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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by chelle db View Post
    Holy hannah...just saw the preview for Sanctuary...that is gonna be one heck of a show....and Amanda...OMG...the woman is awesome...I love her accent...I love her hair...I love her!!! Can't wait to see it...I can't wait to hear what Ashley sounds like...OMG...this is awesome....I hope that eventually they release it on for the soon as they're available I'm getting one....yay!! Is such a happy little camper!!!!!!!

    Night night!!!!

    Hehe, everyone is having pretty much the same reaction
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      it will be. i THINK the pay starts around episode 4
      You will have to pay for the first four also, if you want to see them in the Sanctuary viewer. Otherwise they'll be made available on googlevideo and youtube, etc, free, until webisode four, according to Damian's blog.

      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by NZBG View Post
        My sister is having trouble downloading it too. She ended up watching it on youtube! I mean, nothing against it, but do you really want your introduction the the world of Sanctuary to be such bad quality? I asked her if she could see the rain drop dripping down Helen's nose.

        Anyway, thanks. I sent her those links, is that ok?
        I had to watch it on youtube, too. Apparently the player on sactuaryforalldotcom hates my computer.

        And yay for Amanda, she rocks.
        "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
        Colonel Jack O'Neill


          Originally posted by zuz View Post
          From JM's blog:

          Anonymous #5 writes: “So you have no problem with an equally capabale (or possibly more capable) actress being out of work so TPTB can keep their golden child in the franchise?”

          Answer: I’ve already made it perfectly clear that the decision to bring Carter aboard was in no way connected to the decision regarding Weir. Nevertheless, feel free to cling to whatever wild, unsubstantiated theory makes you feel all warm, tingly and, oh yeah, superior.

          The person asking is a *CENSORED*.

          I'm not so crazy about Joe but I like his answer. And I really hope that after s 4 SGA actually begins to air all will settle a bit.
          OMG how can you ask that!?
          We all know Sam is WAY more popular then Weir (not to insult weir or anything) and defenitely more capable, she's been on that show for over 10 yrs! shouldn't that say something.... that makes me so angry
          I just can't believe there are people out there that don't like Sam, I don't get it seriously I don't... And for that guy, let's just say it's a good thing he's anonymous or else...

          WE LOVE YOU SAM!
          : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
          Geeky : Oh brother...
          : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

          Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


            Guys, you see, this is the kind of thing I think we need to avoid. Pitting one character against another in an imaginary contest just fosters enmity between fans and the FACT - is that there is no cause-effect link between the choice to bring Carter to Atlantis and the choice to have Weir's role change. Indications seem to point to the reality that the latter happened before the former. What we need to do is not let the numpties out there influence high emotions around here. They're not worth dwelling on. Both Samantha Carter and Dr. Weir are fantastic characters, both actresses are beyond reproach and beautiful people. Their fans likewise. Lets not let a few bad apples make everyone join in a fruitless feeding frenzy. Lets CELEBRATE both actresses and both characters as strong female role models. Weir is not gone from Atlantis. She's still there to take inspiration from, and now so is Sam.

            Originally posted by SamCarterFan View Post
            OMG how can you ask that!?
            We all know Sam is WAY more popular then Weir (not to insult weir or anything) and defenitely more capable, she's been on that show for over 10 yrs! shouldn't that say something.... that makes me so angry
            I just can't believe there are people out there that don't like Sam, I don't get it seriously I don't... And for that guy, let's just say it's a good thing he's anonymous or else...

            WE LOVE YOU SAM!

            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
              Guys, you see, this is the kind of thing I think we need to avoid. Pitting one character against another in an imaginary contest just fosters enmity between fans and the FACT - is that there is no cause-effect link between the choice to bring Carter to Atlantis and the choice to have Weir's role change. Indications seem to point to the reality that the latter happened before the former. What we need to do is not let the numpties out there influence high emotions around here. They're not worth dwelling on. Both Samantha Carter and Dr. Weir are fantastic characters, both actresses are beyond reproach and beautiful people. Their fans likewise. Lets not let a few bad apples make everyone join in a fruitless feeding frenzy. Lets CELEBRATE both actresses and both characters as strong female role models. Weir is not gone from Atlantis. She's still there to take inspiration from, and now so is Sam.
              Beautifully said

              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                Guys, you see, this is the kind of thing I think we need to avoid. Pitting one character against another in an imaginary contest just fosters enmity between fans and the FACT - is that there is no cause-effect link between the choice to bring Carter to Atlantis and the choice to have Weir's role change. Indications seem to point to the reality that the latter happened before the former. What we need to do is not let the numpties out there influence high emotions around here. They're not worth dwelling on. Both Samantha Carter and Dr. Weir are fantastic characters, both actresses are beyond reproach and beautiful people. Their fans likewise. Lets not let a few bad apples make everyone join in a fruitless feeding frenzy. Lets CELEBRATE both actresses and both characters as strong female role models. Weir is not gone from Atlantis. She's still there to take inspiration from, and now so is Sam.

                very nice
                They're both very strong woman and amazing actresses!!


                  Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                  Guys, you see, this is the kind of thing I think we need to avoid. Pitting one character against another in an imaginary contest just fosters enmity between fans and the FACT - is that there is no cause-effect link between the choice to bring Carter to Atlantis and the choice to have Weir's role change. Indications seem to point to the reality that the latter happened before the former. What we need to do is not let the numpties out there influence high emotions around here. They're not worth dwelling on. Both Samantha Carter and Dr. Weir are fantastic characters, both actresses are beyond reproach and beautiful people. Their fans likewise. Lets not let a few bad apples make everyone join in a fruitless feeding frenzy. Lets CELEBRATE both actresses and both characters as strong female role models. Weir is not gone from Atlantis. She's still there to take inspiration from, and now so is Sam.
                  Requoted yet again, but once again the nail has been hit squarely on the head. I know from painful experience in this fandom (take a look at my sig for a clue as to what I'm talking about-although an exact repeat of that nastiness is highly unlikely, thank god) that this kind of situation can be frustrating, aggravating and downright incensing. Perspective is needed in this situation, and although it is to be expected and understood that some fans are going to be very upset or delighted about this, those who spew forth venom concerning either actress, character or cite unproven facts prove more about themselves than they do about the show. I'm personally not sure how S4 is going to swing, but I'm going to wait until I've seen it before I make a judgement on the changes.

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    For those that want to 'keep' a copy of it as it streams, go to 'tools' 'internet options' under 'temporary internet files' click 'settings', then 'view files' and that'll take you to your cache. All the stuff that's saved on your puter as you surf the net. Look for the .flv file and then drag that out of the folder to another or your desktop or whatever
                    is that just for PC? It doesn't seem to work on my Mac (OSX, running mostly Firefox). Anybody got any hints of how to do this on a Mac? I'm being a bit of a numpty. But thanks for the advice! I'm sure the Sanctuary team will be aware of all jerkiness problems etc., and it'll all work itself out. So why isn't it the 14th yet???
                    "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                      Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                      Beautifully said

                      All I want to say before bed is...YAY for Amanda!!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                        But you are right great boots And of course she is, but did anyone notice...

                        that when she kills that woman, when she has the blond hair...that she has a hard time holding back her tears...I wonder why... I mean I think it is great though. The fact that she has emotions when killing a person... Cause I can't imagine that is something anyone want to do. Even though you know you have to do it...

                        I think Helen will be a great character for sure I also think that every step she takes will be one she really thought about. To make sure that she isn't making any mistakes. Cause in her position she can't make any. Of course she will make some...we all make them. But I am sure Helen will try not too...
                        Spoiler for Sanctuary...

                        Perhaps it's just me, but I don't really think Helen is shooting the woman. I believe the scenes were just edited to look that way. My guess is that Helen is shooting at Druitt which might explain why she looks as if she is crying. If I remember correctly in an earlier teaser clip we see Helen in a leather outfit and she's about to shoot someone as well and it looks as if she's crying in that clip too. Which makes me believe that her target in both cases is probably Druitt. Granted this is all speculation on my part, but I believe the actual scenes will prove to be much different than we have seen in the teasers.


                          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                          They haven't. They've said it will be in line with average iTunes downloads for a TV series download, so I would expect something around the $1.99 mark per interactive webisode (going by what is currently charged for SG-1 ($1.99 per episode).Then a season pass would go for close to what one currently costs for Atlantis ($35.99) I would imagine. This would be a savings since buying a season pass means paying less than the per-episode fee if one paid individually. I would budget around those figures.

                          According to Damian's blog, the first four webisodes are free, only through youtube and google video. If you want to watch them on the Sanctuary player with interactive content you'd still have to pay the webisode download fee of (whatever it will be, $1.99 per webisode, etc).
                          Anyone know how to pay for it??? I mean with Itunes...I go to the shop for a precard... But I take it with Sanctuary that will not be the case eh and I can understand they will put it on youtube or google video first.

                          But what I wondered is, if you have payed for it, can you save it on your computer?!? or is it like the preview?? Cause if it is I can see that you can save it, I only don't know how...I was only able to save it because some of the people on Sanctuary thread did it

                          Originally posted by zuz View Post
                          From JM's blog:


                          Anonymous #5 writes: “So you have no problem with an equally capabale (or possibly more capable) actress being out of work so TPTB can keep their golden child in the franchise?”

                          Answer: I’ve already made it perfectly clear that the decision to bring Carter aboard was in no way connected to the decision regarding Weir. Nevertheless, feel free to cling to whatever wild, unsubstantiated theory makes you feel all warm, tingly and, oh yeah, superior.

                          The person asking is a *CENSORED*.

                          I'm not so crazy about Joe but I like his answer. And I really hope that after s 4 SGA actually begins to air all will settle a bit.
                          Ignore them Zuz I mean they are upset and don't think straight atm. They just can't think straight will fade away. Try to avoid it and don't go into it


                            my download info was for pc's only. and with IE. i don't use firefox

                            as to paying for sanctuary, i'm sure they're working on a way, we'll jsut need to wait for it

                            as to the characters...folks, just because sam is the best TO YOU doesn't mean that she's the best to EVERYONE. 'good' 'best' 'favorite' are subjective terms and can't be quantatively proven, so let's not even go there.

                            as MG so eloquently put it, BOTH actresses are lovely women and i'm sure they both respect each other and i'm also pretty sure that neither of them would want to see thier fans 'picking on' fans of the others. so let's just let that topic drop please.

                            Simply enjoy who you enjoy and let others do the same
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                              Ignore them Zuz I mean they are upset and don't think straight atm. They just can't think straight will fade away. Try to avoid it and don't go into it
                              i know from experience, let them rant and rave and get it out of thier system.

                              IMHO, why is one reason the danny ranters got so hot under the collar???? because folks argued with them and tried to change their mind and belittled their opinions. arguing with the dissenters only reaffirmed their beliefs and made them more steadfast and less open to other pov's.

                              so just let folks be. If they are gonig to alter their pov, they need to decide to do it on thier own, and nothing anyone can say to them will have any effect.

                              respect thier opinions - even if you don't agree with them - and let them be. You can't control them, you can only control yourself
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                                is that just for PC? It doesn't seem to work on my Mac (OSX, running mostly Firefox). Anybody got any hints of how to do this on a Mac? I'm being a bit of a numpty. But thanks for the advice! I'm sure the Sanctuary team will be aware of all jerkiness problems etc., and it'll all work itself out. So why isn't it the 14th yet???
                                Dunno how to use a Mac but you should be able to just search for *.flv in your file browser and let it search your whole hard drive. The file should be where ever the system hides the temporary files.

