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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    And now for my 1,500th post, I thought I'd say something inspiring...
    Oh well I guess I'll just have to join Sal in singing a Barbra tune

    People who neeed people
    Are the luck..

    Hey who threw that

    my fanfic


      This is only tangentially Sam related ... but it's related enough that I wanted to share it with other Sam fans.

      I don't know how many of you watch West Wing (I only catch it from time to time, myself). However this week, they focussed on the CJ Craig (sp?) character, whom, if you don't know, is the outgoing president's cheif of staff. Very powerful female character, needless to say.

      Well, the series is winding down now, and they're tying up loose ends. One of which is the 8-year-long-attraction she's had to another (on again, off again) character. And they had several really powerful scenes between her and this other character in the last episode.

      It was the first time I'd ever seen (on television) a very powerful female character placed in a relationship type discussion where she wasn't:

      (a) Mis characterized.
      (b) Overemotional for her character
      (c) Turned into a cliche

      And neither, for that matter, was the male counterpart in question. I really had to tip my hat to them because it was written SO well that I sat forward in my chair and said: "DAMN, I really wish they'd had that caliber of writing for Sam on SG-1 during any of her 'human' episodes!".

      Because I think a lot of the issues addressed for the CJ character also resonate with Sam. The career-focus, the dedication. The single-minded determination. The lack of any and all other focus (the resultant relationship-ineptness that she was really bothered by, yet fiercely protective of revealing to anyone, even her 'chosen partner'.

      It took a conversation (and some great acting) the likes of which I haven't seen in a while on TV. The likes of which I KNOW Amanda could handle, and I'd LOVE to see her do, some day, as Sam.

      In the end, it left both characters with strong, co-determined choices to make. Just brilliantly done. I wish I could share the clip(s) with you, but I can't. Suffice it to say, if you want a good "what if" for Sam, you may want to get your hands on this past Sunday's episode of The West Wing. Well worth it, even if you've never watched before (I don't watch most weeks, either. Odd how I tuned in for this one).



      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        And now for my 1,500th post, I thought I'd say something inspiring...
        Oh well I guess I'll just have to join Sal in singing a Barbra tune

        People who neeed people
        Are the luck..

        Hey who threw that
        LOL!!! I'm out of green darn it.LOL! Congrats on 1500!


          yeah, wasn't cj great?

          like you said, not all weepy, not all butch, just....real.

          i wonder, can we make a copy and send it to the B@B??? show them how to write a female??

          you know, just write her. let the actress bring the 'her' into it
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by SG1Poz
            LOL!!! I'm out of green darn it.LOL! Congrats on 1500!
            so am i, on both cases

            dang stingy jello fridge

            congrats sweetie
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              yeah, wasn't cj great?

              like you said, not all weepy, not all butch, just....real.

              i wonder, can we make a copy and send it to the B@B??? show them how to write a female??

              you know, just write her. let the actress bring the 'her' into it
              Yes, and they even had her address the whole "eight years of attraction to someone does not automatically make a perfect a relationship!" angle. I loved what she said, I wish there was a transcript somwhere. The writing was FANTASTIC.

              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                And now for my 1,500th post, I thought I'd say something inspiring...
                Oh well I guess I'll just have to join Sal in singing a Barbra tune

                People who neeed people
                Are the luck..

                Hey who threw that
                Not allowed green you, but congratulations.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by minigeek
                  This is only tangentially Sam related ... but it's related enough that I wanted to share it with other Sam fans.

                  I don't know how many of you watch West Wing (I only catch it from time to time, myself). However this week, they focussed on the CJ Craig (sp?) character, whom, if you don't know, is the outgoing president's cheif of staff. Very powerful female character, needless to say.

                  Well, the series is winding down now, and they're tying up loose ends. One of which is the 8-year-long-attraction she's had to another (on again, off again) character. And they had several really powerful scenes between her and this other character in the last episode.

                  It was the first time I'd ever seen (on television) a very powerful female character placed in a relationship type discussion where she wasn't:

                  (a) Mis characterized.
                  (b) Overemotional for her character
                  (c) Turned into a cliche

                  And neither, for that matter, was the male counterpart in question. I really had to tip my hat to them because it was written SO well that I sat forward in my chair and said: "DAMN, I really wish they'd had that caliber of writing for Sam on SG-1 during any of her 'human' episodes!".

                  Because I think a lot of the issues addressed for the CJ character also resonate with Sam. The career-focus, the dedication. The single-minded determination. The lack of any and all other focus (the resultant relationship-ineptness that she was really bothered by, yet fiercely protective of revealing to anyone, even her 'chosen partner'.

                  It took a conversation (and some great acting) the likes of which I haven't seen in a while on TV. The likes of which I KNOW Amanda could handle, and I'd LOVE to see her do, some day, as Sam.

                  In the end, it left both characters with strong, co-determined choices to make. Just brilliantly done. I wish I could share the clip(s) with you, but I can't. Suffice it to say, if you want a good "what if" for Sam, you may want to get your hands on this past Sunday's episode of The West Wing. Well worth it, even if you've never watched before (I don't watch most weeks, either. Odd how I tuned in for this one).


                  Well I never watched one ep of that show but your description has my curiousity peaking to where I must now go and wrangle it up somehow. I know AT could handle any emotional scene after watching her in Threads, Grace, Heroes part 2,... Should I go on?
                  Thanks for the tip Mini


                    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                    I'd prefer if Sam stayed far away from streisand cd's
                    hey, barbra's great!

                    so's barbara mandrell.




                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                      Remember Mars Attacks? How the aliens were killed? Similiar thing
                      okay, that's it, ppl! no more dissing on babs.




                        Originally posted by minigeek
                        Yes, and they even had her address the whole "eight years of attraction to someone does not automatically make a perfect a relationship!" angle. I loved what she said, I wish there was a transcript somwhere. The writing was FANTASTIC.
                        yes, it was very good
                        i've loved the cj character from the getgo, and even more once she got promoted

                        she is a very good positive role model. a female that doesn't apologize for her gender, or trade on it, or use it as an excuse. yes, she is female. but it's not the sum of her existence and her sole reason for being there
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Mandysg1
                          And now for my 1,500th post, I thought I'd say something inspiring...
                          Oh well I guess I'll just have to join Sal in singing a Barbra tune

                          People who neeed people
                          Are the luck..

                          Hey who threw that
                          you have a beautiful voice, mandy! don't let those ppl that are jealous ruin your enjoyment.




                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            since you've read it, i have a question for you. i'll put it in spoiler tags so someone that wants to read it won't be spoiled.

                            all i need to know... does sam die? if so, I CAN'T READ IT!!!!!!!!

                            please tell me.


                            She does not. I'm with you, I don't do character-death fics willingly. No worries there. In fact, it ends on a somewhat hopeful note.


                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              i'm going to give a try to the barbra-songs-to-sam-eps thinger.

                              here beith the songs.

                              spoilers for ALL seasons


                              song 'a sleepin' bee' sam ep hathor wakes up from her deep freeze that jack put her in, but with revenge against sam in her mind.

                              'cry me a river' - sam deals with her jolinar memories.

                              'i stayed too long at the fair' - sam comes back to the sgc, but feeling that maybe she doesn't have a place there anymore when she sees how well the team is doing without her. or so she thinks.

                              'lover come back to me' - sam loses martouf to her own hand.

                              'people' - strange neighbors in sam's hood. are they bad?

                              'my man' - sam fights to bring colonel o'neill back home, only to find he's been playing in someone else's sandbox.

                              'second hand rose' - sam's feeling taken for granted.

                              'he touched me' - sam is kidnapped by fifth. he tortures her for revenge.

                              'don't rain on my parade' - sam meets mckay.

                              'happy days are here again' - mckay leaves.

                              'on a clear day' - sam is marooned on the prometheus.

                              'stoney end' - janet gives sam some ' special' brownies.

                              'since i fell for you' - sam meets pete.

                              'what are you doing the rest of your life?' - sam is proposed to by pete.

                              'the way we were' - 25 years into the future, and sam has a party and brings back her old team to reminisce.

                              'all in love is fair' - sam breaks up with pete.

                              'lazy afternoon' - sam spends the day just relaxing. 10 minutes in, she goes batty and goes into her garage and builds a mini stargate.

                              'evergreen' - sam talks to her plants. what happens when they talk back?

                              'my hearts belongs to me' - too many men hitting on sam. men!

                              'you don't bring me flowers' - they didn't remember her birthday. would they notice if she just disappeared?

                              'the main event/fight' - sam has a showdown with replicarter.

                              'no more tears' - sam loses janet.

                              cd 2

                              'woman in love' - jack. jaaaack.

                              'guilty' - sam leaves fifth behind.

                              'coming' in and out of your life' - jolinar's memories come at the worst times.

                              'memory' - sam remembers being stranded in the mainframe computer.

                              'papa, can you hear me?' - sam loses her dad.

                              'a piece of sky' - sam test flys the newest goauld/earth hybrid glider.

                              'putting it together' - is someone deceiving sam?

                              'not while i'm around' - sam comforts cassie, while she deals with losing yet another mother.

                              'send in the clowns' - the sgc has a new efficiency expert.

                              'somewhere' - sam searches for happiness. is it in her own backyard?

                              'all i ask of you' - sam reads janet's will.

                              'children will listen' - sam meets a mysterious little girl named grace.

                              'as if we never said goodbye' - sam realizes a piece of jolinar still exists. in a stranger named vala.

                              'i finally found someone' - sam finds herself.

                              'tell him' - sam tries to tell jack how she feels. bashing him upside the head is next.

                              'i've dreamed of you' - sam's second symbiote is saying hi. can't a woman get a goodnight's sleep?

                              'someday my prince will come' - ha. more like someday his queen will say when and how.

                              'you'll never walk alone' - sam takes a nasty blow to the head and falls into a coma. she sees her lost loved ones, who guide her back home.

                              wow, that was hard! and fun!

                              Absolutely stupendous!!!!!
                              In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

                              Life is too short for drama & petty things,
                              so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

                              Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
                              Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
                              Hic Comitas Regit
                              Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                                Originally posted by minigeek
                                Yes, and they even had her address the whole "eight years of attraction to someone does not automatically make a perfect a relationship!" angle. I loved what she said, I wish there was a transcript somwhere. The writing was FANTASTIC.
                                I doubt anyone has transcribed it yet, but maybe in a week or so. Someone should definitely post some clips from it here. Spoilers for West Wing (Just in case):

                                It was a fantastic ep. I was thinking about how much Sam and CJ are alike throughout that whole scene. I especially loved the part where she admitted that she knew how to do her job and she knew how to do it incredibly well, but that she didn't know 'how to do' relationships and she was unsure if she could even learn how.

                                That whole monologue could have easily come out of Sam's mouth. But then again, West Wing has always had incredible writing - even at its worst. It was time for it to come to an end, but I am still sorry to see it go.

