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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX
    This is the best I could do on short notice. My apologies to Green Lantern fans - green tights and purple cape was hard to find!! Had to go back to the 40's for that ensemble


    Sadly, Felger got stuck in the VR machine and we got the Season 9 that was, instead.
    Heheeh Nice very nice

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by ReganX
      In "Singularity", she uses her right hand to paint.

      Yay, my 2,000th post. Ironically, it's also exacty three months since my first post (I joined months before I actually posted anything).

      Thanks for that - I had a feeling she was right handed but I just thought it was odd that she wore her watch on her right hand instead of her left.

      Congrats on your 2000th post!!! Well done!!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by minigeek
        Just wait for Sam to end up assigned to SG-22. Joe did mention that, at one point. The writing's on the wall.

        What? Are you serious??? Damn!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Ok...why is it that Sam seems to draw the small straw all the time??
          She's got a small dingy lab.
          She hasn't got a MoH - but Mitchell does????
          Is she or isn't she a pilot - why is that not clear? (IMO - she is at the very least a co-pilot - is she not??)
          Why is Sam not the leader of SG1?? (Or is she???)
          And why are she and Jack not married with a dozen kids yet??? (Hey, what can I say I'm a shipper at heart!!)
          Sam deserves better!!
          Have a great day all - and happy birthday LA Doyle - again!!!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by chelle db
            Ok...why is it that Sam seems to draw the small straw all the time??
            She's got a small dingy lab.
            She hasn't got a MoH - but Mitchell does????
            Is she or isn't she a pilot - why is that not clear? (IMO - she is at the very least a co-pilot - is she not??)
            Why is Sam not the leader of SG1?? (Or is she???)
            And why are she and Jack not married with a dozen kids yet??? (Hey, what can I say I'm a shipper at heart!!)
            Sam deserves better!!
            Have a great day all - and happy birthday LA Doyle - again!!!!

            Thanks, and I agree with you 100%, even the part about the kids. What can I say, I'm a shipper, too! Sam absolutely does deserve better! That's because she's the best.


              Happy Birthday LA Doyle!



                I "baked" it last night, but I felt this strange compulsion to make you wait until the actual day. I must be channeling my mother.



                  Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                  I think that's just fighter jets. Women can fly cargo planes.
                  Has this rule been changed by now?!!


                    Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                    Happy Birthday LA Doyle!

                    LOL, I can't tell whether Jack and Sam are saluting the birthday girl or the Eastern Conference Stanley Cup finalists!!

                    And, yippee, NC has baked another one of her famous Samandan birthday cakes!

                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LA DOYLE!!


                      Originally posted by ChopinGal
                      Has this rule been changed by now?!!
                      I think so now.


                        Originally posted by astrogeologist

                        ... What *SHOULD* have happened:

                        ‘Ready to go, Carter?’ Jack asked.

                        ‘Ready, sir.’

                        ‘I want you kids to check-in in twenty-four hours.’ Jack noted.

                        ‘Yes, sir.’ Carter clipped her P90 to her vest and rested her hands on it.

                        Daniel grabbed Mitchell’s vest and pulled him back. ‘You might want to stand back a bit more.’

                        Mitchell looked at Daniel and opened his mouth to say something when Walter announced the seventh chevron lock and the wormhole activated. The blue backwash had Mitchell staggering back a little.


                        ‘Told you.’ Daniel said smugly.

                        ‘They warned us in training but they never told us it would be like that.’ Mitchell said his voice filled with wonderment.

                        Carter smiled and looked over at Jack. ‘With your permission, sir.’

                        Jack nodded. ‘Have fun.’

                        Teal’c bowed his head and walked swiftly up the ramp and into the wormhole. Daniel followed after him. Mitchell halted at the top of the ramp and Sam stopped next to him.

                        ‘This isn’t going to hurt is it?’ Mitchell checked sticking his gun into the event horizon and making a lazy circle.

                        ‘Not as much as it used to.’

                        ‘Not as much as it used to?’ Mitchell turned his head to look at her. ‘What kind of answer is tha…’ She pushed him through and followed after him.

                        This last scene would have been so *smartly* done if it had been an actual scene in Season 9! It has humor - and symmetry that ties back to the first episode of the entire series. It allows Carter to play the seasoned, experienced role, and allows Mitchell to be the new guy. It would have paid homage to the series' roots and would have also set the stage for embarking on a new set of adventures.

                        What a missed opportunity!!!!

                        -the preceding scene is from the end of Chapter 12 of the fanfic 'A Pond With No Fish' by Rachel500. It's an S/J AU WIP.
                        This would have been the "icing on the cake" (not yours, LA Doyle!) and created the "full circle" and began such a hopeful new direction. You're right on track, Astro! Great observation and a great fanfic ... thanks for the tip!

                        This is really a well-written story. I've just skimmed because I don't have time to read it in entirety but the author has used her imagination to provide some clever scenes. Go check it out.


                          Happy Birthday
                          L.A. Doyle
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                            Thanks Mandy, ann, and strix! There's just one thing I want for my birthday...ok..two. Oh, Jack? Daniel? Where are you guys?

                            Happy Birthday L.A. Doyle


                              Originally posted by JanSam

                              Happy Birthday L.A. Doyle
                              *Picks jaw up off the floor and stops drooling* Thanks!!!!

                              See that image there from Fire and Water? With Sam right in the middle? That's me, and I'm about to get a birthday kiss on each cheek! Cheek?

                              Also, thank you to Chevron 7, NC(yummy cake!), ChopinGal, and Tracy Jane!


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal
                                Has this rule been changed by now?!!
                                I was basing that answer on what Hailey said in "Prodigy." She said that if she were one of the lucky ones, she would be flying cargo planes. Whether that's different in combat, I don't know.

                                I know that women fly helicopters in combat. A woman was honored after she was killed in the line of duty over in Iraq when her chopper went down. I think maybe that it's direct combat that they're not allowed to participate in (although I think women participate in some way based on stories I've heard).

