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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by MajorSam
    Hey everyone it’s me again.

    Tonight I had the great great pleasure and privilege of having, along with a few good friends, dinner with Joe Malozzi, a fantastic person. On this topic…

    That was some dinner then! S10 sounds like it could be fun


      Originally posted by tsaxlady
      The lines of people wanting to ask Amanda questions was so long before she even got on stage that I did not get in line. However I did ask her a question when she was signing my autograph. I asked "Will we see you direct an episode this season?" She looked at me smiled and said I wish - but at the moment they can not get me out of an episode long enough to have time to prep to direct. The up side of this comment leads me to think we will be seeing plenty of Sam Carter in S10. What kind of quality story lines will they be only time will tell.
      see, and i think that's where amanda being such a good sport hurts her. IMHO, they use her. They know they can count on her. And she delivers, constantly and consistently....and then when it's time to do her a favor, give her a bit of a leg up (such as directing. in the oh so lovely sexist world that we live in - especially the entertainment industry, a female's career is defined solely by her looks, whereas directing is a skill and one that can be long lasting) such as letting her direct they don't do it.

      Here is thier chance to help her out, help her further her career beyond the 'oh, she's too old, hire someone younger!', and they can't/don't do it.

      Like come on guys, if she was a man and wanted to direct you bet your tushie she'd get a chance.

      I mean, this is the character that they don't know what to do with . how about paying back a little and giving her a chance to expand her skills
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver

        ... Amanda has 'taken one for the team' on a consistent basis since season six, first filling in for RDA as his time decreased, then other little sacrifices and compromises
        I think you've said all that has to be said, Sky. Spot on! And she will continue to be a class act through it all.

        BTW, Kat - your photos show Amanda in a camouflage jacket for awhile - what was that about? Why did she put it on? Was she auctioning this item off? Did they do an auction?


          Originally posted by suse
          I thought that channel was Lifetime. <g> Or as the brother-in-law calls it: The Men-Hater's Channel.

          who has a cool non-sexist bro-in-law
          LOL, I've heard it called "codependent man-haters channel".

          But seriously, I think a talk type show with Amanda as host would be great - she's got the personality for it. I'd give it a go, and I don't usually watch those.
          If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

          Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
          proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
          Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

          Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


            Welcome back everyone who went to the con and hello again to those that didn't

            Originally posted by ChopinGal
            BTW, Kat - your photos show Amanda in a camouflage jacket for awhile - what was that about? Why did she put it on? Was she auctioning this item off? Did they do an auction?
            Someone gave her a camouflage jacket and she tried it on while doing the Q&A. I have to say the person knows her size because it fit her very well.

            Oh, Kat I hope you don't mind I answered the question directed at you I didn't think about that.

            I am going to put up my experience with meeting Amanda, but I wanted to answer that question real quick first...
            Paul/Carson, Rachel/Teyla, David/Eli Supporter!!
            Proud Samandan. Hic Comitas Regit


              Originally posted by ChopinGal
              I think you've said all that has to be said, Sky. Spot on! And she will continue to be a class act through it all.
              That's our AT! And because of that I have no doubt she will always have the ability to do what she enjoys most. In a world where to so many its just about $$ or fame or power or ratings or what have you, AT's easygoing fun personality is no doubt very refreshing. People in the industry clearly like working with her, her fans clearly love her and she sincerely loves them back.
              If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
              proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
              Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

              Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                Originally posted by Carson's girl
                Someone gave her a camouflage jacket and she tried it on while doing the Q&A. I have to say the person knows her size because it fit her very well.
                Just a little addition, It was some crazy American Air Force jacket with all the badges and such to go along with it, put onto the same type jacket they wore in Children of the Gods or something, with a crazy bright orange inner lining. The guy went all out in making the Jacket "right"
                The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                  Originally posted by suse
                  I thought that channel was Lifetime. <g> Or as the brother-in-law calls it: The Men-Hater's Channel.

                  who has a cool non-sexist bro-in-law
                  In Canada we have the Women's Television Network, which believe me gets made fun of a lot. Particularly by the Air Farce ( a Canadian comedy show, that makes fun of everything )

                  Here I can just see the write up about the show:
                  The Amanda Tapping Show, staring Amanda Tapping as mild mannered Dr. Sam Carter. Nuclear physiscits by day, and fighter of women's rights by night.
                  (made some changes since this isn't Stargate)

                  my fanfic


                    Hello again I've been trying to catch up on posts, but I don't have the energy to read all of them he he.

                    Ok, as promised, here is my detailed account of meeting Amanda (because I know you have all been waiting for it ):

                    First off, I have to say Amanda was awesome, as I knew she would be. She was funny, and cool, and meeting her was a great experience, as I'll talk about later. I didn't get a picture with her unfortunately because I didn't have enough money by the time I was going to buy it, but it was all still a great experience Anywho, I wanted to ask Sally's question about Jack and Sam, so I decided I was going to ask that. I also wanted to say some comments which I'll get to. So I went up there and she answered 2 people's questions and then went to me. I wished Olivia a late happy birthday and said that maybe Michael's kid and her kid could have birthday parties together because their birthdays are so close together and then she joked about how they could all save a lot of money if they had joint birthday parties. Then I thanked her for contributing the autographed pictures to the Gateworld party and that we appreciated it. I also told her that 2 people at my table won them. She said "my pleasure" and I think I was talking kind of fast, so I hope I didn't cut her off or sound rude.

                    Then I decided to ask that question so I said something like "this is a question from a friend on Gateworld who couldn't be here, but I'm curious too and that is is there anything for Jack and Sam fans to look forward to in the future?" I heard the audience wooing and stuff lol. Then Amanda said "I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you" ha ha! So I could have said something witty here, but what did I do instead... I said something about how she could bring me back using technology... yes, hello, dork alert! I'll get to more of that later. Anyway, I was not exactly thinking clearly. So she said
                    "there's a 5 word answer and a 3 word answer, I'll give you the 3 word answer... yes" then I think she said "the 5 word answer being maybe" or something to that effect. WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! Ok, done so then after she told me she said "and now I have to kill you, everyone's expecting it" or something like that. I just laughed and said thank you
                    and then went back to my seat, but I think I may have stood there a little too long, I don't know. I have trouble realizing how much time is going by when I get up there After I went back to my seat, I started thinking about what I said, and I was like 'some type of tecnology to bring me back'? What the F was that? Not to mention the fact that the whole point is she didn't want to bring me back... then I thought of something that I should have said and I decided I would tell her during the autograph session. So I listened to the rest of the Q&A and then it was time for autographs. I was in row E and it took a while to get to us, but finally we were up. So I waited... and waited... and waited... and... just kidding he he. It didn't actually take that long once the row was called. I brought a birthday card for Olivia and a thank you card for Amanda because I just wanted to tell her how much I respect her and appreciate what she does for the fans. When I got to her I said "When you said you'd have to kill me after I asked about Jack and Sam, I should have said 'at least I'd die for a good cause'". She laughed when I said that. I made Amanda laugh! Pretty cool Then I said "I have a card for Olivia. There are animal stickers in there, which I know she's too young to use of course, but I thought she might like to look at them". I think she said "sure, thank you". Then I gave her her card and said "I also have a card for you, it's a thank you card" and she said "thank you" and finally I said "and I was wondering if I could shake your hand". I didn't want to ask for a hug because I thought it might be too much trouble and I'm not the type of person who asks for hugs during the Q&A. So she said "of course" and she shook my hand, but then, and this was the best part... she stood up and actually gave me a hug! I have shaken Torri's and Michael's hands at other cons, but neither of them went and gave me a hug too! Not that there is anything wrong with that of course, but it's just she didn't have to do that. It was such a thoughtful gesture. After we hugged I said "thank you" and she said "thank you, it was nice meeting you" and I said "it was nice meeting you too" and went away. That has to be the best experience I've had so far meeting someone from Stargate. Amanda was just the sweetest person and I am so proud to be a fan of hers, and of Sam, as Amanda brings such a heart and great presence to the character.

                    So that was my incredibly awesome experience that I will never forget and would never want to forget!

                    By the way, I may not have gotten all of Amanda's quotes exactly right. I was a bit nervous, even though I try not to be, I usually am
                    Paul/Carson, Rachel/Teyla, David/Eli Supporter!!
                    Proud Samandan. Hic Comitas Regit


                      Originally posted by MajorSam
                      Just a little addition, It was some crazy American Air Force jacket with all the badges and such to go along with it, put onto the same type jacket they wore in Children of the Gods or something, with a crazy bright orange inner lining. The guy went all out in making the Jacket "right"
                      Oh yeah, thanks. I forgot to say about the badges.

                      Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                      LOL, I've heard it called "codependent man-haters channel".

                      But seriously, I think a talk type show with Amanda as host would be great - she's got the personality for it. I'd give it a go, and I don't usually watch those.
                      I don't watch Lifetime even though I'm a girl. I think it's boring. I'd rather watch Spike (the channel for guys) However, if Amanda hosted a show on there, or if she hosted a show on another station, I would definitely watch it. I don't usually watch those types of shows either, but for her, I would make an exception
                      Paul/Carson, Rachel/Teyla, David/Eli Supporter!!
                      Proud Samandan. Hic Comitas Regit


                        First of all Carson's girl big (((hugs))) for your nervousness and inabitity to think clearly
                        Now a because you got to hug Amanda and I'm jealous

                        my fanfic


                          Just a quick post, as I am still jet lagged, we returned from Vancouver last evening. HOWEVER, my thanks to everyone I met from this fantastic thread and thanks to EVERYONE here on Sam's Thread.....Amanda told me whenever she starts to feel "down", she comes here and reads OUR thread and marvels at the wonderful things we write about her and her character, and it makes her feel better. I was so happy when she said that. So, you all have a fan and a friend in Amanda.

                          On a side note, MY HUSBAND charmed Amanda, and she let me take their pic, with her hugging him, at the brunch....we were the last table she visited, and he MELTED. I think he's still babbling.

                          I'll post the pic later...and more good stuff, but you were all meet Amanda is to love her. My admiration, respect and just plain adoration for her now knows NO bounds. She is one truly beautiful woman, inside and out.

                          OK, I've gushed enough......
                          On fighting:
                          Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                          Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                            Originally posted by Lida
                            Just a quick post, as I am still jet lagged, we returned from Vancouver last evening. HOWEVER, my thanks to everyone I met from this fantastic thread and thanks to EVERYONE here on Sam's Thread.....Amanda told me whenever she starts to feel "down", she comes here and reads OUR thread and marvels at the wonderful things we write about her and her character, and it makes her feel better. I was so happy when she said that. So, you all have a fan and a friend in Amanda.

                            On a side note, MY HUSBAND charmed Amanda, and she let me take their pic, with her hugging him, at the brunch....we were the last table she visited, and he MELTED. I think he's still babbling.

                            I'll post the pic later...and more good stuff, but you were all meet Amanda is to love her. My admiration, respect and just plain adoration for her now knows NO bounds. She is one truly beautiful woman, inside and out.

                            OK, I've gushed enough......
                            I'm so glad to hear you had a great time (and a little jealous)

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by Myrth
                              Hi there SB darlin'... I'm doin well....wanna go makeout?



                                Can I be the one person to NOT want Amanda to have a talk show? I might watch it once or twice just to see her, but those shows are soooo blah, no matter how wonderful the host, and I don't want Amanda wasted on something I won't watch. Give her a nice action/adventure series with some great comedic moments. That's my favorite genre and I won't miss an episode! [It's all about me, eh?]

                                Carson's girl, this gal likes The Spike Channel, too.

                                Thanks to everyone for the con reports!!! It's nice for y'all to fill in for those of us that didn't/couldn't attend!

