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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    quite frankly, let's hope they put it on tuesday with Eureka

    i think it'll do quite well there.

    of course, the new network lineup starts this week and it'll be competing against

    ncis, the unit, smith
    something, something, L&O svu
    House, STandoff

    and whatever's on abc
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Noooo. They can't put it at the same time as NCIS. I'd be so conflicted. Which one to watch and which one to TIVO. Aaack.


        Originally posted by KatG
        Noooo. They can't put it at the same time as NCIS. I'd be so conflicted. Which one to watch and which one to TIVO. Aaack.
        But remember, SG1 is rerun at 11:00, so you can watch both shows I mean there is no reason to watch it live, since its been cancelled any way.

        my fanfic


          Dont know if this has been mention cos I didnt read all the posts:
          Quest spoilers from trailer
          Is it just me or is..

          that Sam and Fifth? Its just a flash, after we see Bratac theres an image of what looks like Sam and Fifth in a black room with a light shining down on them. Like in Gemini when Repli Sam is talking to him.

          Also this is a bit late but I've been busy.
          Memento Mori spoilers
          So much for the macho bike and no helmet comments! It wasnt his! LOL
          Granted he took the bike from a guy by flashing his credentials lol has if that would work


            Caption Time

            Sam: I've been taking lessons from Janet, now all I need is someone to practice on. Um Sir, if you don't mind, turn around and drop em.

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Mandysg1
              Caption Time

              Amanda *reads bottle and thinks to self*: Kenny Craig Syndrome Serum. Apply in liberal doses as needed. (aloud) Oh, Roooooooooob???

              //Mary Beth wonders if anyone will get this LITTLE BRITAIN joke//
              Last edited by Uber; 18 September 2006, 06:12 PM.

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                spoilers for the current seasons of atlantis and sg1




                Originally posted by Skydiver
                i'm sure it's a mistake. they won't break them up

                and we get sam, rod AND jack in the same eps????

                an tis ci paaaaatttiiooooonnnnn

                this sounds good, and 10000000000000% better than any camelot inspired drek that'll air before it
                i'll believe this when i READ it. meaning, the peeps that see this ep three hours before me will let me know if she's really in it. and what happens!




                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  spoilers for the current seasons of atlantis and sg1




                  i'll believe this when i READ it. meaning, the peeps that see this ep three hours before me will let me know if she's really in it. and what happens!


                  I'm going to have to remember to DVR SGA just in case. Don't normally watch, but will for Sam.


                    Originally posted by Gate gal
                    SciFi channel, if Amanda is in the episode put her in the promos.
                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    So... Sam IS going to be in The Return, Part I? I remember someone said that they'd heard a rumor that she'd be in it, but that they weren't sure.
                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    i'll believe this when i READ it. meaning, the peeps that see this ep three hours before me will let me know if she's really in it.
                    Originally posted by Deejay435
                    I'm going to have to remember to DVR SGA just in case.
                    DEM breathes a huge sigh of relief. Woohoo! I'm not delusional or dissociative today!

                    then again, i thought it was dancer who'd heard the rumour and posted about it here a coupla weeks ago.


                      Originally posted by DEM
                      DEM breathes a huge sigh of relief. Woohoo! I'm not delusional or dissociative today!

                      then again, i thought it was dancer who'd heard the rumour and posted about it here a coupla weeks ago.
                      Weren't we talking about DEM having amnesia earlier or some other mental illness? Darn now I can't remember

                      my fanfic


                        I've finished watching the rest of season 9 on DVD for the first time.

                        I found this ep interesting overall. I liked that they had Daniel, who is usually the one pitted against everyone else in the debate over whether to kill someone, actively saying that Khalek should be killed.
                        The whole part at the end when Khalek's brain activity has increased and he's capable of using all his superpowers, gee that has to be a takeoff of Star Wars. Any moment I was expecting him to jedi-jump up an elevator shaft.
                        And go Sam, for having the idea to rig the device from the other planet to work on the Earth stargate, effectively returning Khalek through the gate he stepped through.

                        THE FOURTH HORSEMAN PART 1&2
                        This episode was actually realistically scary in that it showed how easily the world could lose control if a plague of this proportion were to hit.
                        Part of me is glad to see the return of Orlin, it was nice to have something from a previous season tied into it, but I really didn’t appreciate Landry’s implications when he was asking Carter about her ‘intimate’ relationship with Orlin. During the episode ‘Ascension’, I never saw their sharing of minds to be anything more, this episode therefore kind of spoilt my perception of ‘Ascension’.
                        That said I did like the scene between Sam and Orlin in the commissary (Sam with blue jello again!!) and how wonderfully ‘uncomfortable’ Amanda played Sam while Orlin was telling her he still had feelings for her, even though he was in the body of a child.
                        I knew Garek was going to extremes with his devotion to the Ori, but I actually got quite a shock when he became a prior. I liked that in the end Teal’c talked him around to helping out the people of Earth, showing that part of his original self still remained.
                        I’m glad though that it was Orlin’s work that was the main solution to the plague.
                        I’m a bit unsure what i feel about the end scene with Sam and Orlin. I don’t think it’s right that they showed Orlin as having been put into a nursing home type institution with lots of adults. I know that Orlin was an adult, even if he was an adult in a child’s body, so therefore it would seem kindest to put him amongst other adults, but the fact is that he has lost all that memory now, both his memory of his time as an Ancient and in human form, so therfore he is basically a child now, and therefore should be among other children. There have got to be plenty of places with other disabled children that he would have been better off in. He just seemed lonely at the end.

                        COLLATERAL DAMAGE
                        Sheesh, people, playing around with other peoples memories mixed with your own memories, what do you think is going to happen!
                        This was an interesting character development for Mitchell, kind of made me see a slightly different side to him. I liked that the rest of the team were supportive and wanted to do everything in their power, not only to free Mitchell but to help him be able to live with it in his own mind. Sam felt like a supportive big sister to Cam, which I thought was interesting.

                        RIPPLE EFFECT
                        A roomful of Sams! How much better can you get?
                        Actually, I was a little disappointed. With all these different versions of SG1 running around the SGC, I think there were a lot of good moments and interaction that they could have explored, but didn’t. They did to a certain degree onboard the Prometheus with the original SG1 and the first set of alternate SG1 each outguessing each other, that was a lot of fun, but back on Earth, especially at the end, I would have liked to see more interaction. The whole scene with Janet and Martouf was a touching tribute to two characters that are greatly missed, but it seemed a bit unsubstantial. I notice they seemed to focus a lot on Sam’s ‘relationship’ with Martouf, which I never thought was that strongly emphasised during earlier seasons, their feelings for each other used to be a lot more subtle and less spoken.

                        The recipe for how to make sure that you can continually bring baa’l back into episodes... clone him!
                        Again, this episode gave some more background on Mitchell’s character, which helps to understand him a bit better, but I still didn’t appreciate the whole rash charging in to save Teal’c scene. I don’t know about you guys but whenever I’m angry or feeling hotheaded like that, that’s the time when I’m most likely to do something clumsy or wrong. It just seemed so unrealistic that he could shoot his way in there in that kind of mood, without something going drastically wrong.

                        Waaah, they killed the Prometheus.
                        Gah countries at war really get me.
                        I really really liked the scene where after the Prometheus has been destroyed, the survivors come back, the relief of SG1 to find Sam alive. It was just a really nice moment between the characters, I especially liked how genuine Teal’c was and how much he really cared that she was ok.
                        And at the end, after everything that they tried to do, Daniel especially, the countries just continued to blow each other up.

                        OFF THE GRID
                        I kind of liked Sam’s costume in this, it was neat. I liked that it wasn’t a sleezy kind of leather outfit, it was very practical and i like the cloak.
                        As for the episode... addictive corn? Er, ok.
                        I appreciate that they included equal whumpage between the guys and Sam when they were all getting punched in the face.
                        But then... Odyssey beams them out. How... nice.
                        Then we get SG1ower Rangers? And Teal’c, what’s with the two guns!? I miss the days when he used a staff weapon. I notice SG1 seem to be a lot better at shooting their way down a hallway and holding off enemies than they even used to be. I don’t know, Im not complaining, it’s just everything seems a bit too easy now.
                        But Sam got to rig a DHD to dial off baa’l’s ship, which none of them could have done back when they were aboard Appophis’s ship in season 1.

                        THE SCOURGE
                        CG bugs, CG bugs everywhere. Um, are they meant to be scary?
                        The scenes I did like in this include Cam yattering his mouth off and Teal’c telling him to limit his conversation after they come very close to bringing hoards of bugs on themselves by the noise of their talking.
                        And Woolsey sticking up for Sam by telling LaPierre to shut up so she could do her work.
                        Then... Odyssey beams them up just as they’ve run out of ammo. That ship should have been called Good Timing not Odyssey.

                        ARTHUR’S MANTLE
                        This was a fun episode. I liked the scene at the beginning with Sam and Cam, and then after they are phase shifted their futile attempts to get someone to hear them.
                        Daniel and Sam spending hours trying to translate the ancient writing without Daniel being able to see it, and then Sam’s comment when Daniel got phase shifted also about the translation going much quicker now he’s there, i really liked that scene.
                        The whole bit with Mitchell offworld going to get exploded the moment that they figured out how to reverse the phase shifting, that was unfortunately predictable.

                        Showed a very different side to Vala, this I really appreciate as it gives me hope that her character may develop more substance for season 10 than she showed in early season 9.

                        Has to be my favourite episode of season 9. You all know why.
                        The whole first part was interesting enough. I wish Sam could’ve wielded the sword this time, Cam got it last time.
                        I have to say, while I don’t like it being all that show producers rave about, I did love the space battle at the end. It was stunning. I think it does have to be one of the best space battles that they’ve done on Stargate so far, and the way they intercut it with scenes of what was happening on board the ships was very well edited. The whole time I was going “where’s Sam, where’s Sam”. One tiny little astronaut stranded out amongs all the big battle. I loved the look on Sam’s face as she watched, total utter disbelief and horror. Did I mention Amanda is a brilliant actress?

                        Overall, I’d say in some cases season 9 feels more like a comedy than it ever used to. It’s almost ‘too’ light and funny all the time. before there used to be a good mix between the humour and the serious. And the whole Odyssey beaming them out of every tight situation is getting a little too convenient.
                        I’m glad they ended the season on a more serious note.
                        I wish there had been some more substantial character moments, especially for Sam.
                        Season 9 hasn’t been bad, but it has also been very disappointing to me in many ways. I suppose it’s just that i thought I’d get used to the new style by the end of the season, but I haven’t. And that’s partly because I don’t want to adapt to the change, because I actually don’t want it to be different. I still miss the way Stargate was so badly that it’s hard to just watch an episode and not compare it to how it could have been. That said, I’ve enjoyed season 9 more than I thought I would.

                        ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                          Originally posted by kes
                          Dont know if this has been mention cos I didnt read all the posts:
                          Quest spoilers from trailer
                          Is it just me or is..

                          that Sam and Fifth? Its just a flash, after we see Bratac theres an image of what looks like Sam and Fifth in a black room with a light shining down on them. Like in Gemini when Repli Sam is talking to him.
                          They showed a lot of scenes from other episodes...don't know why. Am I crazy, or weren't there clips from different episodes through the seasons in that promo?


                            Sam: Sunny, are you sure you want me to give you all of this?
                            SunKrux: Yes...I've had a really bad day and I just want to sleep until Friday. Yeah...Friday.
                            I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1
                              Caption Time

                              Sam: So this is what they gave me to make me believe I was no longer in command of SG1....

                              RE: AT on ATlantis--maybe they aren't advertising which episodes so all her fans watch all the Atlantis episodes just in case. I almost missed M & MM.


                                Originally posted by SunKrux

                                Sam: Sunny, are you sure you want me to give you all of this?
                                SunKrux: Yes...I've had a really bad day and I just want to sleep until Friday. Yeah...Friday.
                                *sniff* Ah, sorry to hear about your bad day (((Sunny)))
                                Just be glad it wasn't as bad as this guys

                                my fanfic

