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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Question: Whats with the lack of episodic pics? We've haven't got any past Memento Mori, and the next episode is airing this week...

    I want my HQ Sam pics


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      timtams are KINDA like kit kat, but with a big wafer cookie on the bottom, then two smaller ones on top, with a little ribbon of filling between them and chocolate over it all

      little cookie - filling - little cookie
      bbbbiiiiiggggggg coooookkkkiiiieee

      and chocolate covering it all

      there might be a big cookie on the very top, but i can't reall. it's been a coupel of years since i ate one

      the filling can be anything from fudge, chocolate, tia maria, caramel, whatever

      TimTams are WAY better than a KitKat.
      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        I was talking to Deejay one day about being the odlest or youngest and their traits. I believe we came to the conclusion that although the odlest may have certain traits there are exceptions So Sam could still be the younger sibling (like myself) but I'm not biased
        Very true. Although sibling position is often linked with certain traits, there are exceptions.

        Also-Sam is the oldest/only girl in the family-which shares a lot of traits with oldest child. Hyper responsibility being one.


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
          Fly-by post:

          As many of you may know, SG-1Poz had major back surgery today. trupi just posted an e-mail from Poz's daughter on the S/J Ship Thread. Since trupi doesn't post here, I thought I should repost it, so you'd be up to date:

          Thanks for posting this information here, Melissa. It's good to know the surgery went well, even if it was a bit long... Could you continue to post about her progress as we get the information from her daughter? I'm sure there are many people here who'd like to know how she's doing.


            Originally posted by SunKrux
            TimTams are WAY better than a KitKat.
            I agree - TimTams ROCK - the caramel ones are yummy, but I liked the coffee ones they had out for a while Better again, sucking coffee through a timtams is simply the best.

            As for the older/younger older sibling comment - I'm afraid I havn't seen enough eps to make a decent comment (only seen most of season 4 and a few other eps here and there). She does have that 'younger sister' kind of a go about her though.




              Originally posted by Deejay435
              I wouldn't worry about Alan's parents. There is every chance they're as square as me and have no idea what being a 'finisher' means. (At least in a naughty context.)
              If they didn't know what it means then maybe Amanda and Alan had fun making up a new meaning for them. She is so clever and fast on her feet. My husband and I were watching a rerun of Whose Line is it Anyway? tonight, and I couldn't help thinking that Amanda would be funny in a special like that. Maybe they could do a version of it at a convention next year. It would be fun to see the whole gang play that game.


                Welcome to Samanda Jules!


                  Originally posted by majorsal

                  i was looking forward to 'company of thieves', because
                  i know sam's going to be treated poorly by some baddies, and that the commander of the ship (can't remember commander's name or ship name ) is going to be killed.
                  but with alan m writing it... *whimpers*

                  Yep. I'm about as anti-Alan M. scripts as Strix is, but I'll be braving this episode on Saturday evening. Being the spoiler whore that I am, I feel like I've received enough warning about some of the potentially "lower" aspects of the ep.

                  For instance, (Big spoilers, Nell and others!!)

                  We know that Sam is going to be hit on by the guy who takes the ship hostage, and later kills the annoyingly wooden commander, Colonel Paul Emerson, of the Odyssey. We know that Vala, too, will be hit on by another one of the baddies. We know that Teal'c will get tortured (again, as even Chris Judge has noted), and we know that there will be yet another, awe-inspiring and probably hugely-expensive, Star Wars-esque fight between the Lucian Alliance and some other schmoes, that was most likely placed there in lieu of character development or plot, or both...

                  Of course, this isn't to say that the special effects aren't good... They really are. But gratuitous explosions and special effects are... gratuitous. And lame, when they don't do anything to further the story.

                  Oh, and thanks to the lovely AOL vignette, I'm prepared for the part where Cameron takes on about five or six guys, and single-handedly brings them all down Jet Li Style...

                  While AM scripts are our nemeses, spoilers are our friends.


                    Originally posted by Gate gal
                    If they didn't know what it means then maybe Amanda and Alan had fun making up a new meaning for them. She is so clever and fast on her feet. My husband and I were watching a rerun of Whose Line is it Anyway? tonight, and I couldn't help thinking that Amanda would be funny in a special like that. Maybe they could do a version of it at a convention next year. It would be fun to see the whole gang play that game.

                    I'd love to see AST do this. Too bas she can't do it with the guys on Who's Line...
                    loves Who's Line...
                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      OK, I've had a rough day from the S/J shipper perspective (won't go into that here), so when I saw a thread that was entitled "Carter out of season 10" I was furious. Don't pick on my favorites!! I took a look at the thread anyway (how much worse could my GW day get) and BRAVO Samandans!!!! The original poster of the thread was the only anti-Sam person there. Every other post was pro-Sam! The final post in the thread was the original poster with an apology (of sorts) to the Sam fans. Good Job Samandans! I didn't post, because I didn't want to put that thread back on page 1. I will, however, post my opinion here.

                      Sam Carter is the most interesting person on SG1. She can even make technobabble sound cool. She's saved the world more times than any of her team mates, and an SG1 without Sam wouldn't be worth watching. Yeah Sam! And yeah Amanda's wonderful portrayal of Sam!


                        Originally posted by Strix varia
                        Company of Thieves is this week. It's an Alan McCollough script, so I'm happily going to give it a miss. I really don't want to see what he does to Sam's character this time, and I figure my bloodpressure will benefit from not watching.

                        I believe that AM also wrote the more Sam-centric episodes in the second half of seaosn 10---Line in the Sand and The Road Not Taken. I wonder how those will go? You've got me worried! Oh well.


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

                          Oh, and thanks to the lovely AOL vignette, I'm prepared for the part where Cameron takes on about five or six guys, and single-handedly brings them all down Jet Li Style...

                          The first time I saw the AOL vignette; all I saw was that there was the potential for Sam to be more than wallpaper. I totally missed Cam's
                          ninja abilities
                          How odd I placed a character on automatic ignore.

                          Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                            Originally posted by majorsal

                            did she understand what they were getting at right away, or did the guys do/say something to let her know what was up? oops, excuse the pun

                            she 'got it' after a few seconds. then you could jsut see her cringe.

                            it was kinda cute cause, since alan and his parents were in the very back of the room, i think maybe a half dozen people or so even knew they were there.

                            this was gc 2003 i THINK, and most people didn't know what alan looked like (i only knew because i was working the door and teh gatecon folks escorted them in and told me that even though they didn't have lanyards/tickets, they were free to come and go
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              here's a question

                              a friend and i were talking.

                              i've always seen Sam as the baby of the family. mark was older and she was teh youngest

                              but, to quote my friend, 'sam had older sibling written all over her'

                              so....whatta ya think? is sam the oldest or youngest? and why
                              I've always thought that Mark was older too. However, if there's a space between the two of 4 or more years, then the youngest often exhibits "older sibling" behavior. This would especially be true if after their mother died, Mark left and Sam was basically on her own. With Jacob's job she would have had to become pretty self-sufficient.


                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                yep she gives good dead like someone told me in my rep comments that i give good green

                                course at gatecon a couple of years ago, the boys teased her about being a 'finisher' (meaning that she'd finish the scene/lines....but you know, ahem )

                                and poor at, who was in the audience? Alan's parents
                                OMG...LOL...what a hoot!!!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

