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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
    Owh Chelle as others have said everyone in those pics looks gorgous dont worry bout a thing *mwah*
    Gee thanks...but lets forget about the pictures...please!!!!

    I just posted in the ship thread my dream I had of Amanda...I don't think I posted it here so I'll pop it in spoilers coz it's kinda kooky...but anyway...
    I had a dream about a week or so ago and in it I got to meet Amanda here in Melbourne. Anyway, somehow I was traveling in the car with her to take her to the airport as she had to go home and I remember feeling pretty down and she asked me what was wrong...if I was ok...and I said "'re going home and I'm gonna miss you and it all went so fast and I wish you didn't have to go"...and then I started crying and the car stopped and we got out and had a drink...and I remember where we stopped too and I would tell you but it wouldn't make any sense but we sat and had out drink this family walked past and the little girl came up to Amanda and just stared at her and then the girls father goes..."hey aren't you...."...and I grabbed Amanda and said "yes now leave us alone"...and we ran away laughing...and then it was back in the car and I was feeling yuk again...then I woke up...I felt so down that I watched a happy ep of Stargate to pick me up...but I think my wish to see Amanda is so overwhelming that it's almost depressing...but there you first dream I had of Amanda was a lot nicer in that we chatted while we walked, about our kids and was really sweet...but again sad when I woke up coz I woke up damn it!!!
    So there...and my RDA dream was horrible...he was mean to me...and hubby was gonna have a go at him because he made me's actually quite funny now that I think about it!!!
    So I have had 2 Amanda dreams, 1 RDA dream, 1 ship dream, and a few Stargate dreams in general...not bad for an obsessed nutter!!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      I hate you J!!!!! Take em off NOW!!!!!! That is so embarrassing!!...OMG...I think I'll just go and hide under a rock for a few years!
      Whooops... but i have to agree with everyone elswe... you do not look bad in photo's all the ones i have of you look awesome!! And those are my two favourites! especially the first one... its my current wallpaper!

      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      This reminds me of the time my sister posted a photo of me bending over in some jeans that... gaped a bit... on facebook. I was a tad annoyed.
      Only, it doesn't because these photos are gorgeous Chelle!
      That i would NEVER doooo, not to anyone i liked anyway They are sren't they, i love all my photo's *send hugs Peter's way*

      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
      Very nice banners! Wheee thanks
      Everyone in thatt picture is gorgeous *nods* I will not be convinced otherwise.
      Thank-you, glad you like them, their a little different, at least the orange one is, nice and bright... my usual style! Glad you like the photos too

      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      I keep switching between the two possibles (because I'm pretty sure which one is Smiley).
      I'm thinking... the girl in red? No... the... ug. Go with my first answer before I start comparing noses or something
      But then... the girl at the front is the same height and bends the same way when she laughs... I'm trying to remember everything you've said...
      Hehe, help me out here!
      *eta* OK, I compared noses. The girl in red?
      So which one am i? Heehee! And you actually compared noses? Wow, i would have no chance! But least you were correct about Niki

      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      Hahaha...Ok...well that's weird...Niki has her dad's nose and he's definitely not in that picture!!
      But's the gorgeous kid in's scary...she'll be in year 10 next year...they grow up too quickly!!
      I'm off...gotta go do RL good night everyone, take care, be safe, have fun and hug your loved ones!!
      Heehee, like like when someone told me that i looked like my Dad, but they'd only met my Step Dad, Garry But when they saw the photo of me and my Dad... Funny how people just naturally kinda say it...

      Have a good night Chelle!

      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      Chelle! Your noses are identical!

      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      hehe..everyone in the pic looks awesome..and so happy! It's a great pic!
      If everyone looks awesome then... Thanks Heehee, eah its a great shot, both of them! The second one, we were all going 'chugga chugga chugga choo choo' Heehee!


        Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
        Ooh nice pictures, I hadn't seen the one with her hair lose, love it Love them thanks for sharing

        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
        Samandans of a certain age ... remember how we mentioned the fact that the old hit series of Cagney and Lacey in the 1980s had two female heroes who set the right tone for portraying women realistically?

        A bit OT, but bear with me ... I just went onto to order the S10 Stargate Illustrated Companion and, lo and behold, found myself also ordering the S1 DVD Set of Cagney and Lacey, along with a newly published book by the producer of the show, Barney Rosenzweig (who married Cagney/Sharon Gless).

        Now, here's the connection to AT/Sam Carter and Stargate productions:

        First of all, if you go to the link I'm sharing,, you'll see an early headshot of Sharon Gless and I think she really resembled Amanda in that photo. This actress has also championed women's causes and appeared in The Vagina Monologues too.

        Secondly, when you start to read the blogs (especially Barney's), you see that there's obviously quite a fan base from the old show and they are excited to finally get a release of the series. This reminds me of SG1 fans.

        You will also see that there may not be further releases of the remaining seven award-winning seasons because the younger generation at MGM really have no history with the series and initial sales at are coming up flat according to the boys in charge of marketing. I just find it funny that MGM is causing the problem in not giving loyal fans what they really want because of that ominous "bottom line". Sound familiar?

        The fans (including UK fans) have begun a marketing campaign of their own to spread the word about the release of S1 and hoping to get more people interested in buying the product through

        So, if you are a past fan of Cagney and Lacey or just interested in discovering some well-done television (with a cast every bit as down-to-earth as the original Stargate SG1) ... go on over to the blog link or and check out the DVD info.

        Barney Rosenzweig was one of the first producers to promote a TV show which allowed women to be strong and feisty and smart and spunky - you know, all those qualities we love in Sam Carter!

        I hope MGM gets the message that shows which pioneered strong women leads are definitely worth recycling years later!

        Just sayin'.
        This reminds me of this vid:

        I love that vid

        Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
        Oh and Chelle... who needs to worry about what happened at School when you've got friends like this nowSpoiled for size and OT) ... Couldn't help myself though...

        I love these pics, cuuuutee I at least know 3 people on them...who is number 4???

        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
        I hate you J!!!!! Take em off NOW!!!!!! That is so embarrassing!!...OMG...I think I'll just go and hide under a rock for a few years!
        No need to hide, you look amazing Chelle


          Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
          Samandans of a certain age ... remember how we mentioned the fact that the old hit series of Cagney and Lacey in the 1980s had two female heroes who set the right tone for portraying women realistically?

          A bit OT, but bear with me ... I just went onto to order the S10 Stargate Illustrated Companion and, lo and behold, found myself also ordering the S1 DVD Set of Cagney and Lacey, along with a newly published book by the producer of the show, Barney Rosenzweig (who married Cagney/Sharon Gless).

          Now, here's the connection to AT/Sam Carter and Stargate productions:

          First of all, if you go to the link I'm sharing,, you'll see an early headshot of Sharon Gless and I think she really resembled Amanda in that photo. This actress has also championed women's causes and appeared in The Vagina Monologues too.

          Secondly, when you start to read the blogs (especially Barney's), you see that there's obviously quite a fan base from the old show and they are excited to finally get a release of the series. This reminds me of SG1 fans.

          You will also see that there may not be further releases of the remaining seven award-winning seasons because the younger generation at MGM really have no history with the series and initial sales at are coming up flat according to the boys in charge of marketing. I just find it funny that MGM is causing the problem in not giving loyal fans what they really want because of that ominous "bottom line". Sound familiar?

          The fans (including UK fans) have begun a marketing campaign of their own to spread the word about the release of S1 and hoping to get more people interested in buying the product through

          So, if you are a past fan of Cagney and Lacey or just interested in discovering some well-done television (with a cast every bit as down-to-earth as the original Stargate SG1) ... go on over to the blog link or and check out the DVD info.

          Barney Rosenzweig was one of the first producers to promote a TV show which allowed women to be strong and feisty and smart and spunky - you know, all those qualities we love in Sam Carter!

          I hope MGM gets the message that shows which pioneered strong women leads are definitely worth recycling years later!

          Just sayin'.
          Ooh, I'll have to check that out--after payday.
          For the younger folks--IMHO Cagney and Lacey was great combination of a cop show and friendship show. You'd think MGM would realize that Sharon Gless and Tyne Daly have more recent fans who may not know about C&L but would be interested in it. Gless is currently in Burn NOtice and has been in some other shows. Daly was (IMHO) the best part of Judging Amy. So if people liked those shows they may want to see other things these actresses have been in.


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            I love these pics, cuuuutee I at least know 3 people on them...who is number 4???
            Glad ya like, they are goodies! And well yeah there's Chelle, then me, then Niki and last on the front is our mate Jodie!

            And i'm off for the evening everyone! Well its actually morning but anyway... gotta work this mroning so may as well try sleep since i really didn't get any yesterday Night, back tomorrow... ah... this afternoon!


              Forgot something.... *huggles and then hightails it out* Tootles!


                Mandy asked me (nicely) to make some supportive banners for her. Since we're all sharing I thought I'd post them. Snurching allowed



                  I was pleased to see that according to GW, Weir
                  will be in 4 episodes and will be conscious after the first one. I'm hoping that means a nice scene with her and Carter.
                  but I do mostly avoid spoilers so I'm not sure if that will happen. Counting down to Friday.
                  Colonel Sam! Colonel Sam!


                    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                    Samandans of a certain age ... remember how we mentioned the fact that the old hit series of Cagney and Lacey in the 1980s had two female heroes who set the right tone for portraying women realistically?

                    A bit OT, but bear with me ... I just went onto to order the S10 Stargate Illustrated Companion and, lo and behold, found myself also ordering the S1 DVD Set of Cagney and Lacey, along with a newly published book by the producer of the show, Barney Rosenzweig (who married Cagney/Sharon Gless).

                    Now, here's the connection to AT/Sam Carter and Stargate productions:

                    First of all, if you go to the link I'm sharing,, you'll see an early headshot of Sharon Gless and I think she really resembled Amanda in that photo. This actress has also championed women's causes and appeared in The Vagina Monologues too.

                    Secondly, when you start to read the blogs (especially Barney's), you see that there's obviously quite a fan base from the old show and they are excited to finally get a release of the series. This reminds me of SG1 fans.

                    You will also see that there may not be further releases of the remaining seven award-winning seasons because the younger generation at MGM really have no history with the series and initial sales at are coming up flat according to the boys in charge of marketing. I just find it funny that MGM is causing the problem in not giving loyal fans what they really want because of that ominous "bottom line". Sound familiar?

                    The fans (including UK fans) have begun a marketing campaign of their own to spread the word about the release of S1 and hoping to get more people interested in buying the product through

                    So, if you are a past fan of Cagney and Lacey or just interested in discovering some well-done television (with a cast every bit as down-to-earth as the original Stargate SG1) ... go on over to the blog link or and check out the DVD info.

                    Barney Rosenzweig was one of the first producers to promote a TV show which allowed women to be strong and feisty and smart and spunky - you know, all those qualities we love in Sam Carter!

                    I hope MGM gets the message that shows which pioneered strong women leads are definitely worth recycling years later!

                    Just sayin'.
                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    Ooh, I'll have to check that out--after payday.
                    For the younger folks--IMHO Cagney and Lacey was great combination of a cop show and friendship show. You'd think MGM would realize that Sharon Gless and Tyne Daly have more recent fans who may not know about C&L but would be interested in it. Gless is currently in Burn Notice and has been in some other shows. Daly was (IMHO) the best part of Judging Amy. So if people liked those shows they may want to see other things these actresses have been in.
                    We weren't allowed to watch TV during the week when I was growing up, and C&L was the first show I got hooked on in college. Once a week, my little 5" B&W got pulled off the shelf; it stayed on the shelf the rest of the week while I did other study. The show certainly had the can-do spirit that AT and Sam would have fit right into. It's well worth a looksee.

                    In memory of Deejay.
                    May we all be so well loved.


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      Yes Happy Birthday to our new resident streaker ah person who runs in out of the thread quickly
                      Just call her
                      "The Instigator"

                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      You know...Mandy has a way of making me do the most stupid stuff sometimes...and I love her for it...she's sooo inspirational like that!! when I read this I just had to post this picture I took at the Walhalla Cricket Ground...
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      so, streakers by appointment only. Hope they don't demand ID. that might be a bit hard
                      I'm sorry, Officer, Sir, but I left my ID in my other birthday suit.

                      In memory of Deejay.
                      May we all be so well loved.


                        Now if Jack came streaking through...


                          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                          Mandy asked me (nicely) to make some supportive banners for her. Since we're all sharing I thought I'd post them. Snurching allowed

                          oh nice

                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          Now if Jack came streaking through...
                          mmmmm *daydreams with cheeky look on face*........anywho

                          Yes better get going soon i gotta go do some baby sitting

                          see ya all later



                            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                            Mandy asked me (nicely) to make some supportive banners for her. Since we're all sharing I thought I'd post them. Snurching allowed

                            These are wonderful! I'm amazed at the talented group of denizens GW has here. Thanks for sharing them...and letting us snurch too! lol

                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            I was pleased to see that according to GW, Weir
                            will be in 4 episodes and will be conscious after the first one. I'm hoping that means a nice scene with her and Carter.
                            but I do mostly avoid spoilers so I'm not sure if that will happen. Counting down to Friday.
                            Colonel Sam! Colonel Sam!
                            You and me both. I peeked at a few of the spoiler vids that got leeked but it was a bit confusing for me so it didnt really matter my trying to satisfy my curious nature. I'm just counting down eagerly till Friday (yes Friday already!) and watch it in full then.

                            Atlantis Countdown: 5 days!


                              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                              Hi all

                              Just a fly-by visit to drop off pressie...

                              Latest Aftershock 'The Short Straw' which TAGs 'Shades of Grey.'

                              The Short Straw

                              Mild S/J ship.
                              I am loving this series. Often the episodes end too soon and these fics round them off nicely.

                              Looking forward to the next one

                              Kay aka Mumsey
                              For details of AT10 go to


                                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                                Mandy asked me (nicely) to make some supportive banners for her. Since we're all sharing I thought I'd post them. Snurching allowed


                                Very nice indeed, Now I feel the urge to play with my sig.

