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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    Where as I can see oodles of chemistry between Amanda and Rick but bugger all between Sam and Jack.

    Still, it would all be dull if we all liked the same thing, and fannish friends who's opinions I value in every other way see it differently to me on this, it's so subjective, so we just agree to differ.

    In fan fic I am an absolute sucker for Sam & Daniel freindship fics, turns me into a smiling, gooey mess every time. And I'm pretty fond of Sam & Teal'c fics too.
    Though, as was discussed previously, good Sam gen fic is in horribly short supply, which is why I enjoy it so much when I find it.

    Totally agree, which is why it really saddened me when the writers tried to actually write chemistry between S/J because in my opinion they ruined the spark that Amanda and Rick brought to the characters on their own.

    I don't necessarily hate S/J together, I just hate bad writing, be it in fic or on the show -- and I just think Sam has been written rather poorly at times in order to justify the ship.

    I really don't have an issue with Sam/? in fanfic as long as it's AU, but it really bothers me when fans write stories and suggest that their pairing is canon in any way or they make so much of the story revolve around the relationship that Sam is completely lost or weakened. I really prefer generic Sam stories, but like you said, there is very little quality gen-Sam fic out there. Perhaps because most writers who enjoy Sam see her as the other half of a pairing, be it Jack, Janet, Daniel, Cameron or what-have-you. There are very few writers who seem to be capable of really writing Sam as a strong character if the story doesn't involve romance, but there are a few.

    Which is why I also tend to read AU fics more often than not, because at least then I can justify Sam being with these other people romantically and many of the authors have been very good at not writing Sam as the girl in the process.


      Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
      Totally agree, which is why it really saddened me when the writers tried to actually write chemistry between S/J because in my opinion they ruined the spark that Amanda and Rick brought to the characters on their own.
      Early Sam and Jack I loved, Solitudes is one of my favourite Stargate episodes. When it became, in my opinion, forced, when RDA stopped playing into it and started to look uncomfortable, then I didn't like it. And when they started sacrificing Sam's character in the name of it, I hated it.

      Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
      I don't necessarily hate S/J together, I just hate bad writing, be it in fic or on the show -- and I just think Sam has been written rather poorly at times in order to justify the ship.
      But it's not just Sam, they are doing the same thing now with Daniel over Vala and I dislike it just as much.



        ARGH! Ever since that last forum upgrade a month or two ago, I keep getting booted out of here at work. Usually don't even try to come here because even just surfing the forum it closes the IE window and gives me the box asking if I'd like to report the problem to MS..... And it only happens here at GW; no other sites... Had everyone's posts quoted and it booted me out.... will try to answer and do this once before it decides to close down again!

        My background: I started watching SG-1 off/on summer ’03 and got seriously into it that fall/winter and to me back then and for a very long time thereafter Sam/Dan were very brother/sisterly (if a very *hawt* looking bro/sis!) and S/J ship was the icing on my little SG-1 cupcake. But over time, through the changes to the show that TPTB wrought as well as reading, and then starting to write fanfiction, I slowly became more open to other ship pairings, especially in well-written fanfic (*coughs* and not just of the smut variety...).

        I think I was helped along in becoming more open in my own SG ship views by the lengthy discussions here in the spring about Sam and her ships and eveyone’s likes/dislikes. It gave me a nudge to think hard about the Sam/Dan ship and how it could work out (since my mind was like many of yours – S/J all the way! ) in a fan fic; i.e. what would possibly push them past a really good friendship. And the muse hit hard....

        Like KatG said - especially during the early days of the character's SG-1 careers and their personalities/roles not being so much set in stone, it is easier to see a ship sneak up on S & D (at least that's where I came from this time!).

        Originally posted by Frostfox
        Still, it would all be dull if we all liked the same thing, and fannish friends who's opinions I value in every other way see it differently to me on this, it's so subjective, so we just agree to differ.
        *nods* Amongst my GW friends I count people who have different fav characters, ship pairings (or none at all) and everyone respects the others' right to their opinions (even if we may good-naturedly rib one another about a particular choice on occasion), so it's a very good thing to have all that diversity!
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          Ha! Thus proving that Mandy and her cousin WERE in fact at the AT2 PINK PARTY in London....
          Am I the only one who finds the sudden invasion of our thread by scantily clad rodents just a tad bit disturbing?

          My LJ


            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
            Early Sam and Jack I loved, Solitudes is one of my favourite Stargate episodes. When it became, in my opinion, forced, when RDA stopped playing into it and started to look uncomfortable, then I didn't like it. And when they started sacrificing Sam's character in the name of it, I hated it.

            But it's not just Sam, they are doing the same thing now with Daniel over Vala and I dislike it just as much.


            My LJ


              Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
              Am I the only one who finds the sudden invasion of our thread by scantily clad rodents just a tad bit disturbing?
              Ha! What does the well dressed rodent wear?
              Did these find their way out of the Royal Forest and into the Royal Liquor Cabinet, do you think? They seem a bit, well, odd...


                OMG!!!! My (fairly newly hired) boss just came into my office, looked at my bulletin board, and commented that Amanda Tapping was one of his favorite actors.

                "I just love Stargate," he said.

                I stared at him, thinking, I'm hallucinating. I MUST be hallucinating.

                "Sam is my favorite character, but I think my son likes her even more than I do."

                *blink, blink*


                My LJ


                  Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                  OMG!!!! My (fairly newly hired) boss just came into my office, looked at my bulletin board, and commented that Amanda Tapping was one of his favorite actors.

                  "I just love Stargate," he said.

                  I stared at him, thinking, I'm hallucinating. I MUST be hallucinating.

                  "Sam is my favorite character, but I think my son likes her even more than I do."

                  *blink, blink*

                  Are you going to direct him over here

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                    ...<snip> Though, as was discussed previously, good Sam gen fic is in horribly short supply, which is why I enjoy it so much when I find it.
                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    ...<snip> I long for good real gen sam fic. Stuff where she's more than someone's girl friend...
                    This is why the Sam ficathon was such a cool thing. It was wonderful to read so much Sam genfic there - much of it good, too, and some of it very good. I still haven't read all of them!

                    LiveJournal link in case anyone doesn't know

                    Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                    OMG!!!! My (fairly newly hired) boss just came into my office, looked at my bulletin board, and commented that Amanda Tapping was one of his favorite actors.

                    "I just love Stargate," he said.

                    I stared at him, thinking, I'm hallucinating. I MUST be hallucinating.

                    "Sam is my favorite character, but I think my son likes her even more than I do."

                    *blink, blink*

                    Woo hoo hooo hooo hooooo!


                      Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                      OMG!!!! My (fairly newly hired) boss just came into my office, looked at my bulletin board, and commented that Amanda Tapping was one of his favorite actors.

                      "I just love Stargate," he said.

                      I stared at him, thinking, I'm hallucinating. I MUST be hallucinating.

                      "Sam is my favorite character, but I think my son likes her even more than I do."

                      *blink, blink*

                      Woo! Go Strix! Isn't it funny how cool it feels to find people who enjoy the show and Sam as much as you do? It's a bit like being a secret society with secret handshakes. When you finally meet someone who knows what your talking about it, it's a bit of a rush.


                        Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                        Woo! Go Strix! Isn't it funny how cool it feels to find people who enjoy the show and Sam as much as you do? It's a bit like being a secret society with secret handshakes. When you finally meet someone who knows what your talking about it, it's a bit of a rush.
                        That is very cool, Strix! I agree with Kat, there are days I think Stargate is a really well kept secret here in Canada. Especially because they air reruns of it every day all day long, yet so few people I run into have actually ever seen it. Strix, tell your boss we'll save him a seat!

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                          Woo! Go Strix! Isn't it funny how cool it feels to find people who enjoy the show and Sam as much as you do? It's a bit like being a secret society with secret handshakes. When you finally meet someone who knows what your talking about it, it's a bit of a rush.
                          I am fighting the urge to do a little tap dance in my office.

                          Hmmmm... I have carpet, no one would know, right?

                          My LJ


                            Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                            I am fighting the urge to do a little tap dance in my office.

                            Hmmmm... I have carpet, no one would know, right?
                            WE would. Got a webcam? LOL

                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Just as a sidebar...

                              In the last couple of pages, I've seen the words "slut" and "bugger." I'm pretty sure I've seen "damn" and "****" get by the filter as well. Does the filter catch anything other than words that start with b or f? Not that I'm opposed to reading these words; they just don't seem to be very PG to me.

                              *glad not to have kiddies reading over my shoulder*

                              *just observing-not advocating change*

                              Then again, I read the phrase "double negative" here too, so I know all bets are off.

                              Edit: Apparently I'm wrong about one of these words.

                              In memory of Deejay.
                              May we all be so well loved.


                                I don't really like fic focusing on just one character. Like if the fic is all about Sam, but I don't see the rest of the team...most of the time I lose interest. Isn't that horrible?

                                I LOVE team fics. I LOVE Jack/Sam fics. I LOVE them combined. Like Rachel's 'Pond With No Fish'-great team interaction, but some ship as well. Or Astro's "Whatever It Takes.' Awesome. In both of these fics Sam came off as extremely competent and her own person and the teamwork was there, but there was that ship element that I love so much. (Shameless shipper here!)

                                I love Sam/Daniel friendship fics-I've even written one. Teal'c/Sam friendship! So sweet. Okay, okay...I have to rec a fic... Here. Awesome story that focuses on Sam, but has team and subtle ship in it. One of my favs.

