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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    I'm really, REALLY excited about Sanctuary.

    In terms of hair, I think it's a wise move. There are already a lot of people going "But she's always gonna be Sam Carter", in a way the physical aspect of dark hair will be a visual reminder that it ISN'T Sam Carter. We all know that Amanda's acting talent is strong enough for her not to do that, but some people get put off by the fact that this actor has been on our screen as Carter for ten years and they may find it difficult to see her as someone else. I honestly think the hair is a smart move in this respect, especially as they ARE trying to appeal to Stargate and genre fans.
    Maybe I'm just biased because I prefer the blonde, but it seems like an unnecessary change. If the character were blonde but significantly different from Sam in terms of personality and other traits, would anyone really be confusing her with Sam? In terms of visual clues, I'd think the length would be enough to differentiate her.

    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    If the show is available from an official source worldwide, it may eliminate some of that underground downloading business that goes on and makes it so hard for some shows.
    I'm just curious; is there documented, causal evidence that shows have been hurt by downloading? Do you know what shows?


      personally i cant wait! Its a darey move to have an internet series however if it pulls off it could be an excellent move for her career. Its some times weird seeing you fav character as someone else but amanda has the talent to over come that so we dont look at the screen and think oh thats sam/amanda. We will look and see the character that she plays

      edited to add

      TJ it looks like we think the same way i swear i posted before i saw your post!!!

      Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

      Help me get to film school

      One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
        I've also always enjoyed my heroes when they're flawed. I agree with you. Not to mention that a greater social awareness of the darker side of 'good' has been growing in cultural Zeitgeist over the past few years - I wouldn't be surprised to see new series' begin to delve more deeply into those sorts of grey areas. I'd be happy for it, too.
        that's why i love batman and can't stand superman. I need flaws,and sups is so 'white bread' that he's boring. even in stargate, maybourne was just a run of the mill 'baddie of the week' until chain reaction and he had another side adn THEN he got intriguing

        Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
        Amanda looks older, more mature as a brunette and there's something dark about her. Maybe she's not a hero, or at least not a conventional one. BTW I loved Replicarter. Too bad TPTBs dismissed her so easily.
        I too miss replicarter. I think an arc with her was a huge missed opportunity. as to the hair, well maybe she does want to make a stand that's not 'oh, look, it's carter'.

        it could also be symbollic of a darkness in the character

        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        AT's hair for Sanctuary is freaking me out.
        edit: but I think it's probably good for her to have a new look for this new character.

        I think it is. doesn't freak me out personally, but that's me
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          I saw a report on Fox News the other day about the emergence of online video as being something the industry is starting to take note of. For instance, they showed this one video from YouTube that has had over 30 million views. Networks have been posting content on their too because they see the potential of this trend.

          Now the purpose of the article was to focus on the fact that the people at the head of You Tube are working on a way to compensate people who submit videos...

          ...but the bigger issue, to me at least, is that a lot of people are beginning to get a better idea of the value of delivering media content online.

          In fact, I also remember a report about a few guys who did a pilot for a tv show...which was rejected. So they posted it on You Tube and became a raging success; so much so that they're now having studios contact them about putting their show on tv after all.

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by 1speed4Sam View Post

            Strix varia – come on down!!!

            Congratulations, you’re our first contestant on the exciting new gameshow “Where is Hugo’s tail?”

            In this spin-off from Coley’s much-missed request show on Radio Samanda, contestants have to use their skill and judgement to decide exactly where the missing body part should appear in the picture, and draw it in.

            Prizes may be awarded for accuracy, artistic merit, and/or amusement value.
            I think it was tucked over his privates. Don't want that area cold!!!

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Amanda Tapping, from season 1, made Carter a real person. Maybe the writers went over top quite a few times, but AT pulled them all off. She is not only a fantatic actress, she is one of the most caring, loving and generous people I've ever met. Anyone who has "issues" with either her or her character, perhaps need to reassess their lives. Why can't we support those who have not had the advantantages many of us were lucky to have?

              I am not writing this to hurt anyone, I am trying to show you that genius is not gender bound, of those blessed with superior intelligence, many have compassion, and act on it. Trust me, I know.
              On fighting:
              Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
              Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                I don't know, I'm not against a paranormal series, personally. There's a lot of room to play. I'm pretty excited about seeing where they're headed with this, regardless. I don't think I can honestly say there's any direction I'm hoping they don't go - based on the imagery we've seen thus far which is admittedly spartan - I think the promise is substantially different than what we've been used to no matter how you slice it. And that - to me - is exciting in and of itself.

                Just my personal preferences. I work in a bookstore. The whole paranormal thing was never my shtick anyway and it's taken over both the science fiction/fantasy AND romance sections. I have zero interest in it. I've tried. Does nothing for me.

                But I don't mind substantially different at all. From my persepective different is *not* doing paranormal.

                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                  I'm the opposite. This is cool... something that entertainment history might look back on as the beginning of a major shift in how programs are produced and delivered to an audience. It's potentially groundbreaking. It's risky, no doubt, an investment of time, energy, and money that they have no guarantee will pay off. But I could imagine that it's new, and different, and exciting for those involved.

                  Edited to add: I bet a lot of people in the industry will be watching to see how this plays out, too.

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    as to movies/oscars/golden globes....vancouver is not hollywood. And as talented as she is, she's not one of the 'in' crowd there.

                    I dont' know her anywhere near personally, but if i had to make a guess, i'd think she'd rather stay in vancouver with her friends and famioly and have a good career, than trot down to hollywood and be 'just another actor' in that dog eat dog atmosphere.
                    If she were part of the L.A. 'in' crowd, I probably wouldn't be here. She's real. Yes, she's brilliant in her craft, but she isn't all ego.
                    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                    I've also always enjoyed my heroes when they're flawed. I agree with you. Not to mention that a greater social awareness of the darker side of 'good' has been growing in cultural Zeitgeist over the past few years - I wouldn't be surprised to see new series' begin to delve more deeply into those sorts of grey areas. I'd be happy for it, too.
                    Oh, that is so true! As much as I love SG-1 (and it is my ABSOLUTE favorite), the characters sometimes feel too good. I usually prefer to see flawed characters. BSG and E.R. do great jobs with this concept. Even my favorite characters on those shows are sometimes my least favorites, because their many flaws are showing.
                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    I'm just hoping it doesn't go the paranormal route. I don't like it in my books and I certainly don't on my TV (in this case computer). I was worried when I saw the front page of the site.

                    I really hope the post-apocalyptic scenario is right. AT as a freedom fighter/voice of hope in a world of chaos. That I could deal with.

                    Yeah, paranormal isn't exactly a favorite of mine, either. When it is done well then it is o.k., but it is so easy to go over the top. I do have full confidence in this team though, so I'll give it a try even if it is paranormal. I think this group of people have the potential to do it well.

                    My lights will definitely be on and the kids out of the room the first time hubby and I watch this one...just in case. I really can't wait!


                      Originally Posted by suse
                      I'm just hoping it doesn't go the paranormal route. I don't like it in my books and I certainly don't on my TV (in this case computer). I was worried when I saw the front page of the site.

                      I really hope the post-apocalyptic scenario is right. AT as a freedom fighter/voice of hope in a world of chaos. That I could deal with.
                      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                      Yeah, paranormal isn't exactly a favorite of mine, either. When it is done well then it is o.k., but it is so easy to go over the top. I do have full confidence in this team though, so I'll give it a try even if it is paranormal. I think this group of people have the potential to do it well.

                      My lights will definitely be on and the kids out of the room the first time hubby and I watch this one...just in case. I really can't wait!
                      Same here. I'll try it. It is a good team whose previous work I've liked.

                      I also wouldn't mind her character being a bad. guy Or at least seriously flawed (and not in the SG-1 Mitchell sense). I didn't even think of the character that way. Would be though.

                      Speculation can be fun! I'd forgotten that.

                      Now I have twothree things entertainment-wise to speculatle about. This new show, AT on Atlantis (though that's more a wait and see) and Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows on July 21 . Time to reread! ::I'm so excited! I just can't hide it!::

                      Last edited by suse; 01 February 2007, 11:57 AM. Reason: added date
                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Amanda is famous but too famous, I hope that it remains that way. if she becomes too famous then she won't have the time for her fans anymore like the ATconventions. the way things are now I like better. when she still has the time for us!!! which I love!
                        : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
                        Geeky : Oh brother...
                        : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

                        Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


                          Originally posted by suse View Post
                          Same here. I'll try it. It is a good team whose previous work I've liked.

                          I also wouldn't mind her character being a bad. guy Or at least seriously flawed (and not in the SG-1 Mitchell sense). I didn't even think of the character that way. Would be though.

                          Speculation can be fun! I'd forgotten that.

                          Now I have twothree things entertainment-wise to speculatle about. This new show, AT on Atlantis (though that's more a wait and see) and Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows. Time to reread! ::I'm so excited! I just can't hide it!::

                          The newest Harry Potter book is out? Yikes, I guess I better hurry up and read that last one. I'm so behind on reading. I have like seven books sitting on my shelf collecting dust.


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                            The newest Harry Potter book is out? Yikes, I guess I better hurry up and read that last one. I'm so behind on reading. I have like seven books sitting on my shelf collecting dust.

                            Book 7 will be out July 21. Don't feel bad. I'm still on Book 4.


                              I am not better, because I have not read book five yet.


                                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                                I also want to say that I loved Replicator Sam too! And I think that Amanda is such a versatile actress that Villain could really work, especially on a darker show, like the way Sanctuary seems to be.

                                Maybe she could be one of those characters you think are good but a little misunderstood but then turns out to be pure evil!

                                Or maybe the other way around--she seems to be evil but is really not--maybe both sides, evil and good will be ambiguous which would be intriguing. I can't wait!!

                                Amanda with dark hair doesn't look like Sam because she actually feels like this new character--which just shows what an excellent actor she is! I'm very impressed. That picture tells a whole new character--that's why folks didn't recognize her right away.


