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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by astrogeologist
    These are wonderful Sally! Love the float in space/walk in space... and the technobabble... why a very bad weather planet?... and love the idea of going to Sam's house to learn who she really is.
    the very bad weather planet is because i think bad weather is dangerous and fun and cool... i'm from southern california, where we have spring year round! i just think sam/me going to a bad weather planet would make the experience all survival-like and... i'd have fun!

    i also said i wanted to go back in time and kill baal... that's because i'd blame baal for hurting/killing my two favorite men (jack and jacob).

    spoilers for s6 and s8

    as you know, baal murdered and tortured jack repeatedly (which i'll NEVER forgive him for!), but i also 'partially' blame baal for jacob's death too. he was there at jacob's last mission, all the while selmac was dying...

    okay, he had nothing to do with it, but he stalled... okay, he's evil for doing what he did to jack!!


    i really wonder, though, that if sam had the chance to go back in time and kill baal, would she do it? would she be afraid of altering history in some other way, though? and if she did it and succeeded, would she want to go back and save janet? and then jack's son? and then her mother? where would it end?




      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      She does! And the thing is, she acts like she doesn't know how pretty she is. I think AT is the most real actress out there. She's definitely not been spoiled by success. She seems like a genuinely nice person-a rare find in her business.
      Totally. Her publicist is a frickin' genius.


      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by majorsal
        the very bad weather planet is because i think bad weather is dangerous and fun and cool... i'm from southern california, where we have spring year round! i just think sam/me going to a bad weather planet would make the experience all survival-like and... i'd have fun!

        i also said i wanted to go back in time and kill baal... that's because i'd blame baal for hurting/killing my two favorite men (jack and jacob).

        I love bad weather, too! When Rita came through I played outside! Then I was told to come in so I wouldn't get smashed by flying debris.... That was NOT a genius moment... To be on topic, survival Sam...that's cool! Any good survival Sam fics out there?


          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
          She does! And the thing is, she acts like she doesn't know how pretty she is. I think AT is the most real actress out there. She's definitely not been spoiled by success. She seems like a genuinely nice person-a rare find in her business.
          i'm not sure amanda knows how pretty she is either.

          in that mini interview she gave recently, she said:

          q - Who would you lie to play you in a movie of your life?
          a - Someone good looking, young and thin, like Keira Knightly!

          amanda is a- good looking, b- young, and c- thin. okay, not bone/rail thin, but who in their right mind thinks *that* is attractive?

          everyone wants to be thin, just... don't go skinny. perfect weight it the most attractive, okay, but, for me, i'd rather have someone a bit over weight than under weight... there's more to grab onto and they look bet.ter. just my opinion.




            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

            Yup...the third shot here:

            Sam getting REALLY excited about what they're discovering about the gate's power consumption.

            Sam believes her presentation was a huge success.

            Sam realizes the need to dumb down her tour.

            Sam (dripping with sarcasm): Yeah. It's REALLY cool...
            steam comes out of it and EVERYTHING.

            You can practically see her eyes mentally roll to the back of her head.
            I can't green you, but great pics and post, Uber


              Originally posted by astrogeologist
              I can't green you, but great pics and post, Uber
              No biggie...but how about you post your famous jello pics that we missed while you were away?

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                Originally posted by Coley
                Hi Chaps and Chapesses.

                I've finally got a phone line connected!!!

                I'm having a whale of a time up here!!

                I hope my manservant has been behaving himself on the thread - and just to clarify a point in one of his posts:- his bathroom time is more like 30mins or more - unless he has the vaugue hint I'm in pmt mode - then it can be just 25!! I can tell you he took up all the shelf space in the bathroom - moisturiser, lipsalve, etc - he has more stuff than I do!!

                Samfan31 and CG managed to supply me with The Void and Abbey Lord.

                Amanda looked stunning in The Void - though a bit on the thin side and it was great to see her in something other than Stargate. I was disapointed that she was in only a few clips in the Abbey Lord film I wish she had got the lead role!!

                Anyway I'm suffering Stargate withdrawls - the best seasons are back in Preston and I'm a nervous wreck. Good job I have a nice selection of single malts to calm the nerves!!

                I was somewhat surprised to find a TV Zone in one of the shops in Stornaway. You can't get shoes, outdoor gear, body shop stuff, bike bits, or decent underwear - but you can get a TV Zone. Anyway the one I flciked through was previewing the new seasons but the SG1 bit was all about BB and CB and BEAUB. Nothing about the big three sadly!!

                Can't wait to get my seasons 1 to 6 back. I will start from the very beginning ....

                Glad you see you are all still here, but you seemed to have slipped into smut city somewhat!!

                Nice to be back!!
                Great to see you back on line Coley


                  Has anyone read the new AT interview here on GW? I enjoyed it and, as always, loved to hear her thoughts!


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                    Has anyone read the new AT interview here on GW? I enjoyed it and, as always, loved to hear her thoughts!
                    Man, I totally would've missed that if you hadn't said anything! Thanks for that!

                    The interview was great. Very insightful and honest. There were moments when I wondered just how "great" things really are, but that's just cynicism on my part. I'm definitely just gonna take her at her word on that one.

                    Some things that stood out...


                    What she said about Sam/Vala stuff being cut in the interview was consistent with what she said at the convention. By the looks of it, she hadn't seen any other examples of Sam/Vala opportunities in the script, though she said that she and CB were hoping for it. The fact that both AT and CB have to add that bit with looks and hints (and that they had to address the male-buddy-bonding vs. the female-catty-fighting thing) *AGAIN - nine years later* was... interesting. Yeah. Interesting. Let's hope they've somewhat evolved from that point. They've had three months to do so.

                    Originally posted by GW Interview
                    AT: I always want to explore the interpersonal relationships between the characters -- between these three, between Mitchell, between Vala. I think the interpersonal dynamics of this show are what sell it in a big way. That's something that I always think we need to explore more: how the dynamics are changing, what the team means to each other. I think that's always compelling and interesting. You know what I mean?
                    I think it's great that she brought this up. It was in response to Darren's question about Sam Carter's personal life, and what AT was looking forward to addressing within the series. She could've brought up any number of things - from the character's relationship with her brother, to a mentioning of Jolinar and her dark side - but she seemed to move away from what would make her happy in regards to Sam's personal life, and made it about the team. Totally loved that.

                    GW: Does the show still give you opportunities to really push yourself as an actor, to explore the boundaries of your craft?

                    AT: Yes. Not always -- sometimes it feels very much like I'm facilitating this scene by explaining everything.
                    I respect her honesty here. Like I said earlier, I wondered how "great" and "fresh" the show is these days, but this seemed like a completely legitimate issue - one she's mentioned before. While I understand that they were only within the first month of filming by the time this interview took place, I sincerely hope that that trend has somewhat gone away. Definitely something to ask at Shore Leave, right?

                    GW: What has been your favorite moment on camera so far this year?

                    AT: That's a tough one. That's a tough one. Like I said, Vala and Carter had a nice scene, which I really enjoyed. And again, it's when we're all together. There's been moments where we're all together -- you know, all hashing it out in the briefing room with our different opinions, or trudging through the woods. And that, to me, those are the moments that I treasure.

                    I can't give you specifics because I can't give away storylines. But it's the whole team and the way we interact, and the way people interject and cut off each other.

                    Maybe it's my own preference of seeing everyone shine at the same time, though Sam is my favorite character. Or maybe it's the fact that she, once again, brought it back to the crux and backbone of the series... But it's stuff like that that reaffirms my faith in this actor's integrity. What she's talking about is not a Sam arc or a Sam moment that sufficiently trumps the others (though at the time, I'm sure, she was probably hard-pressed to find any of those). She's not talking about something that involves a chance for herself to shine above the rest. She's talking about the simple moments where the team acts like a team, where the ensemble cast can work together to pull off a great story. AT has been incredibly consistent in that regard, when you look at the mini interviews on Sci Fi as well. That dynamic is what made SG-1 great - not one person, or two people, but the whole team.

                    And, if no one else is going recognize that, I'm glad she continues to mention it.


                      Originally posted by Kelt'ar
                      What happens when you put a dozen Sam Carters in a room together?

                      Dr Lee: You're telling me that in the past two hours, you've redesigned the naquadah reactors, perfected the design for the X-305, 306 and 307, cured all disease and ended world hunger?

                      Sam: Yup.

                      Dr Lee: Any chance you could increase the speed of my internet connection?

                      Sam: We're only human!

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Hey all! Ok, I give up. It's been what, 6 days this time? Anywho, I have been pretty busy lately, but I wanted to let you all know I'm still around. You know GW was saying for a while that there was going to be a Stargate marathon on yesterday, but there was a movie marathon. I was bummed, but apparently they decided to move it up to Monday.

                        Thanks for the heads up on the interview L.A. Doyle It was informative. I like that AT talked about the relationships with the new characters. I think that is important, I mean it's good to keep exploring the ships with the older characters, but we also need to know more about the new characters and explore the dynamics between them and the people that have been there a while. Hopefully it will allow us to better understand, appreciate and accept the new characters. And of course SG-1 should always be about the team and the camaraderie that exists therein.

                        Ok, everyone, enjoy your day Peace, I'm out!
                        Paul/Carson, Rachel/Teyla, David/Eli Supporter!!
                        Proud Samandan. Hic Comitas Regit


                          Thanks Uber for the pics!!! Sadly I couldn't GREEN you!!!
                          I just read Amanda's interview and it just me remember why I loved her so much. She's honest and that's what's important in my book. I know she must be biased because it's her show for 10 years now but I'm glad to read:

                          Originally posted by GW Interview
                          AT: No, starting a new thing. It doesn't feel like it's winding down at all. You know, maybe I'll be eating my words after we're cancelled after Season Ten! But it feels very much like a fresh, new show.
                          It's good to know too that she didn't really felt at ease during the 9th Season and that she's coming back now! I think a lot of people missed her because let's be honest, Sam was almost background last year.

                          So, it's really nice to know what she sees in that season and to know she feels at ease now. If she thinks this season is good and new and fresh then I believe her.


                            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                            Man, I totally would've missed that if you hadn't said anything! Thanks for that!

                            The interview was great. Very insightful and honest. There were moments when I wondered just how "great" things really are, but that's just cynicism on my part. I'm definitely just gonna take her at her word on that one.

                            Some things that stood out...


                            What she said about Sam/Vala stuff being cut in the interview was consistent with what she said at the convention. By the looks of it, she hadn't seen any other examples of Sam/Vala opportunities in the script, though she said that she and CB were hoping for it. The fact that both AT and CB have to add that bit with looks and hints (and that they had to address the male-buddy-bonding vs. the female-catty-fighting thing) *AGAIN - nine years later* was... interesting. Yeah. Interesting. Let's hope they've somewhat evolved from that point. They've had three months to do so.

                            I think it's great that she brought this up. It was in response to Darren's question about Sam Carter's personal life, and what AT was looking forward to addressing within the series. She could've brought up any number of things - from the character's relationship with her brother, to a mentioning of Jolinar and her dark side - but she seemed to move away from what would make her happy in regards to Sam's personal life, and made it about the team. Totally loved that.

                            I respect her honesty here. Like I said earlier, I wondered how "great" and "fresh" the show is these days, but this seemed like a completely legitimate issue - one she's mentioned before. While I understand that they were only within the first month of filming by the time this interview took place, I sincerely hope that that trend has somewhat gone away. Definitely something to ask at Shore Leave, right?


                            Maybe it's my own preference of seeing everyone shine at the same time, though Sam is my favorite character. Or maybe it's the fact that she, once again, brought it back to the crux and backbone of the series... But it's stuff like that that reaffirms my faith in this actor's integrity. What she's talking about is not a Sam arc or a Sam moment that sufficiently trumps the others (though at the time, I'm sure, she was probably hard-pressed to find any of those). She's not talking about something that involves a chance for herself to shine above the rest. She's talking about the simple moments where the team acts like a team, where the ensemble cast can work together to pull off a great story. AT has been incredibly consistent in that regard, when you look at the mini interviews on Sci Fi as well. That dynamic is what made SG-1 great - not one person, or two people, but the whole team.

                            And, if no one else is going recognize that, I'm glad she continues to mention it.
                            I'm not a fan of the vala character as she has been presented thus far, but as MS said she would have to be toned down a lot in s10 for her to fit in. I'm hoping for this. I think it’s great that AT and CB have both agreed to try to find some sort of friendship between the characters! I'm so thankful for this!! AT and TR had agreed on the same thing when they worked together. The result Sam and Janet developed a great friendship.

                            I think the friendship or family atmosphere between Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c has always driven the show. All four of them working together to find the solutions. THey all contributed. It wasn't about one of them playing the hero, they were all hero's!! They were a TEAM! I have to say that is the saddest part about s9 They weren’t a team. Sam and Teal'c were absent through much of the episodes and Daniel joined them at the end of the season, or they were just there to push the new characters into the forefront. I hate that aspect. It's a team show and AT has reiterated that! I think dancer of spazis correct. AT has always stood by the personal moments between all the characters. THe team moments that made the show great! Yes Sam is my favorite character too, I'm hoping Sam will have more to do than explain the scene to everyone. I'm hoping they stay true to the character and show all aspects, soldier sam, scientist sam, leader sam, and brilliant minded sam. THey can show all that and still stay true to the one driving force that I used to love and that's the great team dynamic. It's the team episodes like the original Lost City I & II which are still my favorite episodes. I'm hoping s10 will have a semblance of that relationship between the main characters. I'm hoping the TEAM return in s10!! AT continued to prove why I admire the actress so much. She is humble and gracious! She loves not only her fans, but the fans of the show.

                            Well I'm off for weekend vacation so everyone in the states have a great and safe memorial weekend and everyone else around the globe have a great and safe weekend!


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                              Has anyone read the new AT interview here on GW? I enjoyed it and, as always, loved to hear her thoughts!
                              Just read the interview and once again a great insite into how Amanda see's not just her character but all of "the team"
                              Shame about the cut scene with Vala but i liked what she said about working in the little bits in any way she and Claudia can, i'm one of those that like to watch an actor play their part with not so many lines but to see and feel what is happening as the story unfolds.
                              Amanda is smashing in making you feel that just by watching her face, she has such a way of drawing you into the story!


                                I'm really pleased that both AT and CB are determined not to let their characters become the cliched female antagonists - that was the one thing I worried about when Vala's regular presence was announced for season 10 - please, let them be a team - Yeah!

