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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Lys
    Part II


    -The Curse:

    -The Serpent's Venom:

    -Chain Reaction:


    -Absolute Power:

    -The Light:



    -Double Jeopardy:


    As usual, same rules: send your vote to Skydiver.
    Lys, these Sam-photo shots for each episode make a wonderful Season gallery. Thanks so much for finding and posting the pics for everyone. (I seemed to have missed the post for Season 3... was there one? )


      Originally posted by minigeek
      So, there's some kind of ET Canada entertainment special on RDA's return to Stargate tomorrow night at 7pm ET, and I saw part of the preview of it that had a clip of Amanda in the background, looked like they were shooting something. Anyhow, I may not be in tomorrow night, but head's up other Canadian fans who are.

      They promo-ed it with something really cheesy, the voice over lady says: "The real story behind his (RDA's) return, that will touch your heart..." *sniff* just... kinda... gets ya right there... LOL!

      Ahhh!! Remind me tomorrow, like right before it airs

      thanks minimandywillbeinyourdebtforalongtimegeek

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by golfbooy
        Wow, I would have thought that you love 2010. I mean, 2010 is the episode where the overriding message is about how WRONG everything is. The whole point of the episode is that this future that we're seeing is completely and utterly incorrect, that everything about it is the opposite of the way things should be. It's bizzarro world. Bizzarro SG-1.

        Now, one of those things that is WRONG, that is absolutely the way it shouldn't be, is Sam and Jack. They are completely estranged. They haven't spoken in years, and whatever disagreements they had over the Aschen and Joe Faxon have led to their separation. Sam is married to Joe, who is a normal enough, nice enough guy, and Jack has shut himself off from the world at his cabin. Part of the genius of 2010 (and of much of Brad Wright's writing) is that it places you the viewer in the same place as the characters. You're repulsed at the way the world is and at the situations each character is in, just as the characters are becoming repulsed at the the way the world is and at the situations they're in. And you're supposed to be repulsed at the Sam and Jack situation, too. Also, 2010 is one of those SG-1 episodes (like Avatar and Reckoning and Moebius) whose structure and story drive home the idea that it takes all four of SG-1 (Jack, Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c) to save the day/complete the mission/whatever, and that these four people bring out the best in each other and make each other's lives better. Oh, and they save the world together. That too.

        So, uh, yeah. I'd have pegged you for a 2010 lover, if only because Sam and Jack being estranged and Sam being married to Joe Faxon were illustrated as completely WRONG and absolutely NOT the way it should be.
        Wow, that's just ... exactly the way I saw 2010, too. I actually did love it for just those reasons (even from my, admittedly shipper's, pov). 2010 was one of those rare, introspective episodes that gave us glimpses into who the characters are and who they're capable of becoming, as well as the kinds of mistakes they're capable of making - without actually having them make those colossal type mistakes in 'real time'. I loved Moebius for the same reason, I always adore it when we get to see alternate sides of our favorite guys. Not to mention the leeway it gives great actors, like Amanda, to 'play'!

        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
          I can't open the file ... what program do I need to view the photo? Thanks.
          Its a compressed file RAR and you'll need WinRAR or one of the other free ones to uncompress it. OR you could wait a while and I'll put them into photobucket for people.

          Thanks heaps for the screencaps parsifal


            Originally posted by SunKrux
            Ok, it's official...I'm depressed. I'm watching SG1 on SciFi right now...and it's that eps...the one I've missed. Right now, Sam's trying to
            write something for her speaking at Janet's memorial service

            *throws a tantrum* WHY'D they go and do a frellin' STUPID thing like that?! HUH? That's just wrong...doing that to Sam and the rest of the team.
            *Pats SunKrux on the head* there there Sunny, do what I do, just believe that episode never happened and it's really Janet in the infirmary using one of those shape shifting devices from Foothold.

            I know it makes me feel better *Skips off to my own world, tra la la la la *

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
              I can't open the file ... what program do I need to view the photo? Thanks.
              WinRAR or any other program capable of reading RAR archives.

              - - -

              For those fans of the Sam-Teal'c friendship who requested it:



                Originally posted by RealmOfX
                Its a compressed file RAR and you'll need WinRAR or one of the other free ones to uncompress it. OR you could wait a while and I'll put them into photobucket for people.

                Thanks heaps for the screencaps parsifal
                Ohh okay. THanks RealmOfX!

                Thanks parsifal!!


                  Now as for the Engaged to Kill movie, it wasn't a bad movie for lifetime, I did have a problem though, that they didn't give AT's character enough to do. I mean she was the lead cop, they could have written her part better.

                  By the way she got the "And" Amanda Tapping credit at the end of the starring list.

                  I can see why PDL sticks to directing

                  my fanfic


                    i'm recording amanda's movie now!

                    will watch it later, though, because there's too many peeps in the livingroom.




                      Awesome parsifal.. and thanks for the caps.. On a personal note.. SQUEE - they have her in a "benson" outfit and I knew she'd be hot dressed like that

                      Originally posted by parsifal
                      I don't know how "Engaged to Kill" rates vis-à-vis other Lifetime movies, but I wasn't that impressed. Then again, I'm not the target demo. Amanda was, of course, the best thing about it. Unfortunately, virtually all her screen time was in the first hour.

                      70 caps of Amanda:



                        Originally posted by Myrth
                        Awesome parsifal.. and thanks for the caps.. On a personal note.. SQUEE - they have her in a "benson" outfit and I knew she'd be hot dressed like that
                        what does that mean?




                          Originally posted by parsifal
                          WinRAR or any other program capable of reading RAR archives.

                          - - -

                          For those fans of the Sam-Teal'c friendship who requested it:


                          The evil minions of Jello are refusing to allow me to green you. I owe you one then.

                          Thank you!

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                            Wow. My 3,500th post on GW. Makes me feel all sentimental and...stuff. (I know, I'm nothing if not articulate.)

                            So what do I love about Amanda? Her generous heart, her gentle nature, her lovely smile, her crazy!mad sense of humor...

                            I love how she lights up a room just by entering it...both on screen and at conventions.

                            I love how she puts others first and considers other people's feelings before her own.

                            I love how she passionately loves her daughter, like a mama lioness ready to defend her against harm.

                            I love her dedication to the Stargate franchise, to which she's given almost 10 years.

                            I love that she's given us Samantha Carter to enjoy as a role model and a hero.

                            Thank you Amanda for giving me so much enjoyment over the years and for showing me by example how I should treat others around me and for making me smile.

                            Hiccup Comatose Regime!!!

                            Beautiful post, Uber!
                            And lol at the revised motto


                              Originally posted by parsifal
                              WinRAR or any other program capable of reading RAR archives.

                              - - -

                              For those fans of the Sam-Teal'c friendship who requested it:

                              thanks AGAIN, pars!

                              so, i just watched it... you know what i like the most about their relay? it's like looking at beauty and the beast!

                              but seriously, the clips they chose to show during amanda's segment showed... it's hard to put into words.

                              teal'c is this strong, no-nonsense warrior. but when he's around sam (especially in private), there's this teddy bear waiting to come out.

                              with sam, i feel teal'c is the number one person she can be totally open and honest with. why? because she can't fake it or lie to him; he sees through her disguises.

                              i think *the* moment that cemented what they (were going to) mean to one another was in the first ep, where teal'c handed over his staff weapon to sam. that spoke volumes about what they represented to one another. sam saw through teal'c's warrior mentality and offered her assurances that she'd protect him. teal'c saw past this beautiful (and human) woman to the warrior beneath. that scene showed respect, to one another.




                                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                                Beautiful post, Uber!
                                And lol at the revised motto

                                Did you see where my revised motto originated? It happened before you returned. By the way, as Royal Pain in the Mik'ta/Royal Videographer, I am demanding that a decree be passed that you are heretofore FORBIDDEN from leaving Samanda ever again. EVER!!! I'll sick the Royal Security Force on you. AD? 1Speed?!?? You have your orders!!!!!!!

                                As to the revised motto, it was a result of the poem I wrote for one of my favorite Samandans...our beloved Jester. I'll repeat it here just for you, oh Keeper:
                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                Well, since it is our beloved Jester's birthday, I feel it only aprospos to express my sentiments in verse:


                                There once was a girl from Nantucket...

                                Whoops. Wrong poem. Let me try again.

                                How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
                                I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
                                My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
                                For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.





                                I came up with that all by myself, I'll have you know. If anything EBB took it from me!!! You believe me right?!?? Right????

                                (not buying it, are ya hunh??)

                                Okay...for REAL now. Honest.

                                Dearest Jester of PA
                                Your presence brightens our day.
                                Your smile is so sunny
                                Your posts, OH so funny
                                From Samanda please don't ever stray.

                                And now your birthday has come
                                (A wonder of wonders to some).
                                If Amanda were here
                                She'd wish you great cheer
                                And offer you hugs and some rum.

                                But in her stead we all
                                Shall have a great ball
                                With smiles, drinks and laughter
                                We'll remember long after
                                Until in drunken stupors we fall.

                                And then the next morning,
                                we'll remember the warning
                                Of previous celebrations
                                And earlier inebriations;
                                The icepacks our heads now adorning.

                                Then we'll plan for next year
                                For less alcohol and beer;
                                but more chocolate and cake!
                                We'll not again make THAT mistake.
                                Unless Skydiver thus orders all here.

                                And then...well, we're all screwed, aren't we???

                                THE END.

                                Happy Birthday CG!!!
                                Hiccup Comatose Regime!

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

