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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Peter Moretti, thanks for the info. Yeah I'd figured angst can be a kind of fear, I didn't know that it was a literly take over word from German/Dutch language.

    Coley, sorry to think you were male. On Stargate chat sites I always have the gender problem, think somebody is Male while she's female, other way arround? No for a strange reason I don't make that mistake to often.

    Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


      Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
      Speaking of Oregon. How do you pronounce the word 'Oregon'?

      Or-ee-gone? or Or-gun?


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        I don't know--I couldn't see them well enough. I had to wonder what they were doing, trying to do autopsies in the dark.
        I mean there's dark (for mood) and there's dark.
        To me, the whole episode was dark in the lighting was just too dark...and...

        I thought this show was going to be an wasn't, I liked it, I was just expecting A LOT of Amanda. And are all the webisodes going to be so short? You get a forty-five minute show on itunes for 1.99 and this ep was only about twenty minutes long and it's going to cost 2.50? That's a lot...but anyway, I loved the episode, it was wonderful! Amanda rocks!


          Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
          To me, the whole episode was dark in the lighting was just too dark...and...

          I thought this show was going to be an wasn't, I liked it, I was just expecting A LOT of Amanda. And are all the webisodes going to be so short? You get a forty-five minute show on itunes for 1.99 and this ep was only about twenty minutes long and it's going to cost 2.50? That's a lot...but anyway, I loved the episode, it was wonderful! Amanda rocks!
          Amanda is the star of the show, but the first shows they have to set it up for you, with the plot and getting to know the characters. While it was not an Amanda-fest it did set up how important her role is, and I'm sure we will see a lot more Helen driven shows

          And yes Amanda certainly does rock

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
            The Kiwis have some corkers - try this one

            Holy jeez.

            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            Is that even a word Or is that a word of your imagination...
            I really just want to know how to pronounce that thing.

            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
            Yep, it's real. It's a hill in New Zealand.
            Just one?

            Originally posted by aaobuttons View Post
            Definetly! Jack and Daniel always have lots of fic nommed, but you hardly ever see any Sam unless it's Sam/Jack. I'd love to see some Sam-centric fic nominated. Can't the girl do anything with out Jack around?

            And don't forget those great Wallpapers, Icons, Headers, Fic/Vid Covers, etc!
   Nominations end in 5 days!
            Thanks for all of the reminders, buttons! I'm really going to try to get my nominations in by Friday if I can.

            *eyes Sky and Strix*

            The more gen the better, eh?

            Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
            I don't really have time to play at the moment. But since I just finished getting caught up with reading the thread I thought I would tell a little story, since it is line with all the accent talk.

            When I first moved to California and started teaching a few years back one of the 3rd grade students at my school asked me this one day. What country are you from? I looked at him a little funny and I said what do you mean what country? He said well you have an accent so you must be from some other country. So what country are you from? I look at him and said "The country of Florida." He went wow is that a long way away. I have moved from the elementary school to teaching at the middle school and that same student is know in my 8th grade band. Since we have finished our BIG final concert of the year and only have a few more weeks of school left end of the year gifts from students are starting to come in and just yesterday I got a card from him saying "Remember when I thought you were from a different country and you made me look Florida up on a map - thanks it helped in geography class. Oh and by the way I can now understand what you say when you talk. 'Git er done' "
            I had to laugh at this, tsax. I've gotta say that I love your accent actually.

            In fact, I'd say that everyone I've met on this thread (from Ooobs and sg-1fanintn to Poz and suse to scari to trupi to mini to Strix to Coley to 1speed - and yes, even Kat) has a very distinct, very culturally cool way of speaking.

            Kinda makes me want an accent now (thanks though, trupi! ).

            ETA: I have it on great, reliable authority (*cough* Kliggins *cough*) that people from CA and AZ do NOT have accents.
            Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 15 May 2007, 12:00 PM.


              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
              Its funny my friends and family laugh at me because pick up different accents very easily but it isn't something I do on purpose it just kinda happens within a few days I am speaking like anyone I'm spending time with weird huh LOL

              Me too. Though I don't pick up on it fully, just aspects of it.

              The Canadian accent will not go away! I was in Vancouver almost two months ago and it's still hanging with me. Probably because it's so close to my accent in childhood (Minnesotan) that I've tried so hard to get rid of.


                Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                Me too. Though I don't pick up on it fully, just aspects of it.

                The Canadian accent will not go away! I was in Vancouver almost two months ago and it's still hanging with me. Probably because it's so close to my accent in childhood (Minnesotan) that I've tried so hard to get rid of.

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                  Holy jeez.
                  ETA: I have it on great, reliable authority (*cough* Kliggins *cough*) that people from CA and AZ do NOT have accents.
                  It's possible, but I do know that they like to say "you guys".
                  I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                    Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                    To me, the whole episode was dark in the lighting was just too dark...and...

                    I thought this show was going to be an wasn't, I liked it, I was just expecting A LOT of Amanda. And are all the webisodes going to be so short? You get a forty-five minute show on itunes for 1.99 and this ep was only about twenty minutes long and it's going to cost 2.50? That's a lot...but anyway, I loved the episode, it was wonderful! Amanda rocks!
                    Couple of things:

                    Firstly, I've been discussing the lighting as a problem area this evening. It's a big issue in terms of feedback. It seems (having watched the HD version) that the problem with the show being dark is only on the youtube version.

                    In HD, the show is dark, but there's plenty of texture and contrast. Once compressed into youtube format, a lot of that texture is lost and it just comes out dark. As it stands, the team are looking at alternative methods of distribution.

                    It has to be a compromise. You can't give the super-duper quality out for free, but you do need a quality that does the show justice because, as it stands, the darkness is turning off a lot of potential fans.


                    Pricing: My reaction was the same at first. It does seem a lot of money, but when you compare it to the cost of buying a film or going to the cinema, it's not that bad.

                    Also, you have to realise that this whole process is organic. Nothing is set in stone and prices etc could be tweaked. I think that 2.50 is the initial price they've set to guarantee that they don't make a loss. Once they get an idea of what their profit margins will be as well as feedback from the fans on issues just like this, there's always a chance that it will change.


                    From my point of view, the difference in quality when watching the HD version is astounding and it's well worth paying the extra. I'm still a little unsure of the supposedly interactive content as yet, but things are still in the birthing stages.

                    There is no model for this kind of production: sanctuary is MAKING the model. I think there has to be some compromise and understanding on the part of the fans and trust that things will be tweaked accordingly. As long as we give constructive criticism and don't resort to name-calling
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                      It's possible, but I do know that they like to say "you guys".
                      And "dude?"

                      Oh wait, that's just me...


                        Watched Sanctuary.

                        A good start, somewhat formulaic, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Good production values show, costumes, sets (virtual or real) they don't look like they have cut corners and the acting was good across the board; some better than others, but no one stood out as particularly bad.

                        My main concern is I fear that only releasing 15 minutes every two weeks, it will loose momentum, I'd have gone with releasing episodes every couple of days. This is a different medium to television. If it was a TV show, I'd most likely watch it but I doubt, unless they absolutely hook me with the next three episodes, that I will keep watching once I have to pay per view.
                        Seveal reasons, the main one being, four 15 minute episodes is just one hour of another show, will each episode be a capsule story or will it build into a longer story? Fifteen minute episodes are not impossible; the old Saturday cinema serials such as Buck Rodgers and Flash Gordan managed it. But if each segment builds up into a longer story, I'd rather wait and see them all as a continuous episode - I have the first four books of George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire, I won't read them until he has finished the series, that's four more books, at least another 6-10 years! I can do patient. I'm more likely to buy the collected season at the end than pay for individual episodes.
                        Viewing on the iBook is less than ideal, small screen, again buying the DVD's to play on the bigger TV feels like a better idea.
                        I know it comes down to economics, but they might have been better releasing straight to DVD films?
                        It's a gamble. I'm still concerned that word of mouth won't spread the buzz about the show enough and that they are slightly ahead of the curve; I think in five years, internet only shows will be common, but I'm not sure this will be the breakthrough show. I think we need a bit wider coverage by broadband to make downloading easier for the maximum number of people. An easy way to transfer a download onto a TV would also help; it will be the TV itself which will be able to download in the future, I would suspect and people will buy the shows they want to watch off the net.
                        It would be great to be proved wrong and I think Sanctuary will go down in the history books as the first of it's kind.



                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          There is no model for this kind of production: sanctuary is MAKING the model. I think there has to be some compromise and understanding on the part of the fans and trust that things will be tweaked accordingly. As long as we give constructive criticism and don't resort to name-calling
                          You've hit the nail on the head with this post.

                          It frustrates me to no end that there are those that do not understand that this is all *completely new* No one has ever done anything like this before, so there will obviously be bumps in the road.

                          I think the Sanctuary team has handled these bumps incredibly well, especially when you take into consideration that they had been up all night before the release only to have it all hit the fan. Things are being smoothed out. People just need to be patient. It's technology, not magic - unforseable things can go wrong.

                          Have I mentioned how much I absolutely loved the wep? Wow.


                            I know what you're saying FF. For me, it's the fact that there haven't been a whole lot of advertisements for the series beyond articles in mags. It's an expensive part of the production process that they probably decided to forego in the hopes that online word of mouth would do the job. However, advertising, for all of its greedy/unconventional/potentially uncreative/restrictive corporate ties seems to be the only way to get the word out there on a wide scale. A banner ad on one of the major sites, though probably expensive, I think would've done wonders for them.

                            They've prided themselves on their grassroots route, I think. And that's artistically noble. However, when it comes to getting the word out there, they really needed to branch out of the hardcore sci-fi fandom - and out of Amanda's fanbase as well. There are people out there who would watch this show, but who probably don't even know it exists.

                            I agree with your issue with the four episodes being released every two weeks, too... Momentum is key here. I wonder if those dates are set in stone, or if they can maybe be modified to be released every week for the next month.


                              angst fic is that kind of....oh jack dies and sam mourns, or sam is hurt and jack worries about her, fear for a loved one, feeling sorry for one's self, worrying about what you can't have or might lose

                              that sort of stuff
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                another thing to consider, darkness wise...lcd computer monitors are HORRIBLY dark. massively adn horribly dark

                                i edit on them and if i want to check the brightness of my tape corectly, i need to output it to a real tv. if i lighten it up so that it looks good on a puter screen, it's all washed out on the tv

                                i don't know what format it downloads in, but can folks get that format to thier tv? then see if it's too dark
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


