine, rain, hail or snow...the shorts are on!!!
      I love my woolly moccasins...and my DrM boots...I rarely wear's either my boots, crocs, slippers(moccasins) or thongs(for those of you over the seas...that's flip flops in your language!!!...Joe Flanigan thought it was cool that we wear thongs on our feet!!!...til we explained it wasn't the underwear!!)
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping



        I was wondering has anyone heard anymore about THE SEER ? or have any pic's cos i'm realy looking forward to this eps

        Oh also i'm getting a new laptop so i can download and burn SANCTUARY straight onto a disk i was wondering if anyone can help me find one ?

        AMANDA SO ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!(CLAPS HANDS)
        (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


          Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
          I love shorts and bare feet...I can never wait for the ground to get warm enough in Spring to run around barefoot again! .
          I must admit...I am impartial to having bare feet in the summer...even then they still get cold but it's nice to run around with no footwear in summer...that's when I put on the nail polish and ankle you think Sam wears polish on her toes and anklets??? my humble little mind, I think she does!!!

          Another day done...tomorrow is a public holiday in Victoria...for a horse race!!!...but I still have to work!!...Joy!!! I won't be betting on any old nag...I'm saving my pennies for other things!!!
          Night all...take care, be safe and have fun.
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            It must be something about Victoria...we live in Victoria...Australia...and my hubby almost lives in his work do my brothers and a few other chaps I know...and it doesn't matter if it's sunshine, rain, hail or snow...the shorts are on!!!
            I love my woolly moccasins...and my DrM boots...I rarely wear's either my boots, crocs, slippers(moccasins) or thongs(for those of you over the seas...that's flip flops in your language!!!...Joe Flanigan thought it was cool that we wear thongs on our feet!!!...til we explained it wasn't the underwear!!)
            Flip flops VS. thongs

            For some reason I'm really curious about this. I spent the first 13 years of my life living in Northern California and the next twenty odd years near Seattle and I've always called these shoes thongs not flip flops. So I'm rather curious as to what areas of the world call them flip flops vs. thongs, because I don't really think it's a US vs Aussie thing.

            So here's my question to you. In your neck of the woods, what would open-toed shoes you wear during the summer months be called??

            Here's another question....

            Do you eat peanut butter? If yes, what is your favorite compliment?
            Jelly? Jam? Fluff? Bananas?

            If you detest peanut butter, then what other sort of sandwich do you eat? Vegemite? Nutella? Marmite?

            And to keep this on topic, seeing as Sam probably travelled quite a lot while growing up, do you think she has a preference?
            Last edited by ForeverSg1; 05 November 2007, 03:45 AM.


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
              Flip flops VS. thongs

              For some reason I'm really curious about this. I spent the first 13 years of my life living in Northern California and the next twenty odd years near Seattle and I've always called these shoes thongs not flip flops. So I'm rather curious as to what areas of the world call them flip flops vs. thongs, because I don't really think it's a US vs Aussie thing.

              So here's my question to you. In your neck of the woods, what would open-toed shoes you wear during the summer months be called??

              Here's another question....

              Do you eat peanut butter? If yes, what is your favorite compliment?
              Jelly? Jam? Fluff? Bananas?

              If you detest peanut butter, then what other sort of sandwich do you eat? Vegemite? Nutella? Marmite?

              And to keep this on topic, seeing as Sam probably travelled quite a lot while growing up, do you think she has a preference?
              .. good thing you don't live in the UK, where thongs are something completely different! Definitely flip-flops where I live!

              Detest peanut butter? How can anyone detest peanut butter???
              "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                Flip flops VS. thongs
                For some reason I'm really curious about this. I spent the first 13 years of my life living in Northern California and the next twenty odd years near Seattle and I've always called these shoes thongs not flip flops. So I'm rather curious as to where people call them flip flops because I don't really think it's a US vs Aussie thing.

                So here's a question for you. In your neck of the woods what would open toed shoes that you wear during the summer months?

                Here's another question....

                Do you eat peanut butter? If yes, what is your favorite compliment?
                Jelly? Jam? Fluff? Bananas?

                If you detest peanut butter, then what other sort of sandwich do you eat? Vegemite? Nutella? Marmite?

                And to keep this on topic, seeing as Sam probably travelled quite a lot growing up, do you think she has a preference?
                Ok...was going to bed but will answer this first!!
                Those open toed summer shoes are called sandals.

                I love peanut butter...and I love it with far as I am aware, our jam is your version of jelly...our jelly is your version of jello!!
                I also love vegemite and nutella but cannot stand marmite!!
                Fluff is available here but I have never had it...and I really don't think I ever will!!
                Banana's are yummy...assuming of course you mean the fruit!!
                Do you guys have Milo over there??? It's a chocolate powder-ish stuff to make hot or cold chocolate drinks!
                Oh...and Tim Tams are YUMMY!!!
                Anyone who would like to try Tim Tams can PM me and I can send some your way!!!..and vegemite!!
                Oh and also...our jumpers are what you call sweaters....sneakers are runners and knickers/undies are underwear/panties...boys wear jocks, girls wear knickers...and never the twain shall meet!!
                If I can think of more I'll let you know...or vice versa!!!
                And before I forget...slippers are those things you wear on your feet at night with pyjamas.
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                  .. good thing you don't live in the UK, where thongs are something completely different! Definitely flip-flops where I live!
                  So I am assuming that you call a G-string a thong???
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                    So I am assuming that you call a G-string a thong???
                    I try not to call it anything myself, looks too painful to me frankly! But yes, you guessed!!
                    "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                      Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                      HI EVERYONE

                      I was wondering has anyone heard anymore about THE SEER ? or have any pic's cos i'm realy looking forward to this eps

                      Oh also i'm getting a new laptop so i can download and burn SANCTUARY straight onto a disk i was wondering if anyone can help me find one ?

                      AMANDA SO ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!(CLAPS HANDS)
                      buying a laptop? check out office max or office depot or even circuit city or best buy

                      it all dependso n what you want, but you can get a 'good' one for 500-1000 dollars (it all depends on what bells and whistles you want)

                      the one thing i suggest, fork out the extra money for a warranty. i got the 'complete care' one on my dell....literally if i step on it they fix it. it's worth it. desktops are usually more stable and user fixable, but lappys aren't. so i'd suggest that you look into a warranty unless you get a really cheap lappy with the idea that when/if it breaks you just toss it and buy another one
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        i think, once thongs became popular for underware (i call it butt floss personally) they changed the names of what i grew up calling thongs to flip flops so as not to get them confused.

                        i love my flip flops and sandals, but will NOT wear thong undies. seriously, you might as well not be wearing anything for all they accomplish
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          i think, once thongs became popular for underware (i call it butt floss personally) they changed the names of what i grew up calling thongs to flip flops so as not to get them confused.

                          i love my flip flops and sandals, but will NOT wear thong undies. seriously, you might as well not be wearing anything for all they accomplish
                          LOL! I'm personally in favour of "harvest festival undies" (all is safely gathered in....)
                          "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                            Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                            LOL! I'm personally in favour of "harvest festival undies" (all is safely gathered in....)
                            I'm with you on this's gotta be functional...comfortable and then look pretty...especially as the only person who sees me in my underwear is me.

                            Mind favourite pair of knickers are my Darth Vader boxer shorts *g* they rock! You can face anything the world might throw at you with darth vader on your undies!
                            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                            My Fanfic~My Femslash


                              Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                              I'm with you on this's gotta be functional...comfortable and then look pretty...especially as the only person who sees me in my underwear is me.

                              Mind favourite pair of knickers are my Darth Vader boxer shorts *g* they rock! You can face anything the world might throw at you with darth vader on your undies!

                              .. and at least you know the force is with you...
                              "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                                see, i like ones that stay where i put them adn don't creap and crawl up where i don't want them to go

                                what about sam? anyone want to tackle a funny fic if...ok, so let's presume that she wears her practical stuff when she's going off world, but what if she was wearing something a bit, and then got called off on a rescue mission.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


