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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
    *waves* Hi everyone... anyone remember me???

    So I come on and lurk for a while tonight... then log on and realize I havn't even logged on never mind posted in more than 4 months... ... :|

    I've undergone some huge life changes lately, first of all being that this summer I underwent my Basic Military Qualifications Course with the Canadian Forces...
    Of course we remember you! Whoo hoo! MajorSam's back! Hope you can pop back in a lot.


      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
      Hey some of you might like Jewel Staite's video Q/A on she is very funny, she has a dry sense of humor, so not everyone may get the humor at the very very end about a certain male actor that teases her....a lot lol To keep this post on topic she does talk about Amanda. She, as we all know, has given AT the nickname the "Tappinator", see JS blog. So if you are an Atlantis fans, Jewel fans and Amanda fans you will probably like the video.

      Dr. Keller nearly kissing Ronon... lucky lucky girl! And some other spoilers too.
      O lol. I don't know her at all, but she seems really cool. I was laughing so hard about that DH part Thanks for the link.


        On Jewel S's comments. Yay! Another confirmation that AT is down to earth and cool! Nice little moment between Sam & Keller in Doppelganger.

        On Sam being intimidated. She got kind of flustered with the interview in Heroes, but not intimidated. I don't remember any intimidated moments. Even Col Simmons or General Bauer couldn't shake her up. She has confidence w/out being cocky.

        One of those times I think where she shows that is in Matter of Time (which is being discussed on the Team thread this weekend.) Stop in if you care to...


          Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
          Hi everyone... anyone remember me???

          ... I've undergone some huge life changes lately, first of all being that this summer I underwent my Basic Military Qualifications Course with the Canadian Forces:

          ... and yes, if you noticed, I did happen to have cut off all my beautiful long brown hair to become short and blonde for the summer *cough hem splutter* Just a simple coincidence, I swear!!!! Notice I didn't use the orangerator either...

          The second huge change being I graduated the program I was in, moved to the United States (California) and have started a new crazy intensive program that literally almost takes up 24 hours a day...

          ... I am still utterly devoted to Amanda Tapping, am watching the new Atlantis, and adore Sanctuary, I can't wait for mooooore!

          Signing off again for who knows how long... just remember that I still love you all, I hope this thread never dies!!!
          Dear Samandans, an historical footnote. MajorSam was our first "president of Samanda" and, if I remember correctly, the person who created the name of our little kingdom, Samanda. She got to meet Amanda on set years ago, was a part of the acting community in Vancouver, and shared photos with us. However, MajorSam would always conceal her face. Now, she has made some big changes and faced some big challenges and, I think, has just grown in confidence!

          The photos are terrific. We love you too. You and minigeek and JuliaR are all taking great leaps and risks and are Sam-Carter worthy! These pictures of MajorSam deserve the title: Me So Lovely.

          Madam President, YOU ROCK! the Orangerator and the Tappinator!!

          Strong women on the move. Look out home world!


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            here's a cute little sam/daniel fic

            the ship is more UST than anythihng and if you want to read it as friendship, you can
            Nice...started reading it before I took a look at the clock. Another I bookmarked for later. Thanks for continuing to link us up with some great fics!

            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
            Hey some of you might like Jewel Staite's video Q/A on she is very funny, she has a dry sense of humor, so not everyone may get the humor at the very very end about a certain male actor that teases her....a lot lol To keep this post on topic she does talk about Amanda. She, as we all know, has given AT the nickname the "Tappinator", see JS blog. So if you are an Atlantis fans, Jewel fans and Amanda fans you will probably like the video.

            Dr. Keller nearly kissing Ronon... lucky lucky girl! And some other spoilers too.
            Cool! Jewel is soo open, honest and her funny personality just shines through. (Did I mention hot? ) Had a chuckle at the 'creepy names' she mentioned of those writing in with questions, the cat pee part on the couch (poor girl ) and the great compliments she gave both AT and Rachel. I'm glad she has some 'girls' to hang with on the set after all the 'testosterone' she had to deal with on Firefly.

            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            With thanks to Eileen for this bit of news...
            Congratulations Rachel Luttrell on the birth of your little boy!!!
            Congratz Rachel on the birth of your son!

   the late night fun really begins

            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            GUESS WHAT ZOMG!

            Chris Judge hugged me four times. Ok, the last time I hugged him. And kissed him on the cheek.

            Twice. When I wished him a happy birthday. He smells nice. And he is big and warm and muscley. Emma says he smells nice too.

            So... the 4 pints of beer and the margarita may have caught up with my empty stomach. Sigh. I will be more sober tomorrow.
            Sounds like your having a blast! Awesome! My only question is will you ever remember it? lol Good thing you took pictures.

            Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
            I am tired and hungover but having an awesome time here in lil old Reading. Actually got a break at the moment cos us volunteers pwned those photo session queues and had everyone through in record time!
            *spins* wheeee...having such an amazing time
            Nice! I'm glad your having an awesome time and can't wait to see your pics and hear some amazing stories from you when you get back! Ooh and isn't the disco tonight? lol Hope you and H get out there under the glitter ball and have the time of your lives!

            Originally posted by ChopinGal
            I carry a laminated plastic card in my wallet which has a photo of AT superimposed on a photo of a rock that I took while challenging myself on a wilderness hike. On the other side, there is a small haiku-style poem I composed to remind me of the need to always stay true to myself. Several of our Samandans have similar photo cards, compliments of SamFan31's digital creativity. Here's the poem:


            We need strong women
            Sam-Carter types not afraid
            To be who they are

            Play the cards they're dealt
            In office, school or at home
            Making us all proud

            ____________, you're one of these!

            Put your own name in the blank and remember that each one of us resonates to Sam Carter because she is a terrific role model for women of all ages.

            I got to show Amanda my card at tea last year in London and was rewarded with a super Sam smile.
            Very cool! AT is such an amazing person that it doesnt surprise me that she would be flattered by such a personal way of showing how her character and the series has impacted your life. For those who feel like they're the crud on the bottom of life's shoe, having such a role model is a wonderful and inspiring thing.

            *saves poem for later*


              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
              Ooh thanks! *saves* When I get a chance later, it's gonna be one of the first things I head to.
              Hope you like it - I should warn you that it's a crossover, with "The 4400".

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by Über View Post
                I don't think she was intimidated. I think she wanted to make sure that these guys knew dang quick that she wasn't a wimp and could take whatever they or anyone else could dish out.
                I think that she just wanted to make it absolutely clear that she had no intention of being left behind this time. We still don't know why Sam wasn't a part of the first mission - aside from the fact that her character didn't exist yet when they were making the movie - but I got the distinct impression from her tone in "Children of the Gods" that Sam had been removed from the mission rather than being unable to go because she had the flu, or something and it's possible that she believed that her gender had played a part in her removal from the team.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by Über View Post
                  Here's a semi-related question but so vague as to be non-spoilery.

                  Putting on your all's thinking caps...can anyone recall Sam ever being intimidated by anyone? I keep thinking back to the politicians and bureaucrats and badguys she's faced down over the years...and I can't think of a single instance.


                  P.S. This is not for the project...this is just a random Carter!fan!thought.
                  Yeah I was like many of you I couldn't remember any episodes where Sam was ever intimidated...
                  Here is a spoiler for Midway...

                  For someone stepping between two BIG warriors fighting ... is very BRAVE in my book ... as far as intimidated... ask JanSam she came up with a good one that I didn't remember... even Jack shared in a similar situation and rightfully so ... don't you just love being teased
                  Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 20 October 2007, 08:24 AM.


                    Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                    *waves* Hi everyone... anyone remember me???
                    Hi MS - Great to hear from you. You look like you're having a blast! Take care and enjoy!!!


                      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                      Hi everyone

                      I'm allowed online for very short periods as of today My niece has occasionally read some posts of Samanda to me to stop me getting bored. I started seeing colours with my right eye on Wednesday and vague shapes yesterday so hopefully things are going well. I am NOT enjoying the sleeping face down bit AT ALL.

                      I tried watching Reunion yesterday but it was a no go as my left eye is really sore and had to make do with listening to it, I can't wait till I can see it properly. Actually, I'm really getting bored now and I'm going through my audio books at a rate of knots!! I've got a tape deck and my laptop setup on the floor at the base of my bed so I can hang over the side and use them and keep my head down but Mum refuses to let me hook the laptop up to the internet - I think she doesn't trust me I'm probably going to start a S1 to S8 Stargate marathon on the weekend listening to the commentaries. Yup, I'm bored!!

                      Hopefully at my checkup at the hospital on Tuesday they'll let me be more mobile but I have to be really careful with no bumps or straining for a while to make sure that the retina reattaches itself properly, apparently by the time that they operated it had totally detached.

                      Thanks for all the well wishes, they were really helpful as I was extremely worried about being awake for the operations. However it wasn't too bad and the stuff they give you to relax is really incredible!!!!

                      My niece is coming over for dinner tonight so I may be able to impose on her to read some more of GW to me
                      Take care and a speedy recovery to you!!


                        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                        Hi all, I'm back

                        It's in the wee small hours of the day and I couldn't sleep and my tape player ate my audio book and I was bored so I decided it was time for an update (besides Mum is asleep and can't yell at me for being on the computer)

                        I've had to spend a large proportion of my time since my operation face down to help my retina reattach itself to the eye wall and I'm going NUTS!!
                        I'm seeing more and more each day but because I have a gas bubble in my eye (to push the retina onto the back of my eye) it is difficult to tell what I am seeing. I'll have a better timetable on what to expect and when after Tuesday when I go back to hospital for a checkup. The time frame for the gas bubble to dissipate is anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months

                        I'll be back later
                        Hey! I just read (I'm still catching up on lots of posts) that Amanda won the Comedy Award for Breakdown - Way to Go!!

                        I've also got Reunion and Doppleganger set aside to watch sometime later in the week and I can't wait to see them.

                        Oh yeah and don't forget to vote for Sanctuary in the Online Video Awards


                          Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                          Hi everyone

                          I'm allowed online for very short periods as of today My niece has occasionally read some posts of Samanda to me to stop me getting bored. I started seeing colours with my right eye on Wednesday and vague shapes yesterday so hopefully things are going well. I am NOT enjoying the sleeping face down bit AT ALL.

                          I tried watching Reunion yesterday but it was a no go as my left eye is really sore and had to make do with listening to it, I can't wait till I can see it properly. Actually, I'm really getting bored now and I'm going through my audio books at a rate of knots!! I've got a tape deck and my laptop setup on the floor at the base of my bed so I can hang over the side and use them and keep my head down but Mum refuses to let me hook the laptop up to the internet - I think she doesn't trust me I'm probably going to start a S1 to S8 Stargate marathon on the weekend listening to the commentaries. Yup, I'm bored!!

                          Hopefully at my checkup at the hospital on Tuesday they'll let me be more mobile but I have to be really careful with no bumps or straining for a while to make sure that the retina reattaches itself properly, apparently by the time that they operated it had totally detached.

                          Thanks for all the well wishes, they were really helpful as I was extremely worried about being awake for the operations. However it wasn't too bad and the stuff they give you to relax is really incredible!!!!

                          My niece is coming over for dinner tonight so I may be able to impose on her to read some more of GW to me

                          I'm extremely pleased to hear you are recovering well. Keep taking it slow until you have fully healed. Looking forward to having you back here full time. Take good care.


                          Just saw you posted above me. Enjoy both episodes, I did .

                          Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                            Hey guys!

                            I know I've never posted here before, but I wrote a short Sam fic and thought I'd link it here. It's SGA, so general spoilers for S4, kid-friendly, and Gen with hints of Sam/Jack and John/Elizabeth.

                            Four Things Sam Carter Knows And One She Doesn't.


                              Hey Samandans!
                              I had a few minutes to get on GW and thought I'd say hello. I am loving Sam in Atlantis this season.
                              *Spoilers for Reunion and Doppleganger
                              Sam in command rocks! I loved how she handled Ronan's descision to leave (then stay) in Reunion. Seeing her in the field with the Atlantis team was pretty awesome, too. I also loved the little trip down memory lane in Doppleganger. Hubby, the twins, and I were playing name that SG-1 episode. It was a great tribute to her years on SG-1, and it showed that the IOA chose the right person for the job. Sam's experiences are already paying off for the city.

                              I'm so hoping for a season 5!


                                Hi Everyone,

                                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                                Hello Sweet Samandans!!

                                I have an (OT) mention, so I won't take up much real estate here. Please come and visit the "body/self/image" thread when you get a moment. It would mean a great deal to us.


                                Hugs **
                                Aww that sounds like an awesome project to be part of! Congrats ladies
                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                With thanks to Eileen for this bit of news...
                                Congratulations Rachel Luttrell on the birth of your little boy!!!
                                Congrats to Rachel and her family!!
                                Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                                *waves* Hi everyone... anyone remember me???

                                So I come on and lurk for a while tonight... then log on and realize I havn't even logged on never mind posted in more than 4 months... ... :|

                                I've undergone some huge life changes lately, first of all being that this summer I underwent my Basic Military Qualifications Course with the Canadian Forces:

                                Wow MajorSam huge congrats to you, a 'real life' Sam eh

                                In summary: I may not be able to ever come here anymore, but Amanda STILL ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!
                                Amen to that! Please come back to Samanda whenever you get the time, good luck with the future

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

