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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    If I equate myself with my avatar...I am WAY too skinny!


      A woman followed me into the ladies' room at the library one evening some years ago. I was in the stall when she asked me why I didn't lose weight. "Don't you know how hard it is on your heart?" I didn't answer because what was I supposed to say? I couldn't believe she was talking to a total stranger like this. Then she said, "not to mention hard on the eyes of those of us who have to look at you."

      My nickname was watermelon when I was a kid. I have had people yell "fat b*tch" to me from the other side of the road. I've heard students call "free Willy" to each other on a regular basis in the halls at school as I passed them. I'm no stranger to the nasty things people feel free to say to fat people, but I still fight off tears when I remember that woman's comments.

      Mini, I understand completely.

      Since then, I've had three surgeries and have lost 120 pounds. I am still obese. My brother says I was brave, but I would rather be cut open multiple times than be fat. Ironically, I have been but still am. I will never be as skinny as that woman, but I will also never be as callous and cruel as she was. If nothing else, being fat has taught me kindness. I think of the two of us, I would rather be me than her.

      And if it helps, Sky, I was surprised the first time you expressed dissatisfaction with your weight. When I met you, I honestly didn't notice. I certainly didn't care.

      I rather doubt that Amanda cared in the least about your weight when you interviewed her. I doubt she cared about mini's when they were doing the show. I think we're harder on ourselves than she would be. I also suspect she's harder on herself than any of the rest of us would be.

      Can you imagine how much better the world would be if we put as much focus on being good people as we do on disliking our bodies?

      In memory of Deejay.
      May we all be so well loved.


        Originally posted by pixiesio View Post

        Yeah, my parents can be like that. They're always shoving a big plate topped up in front of me when I come over for a meal and then go on about how little I eat. Well duh, I don't want that much!
        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
        You'll just have to explain to them that no, your stomach can't magically expand. You simply don't need that much food. I can eat a lot if its in front of me, but I don't have to have it. Ah well, mothers. Mine is never hungry and I am always coerced into eating the entire contents of the house because 'You're slim and it doesn't go anywhere'. Er, ever heard of cholesteral? Heart disease? If you stopped buying the darn cake...
        And lets not talk about the 'funny' comments they make about your figure, grrr...
        Yup. The problem is, she warns me that I'm getting close to fat then tries to get me to eat more. What? Arggh.

        And I have no problem if people see me as my avatar She is pretty
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Originally posted by pixiesio View Post
          Really? Wow, I didn't realize I'm actually an "average woman"! LOL!

          The world is supposed to make sense? But yeah, it is pretty dang stupid when people pass judgements like that, amongst others. I say we go back to the days when more voluptuous, REAL women were appreciated!

          yeah, the good old days when men wanted ya to have meat on your bones

          no one remembers that marilyn monroe, miss Sex Appeal herself was a size 16

          and you know what, lose 20 pounds or have 20/20 vision and be able to wear all those cool cheap sunglasses????

          yeah, i'll take the eyes. I've worn glasses since i was in the 4th grade
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
            A woman followed me into the ladies' room at the library one evening some years ago. I was in the stall when she asked me why I didn't lose weight. "Don't you know how hard it is on your heart?" I didn't answer because what was I supposed to say? I couldn't believe she was talking to a total stranger like this. Then she said, "not to mention hard on the eyes of those of us who have to look at you."

            That is awful... That makes me so angry! I wonder how many true friends she has (who aren't as vicious as her)? It saddens me that some people miss out on getting to know so many lovely people, because they judge them by their appearance before they even talk to them.

            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
            Can you imagine how much better the world would be if we put as much focus on being good people as we do on disliking our bodies?
            That would be awesome.
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              But the good news is, you've got Barbie's figure.

              Told you the mind was twisted
              as long as you aren't stuck with Ken...and his anatomically incorrect and lacking 'bulge'

              look at poor barbie. a figure to die for a a boyfriend that's a eunuch
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                scifithinker, I've gotta say that I'm rather appalled that a complete stranger - or anyone for that matter - would tackle something so personal with you in such a blunt way, and with complete disregard for your feelings. Sadly, though, I'm really not that surprised.

                It's crazy to think that there are people who are so blinded by their prejudices that they can't even associate with people whom they deem to be "fat". The fact of the matter is, society has and always will be focused on what you look like. The prettiest (which, for some, is synonymous with "thinnest") chick is popular even if she's got zero substance underneath. What people fail to realize is exterior beauty comes and goes, and means absolutely nothing if you don't have the character to back it up.

                I'm sure there's very little that can be said to take away the pain that woman caused you scifithinker, but I hope you take care to remember that whatever supposed shortcomings you believe you have on the outside are more than made up for by the character you have on the inside. At the end of the day - at the end of our lives, really - I think we have to own up to the choices we've made. And somehow I don't think that our size, shape and level of "hotness" will matter much at that point.

                Sounds like a Hallmark card, or some after school special. But I really believe it's true.

                Screw superficialities.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  yeah, the good old days when men wanted ya to have meat on your bones

                  no one remembers that marilyn monroe, miss Sex Appeal herself was a size 16

                  and you know what, lose 20 pounds or have 20/20 vision and be able to wear all those cool cheap sunglasses????

                  yeah, i'll take the eyes. I've worn glasses since i was in the 4th grade
                  I was just having a discussion with my friend about what guys really like... In the year that he was at uni and I was still at highschool, he has changed so much. He used to be so shallow, but since he hooked up with another friend of ours, she has taught him to really respect women- something I really didn't think he was capable of. He still speaks his mind to the point of being innapropriate though... He commented on my hips and I nearly hit him before I realised that he was trying to give a compliment.

                  And about the glasses... I would love to have perfect vision. Or even just to be able to see out of *both* eyes! Hello depth perception!
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Quickie before I leave the forum...
                    Words can't quite express how utterly appalled and disgusted I am that someone could treat you like that, Scifithinker. Someone who obviously would not do that unless they were without feeling, sympathy and actually felt truly happy with themselves. What matters really is that you are trying to be healthy. As someone who is slim, not only am I ashamed that someone like that is spreading the idea that all of us are cruel, stuck-up b****es, I can tell you that, no- most of us are not really happy about how we look. Slim girls pick on bigger girls, slim girls are made to feel inadequate by the ones with a 'figure' because we're not curvy enough- its all viciousness designed to make the perpetrator feel better about themselves. Which it obviously doesn't. Rules of selection vary from person to person- some people will instinctly go for hips, a lot of guys I know actually prefer very small busts (or they're trying to make me feel better...- its all relative. And more importantly, you won't last five minutes with a friend or a lover unless you can talk to them. I have bigger friends who I love in part because they are the size they are- cuddly and beautiful and they love the fact that I'm all small and little sister-like. We just don't care.
                    And as someone who is becoming short-sighted...bring back the 20/20! Although being a AA might be nice-not for the aesthetic, but so I could actually buy new bras as apparently my size doesn't really exist- an example of how small size negativity can actually be detrimental.

                    Goodnight to everyone.

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      men may be fixated on big boobs...but that's cause they dont' gotta haul them around.

                      mine aren't big. they're pretty proportional. but i spent a lot of years being teased about being big breasted...oh you know cause i have a b cup and my sisters and mother are all a's. my boobs are even bigger than my breast feeding sister.

                      so i was always self-conscious about them. But i am very sympathetic to women who have an over abundance of boobs. it's uncomfortable, it can be painful. makes it hard to get clothes that fit, all of that
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        men may be fixated on big boobs...but that's cause they dont' gotta haul them around.

                        mine aren't big. they're pretty proportional. but i spent a lot of years being teased about being big breasted...oh you know cause i have a b cup and my sisters and mother are all a's. my boobs are even bigger than my breast feeding sister.

                        so i was always self-conscious about them. But i am very sympathetic to women who have an over abundance of boobs. it's uncomfortable, it can be painful. makes it hard to get clothes that fit, all of that
                        Amen to that Sky!


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          this is gonna sound odd. ok, living in the midwest, we get tornados all the time. and no, it's not like it is in tv, we dont' literally have tornados every week, but we do have them. One year kansas had over 100. Of course only about 20 of those actually hit something, the rest spun out in a field and scared a few cows. we DO have a lot of nothing for them to hit.

                          but i've always wanted to experience an earth quake. I've never realy felt one.
                          So true about the tornadoes. I did experience a slight earthquake in the midwest a couple of years ago. I don't know what it was on the Richter scale. I was sitting in my office at work and there was this jarring feeling. I thought a truck ran into the building or something. Lasted about a second. Then we heard later it was an earthquake.

                          On topic: I totally agree with those of you who have commented on the eye being drawn to AT when she's in a scene. She has something special going on--she's got "it." She's the cat's pyjamas.


                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            On topic: I totally agree with those of you who have commented on the eye being drawn to AT when she's in a scene.
                            I was thinking about this tonight. And the word that comes to mind is captivating.



                              Wow...people never fail to amaze me at how cruel they can be, even to total strangers. And I agree, it would be quite a wonderful world if we stopped obsessing about our outsides.
                              Pixie's Haven


                                People suck.

                                Except in here.

                                Everybody ROCKS in here!


                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

