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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by majorsal View Post

    Mmh, just what does a Jaffa wear under his kilt???
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by scarimor View Post

      Love ya minigeek!

      And for Sg Gato's caption challenge:


      (TVM ref )
      Pixie's Haven


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        Mmh, just what does a Jaffa wear under his kilt???
        *coughs* lol

        teehee I SOOOO knew I should never have came to GW! Like I said on another post I will NEVER get any work done!



          Originally posted by scarimor View Post

          Love ya minigeek!

          And for Sg Gato's caption challenge:


          (TVM ref )
          I can't green you, but I love it

          Courtesy of smurf, as always



            You guys are the coolest!!

            Originally posted by scarimor View Post

            And for Sg Gato's caption challenge:


            (TVM ref )
            That. Is. Priceless.

            Last edited by minigeek; 11 March 2007, 05:03 PM.

            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              Originally posted by scarimor View Post

              Love ya minigeek!

              And for Sg Gato's caption challenge:


              (TVM ref )
              that's brilliant Scari


                Hi Everyone!!!!

                I finally have a reliable internet connection (but I'm on my way out of here, so it's only for a little while longer).

                I'm soooo sorry (as most of you already know) for the delay in this! And it's a short update - so I'm sorry for that as well!

                First of all, I wanted to say how incredible it was to finally meet those of you that I met!!

                You are all such wonderful women, and it's an honour to have met you! I hope we get to meet up again soon! (Some of you I saw only in passing, and I wish I'd had a better opportunity to talk to you!)

                I am SO far behind on this thread that it's not even funny... I was thinking I should just start fresh from here, but there's so much I want to comment on that I've missed! *sigh*

                Now where to start with TVM... I think Mini might have described the experience best - being that she was there for everything.

                AT is the most wonderful, gentle, supportive, nice, happy, amazing person ever! And she does give the best hugs. It was amazing having the opportunity to meet and work with her! There are no words!

                The whole experience is one that I am so honoured to have been a part of. Our cast and crew were the best - we bonded better than any one of us has ever bonded with such a group of people before.

                We are still waiting for the final $ amount, taking in the money we raised yesterday with our 'Strike a Chord... Not a Woman' V-Day Men benefit concert. I will let you know as soon as I do!

                You guys are amazing. I know, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You came from so far away to support us, and it leaves me speechless!

                And to my saviours, thank you for helping me to get my car free from the evil clutches of it's snow 'grave.' I don't know what I would have done without you!!!

                I'm glad to hear you all got home safely - I hope you truly enjoyed your time in our fair city (which is still standing, lol!).

                I have to run now, as I have an hour's drive ahead of me... and I'm not looking forward to it at all!

                I hope to give a more detailed account soon!



                  starrgazer is very modest. She worked so hard for so long with the director and the other producers to put the event together, she completely blew me away with her energy and her enthusiasm, going non stop for several days in a row with almost no sleep at all. I feel honoured to call her a new friend and I have no doubt what so ever that she will bring even more great things to the world in the future. I don't fangirl very many people, but starrgazer is definitely on my very short-list, right up there with Amanda (except perhaps a giddier version thereof! ) - seriously, I know this isn't the forum for it, but when you meet such a dedicated, hard working, generous spirit, you really do need to take a moment to hang a lantern on them. For the record, the lovely starrgazer is AS wonderful, AS kind, AS generous and AS happy and supportive as our own Amanda is. So THREE CHEERS for starr! We're blessed to have her in the family here, I say.

                  {{{ starr }}} (she needs a title - hmm)

                  (Of course, I could just be saying all this so that she'll feel smushy enough to buy the next round of sushi this week... we'll never know for sure!)


                  Originally posted by starrgazer View Post
                  Hi Everyone!!!!

                  I finally have a reliable internet connection (but I'm on my way out of here, so it's only for a little while longer).

                  I'm soooo sorry (as most of you already know) for the delay in this! And it's a short update - so I'm sorry for that as well!

                  First of all, I wanted to say how incredible it was to finally meet those of you that I met!!

                  You are all such wonderful women, and it's an honour to have met you! I hope we get to meet up again soon! (Some of you I saw only in passing, and I wish I'd had a better opportunity to talk to you!)

                  I am SO far behind on this thread that it's not even funny... I was thinking I should just start fresh from here, but there's so much I want to comment on that I've missed! *sigh*

                  Now where to start with TVM... I think Mini might have described the experience best - being that she was there for everything.

                  AT is the most wonderful, gentle, supportive, nice, happy, amazing person ever! And she does give the best hugs. It was amazing having the opportunity to meet and work with her! There are no words!

                  The whole experience is one that I am so honoured to have been a part of. Our cast and crew were the best - we bonded better than any one of us has ever bonded with such a group of people before.

                  We are still waiting for the final $ amount, taking in the money we raised yesterday with our 'Strike a Chord... Not a Woman' V-Day Men benefit concert. I will let you know as soon as I do!

                  You guys are amazing. I know, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You came from so far away to support us, and it leaves me speechless!

                  And to my saviours, thank you for helping me to get my car free from the evil clutches of it's snow 'grave.' I don't know what I would have done without you!!!

                  I'm glad to hear you all got home safely - I hope you truly enjoyed your time in our fair city (which is still standing, lol!).

                  I have to run now, as I have an hour's drive ahead of me... and I'm not looking forward to it at all!

                  I hope to give a more detailed account soon!


                  Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                  ~all proceeds to benefit charity~



                    from one of your car pushing people

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by zuz View Post
                      I went through my stargate related photo stock and found these.

                      I always loved Sam/Tealc friendship and it's just lovely that AT and CJ get on more than well off screen too.

                      I still find it amazing how *obvious* it is that these are behind the scenes stills. The way AT (and CJ) holds herself/her expression is soooo different from Sam Carter even at a glance.

                      finally back from the webless abyss that was this floor of the house (darned bad *brand new* cables!)
                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                        starrgazer is very modest... but when you meet such a dedicated, hard working, generous spirit, you really do need to take a moment to hang a lantern on them. For the record, the lovely starrgazer is AS wonderful, AS kind, AS generous and AS happy and supportive as our own Amanda is. So THREE CHEERS for starr! We're blessed to have her in the family here, I say.

                        {{{ starr }}} (she needs a title - hmm)

                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

                        from one of your car pushing people

                        I know we've never met but I've heard nothing but great things and this coming from Mini and Mandy it must be true!


                          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                          starrgazer is very modest. She worked so hard for so long with the director and the other producers to put the event together, she completely blew me away with her energy and her enthusiasm, going non stop for several days in a row with almost no sleep at all. I feel honoured to call her a new friend and I have no doubt what so ever that she will bring even more great things to the world in the future. I don't fangirl very many people, but starrgazer is definitely on my very short-list, right up there with Amanda (except perhaps a giddier version thereof! ) - seriously, I know this isn't the forum for it, but when you meet such a dedicated, hard working, generous spirit, you really do need to take a moment to hang a lantern on them. For the record, the lovely starrgazer is AS wonderful, AS kind, AS generous and AS happy and supportive as our own Amanda is. So THREE CHEERS for starr! We're blessed to have her in the family here, I say.

                          {{{ starr }}} (she needs a title - hmm)

                          (Of course, I could just be saying all this so that she'll feel smushy enough to buy the next round of sushi this week... we'll never know for sure!)

                          Did somebody say sushi? Hmmm, must consider that trip to Toronto for sushi with Starrgazer and minigeek.

                          Seriously, Starrgazer, I know you worked really hard. Thanks for taking time to hang with the Samandans who came to Toronto and for hanging out with us her on the thread.

                          I'm so excited that SGA has started filming season 4. We really are going to get more Amanda this year. Wow, SGA, Sanctuary, the SG1 movies! I know its been said before, but it is worth saying again. SG1 may have gotten cancelled, but Amanda got renewed.


                            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                            It's not illegal to discriminate on the basis of weight in the United States unless it's causing a disability.

                            My senior year in college, I was recruited by Naval Intelligence...until the recruiter saw me, at which time he informed me that I couldn't even apply unless I weighed 138 pounds or less. The CIA recruiter told me not to waste his time. I couldn't be considered for the FBI or the NSA either. I was applying for a desk position, not to be a field agent.

                            They have no idea what they missed. Luckily, I have a whole lot of people in my life who know exactly what they missed out on and are inclined to tell people. After the incident in the library, my mother was angrier than I was; she even called the director of the library system to complain. I was embarrased but also pleased as this was from the same woman who on a regular basis threatened to have me put committed to a psychological facility for my eating disorder (don't have one). Give me enough time, and I can turn almost everyone.
                            It's hard to be one of Amanda's groupies and not have a few of her the one about kindness.

                            Mini's right. You folks rock.

                            Yes, she even helped turn Luke (to the Dark Side...)

                            SFT, as much as your mom drives you crazy (what mom doesn't at times) she's there for you. So SHE ROCKS!

                            Prejudice strikes everywhere. Star Trek, with all it's talk about IDIC (infinite diversity infinite combination) had one fat person female on it. Ever. Gates McFadden and Marina Sirtis had to stay within a pund of two of their 'ideal' weight of the uniforms didn't fit. The guys had to be careful but nothing nearly so severe. Humph. IDIC indeed.

                            I think Amanda looks amazing. Healthy and strong. Not at all fat, but not like a slight breeze would knock her over either. In other words, beautiful. Inside and out. And what's inside only accentuates the outer. Gak! Hallmark moment!

                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              So true about the tornadoes. I did experience a slight earthquake in the midwest a couple of years ago. I don't know what it was on the Richter scale. I was sitting in my office at work and there was this jarring feeling. I thought a truck ran into the building or something. Lasted about a second. Then we heard later it was an earthquake.

                              No way. No earthquakes for me. We had a small one a couple of years ago. (Apparently a really really old deep fault runs thru where I live) It felt like a train running past. We are still finding cracks in the walls. Bricks and earthquakes are not nice to each other.

                              On a funny note, the brother-in-law was visiting people in L.A. and was there for a moderately strong one. The CA native was screaming at him to stop. He was standing in a doorway going "Wheeeeeee!" like he was on a ride. My sister picked a great guy.

                              Last edited by suse; 12 March 2007, 07:55 PM.
                              Mourning Sanctuary.
                              Thanks for the good times!


                                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                                starrgazer is very modest. She worked so hard for so long with the director and the other producers to put the event together, she completely blew me away with her energy and her enthusiasm, going non stop for several days in a row with almost no sleep at all. I feel honoured to call her a new friend and I have no doubt what so ever that she will bring even more great things to the world in the future. I don't fangirl very many people, but starrgazer is definitely on my very short-list, right up there with Amanda (except perhaps a giddier version thereof! ) - seriously, I know this isn't the forum for it, but when you meet such a dedicated, hard working, generous spirit, you really do need to take a moment to hang a lantern on them. For the record, the lovely starrgazer is AS wonderful, AS kind, AS generous and AS happy and supportive as our own Amanda is. So THREE CHEERS for starr! We're blessed to have her in the family here, I say.

                                {{{ starr }}} (she needs a title - hmm)

                                (Of course, I could just be saying all this so that she'll feel smushy enough to buy the next round of sushi this week... we'll never know for sure!)

                                Whoot, starrgazer!

                                Haha, but the chain continues! Minigeek is fangurl-worthy as well! As in way kind, generous and supportive in her own right. As in, I easily could justify going to AT3, if only because it means I might get to keep mini from paying for a hotel room.

