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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1
    Well TPTB may think that Cam is the leader, but many fans ( a large percentage) know the truth, Sam is the true leader of SG1 no matter what they try to sell us. Don't they remind you of telemarketers that keep trying to sell you things you don't want
    Well we all know that sam is the leader... that is so obvious in everything she does... I mean it looks like Cam is giving the orders but when it is actually sam is who the boys listen to... she is just covert in it... she just gives Cam the idea that he is leading it... But in everything she does you can see that he isn't... he is too lazy to do something... he looks like a tourist with the other guys. He knows it will all work out so he doesn't care that they are in trouble.
    Sam knows when they are really in trouble and she knows how to fix it. Or help it


      Sorry, Semi on-topicness here because I'm so excited! One of my friends sent me a package and it had some blue Jello in it. Anyway, I made some up this afternoon and I'm eating it now. It's so darn yummy, no WONDER it's Sam's favourite dessert! And how on earth could Amanda get sick of it? This stuff is AMAZING?

      Oh, yeah. And my housemates saw it when I took it out of the fridge and they said, "Wow! It's like that leader woman off that Sci-Fi programme. The blonde one.... Stargate, that's the programme."

      They're well trained these days.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by astrogeologist
        AD, that's exactly what I was hoping for
        that the morphine injection could lead back to a Jolinar-aftereffects reference. I wonder if the writers (et. al.) know how many points they score with their fan base when they tie things back to earlier episode content? Those types of references always impress me!
        I couldn't agree with you more. Those things bring such continuity! It would make me feel as though they haven't completely forgotton the more 'veteran' fans.
        If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

        Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
        proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
        Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

        Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
          Sorry, Semi on-topicness here because I'm so excited! One of my friends sent me a package and it had some blue Jello in it. Anyway, I made some up this afternoon and I'm eating it now. It's so darn yummy, no WONDER it's Sam's favourite dessert! And how on earth could Amanda get sick of it? This stuff is AMAZING?

          Oh, yeah. And my housemates saw it when I took it out of the fridge and they said, "Wow! It's like that leader woman off that Sci-Fi programme. The blonde one.... Stargate, that's the programme."

          They're well trained these days.
          Hi, Teej. Please tell me your secret: how did you train them? My RL friends are still rolling their eyes every time I mention SG. Why don't they just pat me on the head while they're at it?
          If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

          Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
          proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
          Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

          Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


            Time for a few Carterpics



              Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
              I couldn't agree with you more. Those things bring such continuity! It would make me feel as though they haven't completely forgotton the more 'veteran' fans.

              well who needs to be reminded of jolinar anyway? hey! maybe they'll have vala heal her with a goa'uld healing device!


                Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                Hi, Teej. Please tell me your secret: how did you train them? My RL friends are still rolling their eyes every time I mention SG. Why don't they just pat me on the head while they're at it?
                Well, I think it's mainly that they catch bits of Stargate on the TV when they are walking to the kitchen and they've picked up that there's a blonde woman who eats blue Jello. It also helps that their boyfriends are all gate fans. It's like my best friend used to be clueless about SG, but then she got together with her boyfriend Karl who is also into Gate.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by stargate barbie

                  well who needs to be reminded of jolinar anyway? hey! maybe they'll have vala heal her with a goa'uld healing device!

                  An excellent - albeit sad - point, in that I could see that happening. But they'd have to have a dramatic
                  treasure hunt first; no doubt Vala left it on some planet. And there would have to be an ugly fight with the natives because they're p.o.'d.
                  What did I leave out?
                  If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

                  Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
                  proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
                  Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

                  Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                    Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                    Hi, Teej. Please tell me your secret: how did you train them? My RL friends are still rolling their eyes every time I mention SG. Why don't they just pat me on the head while they're at it?
                    I've actually gotten my brother and best friend trained well. They now love the show too! My family knows I'm addicted and they take it in stride. I used to be an X-Files fanatic, so they're used to my behavior! I do get the occasional 'look' sometimes when I start prattling on about Stargate though!


                      Originally posted by minigeek
                      Sky, I just read "Unforseen" - WOW. That was FANFRICKINTASTIC, baby!!!! That is *exactly* the kind of Sam Carter I would so love to see on the series. **sigh** If only you were writing for it....
                      hehehe, that would probably be very, very scary.

                      see, i try to avoid marty/mary sues and if i use a cliche, i at least TRY to put an original twist on it

                      so i so wouldn't fit in

                      oh, and i'm also female, which i'm sure, disqualifies me totally
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by ForeverSg1

                        I'm actually really surprised that Sci-Fi released such shoddy promo images. I mean this is Stargate's record breaking tenth year. You would have thought that they would have put together a bit more high quality promotional images in order to promote their tenth season. Lucky for the show, they have always had such loyal fans because it's obvious they didn't last a decade due to the production company and network's top notch promotions.

                        You know what I really wish? I wish they would just release each of the individual images and then have a contest to allow the fans to create the promotional images, because I have seen much better walls and posters from fans than what I have seen from Sci-Fi.
                        it's very, very shoddy

                        if you know you're gonna photoshop a group shot, you set up the studio, then have each actor in 5-10 poses each, which, theoretically, should give you enough to work with, that will have the same lighting, to cobble together a group shot that at least LOOKS decent.

                        but these are the folks that, for s7, took a s6 group shot and cut out jonas and slapped shanks in there. who was not only lit differently and in a different costume, they forgot to cut all of jonas out.

                        whomever is running graphics at skiffy must be someone's son, uncle, daughter, brother, cause that's the only excuse for the crappy excuses they keep releasing as 'official'
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          it's very, very shoddy

                          if you know you're gonna photoshop a group shot, you set up the studio, then have each actor in 5-10 poses each, which, theoretically, should give you enough to work with, that will have the same lighting, to cobble together a group shot that at least LOOKS decent.

                          but these are the folks that, for s7, took a s6 group shot and cut out jonas and slapped shanks in there. who was not only lit differently and in a different costume, they forgot to cut all of jonas out.

                          whomever is running graphics at skiffy must be someone's son, uncle, daughter, brother, cause that's the only excuse for the crappy excuses they keep releasing as 'official'
                          i'm gonna need to see that pic.


                            pm me your e-mail and i'll send it to you
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Camelot is wrapping up here on SciFi right now, which reminds me (if you'll pardon the shameless self-promotion):



                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                i hope so...

                                i like the idea of whumpsam, but i *don't* like her paired with mitchell. anyone but mitchell.

                                also, i saw a new full page add (got from another forum) -

                                why look who's pushed up front of the cast?

                                i better stop now, since i'm about to enter into mean and snotty territory.

                                Hey Kirk! How ya doin'?

                                At least I don't think it's BB forcing the Kirking. I'm sure that's all SciFi/Sony/Bridge. maybe not in that order.

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

