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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    That would be really cool, if you could help us post some high-res Sam pics. I really want to go through S9 and pick out the positive things, and if anyone else would like to do that as well, it could be fun.
    This sounds like a great idea spaz . Maybe (if I get to see some eps anytime in the not too distant future) I might even be able to join in. I'll certainly enjoy reading everyone elses opinions.

    ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



      Originally posted by astrogeologist
      Just wanted to post a quick


      to MajorSal

      who started this thread so long ago

      I'm impressed and proud of the wonderful posts and discussions that folks have taken the time to participate in here at the SaGC.

      Hic Comitas Regis! And here's to hoping that Season 10 has a strong, positive, capably-heroic Carter.
      I second that.
      And Astro, it's really nice to know you still hang around and sometimes read, even if I have greatly missed your posts. I'm glad you still enjoy Samanda.

      ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



        Well, no way have I managed to read everyone's wonderful posts thoroughly tonight, and it's really late, so I have to go get some sleep, but I have the weekend ahead of me *evil grin*. Just a quick warning that I might be around more the next couple of days .

        ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



          Originally posted by Mandysg1
          Zat him [pulls petal]... zat him twice [pulls petal]...
          Zat him [pulls petal]... zat him twice [pulls petal]...
          Zat him [pulls petal]... zat him twice [pulls petal]...


            Okay, trying this again....

            Originally posted by Mandysg1
            I'm watching 48HRS right now, and here's a pic of Sam's first meeting with McKay

            What do you think she's thinking
            Ergh! I've met humbler Goa'uld... and killed them....

            A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
            "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
            One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
            resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
            confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
            A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
            The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


              Don't worry we'll get back up from page 2

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by scarimor
                Zat him [pulls petal]... zat him twice [pulls petal]...
                Zat him [pulls petal]... zat him twice [pulls petal]...
                Zat him [pulls petal]... zat him twice [pulls petal]...



                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                  That's a good point! In the end Bauer did respect Sam and acknowledge his mistake in not listening to her from the start.

                  I have mixed reactions about how Landry and Sam interact. At times he cuts her off without actually listening to her, which gets on my nerves. Jack use to cut her off, but he knew and trusted her that I didn't have a problem with it. With Jack it was "okay we've worked together for 8 years and I trust whatever plan you came up with I don't need to hear the explanation"

                  Now with Landry he does the same thing, except he doesn’t have the background that JAck and Hammond had.
                  To his defense maybe it goes back to the phone conversation Sam walked in on when she came back. Landry obviously thinks she was greatly needed (I don't remember exactly what was said). I'm guessing he has read all the reports, commendations, heard what Jack and Hammond had to say about Sam, Teal'c and Daniel.

                  I think it can be interesting to see how these two interact and they both gain one another’s trust and respect. As long as that's the road they are on and the writers show that progression. I think AT and B.Bridges even talked about this.

                  Also I think it depends on the writer some writers hate the techno part so they have someone cut her off instead of doing a little research in order for the character to complete the thought.
                  I think what you say in the part I highlighted is what I was trying to get at. I would like to see AT & Bridges concerns/hopes re: this relationship addressed in S10. Actually it would make sense for all the characters not to just accept Landry w/out saying we miss Hammond or Jack etc. As a professional officer Sam would have to deal, but the others might feel less obliged to just deal.


                    Sorry to go OT, but I thought you all should know what a total klutz your Royal Physician is.....and give you the chance to find another doc to fill this prestigeous position. The night before last, I woke up about 3 AM, very sleepy but very thirsty, sooooooo, I walked to the kitchen, and while reaching up (to those who didn't meet me, I'm a tad short) to get a glass from the cabinet, and dropped it. (The glass, not the cabinet.) I tried to grab it so it wouldn't fall and shatter, but I missed. I did, however, deflect it just enough for it to hit my little toe......on the foot that has 2 pins in it, from a previous break and operation. Guess what? I broke the toe!!!!!! It's now red, blue and purple, swollen and extremely painful. Also, I have now passed Jack in the total number of broken bones (including skull fractures). Does Samanda have a position for Royal Klutz???

                    On another note, welcome back's so great to see a post from you and know you haven't forgotten us, as we could never forget you.

                    I will now return you to your regualrly scheduled discussions of Sam, SG1's best and brightest "star" (I'm not biased, am I?). My ice bag needs refilling. OUCH!
                    On fighting:
                    Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      see, sam still trumps him

                      although, have you noticed that poor rod is the Angel of Death??? red shirts drop over in his presence
                      Then Angel of Death McKay and Black Widow Carter will be perrrfect for each other. They'll be competing to see who can unintentionally kill the other first...


                        Originally posted by deepspace
                        Well, I'm back, and whoaa there's a lot of pages .
                        I've been in the country away from the computer. Has done me good.
                        Might take me a day or so to get back into the swing of things, but thought I'd start catching up tonight.
                        Weclome back, deeeeeeeeeeep! So glad to see ya again. I'm absolutely, positively sure the country did you some good. The rolling of the eyes was just pretend, right?


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1
                          I'm watching 48HRS right now, and here's a pic of Sam's first meeting with McKay

                          What do you think she's thinking
                          for crying out loud

                          sig by starlover1990


                            Just because Sam acts like the good little soldier doesn't mean she doesn't lose it sometimes in her own mind. I can just hear her internal rantings about McKay and different things around the base.


                            Sam (thinking to herself ): Who the hell does this guy McKay think he is? He's spent the last year sitting behind a computer screen, playing with his little computer simulations and he suddenly thinks he can consider himself a leading expert on the Stargate? And what's up with the dumb blonde comment? DUMB BLONDE?? Gawd, why am I allowing this man to get to me. Where was Mr. Know-It-All when we were about to be sucked into a black hole? Was he here figuring out how to stop it? Oh no, it was the dumb blonde with her dumb ideas. The same dumb blonde that managed to create a particle beam generator so that Colonel O'Neill could be rescued and who helped th Asgard temporarily deal with their problems with the replicators. Why am I even stooping to this man's level by allowing him to get under my skin. I don't need to prove myself to him and if it weren't for the fact that Teal'cs life is on the line, I'd...

                            Hammond: Major Carter?!?
                            Sam: *staring off into space* ... uh sir? Sorry sir, you were saying?
                            Hammond: I asked you, Major, if there was a problem??
                            Sam: No sir. No problem at all.
                            Last edited by ForeverSg1; 07 April 2006, 11:38 AM.


                              And Kat says she can't write fic.

                              *scoffs and rolls eyes*

                              I'm nomming you as a scribe, k?


                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                                Then Angel of Death McKay and Black Widow Carter will be perrrfect for each other. They'll be competing to see who can unintentionally kill the other first...
                                Their respective curses might cancel each other's out.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

