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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
    Okay I'm going to go back and edit my last post since Idid not word it very well - I'm going to blame jet lag for bad wording but
    Davdi H is not leaving - what I meant was that David H. said that Paul would be leaving this season
    That's what I understood all along, although going back to read it, I can see why people were confused.


      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
      Scari's a very prim and proper English gentlewoman... kinda like.... Mary Poppins???!
      Oh, it's a jelly holiday
      With Scari
      Scari makes your 'eart so light
      When the day is grey
      And ordinary
      Scari makes the sun shine bright!
      Oh Samminess is bloomin'
      All around 'er;
      The cider mills are churnin'
      Up above!
      When Scari 'olds your 'and
      You feel so grand
      Your 'eart starts thumpin'
      Under her command
      It's a jelly holiday with Scari
      No wonder it's Scari that we looooovvvve!

      Last edited by DEM; 22 November 2006, 06:30 AM.


        Happy Birthday Poz!!!
        I'm sending Jack with cake back to your house and you have to make sure he gets to Avalon on time! I hope you have a great birthday!!


          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          Ses, hun, actors (most actors worth their salt) are all too aware of the fact that many "viewers" (and the studio executives) view them as little more than meat at a market whose integrity (artistic and otherwise) is up for sale. The problem is that, no matter how much some viewers might think artists "get paid to take whatever they're given and like it", there are real people under those character masks. And real artists.

          The nature of an artist is to look for ways to evoke a response via their artform, to impart something of relevance. The fact that they might care about their character's integrity (in so much as they've crafted that character for years) is really not something that should be condemned because an artist needs to feel something in order to emote it. They need to care. An artist who doesn't care or who does anything they're told simply for a paycheque is not an artist. If Amanda did not care about Sam Carter's strength and integrity as a character, then Sam Carter would not be half of the fantastic, dynamic and unique character she is today.

          Your demand (as a viewer) is not uncommon, but it is (if you can forgive me for saying so) somewhat uninformed. Amanda has a tremendous sense of integrity as an artist, and whether her viewers always 'agree' with every one of her choices for Sam or not, that sense of integrity is what DOES make Samantha Carter shine on screen for us.

          I'm a shipper, myself. Not necessarily a hard-core shipper, but a shipper none the less. That doesn't mean I can't see the logic or the caring behind Amanda's (personal) ideals when it comes to the Carter character. Don't sell her short. She's a fantastic artist, and she's good people, too!


          Well, well said miniGeek! My sentiments also!

          Can't green you yet, it's been too soon since that lovely poster.

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            Happy Birthday Poz

            and it's so close to Turkey Day too

            my fanfic


              Happy Birthday Poz!!!
              Have a great day!!

              Also, happy thanksgiving for those in the US! I'm off to go take a test, and then I have to wait for my parents and then I'm off for home, so I won't be around until Sunday! If you're traveling, be safe and have a happy holiday!

              Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
              My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
              My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
              My Stargate Videos
              It's meant to be!


                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i've loving all these posts! i've already created an 'AT2' folder to save everything in.

                on a side note: i've got a fear of heights too, which really flairs up when i'm traveling over bridges. i can't imagine going skydiving... nope, too chickenyouknowwhat.
                I'm totally the same way. I've fought my fears of heights since I was a child and everyone's told me that if you face your fears they will eventually go away, but I have yet to have that happen. I was so freightened by heights, especially bridges, that I'd have panic attacks every time I went over one. I just remember crying uncontrollably and experiencing vertigo, like Amanda mentioned, every time I I went over one. I purposely chose a university in Salem, Oregon, because I knew it would require me to drive over the bridges in Portland nearly every weekend to visit my friends and family in Seattle. I had hoped it would help to lessen my phobias and while it did eventually get easier, they never completely went away. I know for me, just looking down at the Stargate was hard when I visited the set last March.

                But I suppose as an actress you do what you have to for the job. I just know that I have quit several jobs in the past that required me to do things that were excessively high up. I remember quitting one job I had gotten through a placement service after I found out it was on the thirty second floor of a downtown building that used a glass elevator. It just wasn't worth the stress every morning and I left another job that required me to walk along the catwalk of a huge warehouse in order to distribute daily reports. So I can totally respect Amanda for doing things like hanging from the rope all day in 2001 and the like, because it had to be difficult for her even if it wasn't as high up as it was portrayed on screen.

                Last edited by ForeverSg1; 22 November 2006, 06:39 AM.


                  Happy Birthday Poz!

                  If all this talk about having fun at a con keeps up I might end up at Shore leave 29 to hang with the fans!

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                    I've got a pic of her as she pointed with her index finger over Mitchell. Haven't downloaded both memory cards yet. (Only had enough energy when I got home around 8 p.m. to love the dogs up and get on here to prop my feet fully up!) Hope to get it downloaded tomorrow or sometime before the end of the weekend since things will get hectic when I get back to work next Monday.


                      Happy Birthday Poz!!!


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        that's one of the reasons why i wanted/want someone to ask amanda (or rick too) whether she sees the sam/jack storyline as a love story. i know i do, but that's because of eps like 'point of view' and 'divide and conquer' and '100 days' and 'grace' and 'threads' and etc. i've been *given* this impression.

                        but i'd still be curious what amanda (and rick) think of this. there's being the actors and doing their work, and then there's being the fan and *seeing* it played through (seeing each ep in sequence through the years). i saw a gentle love story.

                        Sally, I think you and several other people are misunderstanding what Amanda is saying. In my opinion, I think Amanda does look at the Sam/Jack story as a love story. There is no doubt in my mind that she believes that the characters love one another; however, what you and others fail to see is that not all love stories were meant to have a happy ending. There are people who fall in love every day who for one reason or another, never get together. There are people who get married and love each other deeply, but can not live with one other and end up divorcing. They may continue to be best friends afterwards and continue to love one another, but they simply choose not to do it as a couple.

                        I think this is how Amanda see's Sam and Jack. She sees the bond. She recognizes that they care very deeply for one another, but she also sees the UST and in her mind they would be best to just release that tension and move on. That does not make her right or wrong, but it is her opinion and she has the right to express it as much as the next person.

                        When Amanda is asked a question regarding S/J, she is giving her opinion regarding the characters, not Sam's. In fact, at Shore Leave, LOL4Jack asked Amanda a question regarding Sam/Jack and explicitly requested the answer to be from Sam and Amanda's response was very pro Sam/Jack, but that was Amanda answering a question the way she believed Sam would answer, not how she herself would answer. Also, there were several times during Gabit's Q&A where she made comments that were very pro Sam/Jack.

                        I seem to recall someone making a comment to Amanda about Sam and under her breath Amanda said Sam was thinking about something else and then quietly muttered 'Jack'.

                        So while people may not agree with Amanda's opinions, I think we should all try to remember that while she may be an actor doing a job, she is still entitled to express her own points of view.



                          Happy Birthday, Poz!


                            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                            Happy Birthday, Poz!
                            What she said!


                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                              Sally, I think you and several other people are misunderstanding what Amanda is saying. In my opinion, I think Amanda does look at the Sam/Jack story as a love story. There is no doubt in my mind that she believes that the characters love one another; however, what you and others fail to see is that not all love stories were meant to have a happy ending. There are people who fall in love every day who for one reason or another, never get together. There are people who get married and love each other deeply, but can not live with one other and end up divorcing. They may continue to be best friends afterwards and continue to love one another, but they simply choose not to do it as a couple.

                              I think this is how Amanda see's Sam and Jack. She sees the bond. She recognizes that they care very deeply for one another, but she also sees the UST and in her mind they would be best to just release that tension and move on. That does not make her right or wrong, but it is her opinion and she has the right to express it as much as the next person.

                              When Amanda is asked a question regarding S/J, she is giving her opinion regarding the characters, not Sam's. In fact, at Shore Leave, LOL4Jack asked Amanda a question regarding Sam/Jack and explicitly requested the answer to be from Sam and Amanda's response was very pro Sam/Jack, but that was Amanda answering a question the way she believed Sam would answer, not how she herself would answer. Also, there were several times during Gabit's Q&A where she made comments that were very pro Sam/Jack.

                              I seem to recall someone making a comment to Amanda about Sam and under her breath Amanda said Sam was thinking about something else and then quietly muttered 'Jack'.

                              So while people may not agree with Amanda's opinions, I think we should all try to remember that while she may be an actor doing a job, she is still entitled to express her own points of view.

                              And what she said!

                              OK, this is one of the best explanations of the issue that I've seen, so I had to quote the whole thing... Basically, the woman can't get a break from either side of the spectrum. Either she makes a pro-ship statement, and gets flack for it from the anti-Sam contingent, or she makes a decidedly "anti"-ship statement, and gets flack from the shippers. There's no way for her to state her position without wigging one side out.

                              It's like people don't want her to be honest, or even to say anything at all, if it means that she's going to say something that goes against their opinions or preferences.


                                Here's a question for our Gabiteers

                                Did anyone get to see an example ot the Spazz Dance

                                my fanfic

