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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SamCarterFan View Post
    Yeah I got a message too,

    I'm not quite sure what to do next, it said I'm on the beta team, are you guys too? or are you in other teams? it sounds extremely cool, but what now?

    yeah, i'm lost too.

    (and excited!)




      Originally Posted by Gate gal
      If your in the mood for a Sam in prison fic...
      Life by Shaz

      This is a long fic. It is S/J. I've only finished the first 4 parts, so I don't know if it is subtle or resolved. But, Scari, Sam has a shaved head, and Janet is alive.

      Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
      Thanks for the recommendation, really nice story.
      i can't find this fic. i find 'Wings of the Apocalypse', but not 'life'. i'm not used to live journal navigations, so help.




        shaz's LJ is called Life, i think that's where the confusion is
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          shaz's LJ is called Life, i think that's where the confusion is
          Yep, sorry.

          Speaking of which, I noticed that our Skydiver was in on that one with Shaz. She credits Skydiver before the first chapter.

          I still can't get anything but 'Get Flash Player' to pop up on the Sanctuary page (even though I downloaded a new flash player), so I guess I'll go to my mom's and sign up.


            i just helped shaz out ending it is all

            i think when i read it, she had it 95% done and was just stuck on the ending

            I think about all i can take credit for is the 'get a dog, sir' line
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              The Sam/Thor ship thread is above this thread and the Sam and Jack thread that thor must have more than we know about

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                The Sam/Thor ship thread is above this thread and the Sam and Jack thread that thor must have more than we know about
                He must have been listening to Amanda's Q & A at AT2 and bought that new car!

                It would take something like this....

                to make up for something like this....

                Of course, nothing compares to the real thing....


                  Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                  I've never understood the too-old or unable-to-conceive argument for Sam not having kids. It seems extremely unlikely that one of the SGC's advanced allies wouldn't be able to correct any problem.
                  Perhaps, but what advanced allies are we talking about? The Tok'ra? We haven't really heard from them since S8. The Tollan? Dead for all we know. The Jaffa? I would hardly consider them true allies and they aren't really technologically advanced. They possess much of the left over Gou'ald technology, but from information we have heard in season 9 & 10, the Jaffa really don't have the expertise to do much more than use it. Really the only true ally Earth has is the Asgard and I can't imagine Sam or the SGC asking for that kind of favor from them.

                  As far as Strix's comparison of Sam's desire to have a child in 2010, I see the difference being that in 2010 the Aschen had brought peace to the World. The war with the Gou'ald had ended. The SGC had been dismantled and Sam was finally free to think of a life outside of the U.S Air Force. Also in that Sam's world, cancer and anti-aging vaccinnes had been given out three years earlier. So in my opinion, the Sam in 2010 had no reason to prevent her from wanting to settle down and have a child.

                  And if our Sam suddenly found herself in this particular situation then perhaps she too would choose to have a child, but the way things currently are, i don't see that happening.
                  Last edited by ForeverSg1; 15 February 2007, 11:12 PM.


                    Long time no see, Sam group. I think I will give up now on trying to catch up with what I've missed.
                    Thanks for SIG to KIDWIZZ


                      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                      I don't have time to read every single post I've missed so I skimmed the last page. I'm such a cheat.
                      Anyways, this is one of those quick fly-by posts as I'm off to work soon And this is totally OT but I went to see Cats last night playing in Nottingham and I was on the first row!!!!!! Wow, it was amazing!

                      I can't see Sam retiring unless she reaches that age where she has no choice. Maybe she'll teach at the academy.

                      Oh cool...I have wanted to see Cats since it first came out aeons ago...maybe when I'm old and grey...hehe...glad you had a fab time!!
                      Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                      So nobody thinks that the physical toll of monthly whumpings and the stress of saving the planet on a routine basis would ever cause Sam to suffer burnout? Bodies age. Injuries add up. How many times can you get zatted before something bad happens to your brain and central nervous system?
                      We've seen that Sam wants kids, and I can absolutely see her cutting ties with the SGC if she ever has a family. I don't see her cutting ties with the Air Force, necessarily, and I don't see her ever entirely losing her scientific curiosity and love for learning. Teaching at the Academy might be a good fit. But as long as she's attached to the SGC, she will know that there's a good chance they will push and pull and drag her into some kind of dangerous situation, and I can absolutely see Sam putting her family first.
                      Yeah sure...I believe that...but I still think that she'd stay with the SGC as a consultant in way shape or other...I can't see her staying with the AF...I just can't picture her at home gardening or doing whatever it is that retired folks do...nope...I see Sam getting to bored and needing to work on some doohickey or...well something!!
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i too can see sam eventually cutting ties.
                      something will happen, be it good or bad, and she'll decide - kinda like i think amanda herself did - to heck with the job, i want a life.
                      I'm not gonna pry too deeply into amanda's life, but my personal feeling are, long about s6 she realized that - as much as she wanted a family - the show was gonna just keep going and going and going. So she said 'ok show, i'm gonna try and have a baby adn you'll just work around me for once'.
                      It took her almost 3 years to do it, but she did accomplish her goal and now has a pretty little girl.
                      I think sam will do the same thing. she will reach a point - i kinda think she was at that point at the beginning of the ori story - where she realizes that life won't wait for her and if she wants to live a life, she'll need to take steps to make it happen.

                      I do think she'll balance life at home and life at the sgc, but that she will happily give up gate hopping to have a family. she won't sever all ties, but she will find a balance that gives her as much of the 'best of both worlds' that she can manage
                      Same here...I can see her giving up gate travel but not on the scientific research side of things...can't see her back at Area 51 though...but at the SGC in a lab!
                      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                      Shippy Stuff:
                      I really wanted that to happen in the second movie, but that was before we found out that she'd be camping out on Atlantis for so long. So yeah, maybe in any future movies? And yes, I've gone back and forth with this, but I'd like her to be with Jack by then. There! I said it!
                      Me too...I think she will eventually...if they haven't already...IMHSM...
                      they are already for a family...I would like to think that in between missions...or rather seasons...Sam and Jack have a child...Grace...hehe...and it's not impossible...she could have had Grace by now and Jack is simply playing Mr Mom...which is why Sam seems so relaxed in season10...but that's probably my shippy wishful thinking...
                      I just don't like to count out the possibilty that Sam and Jack have a future together and kiddies as well...and I'm not just saying that coz I'm a shipper either...I just like to be....positive in these all I'm saying!!
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      see, i CAN see sam going rogue. But it'd have to be one heck of a reason. Like back in s1 and apophis attacking earth. or like fifth man, where jack was trapped, something life and death.

                      They've ignored the jolinar aspect, but i think if the threat was great enough that her contacts couldn't protect her (the prez, jack, hammy, kerrigan, etc) that she'd seek refuge off world for her and her family

                      for her to seek shelter from corruption, it's have to be insurrmountable. Trnt spoilers
                      that was the bad thing about trnt. they never took things that one step too far to push sam over the edge. so, she'd fight within the system, until the stakes got too high, then she'd fight outside the system.

                      for her to leave and go rogue? in that episode she'd have to know that jack had been murdered or cassie or something just as dire.

                      sam DOES have it in her to go rogue. I've made her do it in fic, so i can see it happening obviously. but the impetus has to be something big and earth shattering and life altering to so totally tick her off that she doesn't care anymore
                      Yeah...sometimes I can see Sam going rogue...especially when reading a fic along those lines...but...I really don't want to see that eventuate...that would mean a lot of bad stuff would have to happen to Sam...and as much as I like Sam Whump...that would just be too much for me!
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      my point about jolinar would be if it would make sam a target. before they gave up the storyline, the nid was always trying to get its hands on sam or teal'c to 'study' them.

                      the threat of the nid COULD possibly drive sam away from Earth. Fear for her own survivial and nowhere to turn to could send her out on her own
                      I can see that!!
                      Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                      lol! aw... this is so cute. Bless the shippers
                      Hallowed are the Sam/Jack Shippers!!!
                      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                      Hey, crumbs can taste like caviar when you're starving to death.

                      I admit, I choose to believe that scenario, myself.

                      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                      Everybody got an email - I don't believe they know quite what they intend to do just yet, but they're hoping to craft a plan as they go along, "interactively" with viewers, as it were. Interesting.
                      I didn't get one...maybe I should re try it...

                      Wow cool...I caught up in less than 2 hours...a new record for me!!!
                      I'm gonna try to get to bed early tonight (D'oH...just realized it's already after 9pm) coz I'll have to be up at 5am if I want to go to AT club for Amanda's chat session...Niki and Tom want me to wake them up too...hehe...I don't think so...besides....I'll be going back to bed for a nap afterwards coz I have to work this weekend...D'oH!!!
                      Goodnight Samandans...take care, be safe and stay happy...and hug your loved ones...especially after they make you coffee and breaky and take the kids to school so you can sleep in...did I ever tell you how much I love my man??...hehe...he was talking about going to the Concrete convention in Vegas again tonight...of course I reminded him about AT3 and AT4...he didn't argue back...things are looking better...yeehaa!!!
                      Night all!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Sam and kids....

                        I guess when I wrote my retirement post the picture I had in my head was the even if Sam didn't have her own children she would still be in the surrogate mother role to Cassie and a surrogate grandmother role to Cassie's children by her late 60's.

                        During the earlier years of Stargate it was clear Sam was focused on her career but Grace for me signalled that she was starting to look at her life like many of us do and wonder if there was something else she missing; whether she should have more balance between her career and her personal life...hence the decision to go on the blind date with Pete.

                        Does that mean she's trying for children *now*? Probably not given she's on the frontline with the war with the Ori. I agree with ForeverSG1 that 2010 Sam had been married and settled for a while on a peaceful planet that wasn't in a state of war (or at least knowingly ) and so her desire to have children wasn't being weighed against her duty to save the world. And so I tend to think Sam now would wait until she was in a non-combatant role before she attempted to have children...but I don't think that means she doesn't want them.

                        And (spoilers for movie)

                        Since the first movie is supposed to be the end of the Ori arc presumably there will be peace in the galaxy which will allow Sam the opportunity to think about having children within the next couple of years which actually fits in nicely with the 2010 timeframe...
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          Sam and going rogue...

                          I think Sam is perfectly capable of going rogue if she believed the safety of the planet or the safety of her team or others was at stake...even though she usually prefers to play by the rules.

                          Let's not forget Sam has disobeyed orders before; in S1 finale when she went off to save the world from Apophis; S3 opener when she went back for Jack; Ascension when she ran through the Stargate after Orlin...

                          Given the right set of circumstances I think Sam (especially with almost 10 years of working with SG1) would go 'rogue'.

                          However, I can't see her turning 'evil' unless she was affected by outside influences - alien virus, possessed by an alien/ghost, brainwashed, etc
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                            Sam and going rogue...

                            However, I can't see her turning 'evil' unless she was affected by outside influences - alien virus, possessed by an alien/ghost, brainwashed, etc
                            I agree -- I can't see Sam turning evil (although I don't think that going rogue is necessarily evil) w/o outside influences. I think it would have been interesting to explore Sam's turning evil too see if Replicater was correct in her assumptions about Sam. Considering the damage Sam could do with all her knowledge, she would have been a force to be reckoned.

                            OK - now I'll go back to finding captions to post

                            Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post

                              As far as Strix's comparison of Sam's desire to have a child in 2010, I see the difference being that in 2010 the Aschen had brought peace to the World. The war with the Gou'ald had ended.
                              she was also married and likely had Joe wanting kids. thus it became a 'mission'.

                              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                              Sam and going rogue...

                              I think Sam is perfectly capable of going rogue if she believed the safety of the planet or the safety of her team or others was at stake...even though she usually prefers to play by the rules.


                              However, I can't see her turning 'evil' unless she was affected by outside influences - alien virus, possessed by an alien/ghost, brainwashed, etc

                              if she'd go rogue, it'd be for the 'right' reasons. Kinda like maybourne, shockingly enough. She would go rogue because the mission demanded it, because the goal would be something that she just couldn't accomplish on her own and iwthin the rules, so has to step outside the rules for the 'greater good'
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                I really think, as far as having kids is concerned (for Sam) it would be a matter of who she was partnered with, combined with situational motivators. I guess I can see her becoming pregnant unexpectedly and being surprised, but coming to be very excited and committed about it.

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

