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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
    Ah, I thought Amanda sang quite well. Will she get a recording contract or do a musical anytime soon? Probably not. But I didn't find her singing to be any worse than at the average person, and I'm sure little Olivia loves to hear her mommy sing to her no matter what she sounds like, which is all that truly matters.

    ETA: Avalon is over and I'm ready to go home. I miss my kids, my dog and my own bed. Here's hoping that today's event goes much smoother than it did yesterday for Rick, Amanda and the gals at G4 and they actually have time to breathe and enjoy the moment a little. Thanks for everything.

    As for pictures, I wish I could post them, but sadly we're not allowed. We've been asked not to post them on the internet, though I'm sure there are many who will. However we can share them amongst our friends, so if you're ever in Dallas...
    Oh, and the autographed picture we recieved of Amanda and Rick was ...'Wow'.
    It's definitely something I'll treasure forever.

    lucky you...going to two cons...but is it over allready...wasn't it the whole weekend? or am i just to silly to understand it?

    And a autographed picture from the two of them...that's soo cool
    Why aren't you allowed to post them(the pictures)?


      Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
      lucky you...going to two cons...but is it over allready...wasn't it the whole weekend? or am i just to silly to understand it?

      And a autographed picture from the two of them...that's soo cool
      Why aren't you allowed to post them(the pictures)?
      No, the Avalon event you get a morning or afternoon session. There is morning coffee or afternoon tea with Rick and Amanda, a group photo and a moderated Q&A session (as far as I remember). However, throughout the weekend there are buses and things that do tours of the area and so on.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        I've been playing again. I feel it's still a bit grainy and rough around the edges, but any blur really ruins it. I suppose it's what I get for having such a crappy camera!

        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          No, the Avalon event you get a morning or afternoon session. There is morning coffee or afternoon tea with Rick and Amanda, a group photo and a moderated Q&A session (as far as I remember). However, throughout the weekend there are buses and things that do tours of the area and so on.
          oh okay..that's short, i think..but thanx for the answer..i've never been on a con so i don't know how it's there.


            Hmmm, that's what I thought originally, too. I think they have a charity auction hosted by the two of them as well, but at the end ofthe day, going to a con isn't about meeting the stars, it's about meeting all your friends!

            Guys, I was really surprised because I've just read about some gorgeous little pewter figurines that I had never seen before. There are two for Sam and the links are below.

            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
              I've been playing again. I feel it's still a bit grainy and rough around the edges, but any blur really ruins it. I suppose it's what I get for having such a crappy camera!

              I like it, but what does it say? The print's too small to read.

              In memory of Deejay.
              May we all be so well loved.


                Well, I didn't really mean for the print to be read, but it says;

                “Success is not to be measured by the position someone has reached in life, but the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed.”

                Booker T. Washington
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                  I've been playing again. I feel it's still a bit grainy and rough around the edges, but any blur really ruins it. I suppose it's what I get for having such a crappy camera!

                  Great icon, it's sweet


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                    Hmmm, that's what I thought originally, too. I think they have a charity auction hosted by the two of them as well, but at the end of the day, going to a con isn't about meeting the stars, it's about meeting all your friends!

                    Guys, I was really surprised because I've just read about some gorgeous little pewter figurines that I had never seen before. There are two for Sam and the links are below.

                    Thanks, TJ.

                    I like the company's description of Sam Carter: Astrophysicist Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter is played by Amanda Tapping. The character combines scientific expertise with a cool head under fire, and Tapping's statuesque beauty and vulnerable smile have made her a perpetual fan favorite.


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                      I've been playing again. I feel it's still a bit grainy and rough around the edges, but any blur really ruins it. I suppose it's what I get for having such a crappy camera!

                      This is really great and I like it as your new avatar. She looked sooo cute in that hat!


                        It definitely looks better when the size is reduced. There's something about it full size that I don't really like and don't know how to correct. But thanks, CG.

                        As for looking cute in the hat,she certainly did! Actually, she just looked cute all weekend. I'm green with envy about all the people getting to go to Avalon this weekend; I really wish I could have gone. I'm telling you, the next time Amanda does a con, you've all got to persuade me to break the bank. She'd probably not remember me at all, but that's not the point, she's so lovely and kind and genuinely cares about her fans. I really want to meet her again.

                        And as forthe GWers, I refuse to accept that it was the last time I'll meet them all, so there had best be another con I can attend! I shall bring a special recovery kit for poor Amber's credit card!
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          Wow Kat, you lucky 2 time con-goer
                          oh and don't be surprised when I come down and knock on your door
                          LOL, Kat is even luckier than that ... she did the whole Amanda Quadrathalon - Vancouver, Shore Leave, AT2 and Avalon ... the entire circuit! Kat, you should get a piece of the Stargate for such a huge fan effort!

                          I think that Kat/Forever is one of the thread's best photographers, along with tsaxlady and mini too. They have powerful zoom lenses and catch some really great moments. If you can't post piccies, at least "paint a picture" for us of what Avalon was like! I would imagine that Rick and AT shared some warm moments onstage ... er, did Ambermoon keep her credit card out of sight?! I hope she didn't hock her plane ticket at the auction!

                          Safe trips home everyone!


                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                            It definitely looks better when the size is reduced. There's something about it full size that I don't really like and don't know how to correct. But thanks, CG.

                            As for looking cute in the hat,she certainly did! Actually, she just looked cute all weekend. I'm green with envy about all the people getting to go to Avalon this weekend; I really wish I could have gone. I'm telling you, the next time Amanda does a con, you've all got to persuade me to break the bank. She'd probably not remember me at all, but that's not the point, she's so lovely and kind and genuinely cares about her fans. I really want to meet her again.

                            And as forthe GWers, I refuse to accept that it was the last time I'll meet them all, so there had best be another con I can attend! I shall bring a special recovery kit for poor Amber's credit card!
                            Okay, sweetie ... here's the bet - several boxes of Jaffacakes that Amanda will definitely remember you when she sees you again. You really touched her. She seems to have an uncanny ability to remember her fans at the cons from what I've read.

                            TJ, the AT2 would not have been the same without you there - you're a very special lady. Keep remembering that and pass it on to your students.


                              Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                              Okay, sweetie ... here's the bet - several boxes of Jaffacakes that Amanda will definitely remember you when she sees you again. You really touched her. She seems to have an uncanny ability to remember her fans at the cons from what I've read.

                              TJ, the AT2 would not have been the same without you there - you're a very special lady. Keep remembering that and pass it on to your students.
                              You have a special knack for making me cry, don't you CG? Thank you *hugs*. The bet is on. As for touching her, it semed that way, but she really touched me too. A wek later and I'm still unable to formulate words. When people ask me about how it was, all I can do is show them my book. It's the best I can do.

                              AT2 wouldn't have been the same without any of the group. Every single person there made it what it was and it was a joy meeting every single one of you. You've all inspired me in so many ways
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                                Okay, sweetie ... here's the bet - several boxes of Jaffacakes that Amanda will definitely remember you when she sees you again. You really touched her. She seems to have an uncanny ability to remember her fans at the cons from what I've read.

                                TJ, the AT2 would not have been the same without you there - you're a very special lady. Keep remembering that and pass it on to your students.
                                I'm not taking that bet, because I'm sure Amanda will remember the unforgettable Tracy Jane

                                my fanfic

