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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    so he IS still alive
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

      so he IS still alive
      As if there were any doubt.

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        but, will it be wearing gold lame and speak with a jamaican accent?
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
          I've never done this before I'm going to do so anyway.

          I've started writing a Sam fic and I've just posted the teaser
 Although it says S/J and D/V on it, I don't actually know how far I plan on taking that one... I just have a particular story to tell.

          End of self promotion, although not necessarily shameless.


          ETA: That was my 500th post. It's only taken like 2 to 3 years.
          Quality over quantity
          MORE? Of course--soon! SOunds like a great start.



            I know I am a few hours early (for the USA that is cause here it is already the 19th) but:

            I hope you have a great day Melissa!!! And enjoy yourself...I hope all your wishes may come true


              this is super ot, but i need some advice on identity theft

              ~put in spoilers for those that don't want to be bothered with otness~

              i fell for an indentity theft scam. i realized it VERY soon after doing it, and i called my credit card company and they canceled that card and are going to send me another with a new number. but i also gave out my social security number... do i have something to fear?

              please email me at [email protected] to discuss this with me




                Originally posted by kes View Post
                Sorry its OT but I thought it was a bit ironic:
                "Astronomers are monitoring an asteroid named Apophis, which has a 1 in 45,000 chance of striking Earth on April 13, 2036."

                I wonder if the person who named it is a Stargate fan?!



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  but, will it be wearing gold lame and speak with a jamaican accent?
                  Now that I'd like to see, so are you coming to Toronto Sky

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                    OK, I'm thinking it's nice but not much to it yet...

                    ...then Major Sam posted this.

                    Damian Kindler rocks!*

                    *Amanda squee by association. Damn it, I squeed again. That's at least twice this year[/B].

                    Poor scifithinker. She got squeed. Squee you once shame on them, squee you twice shame on you.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      Now that I'd like to see, so are you coming to Toronto Sky
                      afraid not. Wish i could, but there's just not enough time, not to mention that pesky money issue

                      I hope y'all have a grand time though.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Bit belated, sorry (loooonnng weekend! lol)

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                          so he IS still alive
                          Indeed lol


                            Originally posted by kes View Post
                            Sorry its OT but I thought it was a bit ironic:
                            "Astronomers are monitoring an asteroid named Apophis, which has a 1 in 45,000 chance of striking Earth on April 13, 2036."

                            The following post has a risk of 1 -in- 1 of being OT. Thus, it is spoiled.

                            Now that is scary! 1 -in- 45,000? Pretty high compared to other risks of death... Looks like Apophis will get me before the long arm of the law (legal execution).

                            Motor Vehicle Accident*

                            Falling Down
                            1-in-246 I exceed this risk.

                            Natural Forces (heat, cold, storms, quakes, etc.)

                            Air Travel Accident* (Euphemism for PLANE CRASH)

                            Flood* (included also in Natural Forces above)

                            Legal Execution

                            Tornado* (included also in Natural Forces above)

                            Lightning Strike (included also in Natural Forces above)

                            Snake, Bee or other Venomous Bite or Sting*

                            Earthquake (included also in Natural Forces above)

                            Asteroid Impact*
                            1-in-200,000** Apophis bucks the odds as usual.

                            Tsunami* 1-in-500,000

                            Yet another thing to add to my perfectly reasonable (not in any way exhaustive) worry list:

                            Global warming.
                            Fate of coral reefs and the entire ocean ecosystem. (and thus the oxygen we seem to need)
                            Future for my daughter.
                            World war.
                            Nuclear disaster.
                            Bird Flu.
                            Apophis the A$$teroid.

                            Sam has to start a private sector corporation where off world tech is modified for earth good hehe.

                            Numbers are from the following article:
                            Last edited by tagger; 18 February 2007, 07:40 PM.
                            Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                            Quint Studer


                              Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                              Just a fly by post (similar to the one in the S/J thread)
                              The Samanda thread... I have had so much fun here since I joined last year! I'm gutted that I won't be able to hang out as much anymore.

                              Keep having fun, being supportive and loving, throwing in the odd off colour comment... all the things that make this thread special.

                              Oh, and PM me if you want my mailing address. Please send me postcards from around the world!

                              Lots of love, Eileen
                              Have a blast! Learn a ton! Drop us a note whenever you can, we'll be rootin' for you!

                              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                              I'm orf to the snowy wastes of Canada. I've finished packing and am having one last look around before I toddle off to the Ren at Heathrow ready for my flight tomorrow to Toronto.

                              Play nice, have fun and I'll try and catch up when I get back at the end of the month.

                              Be seeing you.

                              Kay aka Mumsey
                              Have a great trip!

                              Originally posted by astrogeologist View Post
                              Really enjoyed reading folks' answers to the 'Sam questions'
                              Carter. She was one of the very, very few female lead characters who was allowed to be a strong, positive female lead without being just the flunky sidekick to the lead alpha male.

                              She was a scientist who wasn't a geek (that stereotype is *waaaay* too overdone in the media. Not all of us trip over our shoelaces)

                              She was a competent female soldier without coming across as butch or a bit$h nor a feminist ball-buster.

                              She was nice. That's definitely important to me. And, I think it's AT's natural demeanor that created this side of Sam.

                              6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?

                              The whole team dymanic. Love the stories that pull the original team together, and that draw on the strengths of all of the four original members of the team.

                              10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)?

                              I loved them all - and most enjoyed how superbly AT pulled it off for Carter to have so many wonderful facets to her character and still come across as a stable, well-rounded, well-adjusted woman.

                              My favorite Sam is Solidly-Competent, Non-Arrogant Sam.
                              You-Can-Count-On-Me Sam

                              Also really enjoyed the bright, enthusiastic Sam of the early seasons.
                              Loved how it came across as a driving enthusiasm and exuberance for life.
                              Loved how it came across as a thirst for exploration.

                              But Pilot!Sam.... oooo... that just gives me a grin that goes from ear to ear and can't be wiped off right away. Jet jockey is *so* a male-dominated role. Usually the lead alpha male... so it's just *uber* cool when Carter is shown in the cockpit (front seat, please!)

                              Although it certainly does sound as if Carter/AT comes out a bit better in the second half of Season 10. [/SIZE][/spoilers]
                              YAY! Astro is playing!

                              YAY! Poz is here, too!

                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the great conversation and fun. I've had a helluva week and this has been great.
                              Hope this next week is better!
                              Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                              Quint Studer


                                Originally posted by suse View Post
                                Poor scifithinker. She got squeed. Squee you once shame on them, squee you twice shame on you.

                                There are clothing modifications available for incontinence of squee.
                                Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                                Quint Studer

