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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    AH! AH AH!

    Who was it that made the Sam Carter manip with fruit salad down to her knees and a tiara?? Oooobs? Kat? mini? You should post that to the Heal-Hurt thread!


      Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
      Tell that to the Space channel on Canadian TV. I believe they think they're real. I don't know what the Leo's are. But when people are saying that Stargate didn't win any awards this year, it's disengenuous to say it didn't when it actually won two Spacey Awards. And most people find that something to celebrate.
      Yes. Exactly. And they are real awards. The alternative is what ... they're fake awards?

      I read things like that (and I know for a fact that Amanda would agree with this 5000%), the award is an accolade; it's an honor bestowed, and its absolutely meaningful as such.

      Before we decide to descend with claws bared on the credibility of the smaller awards like this, consider - if your mother/father/aunt/uncle/cousin/husband/wife/daugher/son/friend/etc... won a Spacey award, would you turn to them and say: "Pfft. That's not a REAL award. It's worthless. No one cares. Go out and win an Emmy, then come back and talk to me."

      No. You wouldn't. Because to win any award like that is to be recognized for artistic achievement in your field. You would be PROUD of that person. To belittle the award - any award, given like that - is to belittle the artists who win the awards. It's just wrong. It's not just the Stargate folks I'm talking about, it's everyone who's ever won one, everyone who's ever won any 'small' award. Sneering at that, is sneering at their achievement(s), and it goes against everything that Hic Comitas Regit stands for.

      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by minigeek
        Gotta agree with AD here. There's criticism, even abject distsaste or disdain, parody, etc., and then there's just plain kiddy-cruel. If it's something that would be really offensive were it directed towards (Carter) then it's not any better directed at any other character. Just seemed in poor taste, I'm afraid. To me, anyway. And I surely ain't in the pro Vala camp. So that's sayin' something.

        Well considering it said something about
        Mitchell and Carter in the Armory (implying sex)

        I didn't see what was funny.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by suse
          Well considering it said something about
          Mitchell and Carter in the Armory (implying sex)

          I didn't see what was funny.

          what? i thought it was jack and sam. sam and mitchell? ewwww.
          "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
          Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


            Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
            what? i thought it was jack and sam. sam and mitchell? ewwww.
            It was Jack and Sam, wasn't it?


              Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
              what? i thought it was jack and sam. sam and mitchell? ewwww.
              i don't remember either (both of which are ew to me). I was too busy: a) trying to figure out what ep that really was, and b) laughing at Daniel's "But Vala's a person too!"



                Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                all we need is sex, drugs, and idiots. just you wait, all the kids'll love it!
                Hey! OTG had two out of three! Perhaps the "sexy leather" outfits can count as the third? /sarcasm

                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  in a weak attempt to explain the differing POVs
                  Originally posted by minigeek
                  Yes. Exactly. And they are real awards. The alternative is what ... they're fake a

                  I read things like that (and I know for a fact that Amanda would agree with this 5000%), the award is an accolade; it's an honor bestowed, and its absolutely meaningful as such.

                  Before we decide to descend with claws bared on the credibility of the smaller awards like this, consider - if your mother/father/aunt/uncle/cousin/husband/wife/daugher/son/friend/etc... won a Spacey award, would you turn to them and say: "Pfft. That's not a REAL award. It's worthless. No one cares. Go out and win an Emmy, then come back and talk to me."

                  No. You wouldn't. Because to win any award like that is to be recognized for artistic achievement in your field. You would be PROUD of that person. To belittle the award - any award, given like that - is to belittle the artists who win the awards. It's just wrong. It's not just the Stargate folks I'm talking about, it's everyone who's ever won one, everyone who's ever won any 'small' award. Sneering at that, is sneering at their achievement(s), and it goes against everything that Hic Comitas Regit stands for.

                  i agree its an achievement. heck, sam winning the WSL poll and the hurt/heal game are achievements. and lord knows i'm happy about it. but is the DEM's game really comparable to a Leo? i me, a Leo means more. yes, they mean different things, but, IMO, a Leo actually means MORE (no offence DEM...probably). is a Spacey comparable to a Leo, Gemini, or Saturn? (i'm asking you) i honestly don't know how they work. i would never tell my uncle that winning a spacey means nothing; i'd be proud. but, in all honesty, i'd be more proud if he won an Emmy. i don't think that's belittling, because, IMO, its actually true. an Emmy signifies more than a Spacey.
                  yes, this year Stargate won awards, however, IMO, they do mean less than the ones they've won in the past. they mean something, but not as much. (my opinion may change depending on how you describe the winning process for the other three.)

                  suse: of course it can!
                  "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                  Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                    Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                    hey, i defiantly said idiots (photoshop indeed)!! hathor's from the old show and therefore utterly boring. though she is hot and doesn't have that pesky moral stuff that makes her keep her clothes on. but she can't be on the team. oh no, you can't have two women on one team! it would...throw of the cosmological constant or something!! the show MUST revolve around vala!
                    Of course! After all, they "don't know what to do with Sam in S10".

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                      That may be true and if they only allowed each fan one vote then maybe I would have more respect for the Spacey's, but when you give fans a month to cast votes repeatedly, then it really doesn't mean much. It simply means that a small group of fans had a lot of free time on their hands. Which is why I really don't bother voting for such things. It was much like the Buzz poll that Amanda was on last year. Yes it was cool that enough people voted on her to boost her up on the pool for a few days, but in the end it all comes down to which fan group has the most time to sit in front of their computer screens and hit the enter button repeatedly.
                      Hic Comitas Regit, Kat. You can see whatever you'd like to see. But it's still a legitemate award. I know the folks who run Chum City Interactive, and they do have processes in place to tabulate results fairly. I also have friends who've won Spacey awards, and not only did I feel tremendous pride on their behalf, but the fact is ... they worked damn hard on the projects they created, too. Would you stand in front of any one of them and tell them the award was a piece of garbage? That it doesn't mean much? I don't think so. I get that you feel strongly about the SG-1 related aspect of these particular awards, but c'mon. You don't really know what you're criticizing here. You're reacting and I'm sorry - but you're wrong. People win Oscars and Emmys and I often think someone else should have won instead. I can rage and claim politics, insider interference, etc etc., but at the end of the day, the award itself is no less meaningful. Nor the accomplishment(s) of those who were nominated and/or recognized for their art.

                      I wouldn't have voted for Mitchell for a Spacey award. But I won't disparrage the entire awards simply because I feel that way.

                      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                        Here's a little history of the Spacey's I dug up, it lists the categories:

                        Favourite TV Series Winner: Buffy
                        Favourite Canadian TV Series Winner: Stargate SG1
                        Favourite TV Hottie Winner: T’Pol from Enterprise

                        Favourite TV Character - Male winner: Spike from Angel
                        Favourite TV Character - Female winner: T’Pol from Enterprise
                        Favourite Canadian TV Series winner: Stargate SG-1
                        Favourite TV Series winner: Angel

                        In 2005
                        Favourite TV Character - Male Winner: General Jack O'Neill from Stargate SG-1
                        Favorite TV Chracter - Female Winner: T'Pol from Star Trek: Enterprise
                        Favourite Canadian TV Series Winner: Stargate SG-1
                        Favourite TV Series Winner: Star Trek: Enterprise

                        Favourite TV Show Winner Battlestar Gallactica
                        Favourite TV Ensemble Cast Winner: Stargate SG-1 Season 9 cast
                        Favourite New TV Character Winner: Ben Browder

                        I just find it a little odd how the categories keep changing
                        But everyone can decide for themselves.

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by stargate barbie
                          also, i find it interesting that in previous years, michael shanks was considered a "lead" on the show. this goes to show that the four main characters were leads, as opposed to the one "lead" of this year. just shows how things have changed.

                          i wonder will amanda still be considered the leading female on the show next year, or for that matter was she even considered so this year aside from the fact that she was the only one.

                          What was it N. John Smith said about Amanda at the Vancouver Cretin Con? That they always considered her lead? Did he specify while Rick was there? I know she looked like she was touched/going to cry...
                          So, where does that (former?) status leave her now? Or was it just talk?

                          As someone here says, if you're going to talk the talk, walk the walk.

                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            Originally posted by Mandysg1
                            I just find it a little odd how the categories keep changing
                            But everyone can decide for themselves.
                            If Amanda Tapping had won this year's Spacey, would we even be having this conversation? Would we be discussing how the awards are meaningless? Or would we all have acknowledged that she deserved the accolade and moved on?

                            Answer that honestly, even if it's just in your own heads.

                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              IMHO AT should be getting Emmys, and one day, an Oscar for an amazing movie role she will play. I can see her accpetance speech now..."I'd like to thank the Samandans..."


                                i have a dream (horrible one!) i want to share with you guys.

                                c/ping it from the shipper thread--

                                in the dream, i was lying in bed and suddenly realizing that i was watching the season premier for s10. i knew they were doing a one-time-only deal where they'd show the ep (it was morning that i was watching it). anyways, it showed sam coming out of a flight area (that looked super cool and pretty), wearing a white and tight flightsuit (think what sam and jack wore in the s6 premier). so, sam's walking out when she passes by daniel. they both do a double take and come back to one another. they hug like they haven't seen each other in months, but so hard that they fall onto the ground... and then daniel starts kissing her. passionately. and sam's into it. he's on top of her, while ppl around them do their job. suddenly sam comes to her senses and pushes him off (you can tell she's irked that this happened, like she's saying, 'get the hell off me!'). while she's sitting up, you can see that the zipper on her flightsuit is down and is revealing her ample cleavage.

                                so, as a viewer of this ep, i'm immediately steaming and angry. not only for throwing in a sam/daniel shippy scene, but that sam's flightsuit outfit is obviously non regulation and that the only reason the writers did it was for the titillation. so i was ticked, but mainly because of the out-of-nowhere sam/daniel ship. and i hated the writers and certain ppl for it. :/

                                then i continue to watch, hoping for some explanation. then my mom comes in and i tell her about what happened. then another scene comes and i realize that i'm hoping that either sam or daniel weren't the real sam or daniel (like one was an imposter), and that it would explain what happened. so i'm anxious to see this confirmed, and then some noise happened and i woke up. with great relief that it was just a dream!

                                but that kind of dream only shows what i think this show (and the ppl making it) are capable of doing. and i believe they would.

                                k, done with whiney dream.



