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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    was there a bunny running loose?
    yeah but we sacrificed that instead of the lamb. as did TPTB apparently! ooooohhhh! sorry. i don't mean that. well, i only sort of mean it. well, ok, i didn't mean for it to be that bad a joke, but then again i'm sure they feel the same way about season 9! ooohhh! ok, i'll stop now.

    uummm... sssooo, sam huh? how great is she!?


      Originally posted by Anyagate1

      just a little OT moment, but i LOVED this ep with jonas! and this picture, with jonas looking at sam with such... ((corin)) did a great job in this ep! i miss him.




        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
        Snack time. Newer posters are lighty and fluffy - don't have as much baggage or fat as the older ones.

        Now, about the creature that shall not be named (heh heh heh - TCTSNBN)...

        It could be cool if EVERYONE took part in taking the thing down. Ya know, besides ONE character wielding a sword and getting the crap kicked outta him, the team could work together to end this farce. I mean, if they're going to have one character be the center of stupidity, they need to make them ALL be the center of stupidity. Equal Opportunity Stupidity, and all that...

        No, seriously, though... Let 'em ALL go at it, and I might not be as irritated when it happens. But, hey... At least they're giving us fair warning, right?

        ETA: It'd be cool if this was enough bait to bring golfbooy back for one of his infamous two-post $.02...

        This is such a conundrum for me. I fear I will be rooting for the

        I like them.


          Originally posted by majorsal
          just a little OT moment, but i LOVED this ep with jonas! and this picture, with jonas looking at sam with such... ((corin)) did a great job in this ep! i miss him.


          Isn't this the episode where Jonas see's into the future? That's one of my favorite episodes with Jonas. I think he and Sam had some great moments during that season, big sister little brother moments.


            Originally posted by stargate barbie
            red kryptonite or green kryptonite!?!?
            Soilent kryptonite. :Gak:

            I have no idea what the difference is.

            I'm not any type of superhero fan. X-Men doesn't count. I don't know why but they don't. ::shrug:: I like them. Maybe it's the bald leader.

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by stargate barbie
              are you sure that wasn't for last season? because i seem to recall something like that being said last season and it turning out to be something of a half truth.

              personally i'm hoping to see sam action!sam and some leadership!sam and some teal'c. seriously, at this point i'll accept some teal'c. any teal'c, as long as they don't try to do something really stupid with him (stupid affinity with its crappy storyline!). and some good old fashioned daniel, mixed in with some well written newbies. and some science!sam. if they throw in some ship with that i'll be happy so long as it doesn't become a major plot point. and i'd rather not see any new ships for a while. ordinarily i'm not really into shipping and i just accept whatever the show wants to do with it unless its really really stupid, OTT and completely nonsensical IMO, then i loose interest in the show. but sometimes a ship will grab me, and then i am helpless. only happened with about 3 shows so far though. well, 1 and 2 halves (it made sense in my head, ok!).

              btw, i'm impressed with your "dirty work" sig. it actually made me go "eeewww" once i realised the double entendre. well done. takes a lot for me to get eewy about innuendo. (and its not because of whose in it if that worrys you. its just because i'm a bit stupid and it takes me a while to figure things out sometimes) its also a really great pic of the two of them.

              I'm going to be very selfish and say that I also want to see SavestheWorld!Sam next season. I've missed her. Darn Stargate Mondays for getting me all sentimental and nostalgic.


                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                I didn't know that
                the black widow curse worked on dragons
                Only if you ship 'em.

                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  Originally posted by Deejay435
                  I'm going to be very selfish and say that I also want to see SavestheWorld!Sam next season. I've missed her. Darn Stargate Mondays for getting me all sentimental and nostalgic.
                  yeah well of course we have to have savestheworld!sam. i thought that went without saying. its what she does!


                    Originally posted by Deejay435
                    I'm going to be very selfish and say that I also want to see SavestheWorld!Sam next season. I've missed her. Darn Stargate Mondays for getting me all sentimental and nostalgic.
                    I want Soldier Sam, Scientist Sam, Leader Sam and Friend Sam as well as SavestheWorld!Sam. Lots of Daniel, Teal'c and Jack would be super too.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      was there a bunny running loose?
                      Not any more

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Deejay435
                        I'm going to be very selfish and say that I also want to see SavestheWorld!Sam next season. I've missed her. Darn Stargate Mondays for getting me all sentimental and nostalgic.
                        I'm in with stws! I'm hoping for some semblance of a team too. I know what you mean about Stargate Mondays, I just watched Nemesis. I love when Sam helps Teal'c taking off his space suit. Then, he looks like she launches Thor through the gate at a pretty good clip, and the gate looking like it is leaning on the wall in the last scenes. Good times.


                          Originally posted by JessM
                          Originally posted by fishyone
                          Thought I'd share this little bit of my WIP ship fanfic... just because it was about Sam... and it made me smile.

                          "...Sam, listen to me. You are incredibly smart and talented. There is so much more to you than your rank in the Air Force. You’re not just a brave soldier. You are brave, period. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. You’re smarter, too. Everyone who knows you admires and respects you. Most of them love you..."

                          Sums up this thread, huh?
                          Very nice! I have a bit I'd like to share from one of my fics, if no one minds:

                          “You are a wonderful woman, Samantha Carter. You are an amazing combination of outer beauty and inner strength, and vice-versa. Any [person] who can’t see that is deaf, dumb, and blind.”
                          Wonderful, wonderful quotes! Thanks so much for sharing them with us

                          Originally posted by Deejay435
                          I'm going to be very selfish and say that I also want to see SavestheWorld!Sam next season. I've missed her. Darn Stargate Mondays for getting me all sentimental and nostalgic.
                          Originally posted by ReganX
                          I want Soldier Sam, Scientist Sam, Leader Sam and Friend Sam as well as SavestheWorld!Sam. Lots of Daniel, Teal'c and Jack would be super too.
                          Here! Here!
                          Originally posted by RealmOfX
                          Great post astro.

                          Here will this do?

                          Maybe Scarimor can do a better one, maybe a full suited one??
                          I like it RealmofX! Thanks!


                            Hi, I thought I'd check out this thread. Sam's been my favorite character from the beginning. She's so constant, always there when someone needs her, always coming up with answers to problems. She strives to keep pace with the rest of the team, and does a great job at it. She is so multi-faceted and has so much potential.

                            Just my thoughts on the subject. Great thread btw. . .


                              Originally posted by Beakymoose
                              Hi, I thought I'd check out this thread. Sam's been my favorite character from the beginning. She's so constant, always there when someone needs her, always coming up with answers to problems. She strives to keep pace with the rest of the team, and does a great job at it. She is so multi-faceted and has so much potential.
                              Just my thoughts on the subject. Great thread btw. . .
                              I absolutely agree! Sam is awesome, isn't she? Welcome!


                                Thanks. It isn't difficult to find good things about a character tptb have done such a great job crafting, though. Don't get me wrong, they're not the only ones to give credit to. AT has done such a phenomenal job acting that we can't stop watching.

