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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    Okay, I've been working hard to match faces with names, and this is what I've come up with. (Please do not repost images elsewhere)







    Shimmering Star





    Tsax (must be a pic of her pet )

    Hehehe a little revenge for the teasing
    Mandy that was truly inspired. Payback can be so sweet.


      Hi All! I haven't been able to come online much lately because I am studying for the Bar right now, but I had to stop by to check out the reports and pictures from AT2! I had planned on going this year, but alas it was not meant to be - again. But I'll keep my fingers crossed for next time.

      I would like to thank each and everyone of you for sharing your stories and pictures with us!!! You guys are awesome. It sounds like it was a big success and everyone had a good time.

      CG, I am so glad you got the opportunity to go after all and then to win tea with Amanda...seems as if it was meant to be.

      It is nice to hear that Amanda has some things lined up, that project sounds very promising. Can't wait to find out more.

      Take care, everyone. I'll be checking in again when I get a chance.

      Thank you, Skydiver


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
        Ah... The group pics and such... I'll have to upload those onto a photobucket account of some kind ASAP, as soon as I get confirmation from those in the pics that it's kosher. And LOL, TJ! You mean you didn't get "boob girl's" permission to post her picture on the internet BEFORE you did it? Haha. Niiiiiice.

        I've been trying to read the thread and catch up on what was said and what wasn't said. I knew that many of us would have the bases covered, so I didn't worry about it. But I'm surprised that very few have replied about AT's new project and her role in it - I guess it doesn't matter until it's completely off the ground, but I'm curious to see what it is.

        She (and Thomasina Gibson) pretty much gave these clues:

        1.) It's a sci-fi series
        2.) She'll be an EP and most likely will star in it (though I think that was a definite, I'm not sure)
        3.) The series is one of the reasons why her hair is longer
        4.) Some aspect of it will take place at Bridge Studios, at some point

        Now that she's made it kinda public, this will be a nice opportunity for all of us to keep our eyes peeled for any kinds of developments after Avalon, including imdb, the various casting sites, etc. We may not be able to find anything about it until everything is set in stone and she formally announces it, but it couldn't hurt if we're all aware of it...

        SNIP for space only...
        This possibility of the new project (details in bold above)... Did any of you get the impression it was a fictional series (like SG-1) or was it more like a documentary series (like Proof Positive)? Or are these the only details and I just have to wait until next year to find out.

        Either way I'm excited she is EP and starring in it! I would love to see any show she has a hand in creating!!


          Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
          I think a lot of us are just starting to come out of the clouds and process our experience but do know that what majorsal is talking about is very important to Amanda.

          So ... here's the question again, Samandans. Do take time to answer honestly. I do believe that AT spends time on fan threads and values our support ...

          If Sam Carter will be spending more time on Atlantis, what would you like to see? What role should Sam play? Commander of the Odyssey? Co-scientist with McKay? Fellow warrior with Teyla on a mission?

          What would be your concerns about Sam moving over to Atlantis? Do you think she will fit in with the veteran cast? How will she contribute to the Atlantis arc?

          Put your thinking caps on and be imaginative! If you were writing Atlantis and incorporating Sam ... where would you take her?!

          Maybe Sky can play with this question with the other GW mods and create a poll/survey for all the many fanbases to weigh in on how they'd like to see Sam in Atlantis? Or whether they even want to see Sam go there? Will having Sam on Atlantis be a welcomed turn of events or not?!

          Let's all play with this a bit. I think it's important to Amanda.

          Peace, CG
          I've thought about this alot and i would love for the ptb to write Replicarter back into the story and have her cross over to Atlantis.
          sorry for putting this in this way, i,ve forgotten the other way at the moment! anyway on with what i have to say
          Last week on Atlantis it deals with human form replicators and it got me thinking that Sam would fit into that story very nicely, who could forget Amanda's wonderful portrayal of Replicarter and because Amanda works with DH so well i really think it would be an interesting, hit you right between your eyes, type of story line!
          It would also imho be a rather unique way of bringing Sam over without diminishing DH character and having two sciencetists on one show.


            Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
            Spaz--thanks for this info! I've been wondering about this for awhile. In an interview this summer on AOL, when asked what AT would like to do in the future, she answered---she wouldn't be opposed to another series. I hope this comes through, and it sounds like it would be filmed in Vancouver, so she wouldn't need to move? Did she sound optimistic about it?

            Kat also reported that AT said that she would be an EP and also star in it.
            Yeah! I thought Kat had something about it! She was perfecting that post for a while amongst distractions from LadyJeep, ShimmeringStar, tsax and myself, I think.

            She did sound very optimistic about the opportunity. I don't think she explained the circumstances surrounding how she came upon such a position in the session, but considering she hinted at this at Shore Leave in July, I think it's just about a done deal. AT said she would never turn down television, and I think she said it's all about the stability.

            I'm not sure if Kat or anyone else mentioned this (still reading), but AT said she'd turned down many movie roles because it would take her out of the country, and she didn't want to have to bring Olivia over there with her to some foreign environment. So, I'd imagine Bridge Studios/anywhere in Vancouver is her preference.

            If this series comes through, how can she do a number of episodes on Atlantis and the movies as well? Or is it that she would only do a few episodes on Atlantis. I realize she won't be a regular, but might she have a solid recurring role on Atlantis?
            Someone said on the GABIT thread that they'd heard she'd be in 12 to 13 episodes, but I think she was confused with Jewel Staite's appearances... While I don't think AT will only be in 2 or 3 episodes, I don't think she'd be in that many. Still, AT said she was contracted for two seasons, and as many here speculated, that probably means that she'll be utilized as much as possible over there. Not a big surprise, but I WOULD be surprised if she was able to do this new series AND more than 5 special appearances in Stargate SG-1. As it stands, she said she has not heard of anyone else being contracted for Atlantis episodes, though she said there are some characters who would be an obvious fit.

            I am very happy that Sam will be on Atlantis from time to time. Like Scarimor, I would love to see a much stronger relationship develop with the women on the show. I think Teyla and Weir are woefully underwritten and underdeveloped. AT was fortunate with good solid writing of Sam Carter early in SG-1, thank goodness.
            Seriously? This is one of the reasons why I don't trust BW as much as others seem to trust him. He's had three seasons to develop the female characters, but apparently the only way a character can get developed or showcased on a regular basis is if they're one half of a male-bonding friendship, or if they can make things go Boom!. Very unfortunate, because TH and RL are talented individuals.

            I think a big mistake TPTB made in season 9, and somewhat in season 10 so far, was to focus way too much on Vala/Daniel at the expense of the other characters. The show became way too narrow. I don't want that to happen to Atlantis, where when Sam is on, she is only with Mckay. I actually love the Sam/Mckay scientists dynamic, but I don't want that at the expense of the other characters on SGA.
            Yes. I think they're already showing that they're incapable of learning from their past mistakes by thrusting/shoe-horning a very popular Jewel Staite into a nigh-permanent position on Atlantis at the expense of another actor. With AT coming on board, I don't want Sam to be that character to Atlantis fans. There's a way to write her where her contribution is discreet, and her presence doesn't overshadow the others. Again, I think we'll see just how capable BW is of that little feat.

            I love the idea of her commanding the Odyssey on SGA, but I want it to be a substantive role where Sam matters in the show---not just in the background---yet not taking away, but complementing, the other characters.
            Exactly. In the interim, I wonder if it'd be too much to ask for some of our great fic writers to create some scenarios...

            Also... I've finally created a photobucket account! There are only two up there at the moment, because dial-up and photobucket don't mix well at all. And the photos aren't fabulous, but I was very surprised that I was able to get any good ones with my teeny flash.

            Whoa... That looks pretty mondo. Sorry about that. Hopefully, I'll be able to upload some more, and I'll post them as links instead.

            ETA: The massive grin on AT's face seemed to be her tactic when encouraging the bidders to continue. Unsurprisingly, it worked.


              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
              Ahaha! Yes, AmberMoon's credit card was the one that was swiped in the heat of the moment - from MINIGEEK'S hands, I think! AT just snatched it and I think cried out some sort of mock-bid like, "Five thousand pounds!" Hee. Very funny.
              Yes! Amber turned to me and said "you better hold this before I get into huge trouble!" (she gave so much to charity, she's a star, really ) and I laughed and said, "sure, no problem!" as I reached for it (I had an aisle seat in the hall) and I was turning to rush toward the back of the room where the cashiers were, but Amanda came dashing over first, grinning and she snatched it away! It was like tag team, very funny.

              Originally posted by DEM View Post
              Yeah, what you all said!

              Hey, I need a North American to describe scarimor's accent for me, please. She said I could ask, honest! feel free to PM.
              Well, in my opinion it's really quite lovely(and so is Scari for that matter! ), the same goes for TJ (and her accent).

              I love those accents! Of course I was constantly being told that I had the accent, not anyone else....... I don't know where they came up with that idea.

              I forget what it was TJ yelled out to me on the bus that one night before we got off of it. Something like: "You go, geek!", and I turned around and the bus driver gave me the most hilarious look. I said something back but I don't even remember what it was anymore. I think he thought we were all crazy.

              We were, but that's so not the point.

              Thomasina's a new hero by the way. I love and adore her personality. She's quite a kindred spirit to Amanda, it's no wonder the two are fast friends. I knew nothing about her before I left other than that she was some sort of writer, but after the talk she gave and meeting her briefly, I can safely say she's an absolute sweetheart. She's a beautiful, hilarious and fun lady. Also quite generous and encouraging. Just fabulous.

              minigeek (and speaking of accents, was there even another Canadian at the event? If so, I didn't meet one!)

              ..... (not counting Amanda, dammit! I'm not going through THAT RIBBING again! lol)


              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by Dani76 View Post

                CG, I am so glad you got the opportunity to go after all and then to win tea with Amanda...seems as if it was meant to be.
                That's what I thought as well, I was mentioning to CG. For those who've never met CG (in person), she's an absolute angel. Much like Amanda, she's so warm and kind, very caring and absolutely disarming. When she speaks to you, you feel as though you're a very special person. If we could have chosen an ambassador to chat with Amanda on this thread's behalf, I don't believe there'd have been any better choice. CG, I'm being absolutely serious, I wanted to hug you constantly throughout the weekend at all our conversations, you're so absolutely lovely. I really adore you. I think we all do.

                Oh heck... here are some more virtual hugs! I'm tearing up just writing this damit, lol, I really suck at emotional suppression. Better duck away and run before I get my keyboard all moist.


                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

                  But I'm surprised that very few have replied about AT's new project and her role in it - I guess it doesn't matter until it's completely off the ground, but I'm curious to see what it is.

                  She (and Thomasina Gibson) pretty much gave these clues:

                  1.) It's a sci-fi series
                  2.) She'll be an EP and most likely will star in it (though I think that was a definite, I'm not sure)
                  3.) The series is one of the reasons why her hair is longer
                  4.) Some aspect of it will take place at Bridge Studios, at some point

                  Now that she's made it kinda public, this will be a nice opportunity for all of us to keep our eyes peeled for any kinds of developments after Avalon, including imdb, the various casting sites, etc. We may not be able to find anything about it until everything is set in stone and she formally announces it, but it couldn't hurt if we're all aware of it...

                  Ohhhh. This sounds really exciting. I can't wait to see what it is. I'll be keeping an eye out for any news. I do get daily Google Alerts for AT so, maybe we'll get some news that way.


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                    This is Brad Wright's chance to show that he really is miles ahead of RCC in the character development department (and I'm sorry, I don't think he is anymore), and this is his chance to take a risk, to break away from the status quo and do something avant garde. We'll see.

                    I think that's a great idea as well. They weren't willing to do it for S9, but I think it'd be an awesome opportunity for AT/Sam to come in and out , and it would be a nice lead into Sam's involvement (if any) in the television movie.

                    Sorry, Spaz, but as near as I can tell, Brad Wright won't be the one who deals primarily with Carter's potential visits to Atlantis. All indications from magazines, interviews, and the like indicate that my buddy, Joe Mallozzi, and Paul Mullie are going to assume the showrunning duties for Atlantis next season. It seems that they've finally been bumped up to the top slot, most likely to allow Brad Wright and Rob Cooper to focus primarily on the two SG-1 movies. Perhaps Cooper and Wright will also work on the much hoped for third series. Anyway, I think it's going to be Joe and Paul running things. So, at least by my reckoning, that's a huge knock against me wanting to see Carter in Atlantis. I don't think that M & M have ever been able to write the characters as anything other than their most basic functions. And I don't think that will change for Sam when she's in Atlantis. She'll be a scientist working with Mckay. That's all. Except for those lovely cliched moments when she can be "the girl" and go all emotional in contrast to Sheppard and such.

                    That huge reservation aside, I can't really see myself being overjoyed at Carter being on Atlantis even if Brad Wright (whom I do consider to be the best creative force behind Stargate) was still controlling the reins. Surely this opinion is colored by my overall take on Atlantis. Which is bad. I don't think the Atlantis cast works well together at all. They have virtually no chemistry together. Much of this I believe stems from the lack of development for all of the characters. I don't feel that anyone on that show has been adequately developed, and I don't think that there is any real intention of trying to develop them. So, I can't really see Sam coming in, being as strong a character as she is, without very much dominating the rest of her fellow actors. On top of that, I don't believe that the writers have any idea where they're taking the story on Atlantis. The show fails to have any sort of framing throughline to its episodes or seasons; the story isn't going anywhere. Atlantis is, in my opinion, just as bad as Andromeda in that regard. It's an action/adventure shoot'em up hour with little room in any episode for character, theme, moral conflict, or unifying ideas. Almost every single scene is played for the cheapest laughs and is used only to facilitate the biggest explosions and super-coolest CGI that can be included. The show is flat, and seemingly strives to be little else. I don't see Sam Carter flourishing in an environment like that.

                    My own personal interpretation of the character also makes me not want to see Sam on Atlantis too much. For me, and I hope for many others, Sam's place is on an SG team (preferably SG-1), going through the stargate, exploring other worlds. Atlantis does not really do that. It focuses on space ships to the almost total exclusion of the stargate. It's my understanding that at the close of SG-1 the series, SG-1 the team remains intact. Perhaps it's a narrow view of the character or one that is influenced by nostalgia for the best times of the past, but for my money Sam belongs on SG-1. She should be out there representing Earth, leading our flagship team, not stuck in the Pegasus galaxy on the bridge of some ship dramatically crying, "Shields to maximum", or, "Prepare to assist in damage control". She shouldn't be stuck on Atlantis playing second fiddle to Sheppard as a military officer or to Mckay in the lab. As far as I'm concerned, Carter is better than any of the roles the writers are going to use her for when she appears in Atlantis. The only thing I could have seen working is having Sam take command of the expedition. But that is not going to happen.

                    When Sam appears on Atlantis you're going to get the same revolting sensation as you all get when she appears with Mitchell in scenes. You're going to have one of those super-developed, well-rounded original characters taking orders from people who are not even close to being their betters or superiors. It will be just as unnatural and offend the senses as much as Mitchell (John Sheppard's exact clone) "leading" SG-1.

                    Even all those Carter-based reasons aside, I don't think this move will help Atlantis. The writers have proven that they don't want to take the time to develop the Atlantis characters. The Mckay/everyone else ratio is ridiculous. Even David Hewlett has been stating how exasperated and self-concious he's been at the amount of work he's getting. Sure, Carter plays extremely well with Mckay. But the last thing Atlantis needs is something that will lead to more Mckay. I can't see a situation where Amanda Tapping, the actress, comes onto Atlantis and doesn't steal the spotlight from Torri Higginson and Rachel Luttrell. Likewise, Carter's got way more combat experience than Sheppard, more technical experience than Rodney (especially in the field), and more command experience than any of them. Sam Carter moving to Atlantis steps on just about every single character on that show.

                    I'm also not so ebullient in my Sam Carter love that I can ignore the fact that most fans aren't very receptive to the idea of Carter crossing over. Nor should they be. It's not surprising that many of the posters here, in the Sam Carter thread, would take more Sam Carter as often as they can get it. But that sentiment does not extend to many fans of Atlantis. They're understandably very covetous of their own characters, just as we are of our favorites. There are already major changes in the works for Atlantis in season four, changes that are not being well recieved. Dissatisfaction with the show is at an all time high. It's not necesarily what I would call a receptive environment for Amanda Tapping to walk into. I was, and still am, angry and disappointed at how the new characters have been handled on SG-1. And I don't wish those same feelings of resentment on Atlantis fans when their characters are inevitably pushed aside. I don't want the writers making up for screwing over Carter/Amanda Tapping on SG-1 by screwing other characters over on Atlantis.

                    Lastly (for now), I really, really don't want to see Sam Carter become the Worf of the Stargate Universe. With Sam on Atlantis the writers will be forced to use some contrived coincidences to have her in the right place for the movies. It will feel forced, it will feel like she's now an outsider to the SG-1 team and to the SG-1 universe. I'm not thrilled at the prospect that Sam Carter won't belong on SG-1. And I'm not thrilled that SG-1 will be out there saving the galaxy, fighting the Goa'uld and the Ori, exploring new worlds, and solving Earth's problems without Sam Carter. All that aside, I don't believe TPTB have adequately indicated that Sam Carter can be replaced at the SGC or spared often enough to devote her time to the Pegasus Galaxy. It stretches the bounds of my disbelief that the SGC will go on, that missions will still result in the same sort of problems, and that Sam Carter will not be there to devise solutions to them. That's not the sort of pressure Dr. Lee is really effective under, nor is Jay Felger. If TPTB do move Carter over to Atlantis, I'm gonna want to be convinced that it's not upsetting the balance of power in the Stargate Universe, and I don't currently believe that such evidence exists to sway my opinion.

                    It's not as though I think I'm going to change anyone's mind with all of this, or that I can influence what happens on the shows. But no matter how loved a character becomes, no matter how popular a character remains, there comes a point where it becomes creatively disadvantageous to continue with her. Stories, even personal character journeys, have beginnings, middles, and ends. After 10 full seasons and 215 episodes, I'm having a hard time seeing how Sam Carter can benefit from TPTB continuing to use her as a writing crutch. By Amanda Tapping's own admission, the last two seasons on SG-1 haven't been Carter's best. It's my belief that the only part of Sam Carter's story that is left to tell is the ending. I don't want that ending to be away from SG-1, and I don't want that ending to be away from the characters with which Carter's own wonderful personal story has been intertwined. Anything else, including potential visits to Atlantis, are just going to be useless filler. And I want more from Sam Carter than that.
                    Last edited by golfbooy; 21 November 2006, 10:20 AM. Reason: spelling--my nemesis


                      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                      Yeah! I thought Kat had something about it! She was perfecting that post for a while amongst distractions from LadyJeep, ShimmeringStar, tsax and myself, I think.

                      She did sound very optimistic about the opportunity. I don't think she explained the circumstances surrounding how she came upon such a position in the session, but considering she hinted at this at Shore Leave in July, I think it's just about a done deal. AT said she would never turn down television, and I think she said it's all about the stability.

                      I'm not sure if Kat or anyone else mentioned this (still reading), but AT said she'd turned down many movie roles because it would take her out of the country, and she didn't want to have to bring Olivia over there with her to some foreign environment. So, I'd imagine Bridge Studios/anywhere in Vancouver is her preference.

                      Someone said on the GABIT thread that they'd heard she'd be in 12 to 13 episodes, but I think she was confused with Jewel Staite's appearances... While I don't think AT will only be in 2 or 3 episodes, I don't think she'd be in that many. Still, AT said she was contracted for two seasons, and as many here speculated, that probably means that she'll be utilized as much as possible over there. Not a big surprise, but I WOULD be surprised if she was able to do this new series AND more than 5 special appearances in Stargate SG-1. As it stands, she said she has not heard of anyone else being contracted for Atlantis episodes, though she said there are some characters who would be an obvious fit.

                      Seriously? This is one of the reasons why I don't trust BW as much as others seem to trust him. He's had three seasons to develop the female characters, but apparently the only way a character can get developed or showcased on a regular basis is if they're one half of a male-bonding friendship, or if they can make things go Boom!. Very unfortunate, because TH and RL are talented individuals.

                      Dang, I would be so broke if I had gone to that auction with that smile!

                      No one did mention that she had been offered movies---it makes sense that she wouldn't go to particular locations while Olivia is so young. i could see why she prefers to work in Vancouver at this time.

                      It seems that Jewel Staite may get more of the backlash, I'm afraid. Really, the actors have no control over this. They just do their jobs, just like BB and CB did for SG-1, give it their best shot, and hope for more jobs.

                      So, AT is contracted for two more seasons on SGA if SGA gets renewed for a fifth season?

                      I do agree with you that BW has not done a good job of writing Weir and Teyla. It's a real shame. What made SG-1 so good for so long is that ALL four characters and the relationships between them were given fairly good attention. It felt like a team right away. In SGA, they are trying to build it now, after focusing so much on Mckay, and somewhat Sheppard too.

                      Nice pic!!


                        I'm trying to remember some of the other things that Amanda talked about that others might not have already mentioned.

                        She said that the most courageous thing she'd ever done was jump out of an airplane. She said that she's terribly afraid of heights, so she went skydiving to try to overcome her fear. It was a very funny story the way she told it (of course), and I won't even attempt to do recreate the details right now. Suffice to say that it involved a two-for one jump school with archaic parachutes, Amanda screaming her head off, a wind gust that dragged her through corn/wheat stubble after landing (without breaking her ankles), and a total lack of success at overcoming her fear of heights.

                        The leadership issue was broached in one question, and I got the impression that Amanda was trying to be very diplomatic about it, but she was disappointed in the way it was handled on screen and off. Mind you, that's me reading between the lines mostly, but I think the others who were there probably got the same impression. It was just the fact that you could tell she was being very diplomatic about it... I can't remember what she said, exactly, but I got the sense that she really didn't agree with how it was done and was disappointed by it.

                        More as it comes to me.

                        My LJ


                          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                          That's what I thought as well, I was mentioning to CG. For those who've never met CG (in person), she's an absolute angel. Much like Amanda, she's so warm and kind, very caring and absolutely disarming. When she speaks to you, you feel as though you're a very special person. If we could have chosen an ambassador to chat with Amanda on this thread's behalf, I don't believe there'd have been any better choice. CG, I'm being absolutely serious, I wanted to hug you constantly throughout the weekend at all our conversations, you're so absolutely lovely. I really adore you. I think we all do.

                          Oh heck... here are some more virtual hugs! I'm tearing up just writing this damit, lol, I really suck at emotional suppression. Better duck away and run before I get my keyboard all moist.

                          Well, omigosh ... for once in my hyperfluent life, I'm at a loss for words. You are so kind and I was just so happy to be there when I never thought I would be! In fact, I kept posting because I was so happy for all of you who were going ... thinking how lucky you all were!

                          And then ... Karma ... our talk in the hallway.

                          It was a pure delight getting to share time with all of you too and also getting to see my second daughter and sonny boy: Coley and 1speed.

                          Amanda has this gift of bringing people together through the character of Sam Carter which absolutely is a little miracle in itself. I told her that more than once.

                          Now, let me post this and then share the poem I wrote (mostly on the plane ride home) ... I think it captures a lot of what we all felt this past weekend.

                          Hugs, CG


                            The Gathering

                            Samandans young and old
                            Have been to London to visit the Queen
                            They gathered at the Renaissance
                            A regal location at which to be seen

                            Names were exchanged for faces
                            As the Samandans met in person
                            A weekend with Amanda
                            Turned into quite an extraordinary excursion

                            From near and far they came
                            UK, Canada and the States
                            They couldn’t wait to meet each other
                            It was a bloomin’ Samanda gate!

                            “Hic comitas regit” came alive
                            It is the kingdom’s motto
                            Getting to share this event together
                            Led to plenty of communicado

                            For those of you who don’t know Latin
                            Here’s the bottom line
                            There were many moments
                            Where kindness, generosity and love did shine

                            Everyone met Amanda
                            And spent precious moments with her
                            Having photos taken and autographs written
                            A special hug from Sam added to their pleasure

                            The Queen never looked better
                            Radiant and amusing at the same time
                            She is still amazed at her fans’ response
                            Which makes her gratitude even more sublime

                            Because “Princess Amy” was in the room
                            The questions and answers were much less bawdy
                            The Queen and crowd were on good behavior
                            Even though her mischievous looks were naughty

                            She is so alive when she enters a room
                            Catches everyone up in her wake
                            Amanda is an ambassador of good will
                            The more she gives, the more fans take

                            An exchange of love from both sides
                            The Queen reaps what she does sow
                            Her tears were real and heartfelt
                            And made the fans’ tears also flow

                            Besides the tears there was the laughter
                            With Amanda and without her
                            Samandans kept the celebration going
                            In lobby, pubs … wherever

                            It was a glorious weekend
                            Full of fun and mirth
                            A gathering for a special lady
                            Cementing friendships of great worth


                              Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                              I'm trying to remember some of the other things that Amanda talked about that others might not have already mentioned.

                              She said that the most courageous thing she'd ever done was jump out of an airplane
                              No, no, it was the craziest thing she'd ever done. Daft, insane, nuts! That full body representation of what it was like to be dragged through a corn field, face first, by a rogue parachute was knock down hilarious, too, what a ham.

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                                Great post oh ye younger Samandan who got worn out by the elders like tsaxlady and Strix and roommate mini ... cough.

                                Seriously, you've brought up some key points:

                                1) Creating an independent Sam who is not seen as intruding on the original show's history.

                                2) Developing other points of cast interaction beyond the Rodney-Carter dance which may get too old too quick, unless the kid sister adds to the mix and makes it even more fun. If she's a scientist, then having Sam work with her in some way would be great to watch too.

                                3) I loved the idea of Sam as a point of unity rather than dissension. Absolutely on the mark! TPTB should listen up on that one and then they'll have a winning combination.

                                4) Sam supporting the growth of Weir and Teyla somehow ... again, Brad finding a way for the strong women of Stargate to be better portrayed. Amanda knows that Sam Carter has been a role model for women since the first season and I'm sure she wants to continue to model this even on Atlantis. Let's hope the writers give her the chance!

                                5) This is my contribution: think "Fireman Sam" - Sam as a ship commander, leading a mission to rescue some of the Atlantis team trapped by the Wraith. Oh yeah, I would watch that!

                                Spazzie, you are giving us some terrific ideas. Thanks!
                                Just in case anyone from SGA world is out there listening this time around (after what happened to SG1 because, if you ask me, they DIDN'T listen to the fans here's hoping they listen more often on SGA especially when it comes to Sam) I agree a ton with what is being said.

                                Sam Carter, COLONEL Sam Carter that is, should be in charge of a ship if she is on Atlantis. If the people who are in charge of making SGA (here's hoping that Brad Wright stays in charge of SGA (and RCC stays away, faaarrr faarrr away) and has some decent sense left regarding Sam Carter because she really is such a strong, capable soldier and LEADER which is where she belongs) because if they don't use her properly she will become an issue, I think, and it will be used by fans to further harm the character and the show.

                                I hope they stay away from focusing her with Rod because that will get old super fast (yeah its cute and funny once in awhile but let's not beat a dead-horse boys) and it will ruin the dynamic of the show (similar to how Vaniel helped, IMO, to ruin SG1 and turn it into trash TV). Sam Carter is so much more than just the second half of a twosome regardless of whether there is "ship" involved or not and I hope they stay clear of any ship at all especially this sometimes trivial gunk I see them do between Rod and Sam (I will admit openly here that I totally hated GUP - thought it was trite and immature - no offense to AT, in my op it is typical of a lot of what Sam is given these days even on SG1 and I think it is high time it stops and they get back to what Sam really is - a solid, intelligent, capable, loyal out the wazoo, human being, LEADER and soldier.

