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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Lord_Minister
    I have a question. Why are there so many female Sam fans? I thought most of sams fans were guys and they liked her because shes hot.
    Looking at your question on the flip side, I guess that would kind of be a stereotype wouldn't it, especially since it's kind of like saying saying female fans only like Daniel or Jack because they're hot and not because of other aspects of their personalities. And that's the amazing thing about Sam - she for the most part defies stereotyping.

    Like others have said.... besides the gorgeousness of the outside of Sam, there's so much to her, that gorgeousness of person inside, that each of us can individually identify with or aspire to, that there's no limit who is/can be a Sam fan. I saw a good crosssection of Sam Fans at the recent Shore Leave convention that Amanda attended and can vouch that we all come from all walks of life and *lurve* our Sam for all kinds of reasons.

    And LM... all that love and diversity --- that's a *very* cool thing.
    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Originally posted by chelle db Sam basically confirmed it did happen! Not a very appropriate scene IMO.
      I saw a special for season 5 and
      Martin Wood says something like: "This season we are going to have a sex scene which is very unusual for this show."
      The clip they show is Sam and Orlin. The glowing scene.


        Originally posted by kes
        I saw a special for season 5 and
        Martin Wood says something like: "This season we are going to have a sex scene which is very unusual for this show."
        The clip they show is Sam and Orlin. The glowing scene.
        So, it could be a question of point of view...

        Spoilers for S9 Fourth Horseman
        If Martin Wood sees that as a sex scene, it would explain Landry's reaction...

        Personaly, I didn't see it as a sex scene...


          Originally posted by Linwelin
          So, it could be a question of point of view...

          Spoilers for S9 Fourth Horseman
          If Martin Wood sees that as a sex scene, it would explain Landry's reaction...

          Personaly, I didn't see it as a sex scene...
          It didnt look like it to me either. But I'm guessing it is as intimide (sp) as a sex scene. Or more since Orlin said he'd get to know everyting about her and vice versa.


            Originally posted by Linwelin
            So, it could be a question of point of view...

            Spoilers for S9 Fourth Horseman
            If Martin Wood sees that as a sex scene, it would explain Landry's reaction...

            Personaly, I didn't see it as a sex scene...
            Well if TJ is correct about 8000 nerve endings and the brain is the control center of those nerves then I suppose one could assume that being connected spiritually and mentally the way Sam and Orlin were in Ascension could be considered a sexual experience. Who's to say what sharing one's essense would feel like? It may produce a similiar chemical and physical reaction as the big O; however, I always thought of it as much more spiritual and emotional connection than a physical one, much like Narim sharing his emotions with her. The reason being, if it were more than that, I would have expected Sam to be weak in the knees after being glowed by Orlin. She looked surprised, one might even say excited, but definitely not the kind of response I would have expected from a woman who just had the ultimate sexual experience. But I suppose that's the difference between a man and a woman's point of view regarding sex.

            Personally I wouldn't have minded it if they had suggested it was sexual during Ascension. Sam deserved to meet someone who liked her and treated her well. I just hated the scene in FH1 because they took a personal experience of Sam's and turned it into a joke and made Sam look embarrassed by the entire thing. Poor taste in my opinion. Personally I don't think the subject should have ever been brought up by Landry, especially with Daniel and Lam in the room. It was very a bad judgement call on his part and had I been Sam I would have been mortified to have to discuss it with him in that situation. I would have also lost a great deal of respect for the man as well as Lam.
            Last edited by ForeverSg1; 02 August 2006, 11:21 AM.


              4th Horseman spoilers

              Originally posted by kes
              I saw a special for season 5 and Martin Wood says something like: "This season we are going to have a sex scene which is very unusual for this show." The clip they show
              is Sam and Orlin. The glowing scene.
              Interesting. I wouldn't call that a 'sex' scene, but I certainly would call it 'intimate' (and have done). Moreover, it's the kind of intimacy that one might find
              inappropriate between an adult and a 13-year-old. ...which has been my at the heart of my position regarding whether or not the 4th Horseman scene was a retcon.


                Originally posted by ReganX
                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                In Pegasus Project he came across as a

                bully to me. I understand Mckay is a jerk at times and he tends to goad Carter on, but McKay didn't know Mitchell and Cameron intentionally tried to intimidate McKay on several occassions. I also didn't enjoy seeing Sam condone this type of behavior. Perhaps it's the mother in me, but it was like watching the cool kids at school picking on the newbie or geek. It just struck a nerve with me.

                Just remember that poor Sam is all but prohibited to question or criticize Mitchell's actions.
                Regan - you've nailed it dead-on here.
                First: If Mitchell is her CO, then she can't out and out tell him off or dress him down if she disagrees with his behavior. If he's doing something illegal or decidedly dangerous or such, then she has a responsibility to speak up. But if he's just a jerk, or if she doesn't like the way that he handles things - then she doesn't get to say her piece. He's the CO, she's the subordinate.

                Second: I seriously doubt that the writers and/or TPTB are going to let little ole female Sam tell off Lead Male Mitchell - and be right. She'd come across as a bi*ch, or she'd ultimately be proven wrong. He's the Lead of the Show. She's the science geek, and only one of the second bananas.

                Originally posted by ReganX
                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                Just once I would just like to see a scene where Cameron screws up or does something stupid and Sam actually gets angry and blows up at him.
                If we ever see it outside of fanfic, it'll turn out that Mitchell's stupid screw-up was actually the right thing to do and Sam will be eating her words and acknowledging his superior tactical abilities, awe-inspiring leadership, etc, by the end of the episode.
                Dead-on again, Regan!


                  Originally posted by Linwelin
                  As for kernel, geek vocabulary...
                  I know...I was joking.
                  Originally posted by Linwelin
                  The other one, I wasn't there...
                  I came in after it was over. Looks like we missed a good 'un!

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    Originally posted by kes
                    It didnt look like it to me either. But I'm guessing it is as intimide (sp) as a sex scene. Or more since Orlin said he'd get to know everyting about her and vice versa.
                    Well it was an intimate scene but it wasn't a sexscene...thas is so something different...well for me it is. I mean off course they were intimate with eachother but that is all for me. they both know everything about eachother and that makes it intimate but that is it.


                      I have a question. Why are there so many female Sam fans? I thought most of Sam’s fans were guys and they liked her because shes hot.
                      – post 48213 by Lord Minister

                      Sam's character has far, far more than looks to make her appeal to her fans.

                      Her intelligence, compassion, kindness, strength, leadership, humour and heroism are just some of the factors that drew me to her character.
                      - post 48214 by ReganX

                      For me personally its because I think the character of Sam was someone who I aspired to be like; honest, decent, good at her job, loyal...the list is endless. I think Sam makes a great role model for women generally.
                      - post 48215 by Rachel500

                      She's one of the first female scifi characters that we as women can respect. She's made her way in a man's world, both the miltary and academics. She's respected in both fields, yet she still manages to be a woman, to be funny, to be compassionate, to just be REAL.
                      - post 48218 by KatG

                      that exactly why I like Sam too...she is a role model for so many woman! I think if more people where like her, the world would be a better place...

                      And she also looks great but that is not the main thing here...Looks are great but the person who you are inside counts way more than your looks. And Amanda has that personality. So I think that is also one of the reasons why so many woman like her. […]...she is far more than just her beauty. We (the fans) want also more than just watching her...we want to talk and discuss what Amanda does.
                      - post 48219 by RepliCartertje

                      But there are still some of us (male and female ) who would also add 'plus she's hot'
                      - post 48220 by AgentDark

                      Looking at your question on the flip side, I guess that would kind of be a stereotype wouldn't it, especially since it's kind of like saying saying female fans only like Daniel or Jack because they're hot and not because of other aspects of their personalities. And that's the amazing thing about Sam - she for the most part defies stereotyping.

                      Like others have said.... besides the gorgeousness of the outside of Sam, there's so much to her, that gorgeousness of person inside, that each of us can individually identify with or aspire to, that there's no limit who is/can be a Sam fan. I saw a good crosssection of Sam Fans at the recent Shore Leave convention that Amanda attended and can vouch that we all come from all walks of life and *lurve* our Sam for all kinds of reasons.

                      And LM... all that love and diversity --- that's a *very* cool thing.
                      - post 48226 by ShimmeringStar


                      What wonderful responses! And I love AD's counterpoint in there - and I just have to say that I'd never heard the word 'plathunk' until I came to this thread. (As I understand it, plathunk is a concatenation of platonic and thunk, so folks can thunk over AT without it necessarily being sexual lust).


                      And here's my reply:

                      Why are there so many female Sam fans?

                      In the words of ShimmeringStar
                      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                      a series that had already given viewers the notion that a female soldier on a mixed gender field unit was normal
                      and accepted
                      Originally posted by shimmeringstar
                      she was an experienced soldier with 8 years of intensive field experience, and on top of that, a talented scientist
                      - I loved the way that Carter was portrayed as a brilliant competent scientist who could handle things as they were thrown at her (not the inept science geek stereotype that they apparently have decided is more fun to write and play with over the past couple of years)

                      - I loved the way that Carter was portrayed as a scientist who was also athletically proficient and competent in the field as a soldier. Again... not just a geek.

                      - I loved the way that Carter was a solid member of the team. One of the heros, that got some main storylines and some of the heroic action.

                      - I also loved that Carter was the one interested in space. Astrophysics specialty and the dream of being an astronaut. Very cool!

                      .... I could go on and on, but I'll let others say theirs
                      Last edited by astrogeologist; 02 August 2006, 11:20 AM.


                        Originally posted by astrogeologist
                        Regan - you've nailed it dead-on here.
                        First: If Mitchell is her CO, then she can't out and out tell him off or dress him down if she disagrees with his behavior. If he's doing something illegal or decidedly dangerous or such, then she has a responsibility to speak up. But if he's just a jerk, or if she doesn't like the way that he handles things - then she doesn't get to say her piece. He's the CO, she's the subordinate.

                        Second: I seriously doubt that the writers and/or TPTB are going to let little ole female Sam tell off Lead Male Mitchell - and be right. She'd come across as a bi*ch, or she'd ultimately be proven wrong. He's the Lead of the Show. She's the science geek, and only one of the second bananas.

                        Dead-on again, Regan!
                        But Sam isn't Mitchell's subordinate. If she were, then she wouldn't be allowed to call him Cam, especially out on a mission. She'd be calling him Colonel or sir. They wouldn't be so informal with one another. So the writers are implying that she isn't his subordinate even though he may be leader of SG-1. I'm not saying you are wrong about Sam not being allowed by the writers to disagree with Mitchell, but I've noticed that anytime anyone disagrees with Mitchell he normally just makes a joke about it and does what he wants to anyway or basically just states "point noted, but I'm gonna do it anyway" such as in the following situations

                        JACKSON: *clear throat Mitchell turning* What the hell was that?
                        MITCHELL: What was what?
                        CARTER: We're suppose to stay under the radar.
                        TEAL'C: I doubt this world possesses such technology.
                        MITCHELL: See when he's right…he's right
                        JACKSON: Sam has a point. We're not equipped to take these guys on right now.
                        MITCHELL: I have no intention of taking anybody on. I'm just going to pose as a buyer.
                        JACKSON: *disbelieving* You?
                        MITCHELL: Well no offense Jackson, but you do not strike me as the drug dealer type. In fact, you're not even close.
                        JACKSON: *little pissed* I think I'm as close as you are.
                        CARTER: *to Mitchell* Come on you're miles away.
                        MITCHELL: Teal'c…which one of us is closer?
                        TEAL'C: *Jackson looking at him* I believe the three of you to be equal distant.
                        MITCHELL: *looks at Carter* Oh please! Mary Poppins is not even in the running.
                        CARTER: Hey!
                        MITCHELL: *points at Jackson* and neither are you... because I'm going.

                        The Scourge

                        MITCHELL: I'm telling you, today it's escorting foreign delegates on off- world tours. Tomorrow it's comic book conventions and supermarket openings.
                        JACKSON: I know how you feel but if we can somehow reassure the IOA of the job Stargate Command is doing the-
                        MITCHELL: Daniel Jackson. The problem is not the IOA.
                        JACKSON: Ok, if we can somehow reassure the Chinese Government.
                        MITCHELL: Oh, I think they're looking for more than reassurances
                        JACKSON: Well can you blame them? I mean, three years ago we promised to share all off-world technology.
                        MITCHELL: ...of a non military nature.
                        JACKSON: That wasn't in the original wording of the agreement.
                        MITCHELL: Hey look. I don't want to argue about this. I'm right. We'll leave it at that.

                        Arthur's Mantle
                        MITCHELL: We've lost contact with Teal'c… Landry's sending SG-3 and 22 to check on him at the sodan Village…I figured I'd tag along…
                        CARTER: Off world?!
                        MITCHELL: Yeah well Jackson was able to travel through the gate when he was out of phase so…yeah.
                        CARTER: Well…that's my point. You're out of phase, What do you hope to accomplish?
                        MITCHELL: Sam. Teal'c could be in trouble…I want to check it out. No one can see me…I can't get hurt. I can gather Intel that no one else can
                        JACKSON: *reaching the end of the book with his finger…* Sam…? Mitchell…? did you see it?
                        MITCHELL: *Before Carter can say anything*… Listen…I promise I'll come back through the Gate when they dial to check in. I'll only be gone a couple of hours…
                        JACKSON: Hello? You guys still there?
                        CARTER: Cameron…
                        MITCHELL: Sam… Teal'c may need help…and I have friends among the Sodan. I'll be back soon… Promise *he leaves*

                        I mean why would Sam and Daniel respect or trust a man who disregards their opinions so regularly? You're probably correct in that if Sam did argue with him, she'd just be made to look like a b*tch or the one who was wrong.


                          Originally posted by Linwelin
                          So, it could be a question of point of view...

                          Spoilers for S9 Fourth Horseman
                          If Martin Wood sees that as a sex scene, it would explain Landry's reaction...

                          Personaly, I didn't see it as a sex scene...
                          ROFLMAO!!!! Did anyone else just get visions of Sandra Bullock and Sylvester Stallone in 'Demolition Man'?!?

                          Not sure whether it's PG so I'll put the quote in spoiler tags from that movie:


                          Lenina Huxley: I was wondering if you would like to have sex?
                          John Spartan: With you? Here? Now?
                          [Lenina nods]
                          John Spartan: Oh, yeah.
                          [after futuristic, contact-free "sex" - i.e. some weird helmet thing that taps into your brain]
                          John Spartan: I was thinkin' we could do it the old-fashioned way.
                          Lenina Huxley: You mean... *fluid transfer*?
                          Last edited by AmberLM; 02 August 2006, 11:30 AM.
                          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                          My fanfic


                            Originally posted by astrogeologist
                            I have a question. Why are there so many female Sam fans? I thought most of Sam’s fans were guys and they liked her because shes hot.
                            – post 48213 by Lord Minister

                            Sam's character has far, far more than looks to make her appeal to her fans.

                            Her intelligence, compassion, kindness, strength, leadership, humour and heroism are just some of the factors that drew me to her character.
                            - post 48214 by ReganX

                            For me personally its because I think the character of Sam was someone who I aspired to be like; honest, decent, good at her job, loyal...the list is endless. I think Sam makes a great role model for women generally.
                            - post 48215 by Rachel500

                            She's one of the first female scifi characters that we as women can respect. She's made her way in a man's world, both the miltary and academics. She's respected in both fields, yet she still manages to be a woman, to be funny, to be compassionate, to just be REAL.
                            - post 48218 by KatG

                            that exactly why I like Sam too...she is a role model for so many woman! I think if more people where like her, the world would be a better place...

                            And she also looks great but that is not the main thing here...Looks are great but the person who you are inside counts way more than your looks. And Amanda has that personality. So I think that is also one of the reasons why so many woman like her. […]...she is far more than just her beauty. We (the fans) want also more than just watching her...we want to talk and discuss what Amanda does.
                            - post 48219 by RepliCartertje

                            But there are still some of us (male and female ) who would also add 'plus she's hot'
                            - post 48220 by AgentDark

                            Looking at your question on the flip side, I guess that would kind of be a stereotype wouldn't it, especially since it's kind of like saying saying female fans only like Daniel or Jack because they're hot and not because of other aspects of their personalities. And that's the amazing thing about Sam - she for the most part defies stereotyping.

                            Like others have said.... besides the gorgeousness of the outside of Sam, there's so much to her, that gorgeousness of person inside, that each of us can individually identify with or aspire to, that there's no limit who is/can be a Sam fan. I saw a good crosssection of Sam Fans at the recent Shore Leave convention that Amanda attended and can vouch that we all come from all walks of life and *lurve* our Sam for all kinds of reasons.

                            And LM... all that love and diversity --- that's a *very* cool thing.
                            - post 48226 by ShimmeringStar


                            What wonderful responses! And I love AD's counterpoint in there - and I just have to say that I'd never heard the word 'plathunk' until I came to this thread. (As I understand it, plathunk is a concatenation of platonic and thunk, so folks can thunk over AT without it necessarily being sexual lust).


                            And here's my reply:

                            Why are there so many female Sam fans?

                            In the words of ShimmeringStar and accepted

                            - I loved the way that Carter was portrayed as a brilliant competent scientist who could handle things as they were thrown at her (not the inept science geek stereotype that they apparently have decided is more fun to write and play with over the past couple of years)

                            - I loved the way that Carter was portrayed as a scientist who was also athletically proficient and competent in the field as a soldier. Again... not just a geek.

                            - I loved the way that Carter was a solid member of the team. One of the heros, that got some main storylines and some of the heroic action.

                            - I also loved that Carter was the one interested in space. Astrophysics specialty and the dream of being an astronaut. Very cool!

                            .... I could go on and on, but I'll let others say theirs

                            B-but you didn't quote any of the cool things I'VE said about Sam.

                            *weeps bitter tears*

                            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

                              B-but you didn't quote any of the cool things I'VE said about Sam.

                              *weeps bitter tears*
                              I was only doing recent posts (since Lord Minister posted his question)... did I miss yours? If so, I apologize profusely...


                                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                                I was only doing recent posts (since Lord Minister posted his question)... did I miss yours? If so, I apologize profusely...
                                Sadly, I'm afraid most of my posts here for the past day or so have been thoroughly lacking in depth. But they sure were fun to write!

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

