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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
    I agree with you. She's extremely competent and very articulate in those regards. But it's difficult to be an EP. No matter how tremendous you are, you simply cannot please everybody. Every show ever done has had fractured feelings from time to time amidst its fan following, and should Amanda's new project take off (crossed fingers for her!), that series will likewise have its trials and tribulations with fans. Fans in general tend to blame the writers, producers and networks for their woes far more often than they blame the actors (rightfully so in most all instances), but the fact remains no matter how great a series is or how great Amanda's work may be on this new endeavour, there's always going to be SOMETHING that people will find to winge about. Seems to me that is the nature of fan followings, especially online.
    Absolutely right.

    I think it's a given she'll get crap no matter what she does. But then she's a big girl who knows the industry and what makes fandom tick...

    And of course there's the fact that she knows she has us.

    She knows she can come to her fans and she'll hear the truth as we feel it. If and when we don't like something she says or does, she'll get an honest critique from us. We don't pull our punches...but we also I think are fair and we'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

    When she's being unfairly treated, she'll get virtual hugs from all of us who support her.

    Looking above to the line where I wrote just now that she knows the industry and knows how fandom ticks...I don't know why anyone would want the type of work that she does. I guess some people are made a certain way that they can handle all the crap dished out to them. And then when she's on dished-out-crap overload, she knows she has our love and support.

    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
      Bless Mandy’s poor heart she has agreed to Beta read if and when I get it finished. By they way aren’t you supposed to be sending a fic of your own my way?
      it's getting there, perhaps I should send you what I have done so far

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        it's getting there, perhaps I should send you what I have done so far
        Send it on over! I may send you the first two chapters that I have so far and some of my ideas.
        Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 04 December 2006, 12:55 PM.


          Hi guys

          I've just finished reading the last few pages of posts, man u guys type fast!!!!
          I also think Rick should be in the last few episodes of S10, as he helped make the show what it is today. I haven't read the spoilers about the kiss but I don't think it will be between J/S because that would mean TPTB were listening to fans (I know ship isn't for everyone)

          I don't know if I'm ready for stargate to end but if it has to end i hope TPTB can at least end it properly.I'll miss seeing the cast/characters every week and I'll really miss AT/Sam.But like everyone else on Samanda I will be following Amanda with whatever she does next.I know being Amanda she will do it well.

          Does anyone know if Amanda's new project will air in the U.K?

          Rick's pics are fantastic, I think I need to join the gutter girls if there is any room lol!

          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            it's getting there, perhaps I should send you what I have done so far
            what do I need to stalk you some more for your fic?!? Cause just ask then eh


              Talking of fic, I managed to post my Jack chapter of Shattered last night. I really should do a Sam chapter of the briefing, but I haven't really felt able to do it. I don't know whether the Sam chapter would actually add anything in this instance, I don't know. I am, however, halfway through the Teal'c chapter, so that's good. WOOOOHOOOOOOOO.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                I believe the words Amanda used on stage at AT2 (re: Sam and Jack getting together) were (that they hadn't yet) ... "and they probably never will." After which she looked a bit contrite and added. "Maybe." That leads me to believe they didn't film anything vis-a-vis Sam and Jack by the end of Season Ten. Either that or Amanda was intentionally trying to misdirect everyone about it (big if). Given the flagrant Vaniel Arc on SG-1 since Season Nine began, I tend to doubt we'll see anything else even remotely hinted at on screen prior to the movies - where Sam and Jack are concerned.

                You are probably right Mini

                *feels depressed, shakes fist at tptb and goes to read shippy fanfic*


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                  what do I need to stalk you some more for your fic?!? Cause just ask then eh
                  I'm writing, I'm writing

                  Please give scari back her whip

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                    You don't want to be my friend?! *sniffs*

                    I don't bite much! Honest. Ask Spazzy... she only has like three two visible scars from AT2.......

                    Make that four. On the flight back home the stewardess noticed another one I had missed, and nearly made a really big scene.


                      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                      Sorry, end of rant. I know there are plenty of nonshippers/antishippers on the thread, so I hope I didn't offend any of you. If so, I appologize in advance.
                      I've been carefully avoiding spoilers, so I'm blissfully unoffended.

                      I keep saying I need to take a break from this site, "you're really a bit addicted, jckfan," I say but then I stop in and it's talk of RDA and his ski boots (ahem) & how can I stay away? You guys are priceless.

                      I see MS has a few movies coming out on Lifetime. Good for him, but I want Amanda movies. Or guest star tv spots. That wouldn't be as big a time commitment as a film far away from her family. (listen to me plan AT's career ) Of course, who knows what will happen with this project she may be producing.


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                        Also, re: RDA being in the last few eps... That's not really a possibility is it? I so wish it were, but they probably would've blabbed about that long ago, right? *maintains skepticism* I want RDA in the last episodes for no reason except that he's one of the originals, and should be there to see the show to the end. Once again, I'm supremely bitter about the fact that they wasted his time on Atlantis episodes. :: opens old wounds ::
                        It would be appalling if RDA isn't in the final episode. And, like you said, it makes his wasted appearances on Atlantis all the more bitter. That's not to say that RDA was bad; he totally owned The Return II and turned it into a Jack episode. But having Jack O'neill away from Carter, Daniel, and Teal'c was crappy decision making. Anyway, I'm not completely ready to throw in the towel on Jack showing up in the finale. Not just yet, anyway. I do think that if he was in the episode, then it could indeed be kept quiet, especially given how tightly the clamps are down right now. There is very little information about the last few episodes, and what there is has come from actor comments.

                        Eh, maybe I'm just deluding myself (ok, further deluding myself) that TPTB are still intent on doing some things "right". But, RDA was up in Vancouver during the final week of filming. And it does sort of seem odd for him to be there at that specific time and not show up for the last SG-1 episode ever.

                        There is also this post here. I'm not saying that I believe any of it or that it's reliable. Anyone in Canada subscribe to the Vancouver Sun?


                          Originally posted by golfbooy View Post
                          It would be appalling if RDA isn't in the final episode. And, like you said, it makes his wasted appearances on Atlantis all the more bitter. That's not to say that RDA was bad; he totally owned The Return II and turned it into a Jack episode. But having Jack O'neill away from Carter, Daniel, and Teal'c was crappy decision making. Anyway, I'm not completely ready to throw in the towel on Jack showing up in the finale. Not just yet, anyway. I do think that if he was in the episode, then it could indeed be kept quiet, especially given how tightly the clamps are down right now. There is very little information about the last few episodes, and what there is has come from actor comments.
                          That may be what TPTB are afraid of, that having Jack around could take focus away from whoever they have decided to devote the finale to - Vaniel or HewoMitchell - and also that Jack's bond with his team and the way they mesh so well together will show up how poor a job was done integrating the shiny new characters.

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                            That may be what TPTB are afraid of, that having Jack around could take focus away from whoever they have decided to devote the finale to - Vaniel or HewoMitchell - and also that Jack's bond with his team and the way they mesh so well together will show up how poor a job was done integrating the shiny new characters.
                            Got it in one.


                              Originally posted by golfbooy
                              Eh, maybe I'm just deluding myself (ok, further deluding myself) that TPTB are still intent on doing some things "right". But, RDA was up in Vancouver during the final week of filming. And it does sort of seem odd for him to be there at that specific time and not show up for the last SG-1 episode ever.

                              There is also this post here. I'm not saying that I believe any of it or that it's reliable. Anyone in Canada subscribe to the Vancouver Sun?
                              I've heard this theory before, and I so want to get my hopes up for it, however mildly, simply because it would be just wrong to end the series without all four of the original actors there (and throwing in DSD would've been an added bonus). But I can't help but feel that SciFi and/or Bridge would've let it "slip" not long after the cancellation was announced, so there would be no question about it later on. I guess they could figure they have months and months to let it out of the bag as what would definitely be the best kept secret in Stargate history.

                              Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                              That may be what TPTB are afraid of, that having Jack around could take focus away from whoever they have decided to devote the finale to - Vaniel or HewoMitchell - and also that Jack's bond with his team and the way they mesh so well together will show up how poor a job was done integrating the shiny new characters.
                              I definitely agree with this assessment. And the proof is easily identified with who they're keeping for the films. Whoever is the focus in the finale will most definitely be a focus in the films, imo. For one thing, I believe someone mentioned here that Ben Browder said that TPTB definitely wanted him (them? CB, too?) in the movies. RDA said he hasn't been approached. If it really is an "either/or" thing with them - and let's face it, it's ALWAYS an "either/or" thing with them - then that would probably preclude RDA from being asked. Couple that with suse's observation last week about Gekko potentially being dismantled... I'm not sure if that's been discussed again or not. Is Gekko still around? Everything just seems a bit... off.

                              No matter how hard TPTB try to make THIS combination of a team gel, I feel like the ending to the series isn't going to feel "right". And judging by the way things have been handled over the past two years, I would not be surprised if RDA was conspicuously absent from this occasion which, I think, was even more important than being available for the 200th episode.


                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                                No matter how hard TPTB try to make THIS combination of a team gel, I feel like the ending to the series isn't going to feel "right". And judging by the way things have been handled over the past two years, I would not be surprised if RDA was conspicuously absent from this occasion which, I think, was even more important than being available for the 200th episode.
                                I agree. Part of the reason for that is that TPTB seem to be completely and utterly determined to ignore any part of the show's history that doesn't suit their purpose, which I think is a huge mistake on their parts. Jack was a part of the show, a very important part, for eight seasons, plus the original movie. He's one of the foundation stones. Mitchell will have been there for two seasons, some of that as wallpaper, and Vala for about one and a half seasons altogether when the DVD movies are made. Presumably, they'll each be about two hours long, the length of three episodes, so there is enough time to give all the current cast, together with Jack a decent-sized role to play, should TPTB so choose. It needn't be a case of one or the other.

                                I think it would be a very bad move to think of the finale, or of either of the movies as in need of a star. Let them be about the original SG-1, and about the new members of SG-1 (sadly, I think it's probably too much to hope to see Jonas again).

                                Even if TPTB think of it purely in business terms, they need to remember that it isn't a case of people already paying for a channel. The movies will be something they'll have to seek and pay for. A movie that has something to appeal to Jack fans, Sam fans, Teal'c fans, Daniel fans, Mitchell fans, Vala fans, original SG-1 fans, new SG-1 fans and team fans is probably going to sell a heck of a lot better than one that caters almost exclusively to Vaniel or HewoMitchell fans.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

