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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by pixiesio View Post
    Okay, so in a (feeble) attempt to bring the thread back on topic, since we've been discussing things we like/don't like in food, what do you think Sam likes/doesn't like in food and beverages? Possibly this has been discussed before, but I figured it's worth a try. <g> Here's what comes to mind for me since I've been doing a bit of a marathon of eps while making my vid:

    blue jello (or jelly for the UK crowd )
    diet coke

    Asgard "food"
    possible dislikes could include whatever that "stuff" was she drank on P3X-595 that made her take off... (Emancipation).
    "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


      Despite the frequence of it in the good old world of fanfic, we have no real idea as to whether she's a coffee-drinker or not, do we? Tea or coffee to help with the mountains of work? Hmm...its a tough one

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Originally posted by wibbling View Post
        possible dislikes could include whatever that "stuff" was she drank on P3X-595 that made her take off... (Emancipation).
        You don't have to dislike the drink itself...just the nudity-related side effects...

        Not that I have personal experience. Whatsoever

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          Despite the frequence of it in the good old world of fanfic, we have no real idea as to whether she's a coffee-drinker or not, do we? Tea or coffee to help with the mountains of work? Hmm...its a tough one
          Well she did drink coffee in Urgo, and also if she was working in 100 days on a way to get O'Neill back, Janet gave her coffee and she seemed to like it. So I think she likes coffee


            Originally posted by pixiesio View Post
            Okay, so in a (feeble) attempt to bring the thread back on topic, since we've been discussing things we like/don't like in food, what do you think Sam likes/doesn't like in food and beverages? Possibly this has been discussed before, but I figured it's worth a try. <g> Here's what comes to mind for me since I've been doing a bit of a marathon of eps while making my vid:

            blue jello (or jelly for the UK crowd )
            diet coke

            Asgard "food"

            Dislikes - Macaroons?

            Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


              Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
              Dislikes - Macaroons?
              More like dislikes Mitchell's cooking


                See I think that in the red bag is Chinese, well it looks like it anyway

                and French bread and wine:

                I love using caps feel free to caption them if you are in the mood

                edit: on this note, I am getting hungry Might make something to eat now it is almost 7 pm


                  Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                  Dislikes - Macaroons?
                  Cameron's culinary creations in general, methinks...

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                    .. me neither, unless it's supposed to be "peace and harmony"?

                    Have to admit, I've never even SEEN okra or hominy, could be a UK thing that we don't get it here? But I at least know what it is from books, so that's something!
                    Very good guess!


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                      Hominy is SO gross. If you don't know what it is, be glad. And I love some chicken fried steak with gravy. Yum....
                      Aww, hominy isn't bad if you cook it right. I really enjoy it sauteed in butter with a little salt and pepper.


                        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                        That's the best bit! Chuck the whole fish in! My place removes the fins and there's not a lot of meat and nice batter at the tail end anyway so I leave it. At least you know that way that its relatively fresh, and hasn't been chopped into little bits and stored for God knows how long... we also have a nice fishmonger in the town market, who we sometimes get some yummy things from. As a family (excepting the younger sibling) we're fish mad. Steak, chicken and salad is good, but after a week or so in America without fail we go on the look-out for fish and vegetables because we almost have withdrawal symptons. We're weird
                        When my family lived in Seattle, we ate fish nearly two to three times a week. It helped that my mother worked at a cold storage so we got really good deals on fresh salmon, cod, lobster and shrimp. But here in Texas, where beef is king, the choices of fish are rather limited so we don't eat it as often.


                          Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                          More like dislikes Mitchell's cooking
                          Don't macaroons have coconut? A lot of people don't like coconut. (Though I am not one of them)
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post

                            So what do you call chicken schnitzel?? (chicken breast prepared the same way)
                            chicken/country fried chicken

                            which is basically a chicken breast, breaded and deep fried, served with country gravy

                            Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                            But then she's a landlubber too. She comes from Northampton - about the farthest place from the sea you can get England, around 50 miles! And I don't think the fish being a fresh water species makes any difference

                            I wonder if Sam eats the fish she catches at Jack's pond? There, how's that for a shimmy back on topic?
                            i'm from kansas...the closest ocean is about 1000 miles away. the only reasonably fresh fish we can get here is catfish

                            I don't care for seafood per se. bread it and deep fry it, sure shrimp, clams and fish can be good. but i grew up on beef, pork and chicken

                            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                            Despite the frequence of it in the good old world of fanfic, we have no real idea as to whether she's a coffee-drinker or not, do we? Tea or coffee to help with the mountains of work? Hmm...its a tough one
                            i think coffee is a natural defense mechanism. i didn't care for it, but got a job where i had to be at work at 4am...i learned to drink coffee. still not my preference, gimme my first morning's diet coke any day of the week.

                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                            Well she did drink coffee in Urgo, and also if she was working in 100 days on a way to get O'Neill back, Janet gave her coffee and she seemed to like it. So I think she likes coffee
                            i think she was drinking tea cause i remember the little tag hangingo ver the side of the mug when she spilled it

                            sam also likes cake. she was gonna go join jack in some cake when nuby so rudely showed up
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                              She's wonderful, in a perverse, evil kind of way. Nowhere near as mad as the other parent, who is an absolute surreal lunatic. And I take after him

                              Phobias are not rational. That's why they're phobias, and not just dislikes. My friend has a frog phobia but only of real ones- so she got a giant stuffed frog called Rib from a fair as a little joke to herself. I personally don't think my fear of sharp objects, surgical equipment and blood counts as a phobia, because of all those things are either symptomatic or causes of possible DEATH

                              Nope, not ration at all. I've had a phobia for flying and heights all my life. The anxiety has gotten a bit better with time, but it's still a huge issue for me. My sister has always teased me about it, which is rather ironic since she is absolutely terrified of moths. To this day, she will run out of any room that a moth enters and refuse to come back until it's removed.



                                i HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE...did i say that i HATE roaches??????

                                beetles too, but roaches mainly. i can't stand to look at them, be near them, squish them, anything. i hate them
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


