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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by NearlyCircular
    I've said a lot of this before, so I aplogize up front for repeating myself. As a 50+ woman, I've watched a lot of tv shows over the years, and am usually most drawn to shows which showcase female characters who I can identify with in some way. Since I'm not a mom or a model or a single girl looking for sex in the city , I haven't seen a lot of dramas that I really, really liked. There have been soooo many shows over the years with guys who are action heroes or detectives or sports stars, etc., but almost none where the women got to do the same "cool" things as the guys, or actually save the guy instead of having to be saved.

    Along comes SG-1. I'm like many of you in that I didn't really like the movie all that much, and didn't get to watch SG-1 until it came along in syndication on a local station. I was hooked from the first show I saw, because of Sam. You've all listed the wonderful attributes she has, so I won't go into those, but I will mention some of the other things that made me identify with her more than any other sci fi female over the years. She exists in the same time we do, dresses in roughly the same way we do, and acts the way women I know do.

    I also want to say something about RDA, and his role in helping to create the wonderful character Samantha Carter. I'm not a huge RDA fan, but I do give him tons of credit for being incredibly generous in sharing the screentime and the heroic duties in the show. As the star and exec. producer, he could have very easily insisted that Jack be the MAN, be the hero every time, that his face be the closing shot every episode, and make the other 3 characters be minor satellites revolving around his noble self. But instead, Jack became a somewhat reluctant hero, and the other 3 were allowed to have their own story arcs and even get to save the day as often as Jack himself. It was so refreshing to see, especially when it meant that a woman, gasp!, got to do heroic things as well as the men.

    For 8 seasons, the balance was there: four team members, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, each contributing something every episode, complementing each other, not always agreeing, but supporting each other. I think it's the first time I've seen a tv show where a woman character was allowed to be an equal member of an action team like that.
    Can't green you ... great post, NC!


      Originally posted by ChopinGal
      Attention Samandans, are you willing to share?
      What has been a defining Sam-Carter moment in your own life?
      When did you feel empowered and at the top of your game?
      Wow. I've been reading some of your Sam moments and... just... wow. You've all done such impressive things in your own way, they are all so unique, just like you. Thank you all so much for sharing them.

      I would share, I'm willing to share, but I really can't think of a Sam Carter moment in my life, I honestly can't. So I'm really sorry.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by Thor_Beyond769
        Who do you think runs SG1 - Sam or Cam?
        cam may get to do the paperwork, but, in the field, where it counts, the person with almost a decade of gate experience is definitely leading the team
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          i know that officially its cam, but for me its sam. she has the most experience, and shes the one that knows thats going on. i think sam should be the one running sg-1, now if only we could get them to do that in season 10, i'd be quite happy

          sig by starlover1990


            As many of you know, I'm in the middle of exams and the moment, and my German translation exam this morning was interesting to say the least. It was about a German scriptwriter called Wolfgang Kohlhaase, who made films in the DDR. He talked about how the most important thing in filmmaking was that it was about real people, that there was a possibility that these things could be happening on your doorstep. He said that he believed people wanted to see human beings on the screen, people like them who had thoughts and feelings, who talked like them and dealt with the same emotions they dealt with. People don't want to see a two dimensional hero, they want someone they can relate to.

            This is what I think TPTB used to do so well with Sam. She wasn't some out-there hero, and she wasn't an underdog either. She was a normal woman (albeit an incredibly intelligent one). She dealt with the same insecurities as us, she grew and developped like a real person.

            Though I'm pretty sure this isn't what Kohlhaase meant (he isn't a huge fan of fantasy and science fiction, from what I understand), the character development that he so rightly champions is continually evident in Sam Carter. The thing that worries me somewhat, however, is the lack of this doctrine, this belief in recent writing. Where are these people we can relate to? These feelings we have dealt with? These scenarios that are possibly happening on our front doorstep?

            The more big budget space ships and explosions we get, the less we focus on the characters. As Kohlhaase says, special effects only get you so far. Their repercussions are worthless without characters that you care about, that you believe in. Who cares about a big space battle when you don't know the characters that are fighting for survival? What use is a character death if you have no interest in those it will affect.

            Kohlhaase says that the most important thing in filmmaking is real people. They want to see people like them on the screen, it's what they need to see. A film has no impact, it will never make them think or contemplate, unless they can get inside and really feel for the people, relate to the people, imagine they are the people.

            With the growing number of cardboard cutout characters on SG1 at the moment, this is something the PTB need to seriously consider. When Janet died, we not only felt for Janet, but for the whole team, losing someone so important to them. I look at certain events in season nine and ask myself "Did I really care."

            Filmmaking, says Kohlhaase, is not an exercise in theory or artistic effects. It is an exercise in storytelling. The story of real people.

            Last edited by Tracy Jane; 31 May 2006, 04:38 PM.
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              unapologietic spammage

              Mirror, Mirror:The Butterfly's Wing
              by Denise
              E-mail: [email protected]

              Rating: Teens
              Season: SG-1 Season Two
              Related SG-1 Episode(s): 114 Singularity, 202 In the Line of Duty, 203 Prisoners, 303 Fair Game, 304 Legacy
              Featured Character(s): Jack ONeill, Daniel Jackson, Samantha Carter, Tealc
              Summary: Fleeing a goa'uld attack, Daniel discovers that his refuge may not be a refuge after all.

              Author Notes: There is some character death in this, both AU and AU.

              Read this story at GateWorld FanFic:

              don't let the char death get you down. (sally, sam survives )
              it's posted more asa formality than part of the story
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                hope your exams are gong well tj and anyone who else is going exams. i have 4 left to go, roll on the 10th of june when they are all finished.

                i wanted to post my 500th post in here and I've been trying to think of something really good to say but I cant think of anything. So I guess I'll just post saying I think Sam's great, and that about covers it really

                Hope your all well

                sig by starlover1990


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                  Filmmaking, says Kohlhaase, is not an excercise in theory or artistic effects. It is an excercise in storytelling. The story of real people.
                  Repeating that bit, because it's so pertinent to season 9. There has been a lack of good story-telling, to the extent that I'm not even considering buying the season 9 DVDs. Not even when the box-set is released a year and it drops to half price. The few good bits have been too few and far between.



                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    Well, not to be inexplicably corny... but Sam may have been your hero at the time, however you're mine, Deej.

                    I have "Sam Carter" moments all the time, but it's not the cool, calm and collected Sam we know in this reality. Oh no, it's Geek!Sam all the way. Only waaaay less funny.

                    Thanks. ::blushing::


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1
                      well you see Cam is in charge of running SG1 into the ground, which he is doing a mighty fine job at
                      If Kinsey was still around, I'm sure he'd arrange a second (real this time) CMOH for Cam for that achievement.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by scifi_girl
                        hope your exams are gong well tj and anyone who else is going exams. i have 4 left to go, roll on the 10th of june when they are all finished.

                        i wanted to post my 500th post in here and I've been trying to think of something really good to say but I cant think of anything. So I guess I'll just post saying I think Sam's great, and that about covers it really

                        Hope your all well
                        Thank you and congrats on 500! My exams are going better than expected. Translation is my strong point, and I was able to finish my trans exam in under an hour I have the difficult ones to come, but it'll be fine. And I'm going to reward myself at the end with a Samathon! Good luck in the rest of yours, I hope they go well!
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by scifi_girl
                          i know that officially its cam, but for me its sam. she has the most experience, and shes the one that knows thats going on.
                          Plus, Daniel and Teal'c only officially rejoined SG-1 after Sam agreed to. I don't think that they would have otherwise, that's why Cam was badgering her to return.

                          Originally posted by scifi_girl
                          i think sam should be the one running sg-1, now if only we could get them to do that in season 10, i'd be quite happy
                          As would I.

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by scarimor
                            Repeating that bit, because it's so pertinent to season 9. There has been a lack of good story-telling, to the extent that I'm not even considering buying the season 9 DVDs. Not even when the box-set is released a year and it drops to half price. The few good bits have been too few and far between.
                            Yes, I agree with the sentiment, there has been a considerable lack of good storytelling. I'm torn on Season Nine, because I always said I would collect the box sets to the very end. The question is, do I class season eight as the end?

                            I'm glad you like it I'm using it as the header for a new LJ layout, but I'm still in the testing phase I love that quote, it's one of my favourites. As for the pics, brownie points to anyone who can place all of those expressions!
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                              Yes, I agree with the sentiment, there has been a considerable lack of good storytelling. I'm torn on Season Nine, because I always said I would collect the box sets to the very end. The question is, do I class season eight as the end?
                              If Season Ten is also crap, yes. Should Season Ten prove worth purchasing, I'll be more than content to have an incomplete collection, otherwise Stargate: SG-1 ended with the team fishing.

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by ReganX
                                If Season Ten is also crap, yes. Should Season Ten prove worth purchasing, I'll be more than content to have an incomplete collection, otherwise Stargate: SG-1 ended with the team fishing.
                                Me too. If 10 turns out good, I'll get it and still ignore season 9. I don't buy crap for the sake of it.

