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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scarimor View Post
    Amanda don't deserve no lickin. She ain't posted no milestones. If Amanda wants a-lickin she can git her butt over here and post a milestone like Tittamiire did.
    Oooh...that sounds like a challenge...I'm hoping Amanda is up to it!!!!
    Originally posted by Über View Post
    Congratulations Amanda Tapping for your nomination!
    (last page)
    D'oH!! the link ain't workin for me...what did she get nominated for??? Oh and lets not forget to do this vote thingy that RoX usually keeps us posted about...
    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    And Ellie Harvey is on the first page
    Wait, am I thinking of Ellie Harvie?
    Who is Ellie Harvie???
    Originally posted by Über View Post
    Squees and giggles work for us! Thanks for the invite and welcome.
    btw...iheartvala too.
    And Claudia. What a doll and man what she's gone through recently!!! What a trooper.
    I'm sorry, but what happened to Claudia???
    Originally posted by wibbling View Post
    will it by any chance sport any type of arctic creature? Just wondering....!
    I'm thinking she's probably gonna get her a card with sheep on it!!!
    Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
    Hey is that anything like a numptie! Look at that! I've found a new word to call idiot drivers that cut me off now without feeling bad when my daughter copies me!
    Originally posted by suse View Post
    Unfortunately the tone she repeats it in will make it blatantly obvious it's not a "nice" word.
    But it is a nice word!!! If used correctly...and my hubby got me started with it when he yelled it out after a car cut us off in the roundabout!!

    Ok...I'm so tired now I can't see straight...thank god for spell check!!
    Night night all, take care, be safe and have fun and hug your loved ones!!!!
    Congratulations to all of you off to see Amanda next year!!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      D'oH!! the link ain't workin for me...what did she get nominated for???

      Who is Ellie Harvie???
      They are some Canadian comedy awards. Ellie was Dr Novak on the Prometheus on SG-1 and Atlantis ('hic!). She also worked in the morgue in the first wep of Sanctuary (lunch?).

      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      I'm thinking she's probably gonna get her a card with sheep on it!!!
      Hur hur. Very funny.

      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Originally posted by wibbling View Post
        I quite agree she is!

        I can beat 37... 39 and counting, will be 40 in a few months, which my younger friends think is HILARIOUS. Funnily, though, my older friends are keeping strangely quiet about it..... and my MUCH older friends still think of me as the "youngster", an attitude I am keen to encourage!
        You're only as old as you feel...or as my mum so eloquently put're only as old as the man you feel!!!!!
        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        They are some Canadian comedy awards. Ellie was Dr Novak on the Prometheus on SG-1 and Atlantis ('hic!). She also worked in the morgue in the first wep of Sanctuary (lunch?).
        Hur hur. Very funny.
        Night!!!! Yeah I like Novak...she's under used though...would have loved to have seen more of her!!!
        Night again!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
          hi everyone ! (waves)

          Can anyone help me im ?not sure what sort of card to get amanda for her birthday i thought a musicel one or a simpsons one im not sure

          I didn't spend long picking the card, just grabbed one which I like the picture of, happened to be a Shire horse, took the same philosophy as I do when choosing cards for anyone that the words you write in it are more important than the card, I'm sure what ever you choose will be great.

          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
          But it is a nice word!!! If used correctly...and my hubby got me started with it when he yelled it out after a car cut us off in the roundabout!!
          I love numpty...I spent a happy six months teaching my work colleagues in Colorado a bunch of great words, numpty was one of them...many of the others I won't repeat in polite company
          Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
          My Fanfic~My Femslash


            Geez. I go to sleep and look what happens.

            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            Um... no. You have to come to Wellington, NZ. Sorry.

            And then you have to put a certain Wellingtonian in your luggage for the flight to the UK.
            Hrmmmm... isn't that a bit of a round-about way to get to the UK?

            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
            I dunno... You might be able to find someone in the States to do it. You're pretty lickworthy.
            Sweet! And you're in AZ, which is only a 6 hour drive

            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

            Antoa, Wellington is the only option!
            *sigh* OK, I guess I have to book a flight to NZ. This licking thing is going to get expensive!

            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            *slaps AD*

            Heh. Depends. Are your reproductive organs on the inside?

            Yep I'm planning on visiting my friends in California at some stage.
            Mine are! *ahem*

            Hey! I'm in California! Am I one of those friends?


              Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
              My goodness I was out of the house for twelve hours today and it took me two hours to catch up with this thread!
              • I am very happy for all of you attending AT3. Jealous, but happy. There's no way I could manage it right now, with so many financial what ifs in my future. But, I expect to hear very detailed reports!!!!
              • Sky. I have had an epiphany. I have unearthed the source of your love for Lorne. You love him because his name rhymes with porn. I'm afraid there is no use in denying it!
              • I had post 74353, is that milestone enough to be licked?
              You don't need no stinkin' milestone to get licked!

              Lick, lick.

              Originally posted by Über View Post
    're right. How could we have missed such an important Samandan milestone?

              *licky licky*
              Lick. Lick. Lick.

              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              Any excuse, Deej. *licks*
              Lick, lick.

              Man, I told myself I would be good today. I blame Neep. And Suse.

              In memory of Deejay.
              May we all be so well loved.


                Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                Hey! I'm in California! Am I one of those friends?
                Absolutely not. Haven't you noticed how we all shun you, aren't the least bit pleasant to you, avoid you, and ignore you?


                Never mind.


                In memory of Deejay.
                May we all be so well loved.


                  5 stars to Sam
                  Banner made by Stef


                    Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                    I quite agree she is!

                    I can beat 37... 39 and counting, will be 40 in a few months, which my younger friends think is HILARIOUS. Funnily, though, my older friends are keeping strangely quiet about it..... and my MUCH older friends still think of me as the "youngster", an attitude I am keen to encourage!
                    I'm still convinced that aging is not a bad thing... until the health warranty runs out, in which case that part sucks (but that's another story). But spiritually, philosophically, wisdom-wise, etc. it's all a good thing.

                    My LJ


                      I just wanted to delurk to say thank you to everyone that came over into the D/V thread. I have lurked in here many time but never posted. I just wanted to show my appreciation to you all by giving this thread 5 stars!!

                      I am sorry about what happened in here the other day. Some people just stink.
                      Sig made by me


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        An Australian accent?

                        *ducks and runs*
                        Intonation, not accent.

                        Like saying sugar in a certain way. Everyone knows you really mean poo.

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                          Hey sweet Samandans!!!

                          Peace and pastries OK?

                          Sam Carter is Fictional.
                          Much fun to watch on TV.
                          Much fun to discuss on Internet.
                          Much joy to speculate with and play upon.

                          Much sadness to fight about.

                          Sadness is UNfun.

                          Makes minigeek cry...

                          Makes minigeek get everything wet
                          and soggy
                          and damp
                          and sticky (ewww)

                          Not pretty is that.

                          Only YOU can help keep lovely
                          SAMANDA all cean and dry!

                          SMILE MORE INSTEAD!


                          Me sorry mini!! I didn't want to make you cry.
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                            Sam and Jack are not real!?! ... Well there goes my whole belief system

                            I didn't mean it!

                            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

                            Next, you'll be saying that Santa Claus isn't real!

                            And sheesh, mini, you sure do know how to make an entrance.

                            Maybe I just need to purchase an AT3 ticket and be done with it. Who needs textbooks?!
                            Originally posted by ccdsah View Post
                            Yeah but it was up to her to decide she wants a boyfriend for Sam (Pete) and Sam/Tealc in "Unending" (and reinforcing it in the commentary).
                            I would never deny Santa. He's one of my favorite people.

                            YAY AT3! Bought 3 charmed passes yesterday.
                            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                            William Shakespeare

                            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              I didn't mean it!

                              I would never deny Santa. He's one of my favorite people.

                              YAY AT3! Bought 3 charmed passes yesterday.
                              So we will meet again

                              and no that was not a threat

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                                * the way I make those is blue jelly/jello and everclear*

                                *I think I should ask the Royal Bartender*
                                Blue jello and Bluesberry Schnapps. mmmmmm.
                                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                                William Shakespeare

                                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.

