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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by pixiesio View Post
    Oh, and I'm sure that was there intent, but it was the way that they, yes, badly conveyed it. The things he said to her and how he said it jarred me and made me feel really bad for Vala. Then the writer/editor in me was rewriting that scene entirely in my head and having MS and even CB adjust their performances. Then I would have had less issues with the ep. Although I still don't think this ep fit as a series finale, at least for me.

    But I'm crazy that way. And since this is the Sam thread *g*, some stuff in Unending...

    Again, this may be l'il ol' me, but her scene with Landry when he's dying. Why was she all alone with him? Why weren't the others there at Landry's side too as he died? There was no way they couldn't have known that he was close since Sam obviously did.

    And, honestly, I never saw any emotional connection between their two characters, even before this ep, so it seemed off to me that she was that upset. Maybe there was supposed to be more stuff showing in the in-between years between them, but they seemed to really only show, as far as one on one interactions, Cam and Landry. So without anything extra to show how close they supposedly got, it just felt like something was missing there. *shrug* If it had been Hammond or (heaven forbid ) Jack, oh heck yeah I could have understand her being so upset, but it wasn't, so..yeah.

    Okay, I better stop now before I don't shut up. ;P


    I agree with you vis-a-vis the "instant love" aspect of the character interaction(s), but I think it's been something of a get-over-it-if-you-want-to-keep-watching element for me since season nine. They really didn't emotionally develop either Cam or Landry with any of the other characters to a degree that would have me upset (as a viewer) if they died. Especially Landry. His emotional scenes, even with his wife and daughter always rang false because we didn't get to know HIM. They just didn't write those kinds of stories for us. Having said that, I think what UNENDING did was tie in a lot of the emotional subtext for the characters we *did* already know and love, and manage to lend some of it to the new characters also, which gave them perhaps more emotional resonance for (me, at least) than they might have had otherwise. UNENDING was well done in that regard. The problem was that it was one episode - and it couldn't completely right the emotional void that pre-existed it. In context, it was a good episode. Given the scarcity of those until season ten was already well under way, there's simply no way for even a powerful episode to have come across as truly well rounded, because of those very issues.

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~



      Originally Posted by the dancer of spaz

      I agree - Even as a Sam/Jack supporter, I could totally buy that something deeper had become of Sam and Teal'c's relationship, even if on a purely spiritual level. Fifty years is a long time, and I'm sure he's gained a unique bit of insight into each of them.

      I never would have believed it, I'm a total S/J shipper, but the look that Teal'c gives her at the end is SOOOOO full of emotions. It breaks your heart. If something didn't happen, I think he definitely fell in love with her over the course of time. And on rewatching, I noticed in the scene when they are all around the table after the hug, he is holding her hand.
      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
      William Shakespeare

      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
        I'm not sure how to approach this but as we've been talking about TVM and such recently,
        I hadn't really been close to anyone involved in any sort of domestic violence or abuse...up until now that is. I don't know how to approach it. We have to be very careful about how to handle the situation atm..especially around the's confusing and frustrating to say the least. I'm very concerned and worried about this family member...but she wants to go back to's just not right. We can see whats happening and as things stand currently, we can't do anything but let her know that we are there for her...and that doesn't feel like enough.
        I feel useless...I wish she could see what it's doing to her and her family. I realize this is way OT but this just seemed like the right place at the time...I haven't told anyone about what's happened...only the very immediate family know whats going on...I hope that I can give her some helpful suggestions as to what she needs to do. Sorry bout the OT'ness! Thanks for lending an ear though!
        Some advice:

        Are the children that you are referring to yours or your relatives? As a child I was exposed to domestic violence. My mother wasn't the only victim, as a witness I too was a victim.

        I don't know what the laws are in your country, but I do know that the most dangerous time is actually after the woman has left the situation.

        Here's what you can do to help:
        1) Find out how to contact the closest battered women's shelter and make sure that your relative receives that information. That will give her a place to run to if it's needed.
        2) Contact your local law enforcement and ask them for advice. That might also be a good place to find out about shelters.
        3) Abusers will often apologize and promise to reform, but rarely does this actually happen unless they enter counseling. While you should strongly advise your relative to not return to the situation, make sure that they know that even if they do, you will still be there for them.

        Some people that have never been battered don't understand why some women won't leave or will return to the abuser. Psychologically, the woman has been battered too. They start to feel like it is partially their fault and that they don't deserve to be treated better.


          Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
          In case anyone is interested I wrote a tag (a drabble) to Unending, a Sam/Teal'c moment.

          Warning! SPOILERS for Unending!

          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          Friendship? Or.... ?
          Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          Phew! Off to read it, then!


          Glad that conversation happened before I saw the link. I'll go read it too.


            OT driveby pic of my two yo niecelette <grin> Since Sky is babysitting HER niecelette tonight!


            OOOO THOSE CHEEKS!!!!

            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              i havent' seen unending, but i've read some comments and about sam and landry

              from the pov of a person who knows someone that works for hospice...being with the dying is literally something folks can't do. Just just CAN'T stand to be there.

              sam, however, is a lot more compassionate than that. also, sam is the field medic adn likely the closest thing to a doctor that they have. it makes sense for her to be in the caretaker role.

              honestly, can you see teal'c, cam or daniel or vala doing this?
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                I can too. But it makes me twitchy. *headsand*

                If Kat doesn't mind me NAMEDROPPING here for a second, my new bestestest buddy Starrgazer and I talked about this for about two minutes over sushi last night. It just seems like one of those things that should forever remain (canon-ly) unspoken.

                I'd almost (note I said almost) be willing to never see the resolution that I've waited 10 years for than learn that Sam got together with anyone but Jack. I'm glad we are talking Teal'c here, because he is the best choice but still...No.

                And that's just the way I feel about it.

                Slightly Off topic, did I mention that I am going to try really hard not to ship for Sanctuary? I actually am considering never shipping for another series again. It seems like a really good idea if I can just make myself stick to it.

                Edit: Reread my post and that first line sounded harsh. Of course TPTB can say what they want about it. I just don't want to hear it or read it, so if you link it please warn me. I'll just avoid it. Thanks.
                Last edited by Gate gal; 16 March 2007, 10:28 AM.


                  hehehe, so you mean we 6 sam/teal'c shippers 'won' in the long run???
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    hehehe, so you mean we 6 sam/teal'c shippers 'won' in the long run???

                    Well there were some good Sam/Teal'c moments that is for sure...but she still was sad cause she missed someone


                      Originally posted by starrgazer

                      Realistic part of brain yells that it's plausible...
                      It's not plausible because:

                      1. Sam would not disgrace herself like that.
                      2. She's been on the receiving end of that situation.
                      3. Teal'c would not do that to the man to whom he was so loyal.

                      I'm sure you could come up with other reasons if you keep thinking about it, but I certainly don't want to do so.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        hehehe, so you mean we 6 sam/teal'c shippers 'won' in the long run???
                        Karmic justice.
                        It was either Teal'c or THOR ... and, well, we all know what happened to....

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          hehehe, so you mean we 6 sam/teal'c shippers 'won' in the long run???
                          It ain't over yet, my friend! We have the movies and season 4 SGA.


                            Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                            It's not plausible because:

                            1. Sam would not disgrace herself like that.
                            There's no disgrace in loving someone you've been "living with" for decades, so I don't get that point.

                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                              It ain't over yet, my friend! We have the movies and season 4 SGA.
                              snort...with these PTB????
                              sorry, I'd love to think that they'd acknowledge a almsot decade long storyline, but i'll believe it when i see it.

                              Rick must own jack's name and has to be paid everytime they mention it, that's the only explanation for why he's joined jonas in the 'shall not be named' arean
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                                It's not plausible because:

                                1. Sam would not disgrace herself like that.
                                2. She's been on the receiving end of that situation.
                                3. Teal'c would not do that to the man to whom he was so loyal.

                                I'm sure you could come up with other reasons if you keep thinking about it, but I certainly don't want to do so.
                                1. why would see disgrace herself with being with T?? Honestly I mean he is a good men to be together if you ask me... I mean T is loving, caring, someone to build upon. I don't see that as a disgrace at all

                                2. I don't know what you mean wit that honestly. I mean I think their friendship really comes both way. I mean T is always there for Sam and Sam is always there for T. The fact is T just hides his emotions and feeling but I think there are a few examples where you really can see how much Sam means to him...
                                Spoilers season 9:
                                I think about Ethon when he thinks she is dead after the prometheus explode and then he sees her...that moment was great...and just shows their friendship

                                3. I agree on you with that. He will not do that to a is even more then loyality...I mean Jack and T are close friends..So that is even more then loyality...
                                But what if (and now I am being a bad shipper) Jack isn't in the picture anymore? I mean then I think it could most definatly work...I think it works better then Sam and Daniel...I think T and have a change That is if Jack isn't in the picture at all eh...and we all know he is

