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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    so, i absolutely loved Sam in CoT. made me realize how much i'd missed her. as for the weeping thing
    i think it was very sam-like and realistic and she was heroic throughout the entire ep.
    that wasn't my problem with it. my problem was the 'in front of the crew' aspect. stop jumping to conclusions. i think she should have held it together and told the crew their commander was dead. that's her job. HOWEVER, i would have no problem with her taking a moment BEFORE that to cope on her own. is it possible that that's what she was trying to do and Marks ?? just interrupted her? yep, sure is. but if so it should have been better illustrated, IMO. however, it's also equally as possible for her to find a moment, or find one and then be interrupted. but that didn't happen. i think that shows to some degree the lack of respect or at least thought that TPTB put into Sam's character, they don't think about that, or are willing to let it happen. YMMV.

    now, the OTHER thing that bugged me about Sam's Reaction(TM), this is in the first scene now. the lack of a demonstrated previous relationship between her and Emerson. i think this results from the lack of character balance all eps. sam's been wallpapered for so long, all of a sudden they want/need a sam ep* and realize they have nothing to build it on, so they just kind of make it up as they go. i find this decidedly aggravating. but you all know that.

    *personally i agree that they're setting her up to take command of the ship, but i doubt they'll be a spinoff.
    "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
    Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


      Originally posted by Deejay435
      I have to disagree strongly with what I bolded up there.

      If that scene with Sam shedding one or two tears (I really wish people would stop calling this "weeping". Weeping is a huge exageration, imo.) had been the final scene in the episode that dealt with Sam at all, then an argument could be made that Sam was shook to the core by what happened, and that she was somehow less of a leader because of it.

      But it wasn't her last scene. What did Sam do after? She was taken back into custody, and showed no signs of emotional distress to those holding her hostage, not giving them the idea that they could control her through her emotions. She continued to defy Anateo, deliberately slowing the repairs to the ship. She ignored threats to her life, to the point that Anateo could have been discussing the weather, for all she showed him reaction. While continuing to pretend to fix the ship, she developed a plan to re-take it. As soon as she was back with her people, she put the plan into action. She was fully in command there, and had the entire crew backing her up. She, with Daniel and Vala's help, retook the ship, rescuing herself and the crew. They then captured most of the LA villians, and Sam began repairs on the ship, while still supervising the military aspect of their situation.

      I just don't see the not!weeping as a sign of weakness, given everything else she did.

      Would we be having this discussion if she'd instead shown anger in another way, uselessly slamming her fist into the wall (which is something I can imagine Jack doing in the same situation) for instance?
      I'm just not doing a good job of getting my opinion across anymore, even amongst Sam fans who might understand more than most others what I'm talking about. (But unfortunately as busy as work and RL has been I can't spend much time here these days...) I don't think Sam's any less of a leader nor I do think she is any weaker. No, she did not out-and-out bawl; she did shed a few tears and the nose got stuffy...

      IMO, It takes guts to show emotion and tears in front of subordinates, especially in a military (and cultural) system that denigrates it and laughs at it. It doesn't make anyone any less of a person or a leader nor does it affect that person's ability to lead. (We could argue it's a good thing - relieving stress and helping the body get rid of the hormones and chemicals related to it.) And as far critics (by that I mean the subordinate characters in the ep who watched her do this or heard the gossip) who would put a negative spin on it & say "Meh-there's a leader for ya... cryin' in front of us..." There's *always* going to be one of those just like there's going to be those (again speaking of characters only) who are going to put Sam up on a pedastal where she can do no wrong...

      I guess, for me, I'm just getting damn tired of the writers using Sam as the convenient plot-fill-in device. I'd like to see the emotional devices done to the guys - I'd like to see something really touch Cam. Really touch Vala. *Really* touch Daniel (who last really showed some powerful emotion/concern when he watched Vala being burned last season.). Some of the eps have been getting better... I know I raised my expectations up too high again; wanting too much out of these last eps of the series... Oh well, let me get off here and clean and get work stuff ready for work tomorrow....

      *sighs* But at least we're all discussing something as slow as the thread has been this month....

      Okay, here's a question - if you could re-write this ep what would you (everyone reading this) change?
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        finally got to see CoT too. My thoughts:

        On Sam crying: hadn't have any problem with that. Sometimes you think over a situation again and the emotions just overcome with you. She didn't say anythink, just lost in thoughts. She'd see Emmeson die and hadn't ave the ime to think over it till than. So it's quite naturally I think.

        Very good scenes with Vala in here too: Sam and Vala fixing the hyperdrive together and the final dialogue between Cam and Vala was cool too.

        I didn't really get who the alian guys who identified Cam where (is it because I haven't really seen Season 9 jet?). And I dind't like that the Lucian Alliance was so discordant.

        All in all a good ep. with a good balance on character appearances and a great acting AT.


        Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


          Originally posted by Dani76
          Hi Guys,

          Long time, no see. RL's been pretty crazy lately , but I am still lurking and enjoy reading all your great posts and discussions.

          Anyways, I just went over to the official AT webpage and there is a message posted from Amanda regarding the cancellation of SG-1 and also about fanmail. Thought you guys might like to check it out.

          thanks for the advice. Nice to here some thoughts from Amanda. And they're really encouraging.

          Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


            I have to agree with everyone on this thread who said the Amanda did a wonderful job in CoT

            And as for the crying (yes again) let's not forget that Jack shed a tear in ITLOD when he thought Sam was dying and Janet was trying to save her life, so it's not just Sam who has shed tears in the show

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Deejay435
              If that scene with Sam shedding one or two tears (I really wish people would stop calling this "weeping". Weeping is a huge exageration, imo.)
              Deejay peeved? Please don't be peeved, Deejay!

              As I said, I didn't tape the ep so I can't review*, but I thought there was the sound of a lot of nasal fluid and choked-upedness. Am I misremembering? I didn't mean to exaggerate for effect; that's honestly how I'd describe what I remember.

              * Luckily the DVR will arrive in time for the upcoming marathon, at which point I'll be able to listen to Marks' line over and over again... perhaps even do a level check on it.
              Last edited by DEM; 17 September 2006, 10:08 AM.


                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                I'm just not doing a good job of getting my opinion across anymore, even amongst Sam fans who might understand more than most others what I'm talking about. ... I don't think Sam's any less of a leader nor I do think she is any weaker.
                I understand you, ShimmeringStar. I had thought this was the case, but.... (and where the heck is RoX of the ever-changing avatar?)

                I guess, for me, I'm just getting damn tired of the writers using Sam as the convenient plot-fill-in device. I'd like to see the emotional devices done to the guys - I'd like to see something really touch Cam. Really touch Vala. *Really* touch Daniel (who last really showed some powerful emotion/concern when he watched Vala being burned last season.).
                Yes! Yes! Yes!
                SG-1 used to be a lot better about mixing it up; it wasn't always Carter or Daniel or Teal'c or O'Neill who was in anguish. Moreover, Daniel used to be more likely than Carter to 'get emotional' (in a sadness or empathy sort of way). Finally, I do believe that Carter -- and only Carter -- has become more overtly emotional over the last few years. No, I don't have hard data, but I'm sticking to this one until the hypothesis is disproved.

                Okay, here's a question - if you could re-write this ep what would you (everyone reading this) change?
                I would
                1. Correct the sound level on Marks' "gone for hours line"
                2. Remove the line altogether
                3. Not use Danala™ (or anyone else) as "comedic relief"
                4. Re-work the "Carter finally has a moment to grieve for Emerson" beat, possibly by moving Carter or Marks
                5. Have Carter uselessly punch a wall ( Deejay!)

                That's all for now.


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  i got an email for rda's website....

                  amanda and rick are going to be appearing together again (before avalon con, though)! it's in vancouver (leaves me out, besides the fact i have no money ), but someone here could still go!

                  link for rda page:

                  go to updates.

                  I'm about four pages behind today so I'm not sure if anyone else has posted this, but this is from the FMA website.


                  According to their trailer, there will be a world wide webcast of the event reaching millions of viewers. So maybe we'll get a chance to at least see some of it.


                    Originally Posted by chocdoc
                    On another note:

                    Just saw this at

                    This is for fans that are FOR AND NOT FOR saving stargate. It is a survey about favorite main characters, favorite recurring chars on both SG-1 and SGA, favorite enemies, etc.

                    I filled it out just to support Sam and other characters I like.

                    I fill out one too for the same reason, to support Sam and others. Strange that they asked about
                    Atlantis too.

                    ETA: I wish there was a comment section on that form to write my opinions about things.
                    Last edited by LaCroix; 17 September 2006, 10:54 AM.


                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                      I'm about four pages behind today so I'm not sure if anyone else has posted this, but this is from the FMA website.


                      According to their trailer, there will be a world wide webcast of the event reaching millions of viewers. So maybe we'll get a chance to at least see some of it.
                      Two of my favourite people! this has made my day thanks for posting this.


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1
                        I have to agree with everyone on this thread who said the Amanda did a wonderful job in CoT

                        And as for the crying (yes again) let's not forget that Jack shed a tear in ITLOD when he thought Sam was dying and Janet was trying to save her life, so it's not just Sam who has shed tears in the show

                        I totally agree. All the characters have cried at one time or another. I don't understand how anyone can consider crying as a badge of weakness. In Out of Mind, when Teal'c was stepping down from his position at the SGC in order to rescue the other members of SG-1, he cried in front of General Hammond. I seriously doubt anyone considers him as a weak character. I had no issues with Sam crying per se, only how the scene was written, directed and edited. Something just felt missing for me.

                        The nice thing about Samanda is that no matter how we may view this particular scene, I don't think any of us think any less of Sam. We may be disappointed and debate a particular scene or action, but that doesn't mean we don't still see the greatness in Sam.

                        So please do not be disturbed by the negative comments. I still completely respect and adore Sam, and I believe Amanda pulled both of the emotional scenes off beautifully. The ability that Amanda has with her acting is that regardless if one likes Sam or not, she makes people think, question and discuss what has happened. I think if I were an actor, the worse feeling would be if my performance provoked no discussion or reaction at all. In my opinion regardless if people agree or disagree with what she has done, as long as they are talking about the characters actions or Amanda's performance on a daily basis then she's doing her job quite well.

                        SG-1 has been on the show for over a decade now and Sam has got to be the most controversial character on the show. Love her or hate her, she is discussed more than any other character and to me that says a lot about Amanda's ability as an actress. The discussions may not always be positive, but so far no one has stopped talking. I think Amanda recognizes that she can't possibly please all of the fans. The best that she can do is give 100% of herself in each of her performances and hope that the positive responses outweigh the negative. I truly commend her for having to deal with all the crap that she's put up with over the past decade, because she's handled it with more compassion, understanding and grace than most.
                        Last edited by ForeverSg1; 17 September 2006, 11:04 AM.


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1
                          I have to agree with everyone on this thread who said the Amanda did a wonderful job in CoT

                          And as for the crying (yes again) let's not forget that Jack shed a tear in ITLOD when he thought Sam was dying and Janet was trying to save her life, so it's not just Sam who has shed tears in the show
                          Spoilering just because this sort of has to do with the episode:

                          Jack also cried in "Message in a Bottle." Of course that was due to the tremendous amount of pain he was under, but tears were shed nonetheless.


                            gotta amend something:
                            Originally posted by DEM
                            Not use Danala™ (or anyone else) as "comedic relief"
                            Danala is ™ golfbooy. had to go back and search the ep thread to confirm the attribution.


                              Hi all,

                              I rarely post here or anywhere for that matter, but wanted to comment on this episode because my reaction was so visceral.

                              I hated it. I purposely watched the episode without reading any spoilers because I wanted to view it without any negative thoughts going in.

                              Here are my reasons.

                              1. When the ship is reported missing, NONE of SG1 comment on the fact that 'Sam' is on that ship. No individual concern is expressed for HER particular well being.

                              Daniel and Teal'c rarely, if ever show emotional concern/investment in Carter. This episode lent itself to that, but there was nothing there.

                              2. Sam crying in front of the crew. I don't know who to blame for this scene, it could be the writer, it could be the director or it could even be AT wanting to take a rare opportunity to "ACT!" To sink her teeth into something. (Who could blame her since these opportunities are so rare)

                              But it was completely and totally inappropriate. She was now the Commander of the entire crew, responsible for their well being. Her job was to strut in there and take over, reassure and LEAD. Her personal feelings needed to be left at the door --

                              The only reason I could allow her to be that emotionally distraught is if the 'gone for hours' comment implies that she was actually tortured and raped and is covering up for a lot more than merely watching someone get shot in front of her.

                              Otherwise, it made no sense and was completely inappropriate in those circumstances. (I do agree with the people who would have loved a scene inbetween where Carter kicks a door and cries before walking into that room, but otherwise, nada)

                              3. She's never physically harmed, merely threatened, at least on screen. Teal'c gets tortured, Mitchell gets into a fight, but Sam gets a guy standing over her with a gun and 'threatening' her... Big whoop. She needed to get physical somewhere and kick some ass. (This isn't a reason to hate an episode, just a personal desire...)

                              4. Daniel is sitting in the commander's seat, while Sam tries to fix the ship...

                              1. The ship's gotta have an engineer that can work on it...
                              2. Sam should have been there, directing Daniel and Vala how to fix it while COMMANDING...(delegation is one of the necessary evils of command)

                              5. Sam doesn't get to use that great big brain of hers to get the warp drive or whatever back on, Vala rams in something and it works...So, what purpose does she serve working on the ship rather than sitting in the Commander's seat?

                              My episode

                              1. When Daniel/Teal'c discover that SAM is on the ship and could be injured/dead, there's a specific, emotional reaction to this thought.

                              Daniel 'Sam's on that ship...'

                              Teal'c 'Colonel Carter is a warrior...'

                              Mitchell 'When do we leave...'

                              Sorry, but the rescuing the ship and crew is not the 'emotional' thread that should be driving these characters. Rather it's the personal, even if that's selfish, it's still more real for the audience.

                              2. Sam speaks up immediately when her name is brought up, BEFORE the Captain, who could follow that with, 'It doesn't matter, I'm the captain and I'm in charge...' But Sam needed to take the opportunity to step into the breach immediately.

                              3. Remove the sexual comments or make them the real threat that they are. In reality, if the bad guy finds Sam attractive and wants her, he will have her. She's his captive and he can do as he pleases. Rape is a reality of life and even more a reality of war. There's no, 'you so pretty, you so pretty, but I'm going to look and not touch.'

                              4. Sam gets whumped...really whumped...refuses to give in...then they kill the commander, and bring in the next crew member, kill him, bring in another crew member...and then maybe she begins to stall for time to avoid losing her entire crew...

                              Here's the deal -- Jack killed Sam to save the SGC..that's reality (He wouldn't do it to save himself, but he would do it to save everyone else)

                              In Star Trek Next Gen (Yes, I'm a nerd, bear with me) Troi wanted to make Command rank -- She kept failing her test -- What was the test? Get Geordi to fix the engines to save the ship even though it meant ordering him to certain death...

                              The good of the many outweigh the good of the few...

                              5. When Sam is brought back, she is bloody and bruised, but not broken. She CALMLY informs the crew that their Captain died bravely defending the ship and passes out some orders...

                              6. We see her working slowly, she gets called on it, and the bad guy hurts her and threatens to do continue more of the same...she continues to work slowly and is abused as a result...

                              7. When Daniel and Vala find her, it's a bit less comic relief and more, Daniel to Sam 'You look like .@#@$ are you okay???' Sam gets to say, 'I'm fine, I've got a plan, this is what we're going to do...'

                              8. Sam doesn't sit there waiting for the bad guy to get beamed out, but gets to have a fight with him...gets him on the ground, and then ORDERS Vala/Daniel to lock onto his signal and beam him into outer space.

                              9. Sam is sitting in command of the ship, stalling for time, WANTING to repair the engines, but knowing that that's no longer HER reality. As commander, she needs to delegate -- She gets to competently order the crew to fire weapons and fake out the baddies, and argue with Daniel/Vala to hurry up and fix the ship --

                              That's the way I would have written it --



                                Originally posted by DEM
                                Deejay peeved? Please don't be peeved, Deejay!

                                As I said, I didn't tape the ep so I can't review*, but I thought there was the sound of a lot of nasal fluid and choked-upedness. Am I misremembering? I didn't mean to exaggerate for effect; that's honestly how I'd describe what I remember.

                                * Luckily the DVR will arrive in time for the upcoming marathon, at which point I'll be able to listen to Marks' line over and over again... perhaps even do a level check on it.


                                No, not peeved. But I do think "weeping" is a huge exagerration. Choked up, yeah, sure, absolutely. But being choked up and weeping are not the same, as I said, imo.

                                Weeping, to me, gives an image of losing control, and breaking down. Neither of which Sam did.

                                Good luck with your DVR. Mine is host to the devil, I swear it is. As an example, I had no idea of an upcoming marathon, because my DVR has recently decided that showing me any shows farther ahead than today in the guide is beneath it.

