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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by parsifal
    I think that she saw her actions not as losing her life, but as regaining it.
    But how certain was she? She knew it was worth the risk because the future she knew was in store for them all would be the end of humanity on earth.

    Further more, she also knew that if it worked, she personally would not enjoy the fruit of her labor...but another Samantha Carter would; a Samantha Carter who had no idea of what a future version of herself did to save her and everyone else.

    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      Originally posted by parsifal
      I think that she saw her actions not as losing her life, but as regaining it.

      That's a good point too. Let's look at Sam's life in 2010 ...

      SHe found out she could never have children.
      Her husband knew about and went along with the aschen plan (although he didn't know to what extent the Aschen would carry their plan)
      Kinsey is President (what a mixed up world that would be)
      JAck is living alone at his cabin and not keeping in touch with any member of SG-1
      SGC was dismantled
      Hammond died
      Sam felt like a lab assistant instead of the brilliant scientist that she is...

      Not looking like a great life so yeah I can see how she would regain her life.

      I can also see that she sacrificed her life to save the human race, because she didn't know if her plan would really work. As we see in 2001 in almost didn't work.

      I'm looking forward to this seasons time travel episode (hopefully one is still in the works).
      Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 24 April 2006, 03:15 PM.


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        But how certain was she? She knew it was worth the risk because the future she knew was in store for them all would be the end of humanity on earth.
        Certain that it would work? As you say, it didn't really matter, as things couldn't get much worse. Just doing anything was a step toward atoning for being wrong.

        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        Further more, she also knew that if it worked, she personally would not enjoy the fruit of her labor...but another Samantha Carter would; a Samantha Carter who had no idea of what a future version of herself did to save her and everyone else.
        It's not exactly another Sam Carter though; it's herself that she's trying to save. When you start dealing with erasing and recreating your own existance, I think the concept of sacrifice, in terms of everyday understanding, is difficult to apply.


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
          For me, the choice is simple. 2010.
          Yep. And the cool thing about this particular ep, is that it's also a very solid team episode. Even though Teal'c seemed to go AWOL during a portion of it, every one had a role to play - including Janet - and they ALL died doing what they do best. I'd say that if a character-centric episode can contain a well-balanced portion of the team at the same time, it's a winner.

          2010 it is.


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            Wow. My 3,500th post on GW. Makes me feel all sentimental and...stuff. (I know, I'm nothing if not articulate.)

            So what do I love about Amanda? Her generous heart, her gentle nature, her lovely smile, her crazy!mad sense of humor...

            I love how she lights up a room just by entering it...both on screen and at conventions.

            I love how she puts others first and considers other people's feelings before her own.

            I love how she passionately loves her daughter, like a mama lioness ready to defend her against harm.

            I love her dedication to the Stargate franchise, to which she's given almost 10 years.

            I love that she's given us Samantha Carter to enjoy as a role model and a hero.

            Thank you Amanda for giving me so much enjoyment over the years and for showing me by example how I should treat others around me and for making me smile.

            Hiccup Comatose Regime!!!

            Yes I agree Über very well said !! and congrats on 3500!


              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
              Yep. And the cool thing about this particular ep, is that it's also a very solid team episode. Even though Teal'c seemed to go AWOL during a portion of it, every one had a role to play - including Janet - and they ALL died doing what they do best. I'd say that if a character-centric episode can contain a well-balanced portion of the team at the same time, it's a winner.

              2010 it is.

              I think there are a lot of great sam episodes in S4 (and even a few shipper episodes that I love). So this one was harder then any other season for me, but I chose 2010 as well.


                Originally posted by jckfan55
                Mere hours til AT's movie on Lifetime.
                i know!

                i've already warned mom that she can't record anything else at that time. no worries, though, because she adores amanda.

                (she said that right now, amanda is her fave actress. when she reads a book and thinks of it being made into a movie, amanda is the first actress she thinks of.)

                i can't wait to see amanda tonight! super cool woman that she is




                  Originally posted by golfbooy
                  Yeah, lots to choose from, but none that equal the sheer awesomeness of 2010--the best Sam episode of season four. At least according to me, that is.
                  i can't vote for 2010... it depressed me. any ep where sam DIES is not something i can watch or enjoy.

                  but amanda was great in it, as usual.




                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                    For me, the choice is simple. 2010.


                    It shows the depth and the caliber of her character. Here she is 10 years out...years after living a life that presented life or death challenges on a day to day basis on SG-1...and she's still a hero. She's still putting others first. She's still willing to put everything on the line for the sake of those who will never know her name.

                    She was clearly the leader in this episode. It was her plan and she implemented it. She was the one who knew she'd lose her life with her husband.

                    And when it came down to it, she knew she'd lose her life.

                    It is who she is. A nameless hero who died for the sake of human life on earth.


                    So for me it's not even close.
                    i feel sick...

                    decides ep is called 2009, where sam finds a way of reversing everything WITHOUT dy... not living. there.

                    as you know, denial is not just a river in egypt.




                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      i can't vote for 2010... it depressed me. any ep where sam DIES is not something i can watch or enjoy.

                      but amanda was great in it, as usual.

                      Wow, I would have thought that you love 2010. I mean, 2010 is the episode where the overriding message is about how WRONG everything is. The whole point of the episode is that this future that we're seeing is completely and utterly incorrect, that everything about it is the opposite of the way things should be. It's bizzarro world. Bizzarro SG-1.

                      Now, one of those things that is WRONG, that is absolutely the way it shouldn't be, is Sam and Jack. They are completely estranged. They haven't spoken in years, and whatever disagreements they had over the Aschen and Joe Faxon have led to their separation. Sam is married to Joe, who is a normal enough, nice enough guy, and Jack has shut himself off from the world at his cabin. Part of the genius of 2010 (and of much of Brad Wright's writing) is that it places you the viewer in the same place as the characters. You're repulsed at the way the world is and at the situations each character is in, just as the characters are becoming repulsed at the the way the world is and at the situations they're in. And you're supposed to be repulsed at the Sam and Jack situation, too. Also, 2010 is one of those SG-1 episodes (like Avatar and Reckoning and Moebius) whose structure and story drive home the idea that it takes all four of SG-1 (Jack, Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c) to save the day/complete the mission/whatever, and that these four people bring out the best in each other and make each other's lives better. Oh, and they save the world together. That too.

                      So, uh, yeah. I'd have pegged you for a 2010 lover, if only because Sam and Jack being estranged and Sam being married to Joe Faxon were illustrated as completely WRONG and absolutely NOT the way it should be.


                        Originally posted by golfbooy
                        Wow, I would have thought that you love 2010. I mean, 2010 is the episode where the overriding message is about how WRONG everything is. The whole point of the episode is that this future that we're seeing is completely and utterly incorrect, that everything about it is the opposite of the way things should be. It's bizzarro world. Bizzarro SG-1.

                        Now, one of those things that is WRONG, that is absolutely the way it shouldn't be, is Sam and Jack. They are completely estranged. They haven't spoken in years, and whatever disagreements they had over the Aschen and Joe Faxon have led to their separation. Sam is married to Joe, who is a normal enough, nice enough guy, and Jack has shut himself off from the world at his cabin. Part of the genius of 2010 (and of much of Brad Wright's writing) is that it places you the viewer in the same place as the characters. You're repulsed at the way the world is and at the situations each character is in, just as the characters are becoming repulsed at the the way the world is and at the situations they're in. And you're supposed to be repulsed at the Sam and Jack situation, too. Also, 2010 is one of those SG-1 episodes (like Avatar and Reckoning and Moebius) whose structure and story drive home the idea that it takes all four of SG-1 (Jack, Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c) to save the day/complete the mission/whatever, and that these four people bring out the best in each other and make each other's lives better. Oh, and they save the world together. That too.

                        So, uh, yeah. I'd have pegged you for a 2010 lover, if only because Sam and Jack being estranged and Sam being married to Joe Faxon were illustrated as completely WRONG and absolutely NOT the way it should be.

                        yeah, well... my sam love superseded my s/j shipper love in this case.

                        *protects sam from icky things happening to her*




                          I'm inclined to agree with that. I loved the Sam Carter of 2010.. the one without the "yes sir" reflex.. others have mentioned her strength and courage... that ep just has a great feel to it for me. But I am torn because I love Beneath The Surface just as much for similar reasons. We got to see Sam Carter stripped bare of the things that hold her in check... I'm gonna have to think about it.

                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          For me, the choice is simple. 2010.


                          It shows the depth and the caliber of her character. Here she is 10 years out...years after living a life that presented life or death challenges on a day to day basis on SG-1...and she's still a hero. She's still putting others first. She's still willing to put everything on the line for the sake of those who will never know her name.

                          She was clearly the leader in this episode. It was her plan and she implemented it. She was the one who knew she'd lose her life with her husband.

                          And when it came down to it, she knew she'd lose her life.

                          It is who she is. A nameless hero who died for the sake of human life on earth.

                          So for me it's not even close.


                            well the more i think about it, i'm becoming more inclined to go with beneath the surface. it shows our sam, at her most basic, without the influence of past events, and she's still essentially the same person, with the same personality, the same desire to help and make the world better, and it shows us that she is the same person deep down as she is on the surface. and i love that character.

                            i'm thinking of going with that one but i'll leave it til tomorrow or the next day to vote, just to make sure.


                              Originally posted by golfbooy
                              Yeah, lots to choose from, but none that equal the sheer awesomeness of 2010--the best Sam episode of season four. At least according to me, that is.
                              I totally have to agree with Golfbooy and Spazzy...

                              2010 all the way.

                              Amanda was amazing in this episode and it was a great team episode as well.


                                Someone PLEASE tell me they recorded Amanda's mini interview tonight.

                                Amanda talks about Sam and Teal'c! The wonderful relationship and love they share and the character beats that make up the heart and soul of the show.

                                I say again...

                                Someone PLEASE tell me they recorded Amanda's mini interview tonight!!!

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

