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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1

    ... I did however mention to Amanda that everyone on Samanda sent their love and support to her to which she thanked us all and said that whenever she felt down all the letters, cards, and kind comments she read up on the internet really raised her spirits.

    Later that day I was able to chat with her briefly in the autograph line. I had two autograph tickets so I choose to have her autograph a Femme Fatale photo ( not the flag ) I purchased at Gabit as well as the T-shirt I had made with MiniGeek's sketch of Sam. I also brought her a gift for Olivia. When I finally got to the point where it was my turn to get my autographs, I set the photo down in front of her helper as well as the T-shirt and then handed her the gift I had brought. She pushed the gift back to me and told me to give it to Amanda. So I walked over to Amanda and waited for her to stop signing the photo. When she saw the T-shirt her first comments were 'Wow! That's...great.' ( Kudos to MG ) After she signed the T-shirt, she looked up and thanked me for coming. So I in turn thanked her for coming to the con and told her that the gift was for Olivia. MajorSam may be able to give a better recount of Amanda's expression because at the time I was in awe, but she seemed very touch by the gift and thanked me several times. Unfortunately, since I had two items signed and had given her a gift I was backing the line up so I had to go without being able to say more.

    One thing I have to mention though is that I must have been at least the 800-900th person Amanda had given autographs to that day and yet she was still so kind, gratious and giving of herself. She could have easily just signed my photograph, smiled and moved on to the next person, but she was willing to give me my moment with her and I truly appreciate that.

    Here's the photo of Amanda's signature on the T-shirt I had made.
    Kat, really enjoyed the post and so happy for you to get the t-shirt autograph and kudos to mini for the wonderful image! Mini, have you decided yet just what the Gabit poster is going to look like? Please keep reminding us to scan and send autographs to you ... just how many lines/sentences can we include with our sigs?

    The good thing about Gabit is that it will be 1/3 the size of these larger cons and Amanda will have time to sit back and enjoy her fans even more! You are all in for a royal treat in November.

    So great that Amanda stops in here to get some positive Sam vibes! Kat, did she say anything about this season's "welcome back" that you had delivered from the SaGCT? How much did she talk about Olivia?

    Great reports, Samandans, keep 'em coming. MajorSam, you may want to tell some of the newer Samandans why Amanda recognized you. Would you care to share that original photo of the two of you from ages back? Of course, I guess the Orangerator will hide your face again, eh?! BUT IT SHOULDN'T NOW IF SOMEONE HAS ACTUALLY POSTED A PHOTO OF MADAM PRESSIE! I haven't seen it yet - working backwards on the thread tonight.
    Last edited by ChopinGal; 29 March 2006, 03:25 AM.


      I'd like to thank everyone again for their wonderful posts of their experiences at the con. It just shows what a wonderful person Amanda really is. That kind of caring and feeling you just can't fake, its touching to read all the ways she's touched her fans. And how she reads our thread.

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by ChopinGal
        Kat, really enjoyed the post and so happy for you to get the t-shirt autograph and kudos to mini for the wonderful image! Mini, have you decided yet just what the Gabit poster is going to look like? Please keep reminding us to scan and send autographs to you ... just how many lines/sentences can we include with our sigs?

        The good thing about Gabit is that it will be 1/3 the size of these larger cons and Amanda will have time to sit back and enjoy her fans even more! You are all in for a royal treat in November.

        So great that Amanda stops in here to get some positive Sam vibes! Kat, did she say anything about this season's "welcome back" that you had delivered from the SaGCT? How much did she talk about Olivia?

        Great reports, Samandans, keep 'em coming. MajorSam, you may want to tell some of the newer Samandans why Amanda recognized you. Would you care to share that original photo of the two of you from ages back? Of course, I guess the Orangeator will hide your face again, eh?!
        OKay so now you got me curious, this is the second time I've heard the Orangeator , come on spill

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by Mandysg1
          I'd like to thank everyone again for their wonderful posts of their experiences at the con. It just shows what a wonderful person Amanda really is. That kind of caring and feeling you just can't fake, its touching to read all the ways she's touched her fans. And how she reads our thread.
          Yeah, one of the things with actors when they seem caring and sweet, is that you never know whethere they are still acting, still doing their job. But just the little things, like remembering people's names, remembering forums and stuff, it shows how sweet she really, genuinely is.
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by MajorSam
            She was just so cute looking while he was going on about her awwwww. She made a comment sometime during a panel about having promised to make this the first convention she hasn't cried at, saying "Hah, yeah, rite..." It's amazing how touched she actually is by our concern and admiration of her.
            Talk about cute, hey lady - it's about time you showed your pretty face to the camera and the photo at the GW dinner is fabulous! I, of course, already knew you were a cutie, but now everyone else can see for themselves!
            Last edited by ChopinGal; 28 March 2006, 05:25 PM.


              Originally posted by Mandysg1
              OKay so now you got me curious, this is the second time I've heard the Orangeator , come on spill
              MajorSam, our Madam President of Samanda, had posted photos of herself and AT on the early, early pages of this thread. She always cleverly "oranged" her face out of the picture ... it became a running gag at the time. But now she's gracing the main page of GW and you can see that she has nothing to hide! Picture this gal in her army uniform doing weeks of military training too ... another Sam Carter, Jr.!

              We love you MajorSam and so glad to see that you've had time to "come home" here to Samanda lately!!


                thanks everyone, i will have to get around to going to the best of both worlds con one day. i have actually thought about it in the past, before i was a stargate fan, i was a star trek fan, but my dad, who got me hooked on it never wanted to go to one and i was only a kid so.....

                but im not a kid anymore so one day i will, even if i have to drag people over from canada to make me go


                  gabit won't be my first con, but it will be my first time in the UK

                  and i can't wait
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by THE BIG UNIT
                    thanks everyone, i will have to get around to going to the best of both worlds con one day. i have actually thought about it in the past, before i was a stargate fan, i was a star trek fan, but my dad, who got me hooked on it never wanted to go to one and i was only a kid so.....

                    but im not a kid anymore so one day i will, even if i have to drag people over from canada to make me go
                    Drag away, I could always visit my cousin that lives there, heck he's only almost on the other side of the world from me.

                    my fanfic


                      SQUEE! Love all of the con stories, guys! Geez, I don't think I can wait until Shore Leave without exploding!

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal
                        Mini, have you decided yet just what the Gabit poster is going to look like? Please keep reminding us to scan and send autographs to you ... just how many lines/sentences can we include with our sigs?
                        I will, there's a few months left. I'll send a reminder about once a month or so. It's definitely not too late. About 250 characters (not words, characters) and about 3.5 inches physical space. The email address is: fansigsforat( at )

                        As to the poster image, it'll be simple, so as to leave room for signatures. The full-size sketch only; probably a white background for the signatures. If it's too busy/design(y), it'll just look odd. Originally I was thinking of using the one I'd done this year, but I'm doing another one now and so it'll be a toss up between the two, but I'll let you guys choose once I'm done this one.

                        Also, I was also thinking of having a short two line THANK YOU phrase on it, something for the decade of Sam Carter; I was sort of hoping someone eloquent (Jester??!) might come up with a poetic thank you statement that's short and heartfelt. Not that I want to volunteer anyone, mind you! But hey... I think it'd be neat, since it IS a thank you card, after all.


                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Originally posted by minigeek
                          I will, there's a few months left. I'll send a reminder about once a month or so. It's definitely not too late. About 250 characters (not words, characters) and about 3.5 inches physical space. The email address is: fansigsforat( at )

                          As to the poster image, it'll be simple, so as to leave room for signatures. The full-size sketch only; probably a white background for the signatures. If it's too busy/design(y), it'll just look odd. Originally I was thinking of using the one I'd done this year, but I'm doing another one now and so it'll be a toss up between the two, but I'll let you guys choose once I'm done this one.

                          Also, I was also thinking of having a short two line THANK YOU phrase on it, something for the decade of Sam Carter; I was sort of hoping someone eloquent (Jester??!) might come up with a poetic thank you statement that's short and heartfelt. Not that I want to volunteer anyone, mind you! But hey... I think it'd be neat, since it IS a thank you card, after all.

                          Ahh don't worry about volunteering someone, it didn't bother Spazz

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by MajorSam

                            Tonight I had the great great pleasure and privilege of having, along with a few good friends, dinner with Joe Malozzi, a fantastic person. On this topic…
                            That is so amazing , how did you managed that ? It must have been an amazing experience to be able to hear tptb view of their work and to be able to put to him your views . I'm incredibly jelous of you , but also so gratefull you are sharing your experiences with us

                            And a big to everyone that has shared your con reports , ForeverSg1,, Lida, MajorSam, SunKrux and all the others I missed, tried to green all of you as I went along until it wouldn't let me anymore Loved all your stories .


                              Originally posted by minigeek
                              I will, there's a few months left. I'll send a reminder about once a month or so. It's definitely not too late. About 250 characters (not words, characters) and about 3.5 inches physical space. The email address is: fansigsforat( at )

                              As to the poster image, it'll be simple, so as to leave room for signatures. The full-size sketch only; probably a white background for the signatures. If it's too busy/design(y), it'll just look odd. Originally I was thinking of using the one I'd done this year, but I'm doing another one now and so it'll be a toss up between the two, but I'll let you guys choose once I'm done this one.

                              Also, I was also thinking of having a short two line THANK YOU phrase on it, something for the decade of Sam Carter; I was sort of hoping someone eloquent (Jester??!) might come up with a poetic thank you statement that's short and heartfelt. Not that I want to volunteer anyone, mind you! But hey... I think it'd be neat, since it IS a thank you card, after all.

                              i think a short note is very appropriate.

                              that's what this is for after all
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Wow! What an exciting day around Gateworld!

                                Thank you all for the greatly detailed posts of your experiences at the con and especially those of Amanda

                                How long will we have to wait for this best kept secret Sun? I am imagining all sorts of things. Geesh, talk about ust LOL!

                                MajorSam you are a sweetheart and I can't see why you'd want to hide such a beautiful and lovely photo of yourself!

                                Off to bed with dreams of meeting Amanda in July! Night all!

