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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Tim tams have gluten in them! *sobs*
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
      And if you couldn't eat vegemite, that would actually be an improvement on your health I mean the fact that you eat it might be causing the glutten thing
      I mean honestly, that can't be healthy vegemite

      I would be more worried about beer
      Oh that is just evil Eve...Vegemite is a great source of vitamins b1 and b12 and thiamine!! And it tastes good too...and it's very versatile!!! But the beer thing is definitely an issue!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        Tim tams have gluten in them! *sobs*
        Sincerely hope you don't have an allergy to gluten, life without Tim Tams??? Oy! 'Tis a monstrous thought.

        Hmmm wonder what Sam's favourite chokky bikky (chocolate biscuit/cookie) would be?


          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
          Oh that is just evil Eve...Vegemite is a great source of vitamins b1 and b12 and thiamine!! And it tastes good too...and it's very versatile!!! But the beer thing is definitely an issue!!
          Have you read the Terry Pratchett book, the Last Continent? It definitely is not about Australia The main character accidentally left some vegetables, salt and beer mixed together in a tin can to boil dry on a campfire overnight. The locals got really excited and spread it on his toast, but he was disgusted

          Heh, even though I love vegemite I think that's an awesome way for it to be invented.

          Hey, don't people present SG folk with jars of it when they come to Australia and NZ? I wonder what Amanda thought of hers?
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
            Sincerely hope you don't have an allergy to gluten, life without Tim Tams??? Oy! 'Tis a monstrous thought.

            Hmmm wonder what Sam's favourite chokky bikky (chocolate biscuit/cookie) would be?
            Thanks, I hope I don't. I keep thinking of more things... so far the things I would miss the most are:

            Cookies and biscuits of all kinds
            McDonald's hotcakes
            Sushi vinegar

            I know you can get gluten-free versions of most of those... but it wouldn't be the same.

            Sigh. I know that if it does turn out I have an intolerance to gluten I will feel tonnes better if I stop eating it (my aunt, cousins and niece are all gluten-free) but still! Argh.

            As for Sam (nice bring back to topic ) I think she would like... chocolate cake if she hangs out with O'Neill obviously. Hmmm. As for chocolate biscuit... toffee pops! I bet she would love toffee pops!
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
              OK I'm not even going to touch ^ that one I'll just go <splash> now, OK

              OK I gotta ask, what's vegemite???

              Vegemite is yummy stuff...but not to everyones' taste...I grew up on it as are my's actually quite good for you...but definitely a distinct flavor!!
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              slightly serious moment here folks
              Ok, so we had fun -are having fun - with the list. And i did get a couple reports of language and folks circumventing the language filter...which i snipped.
              but you there really that much of a difference between veiled curse words and sexual innuendo??? Yes, i know that this is a PG forum, and i know it's something folks have expressed thier issues with in the past. and i know that we are a varied cross section of folks all with out own issues and squicks
              but i do think that...well maybe we need to take a look - ourselves - at how we act and how we expect others to act. Can you really take someone to task for veiled profanity if you, in your next post, make sexual insinuations?
              We're all adults here, and we often talk like adults .... in every meaning of the word, but i think that will also translate into us having a bit of tolerance towards others and giving them the benefit of the doubt that we want ourselves
              Thus ends my monday morning mod ramble
     my head is still trying to process all that is said you PM or notify anyone who is "circumventing" the language filter or who may post any innuendos' that are deemed inappropriate?? I ask coz I think that sometimes what may seem like innuendo to one person may not to if I were to know post something that to me was harmless but to someone else not so harmless, would you tell me or expect me to figure it out myself...coz sometimes I even think that language barriers might be an issue too...even though English is my first language, we sometimes misconstrue what others are trying to say even though it may be an innocent comment....does that make sense??...taking a deep breathe!! Wow...that feels better!!
              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              Only the best food in the entire world!
              You either love it or you hate it. Usually, if you grow up on the stuff (we get fed it on toast when we are babies ) you love it. I have never met an adult who has liked it when trying it for the first time
              My new Texan flatmate treats the jar as if it were radioactive. He won't be trying it again.
              I have...I've met a few adults who like it after trying it for the first time...but I think you have to have an educated palette...I know that David Nykl likes does Rachel Luttrell and Tony Amendola...and if Carmen Argenziano would have just taken a little less in on his first go he might have a better appreciation for it...Don S Davis doesn't like it...I guess 4 out of 5 ain't too bad!!
              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
              And you didn't ask what vegemite is, caus you don't want to know it

              And I wouldn't call it food Eileen It is NOT food
              I'm not sure if I would call it food either...but if you can call Guinness food than I'm sure Vegemite could be seen as food I's not for everyone...but you should allow yourself the opportunity to try it!! I can send some to anyone who would like to try it!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                LOL, S7 was pretty whumpy, but here's a list of S6 eps where Sam gets whumped in some capacity (no matter how minor):

                Redemption - electrocuted
                Frozen - exposed to Ayiana's disease
                Nightwalkers - baby-snaked and shackled
                Prometheus - zatted, chased
                Unnatural Selection - head-infested by replicators
                Smoke and Mirrors - catapulted by an explosion
                Paradise Lost - zatted
                Metamorphosis - zatted and DNA-scrambled
                Forsaken - shackled
                Prophecy - electrocuted

                ETA: Thank goodness for GW's episode guide.
                Thank goodness for spaz!!...thanks for the list...I didn't realise how much whump Sam got in season 6...poor Sam!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                  It's a new dessert!
                  D'oH..I never picked up on the typo...still...sounds like an interesting dessert...what exactly are smores???
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                    Oh that is just evil Eve...Vegemite is a great source of vitamins b1 and b12 and thiamine!! And it tastes good too...and it's very versatile!!! But the beer thing is definitely an issue!!
                    Thiamine and B1 Oh golly must have it


                      My sister sent me this link this morning and it brought such a huge smile to my face, I thought I'd share it with everyone.

                      Aww to find life so simple and amusing again. I just love babies!

                      I'm sure Amanda would get a laugh out it too, as would Sam, so that's enough to stay on topic right?


                        Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                        Well since Sky brought it up...I think it's totally unfair to report someone for swearing, veiled as it is around here (where does it end? Why is it ok to get away with tv show versions of swear words? Come on folks we all know what those words mean) and yet sexual innuendo is not reported or it's not reported as much? How is that fair? Just because you think kids won't get the sexual innuendo doesn't mean it's NOT PG because, usually it's not considered PG. PG-13 maybe.

                        My personal philosophy on this is, If I don't like it, I don't read it. Period, end of discussion. I don't report the post because I'm offended if someone says something I don't like (be it a swear word, sexual innuendo {neither of which I have problems with} or dissin' on a character I like) I just shake my head, and move on. If I'm really, really offended, I usually try talk to the person via pm before deciding if I'm going to report them. If it's a one time thing, I usually don't.

                        Yes, swearing and circumventing the filters is against the rules, but just about everyone on this forum does it. No it doesn't make it right, but it happens. So are we now going to go around the forum reporting every single post that does this? Personally, I don't have the time and think the mods have enough to deal with without adding to it by reporting every little time someone swears or circumvents the filter.

                        I understand and respect those of you who do not like swearing, but to ask everyone around you to ALWAYS watch what we say is unfair. Especially in a GAME! I usually try to watch what I say and if people approach me privately and politely ask me to watch it I'm usually pretty good about not swearing or doing whatever it was I did to offend. But to go behind one's back without even trying to discuss the issue and report the post well imho, is a disservice to this thread. I thought Kindness Regins Here. To me that means before reporting a post, you talk to the person FIRST and then if that doesn't give you the results you'd like, then talk to a mod and see if they can help. Only report the post as a last result. Come on folks, we're not in kindergarten where we need to tattle on everyone for every teeny infraction of the rules.

                        Last and most important, I am not trying to make anyone feel bad I'm just trying to share another point of view on this. Thanks for listening.
               post..I agree with your sentiments Sunny!
                        Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                        Yeah I have to admit that filters can be a pain in mitka at times.

                        I remember years ago being on a bulletin board where the word rape had been added to the filter list and it took me five minutes to figure out why the heck it wouldn't let me type in the word grapes.

                        The strange thing is I used to know exactly what I could and couldn't say when there were seven words you couldn't say on television( if you've ever seen George Carlin's skit you'll know exactly what I'm talkin about). Basically as long as you didn't say those seven words you were good, but new words have been added to filter lists and even newer words have been added to our vocabularies to replace the words we're not suppose to say.

                        As if we don't all know what Frellin, Frak and Frickin' are suppose to refer to.

                        You know I've been here for two years and I don't recall ever giving someone red rep for a post and I only recall reporting a post on two occassions and that's simply because one post had attacked someone and another where a thread had gone completely off topic( much like this thread has gone).

                        So to keep things on about we make a list of episodes where Sam has actually cussed.

                        EPISODES WHERE SAM( or any member of SG-1 ) HAS CUSSED
                        1. (Sam) Jonas, you are such a chickenship. - Metamorphosis
                        2. (Jack) Teal'c, you are one stubborn son of a witch - 100 Days
                        3. (Daniel) You stupid son of a witch. - Menace
                        4. (Sam) You son of a witch. - Bane
                        5. (Jack) You rat baster. - 48 hours
                        6. (Jack) I am so gonna kick your asp! - 48 hours
                        I've never red rep'ed anyone or reported a post...ever...and I would like to think that I will never have to...ever...but I have to ask...when you reported a post about being off topic...did you first try addressing the issue with the person/people first or just report them? And what happens after they get reported...coz I have to admit...I'm now worried about all my OT'ness...coz I'm guilty of being OT at times...I hope it's not that annoying...
                        Anyhoo...Sam's a great character and Amanda is just so awesome!!!!!
                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        And now for something totally off topic, but I couldn't help it
                        It's a boy!!!!

                        It's my cousin's second baby, but I am the honorary aunt
                        Congratulations Mandy!!
                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        Ok, I've lost count on our list but in honor of Sanctuary day:

                        -?: Does our new base doctor--Magnus is it?-- seem a bit, well, odd to you?
                        Sanctuary day??? Did I miss something??? There's a Sanctuary day??? When????
                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                        Captioning anyone??

                        "If this doesn't get the car started then nothing will!!"
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          Okay, not a caption, but you know how when you have to jump start your car and you hook it up to another car or whatever with those thingers? That's what that makes me think of. Maybe Sam is giving her Indian a supercharge.
                          ...that was what I just about weird...and it jumper cables...I can't believe we were thinking the same thing!! Cool!!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by donamac View Post
                            Now I'll add my 2 cents: In all the time I've been lurking on this forum I have never been offended by anything--with the exception of once when someone got a bit hyper-critical of another's opinions. I don't remember what it was about but that only bothered me because there could be hurt feelings. Really, I'm probably one of the older Samandans--definitely not prudish

                            Play on folks--this is fun

                            Same here...except I've only been here for just over a year now but I've always had fun and the only time I can think of that I got a little annoyed here and at the other threads I visit is the day SG1 got canceled....a lot of non regular folks came in just to gloat about the cancellation...I left for a bit and waited for things to settle down...and wouldn't you know it...bob's your did!!
                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            I would like to apologise again if the tongue thing caused offense. It was a moment of silliness and I didn't even mean it in a sexual way, although I realised after I posted that that's how it would look.

                            I will start checking my posts for how they may be perceived before posting them.
                            And this is what makes it we're all gonna be watching our P's and Q's just in case we might say something that might be misconstrued...
                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            Hey, don't people present SG folk with jars of it when they come to Australia and NZ? I wonder what Amanda thought of hers?
                            Yep...they sure do...the Evil Vegemite Gang as they are colloquially named...and I just had lunch with them last Thursday and Friday...they are really awesome people...they present the SG folk with tubes of's funny to watch them eat it "raw" should have seen Carmen's face when he squirted a whole heap down his throat back in was hilarious...Don refused to open the tube and Tony, Rachel and David Nykl all tried it and actually didn't mind the taste...especially David!! I don't know if Amanda got one when she was out back in 2002...or was it 2003...coz the EVG were not around at that time...but when she does come back down under I know she'll be presented with a tube...and I'd be betting that Amanda will be just as adventurous as the others and try it on stage as yeah...and when yu come down next year Eileen...I'll be sure to introduce you to the EVG...they really are wonderful girls...and boy!!

                            Ok...I'm off...too much yackin...and work was a right royal PITM!!
                            Night night all, take care, be safe, stay happy and hug your loved ones!!

                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              This will teach Teal'c to ask me to supercharge his vibrating bed...

                              My LJ


                                the ring on the stargate goes round and round, round and round, round and round....
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


