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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    and what you personally find as boring, many of us found as interesting.

    Stargate used to stand alone. IT was a a scifi show set in the present day. It had REAL people in it. It dealt with things in a very real way. These weren't 'we're one big happy universe' people from a 'the whole galaxy loves each other' trek universe.

    These weren't people that live seenig aliens every day, or lasers or transporters. They were real people. who just happened to have a very cool and un-real job.

    that was part of the appeal. It was so mundane in its setting that you could drive to colorado springs and belive that the SGC was really there.

    but now? now it's become nothing more than a farscape/trek/b5 wanna be. where earth can crank out space ships in a moment's notice, the asgard are there to beam your tush to safety with a second's notice and these characters aren't using their oh so normal human intelligence to beat the bad guys, they're little more than puppets on endless quests to steal toys made by other advanced races to save themselves.

    where's the humanity in that? Where's that pluckyness that was going to make us the fifth race? Being the fifth race is no longer some wonderful thing, it's apparantly something that's given to whomever finishes the intergalactic treasure hunt and collects the most toys

    This new incarnation of Stargate is not the classic show. It's just a pale immitation brought to us by folks that think if they keep telling us how great it is long enough, we'll buy their song and dance. They can't/won't see that, in thier efforts to be like every other scifi show out there, they're destroying what made stargate stand out from the crowd.

    I for one very much preferred the old and unique show, one that featured the round spinny thing and simple, normal folks doing thier best against impossible odds and incredible enemies.
    Very well said. The old show definitely had something that the new version is sadly lacking.

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      And if she wasn't in the show, would you even be watching? - eta, and i do mean absolutely no offense at all, simply asking an honest question -

      I have no issue at all with folks watching a show to watch an actor, i do the same. I bought the Void just because of Amanda. Still doesn't stop me from being aware that while the acting was good, the plot sucked.

      I still firmly believe had Vala been played by Jane Q Actress, she never would have lasted beyond her bits in s9.
      But...but...but... Jane Q. Actress is like my FAVE!

      Don't you be dissin' Jane now...

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by jckfan55
        Yes, it's almost like they're trying to have it both ways. The problem with the "comedy romp" thing they were *trying* for early in the season is that IMHO it forced existing characters like Daniel to act out of character. I think AT has very much kept Carter in character even while she's been allowed to loosen up a bit.
        Absolutely out of character. I remember just sitting there shaking my head wondering how I got to this AU where Daniel's speech patterns had speeded up dramatically and where he was the butt of some pretty emasculating jokes.
        If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

        Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
        proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
        Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

        Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


          OK everybody. HERE is the first part of Rob Cooper and Andy Mikita's commentary for Avalon pt. 1. Enjoy reading!


            Originally posted by Skydiver
            And if she wasn't in the show, would you even be watching? - eta, and i do mean absolutely no offense at all, simply asking an honest question -
            with Ben only? I would take a look at 2-3 episodes to decide whether I like them or not, if I liked them I think I'd continue watching. One, twice, three times for episode at best.

            I have no issue at all with folks watching a show to watch an actor, i do the same. I bought the Void just because of Amanda. Still doesn't stop me from being aware that while the acting was good, the plot sucked.

            I still firmly believe had Vala been played by Jane Q Actress, she never would have lasted beyond her bits in s9.
            If they weren't able to get Claudia in season 8 I doubt the character of Vala ever existed...


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane

              The latest hollywood diet gave a whole new meaning to the adjective "skeletal"

              (This is one for all those people who keep calling Amanda chubby. Fools! All of you! Fools!
              that's the funniest caption I've seen in ages. Can't green though. In fact I'm out of green for everyone at the moment. Perhaps I need to venture outside!!


                Originally posted by Coley
                I think the trick is to try to watch all the eps from the start. Some are not good especially the first few seasons. The hook is mainly with starting to care about SG1 as a team.
                There's a big chance I'll watch all 8 seasons. My cousin is a huge SG-1 fan and provided me a few months ago with DVD-Rs with all episodes prior to season 9. They are laying on the shelf patiently and waiting when I have time and mood to watch them...

                That said I can imagine your frustration at the oldies lamenting the current show. And your frustration at your fave actor's character taking a beating by the likes of me.
                However I hope you understand where we are coming from too. Imagine the same thing happened to Farscape. How would you have felt if that series was not cancelled but changed beyond all recognition with CB and BB characters sidelined in favour of new actors and characters being added to the mix with their fans coming on board waxing lyrical about how wonderful the new show was.
                Good question. And the most honest answer at the moment is: I have no frelling idea what my reaction would have been. Depends on the size of those changes.

                Hopefully with that in mind you may understand why a lot of us are quite negative and I admit I'm quite resentful of the events and changes which have been made. My venting is not aimed at anyone in particular - it is venting about something I have lost.

                Not quite sure what I am saying apart from asking you to understand where I may be coming from when I'm being negative about seaon 9. Oh and it will never be personal - just honest!
                That's OK Constructive critisism is always a good thing. But when I see at some boards (including GW in the past) such insults towards Vala like "vulgar or disgusting", it really, and I mean REALLY, makes me VEEEEERY ANGRY. To the point wanting for these people the most horrible nightmares

                On the subject of Rob Coop - he lost a lot of credibilty with Amanda fans in the way he has handled the new cast changes in magazine articles and in the way season 10 contracts were handled.
                Well, we don't know what really happened there. I believe there were talks during filming Crusade about season 10 and while Claudia was the one with whom Coop was working the most of the time, it's normal that she was asked first to join the cast for season 10.


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1

                  Sam: It's no good, Sir, they appear to have sucked all the life out.

                  Jack: Oh, for crying out loud - you don't mean the plot has had it?

                  Sam: I'm afraid so, Sir. It's just down to the bare bones now, all the substance has gone...



                    Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                    Well said, Coley - I could not have expressed it better. So in Jckfan55 style, which eps would YOU recommend to someone to get them caught up as quickly as possible?

                    I'd answer my own question but have a toddler w/ sharpie emergency....

                    A toughy. I'd say that as different eps will interest different people so try to watch season 1 and 2. Not a quick fix. I was slowly drawn in.

                    I like the team eps best. Wasn't too enamoured with COTG. I liked Cold Lazarus (great acting by RDA) and a couple of fun scenes between Sam, Daniel and Teal'c, Torment of Tantalus - I loved the storyline, I really didn't like Brief Candle but RDA's acting was superb, Thor's Hammer, Singularity, Tin Man, There But For The Grace Of God, Within the Serpents Grasp.

                    These are just a few


                      Here's my whole analysis on the less usage of the Gate. I'm an accountant, so I'll be doing this numberwise:

                      + Ben Browder salary
                      + Beau Bridges salary
                      + Lou Gossett's salary(he is a "named" actor)
                      + Claudia Black's salary
                      + CGI costs for Tidy Bowl ships, etc connected with Ori
                      - RDA's salary
                      - Gekko Productions dollars contributed

                      I think that Gekko's money no longer being invested can have something to do with them no longer showing the gate.


                        Sam: Expiration date, June 23, 1645. Uh, sir...


                          Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                          Here's my whole analysis on the less usage of the Gate. I'm an accountant, so I'll be doing this numberwise:

                          + Ben Browder salary
                          + Beau Bridges salary
                          + Lou Gossett's salary(he is a "named" actor)
                          + Claudia Black's salary
                          + CGI costs for Tidy Bowl ships, etc connected with Ori
                          - RDA's salary
                          - Gekko Productions dollars contributed

                          I think that Gekko's money no longer being invested can have something to do with them no longer showing the gate.
                          And what about SONY now? Aren't they supporting both shows financially?


                            Originally posted by ChevronSeven

                            Sam: Expiration date, June 23, 1645. Uh, sir...
                            ROFL!!!!! Thank you for the laugh...much needed today. It's so nice to be back in Samanda.
                            On fighting:
                            Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                            Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                              Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                              Absolutely out of character. I remember just sitting there shaking my head wondering how I got to this AU where Daniel's speech patterns had speeded up dramatically and where he was the butt of some pretty emasculating jokes.

                              That would be from the end of Moebius. /snerk

                              Mourning Sanctuary.
                              Thanks for the good times!


                                Originally posted by Formerhost

                                such insults towards Vala like "vulgar or disgusting", it really, and I mean REALLY, makes me VEEEEERY ANGRY. To the point wanting for these people the most horrible nightmares

                                I wouldn't say vulgar or disgusting but I would say very immoral. She may have redeemed herself slightly, but she has done some pretty shameful stuff in her life. In addition the sexual innuendo is immature for her age. I don't mind some occasional tongue in cheek stuff but there is far too much of it. It is not the intelligent humour I am used to from SG1.

                                Well, we don't know what really happened there. I believe there were talks during filming Crusade about season 10 and while Claudia was the one with whom Coop was working the most of the time, it's normal that she was asked first to join the cast for season 10.
                                I have to disagree totally with the last paragraph. I would have expected Rob to tell Amanda first that there may be changes to her character. She has worked her butt off for the show for 8 years and her portrayal of Sam Carter has gone a long way in helping the show to become a success. It would not be natural for me to talk to a newcomer first. In the event everyone else had been asked to come back and had contracts - apart from Amanda. That is a disgrace in my opinion. Put yourself inAmanda's shoes!!

