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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    how abou the Brady Bunch?

    Here's the story of a man named hammond who was bringin up three boys of his own (jack, daniel, teal'c)
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      let's wait and see if something is worked otu before we start wondering about casting
      Hey...I'll take that as a positive comment from you Sky...I think we should just wait and see what happens..,coz it aint over til it's over!!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        scary huh????

        but honestly, given the passionate response i'd expect from any atlantis fans fearing for their favorite character, picking and choosing who should 'leave' and how they'd be replaced is a bit 'cart before the horse'

        I"m not saying that a home couldn't be made for any member of the current sg1 cast on atlantis, and if that happens only time will tell if it's a good thing or if it's handled poorly.

        but getting all upset about something that hasn't happened yet is a bit premature.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Gate gal
          On that note, it is sad that this is the first season in a long time where they were actually planning another. The actors had signed two year contracts. The Ori story arc is a big one that won't be easily wrapped up in the short ammount of time allotted.

          Just imagine spending 10 years of your life doing something then having it end. (((((Amanda)))) This has to be hard for them even if they saw it coming.
          Yep...that's what I was thinking...they have all been through so much together over the last 10 years...this must be pretty hard on all the cast and crew.
          Surely, if they signed 2 year contracts, they couldn't have been expecting that news...and especially recieving it at the celebration of the 200th ep...or was it the day before?? Either's gotta be tough on them.
          I wonder if they're relieved or just as sad as a lot of us kinda makes you think!!
          Good luck to them all!!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            SunKrux: You can do this hun!!! I hope you have fun while walking...just enjoy it!!! And I hope you don't have blisters(sp?) when you got back

            Originally posted by Gate gal
            It is way too quiet tonight! Let's play a game. Question in spoilers since it relates to 200.
            There were so many funny parodies in 200, and AT was great in them. Can anyone think of a parody that should have been in the episode? What part would AT play and why?
            Ok...***think think think***

            I think I would go with LAD on this one, I would love her to see as Scully from the X-files...And RDA as Mulder... That would be just to funny. And that they color her hair in the same color... I would love her to see her in the ep. where the machine has a mind of his own...and is killing people... I think the ep is called 'Ghost in the Machine'

            Also I would love to see her in a parodie of Friends... Or another serie that is 'funny'

            Maybe also in a parodie on a childprogram... I mean that she be the host(sp?) of it. I think that would be funny


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              Yes. That was...interesting. Probably would have been even more interesting had I understood more than the words "TV Guide."

              Could someone translate this? Please???
              LOL!!! I was thinking the same thing...should have paid more attention to my parents and German class!!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by deepspace
                Samandan's are such an amazing group of people. You all produced such coherent, rational, well thought out responses to prove why Sam is a great character.

                I will never understand how some people can get a kick out of posting about how much they don't like a character on a thread that is dedicated to the repect of that character. I understand that different people have different opinions, but there is really no need to infringe upon the space of those of us who think differently.

                Hic Comitas regit.
                I'll second that...if it hasn't been seconded already...I believe that if you haven't got something nice to say then don't say anything at all...I avoid the anti threads simply coz I don't need any more negativity in my life than what's out there already...great post deepspace!!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                  That makes three of us... Wait, 80 of us, you say? OK. 80's good.
                  Up to 88 now!!! Anymore takers???

                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by Gate gal
                    It is way too quiet tonight! Let's play a game. Question in spoilers since it relates to 200.
                    There were so many funny parodies in 200, and AT was great in them. Can anyone think of a parody that should have been in the episode? What part would AT play and why?
                    Well..I was thinking maybe...Mission Impossible...from the tv series not the movie version...for oh so many reasons...or how about The Waltons..."goodnight Jack-boy...goodnight Daniel...goodnight Teal'c"

                    Goodnight everyone...take care and be safe...and congratulations to all the milestoners...and welcome to all the newbies!!
                    Great posts everyone!!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                      How about Scully from 'The X-Files'? Not original, I know...but I don't watch a lot of TV. I wish they could have done a Star Wars parody...I guess she'd be Leia. Does it have to be Sci-Fi?
                      That would be so cool!
                      They could've taken the idea from Nightwalkers LOL
                      I also would have loved a Star wars parody
                      And how about a mix between Starship Troopers and Palpitations (I think that is the name) since the bug ep from season 9 is a "borrow" of both


                        The character tournament is down to the final three now if anyone wants to drop by and vote for people who aren't Sam.


                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by DEM
                          GILLIGAN'S ISLAND!!!!11!!1!

                          Carter would be The Professor, of course. Why? Because these are some of the things The Professor accomplished while on the isle (courtesy of Wikipedia):
                          • fashioned a pedal-powered washing machine and dentist's drill
                          • made a bamboo telescope, record player, hypodermic needle, geiger counter, and padlock, stethoscope
                          • used hypnosis to cure The Skipper of amnesia
                          • developed a phosphorus dye which Gilligan drank and became a human lighthouse bulb
                          • created a forge for melting metal to make an anchor
                          • made a telephone to attach to an international underwater telephone cable
                          • concocted a potion to cure Gilligan's inverted vision problem (but caused him to see multiple images instead)
                          • invented a lie detector to find out the identity of Mrs Howell's secret admirer

                          • determined that an occupied Gemini spacecraft would pass directly over the island, and built a large bamboo generator to boost the power of a Morse code transmitter he created. The generator was powered by 4 castaway-pedaled unicycles.

                          Now tell me that ain't Carter!

                          HEY! Trivia! Ep 1.19: "Kurt Russell was the Jungle Boy, a lad found living in the jungle. They accidentally sent him back to civilization alone in a homemade balloon before they finished teaching him English."
                          Dammit, DEM, now you make me want to see this show


                            Originally posted by ReganX
                            The character tournament is down to the final three now if anyone wants to drop by and vote for people who aren't Sam.

                            Don't hurt me...



                              ooh, here's a spoof idea
                              stargate csi - solving the criminal cases of the universe
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by ReganX
                                The character tournament is down to the final three now if anyone wants to drop by and vote for people who aren't Sam.

                                Oh, that was hard. I almost didn't vote. I guess I should answer my own question now.

                                I would have prefered a Friends parody to Teengate. I would want a scene in the coffee shop, but I'm torn on what part AT would play. Rachal was my favorite so that would be cool (with RDA as Ross), but I love AT's comedic timing so I wouldn't mind seeing her as Phoebe.

