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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by deepspace
    The thing is, I don't feel like Sam's leadership in season8 was overshadowing anyone. It certainly didn't feel like it was dominating the show. Some people think that if Sam were to lead, then she would become the primary focus of the show. I don't think that would necisarily be the case.
    I definitely agree, deep. I don't believe it overshadowed anybody last season either. In fact, if anything, it was severely downplayed. The abundance of Earth-based episodes, the increased focus on twu wuv, and an admirable attempt to keep Jack/RDA in the fore all contributed to a lack of leading opportunities for Sam. And from a team perspective, we didn't really get to see the three of them gel on their own without Jack. I mean, we can assume of course, because we have years of evidence. But when you get right down to it, we never got to see if Jack/RDA really was the glue that held them together or not. I'd like to think that he was in the beginning, and that it was the characters' own bonds that kept them together as they all matured. But we really won't ever know, I guess. Those relationships have been stunted, it would seem, almost indefinitely.

    I don't want the characters of Vala and Cam to leave either. They are good actors. What I would like is for their characters to be handled better, and therefore their acting skills to be utilised better. And also, while I understand that they're introducing new characters and therfore have to spend a certain amount of time incorporating them, I don't think their roles should overshadow the rest of the original team. And as far as I can tell without having seen for myself, that seems to be what's happened.
    I'm not saying that the new characters should take a backseat anymore than I want the original characters to take a back seat, I just think they need to, as you say so well, gain some equal ground. There should be more balance.
    Equality is the key. TPTB have a history, long before CB and BB came into play, of not knowing how to balance out their time 100%. At the end of the day, it all balanced itself out of course. But there were several moments throughout their eight-year existence that teetered between focusing too much on Jack/Daniel, Sam/Jack, or Sam/Daniel/Jack... They weren't too bad, of course, because the warm and fuzzy team feeling was always there. And they certainly weren't several episodes grouped together like they have been in this season. But I think it's something they struggled with a bit in the beginning, overcame between Seasons Three and Six, and then something they picked up again. I don't think it can be traced back to any one person, either. It's just circumstance, I guess.

    The actors they have could be utilized in a way that could make even BSG's head spin. I don't want to say that such a feat would require an entirely fresh and new production staff, because that's a little harsh. I guess they just need to take a good, hard look at the talent they have and consider what they want from this cast. Do they want to use a 110% cast at 50% capacity, or do they want to double (or triple) their expectations by simply spreading the plot love when it comes to writing for them?

    You'd think the choice would be pretty clear, but I'm not so sure it is anymore.


      Originally posted by deepspace
      Ooooooooh, piccies
      Spacesuit Sam piccies!


      They're gooooooood.

      deepspace is seriously starting to like the look of this ep.
      Ummmm.... I hate to be a spoilsport here, but please don't get your hopes up too much.

      All these caps cap from about the last ten minutes of the show, and it's pretty much most of what they show of Sam.

      I just don't want you to feel like you've been misguided in any way.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
        You're welcome, Strix. I know they're small, but it hides the blur.
        I played around to see if I could get your avatar any clearer. I'm not sure if its any better or not, but if you like it you are welcome to snag it.


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
          I played around to see if I could get your avatar any clearer. I'm not sure if its any better or not, but if you like it you are welcome to snag it.

          Ooooooh, thank you, Kat!!! I'm really naff at Photoshop, so thank you!!!
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Evening, Samandans -

            Just flyin' by to drop this tidbit if no one has already:

            SciFi Channel's Stargate Monday is doing a theme tonight, called "Minds Turning Inside Out and Upside Down Night," of which the promo hints the epsiodes have to do with something getting into SG-1's heads. They're featuring: (7-10 pm EST)

            - Message in a Bottle (Jack centric, but also Sam Carter centric)
            - Legacy (Daniel, then team centric)
            - Beneath the Surface (team centric, but OH, yes, Sam/Jack spotlight )
            - Lifeboat (Daniel centric)

            Missing? How about "Entity," the biggie head invasion ep, and Sam centric. (Well, no Teal'c centric either, but this is Samanda!)

            Just sayin', hoping the channel may do character theme nights and we'll get a whole evening of Sam Carter in all her facets! I can hope. That would rock! Later!
            Last edited by Traveler Enroute1; 13 March 2006, 06:09 PM.
            Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              I joke about naming the show SG-Carter and getting it over with, but I of course agree with you all.

              The truth is, we want LOTS of Carter but in context with what made the show great. The team. The team dynamic. Her interactions with Daniel and Teal'c and Jack. That was magic.

              It's funny looking back at Matter of Time which one could easily label a "Carter centric" ep. But was it really? Jack had the secondary story with Cromwell that fit in quite nicely with the tone and tenor of the show. With the exception of Daniel (who was offworld for this ep), everyone had something important they needed to do or were involved in.

              And the solution?

              It had nothing to do with contacting our allies or looking for a magical cure from some super duper doohickie. We didn't whisk out to the planet on a big ol' honkin' earth ship to beam a nuke down to the gate (and also beam up Hank's team).

              It was a totally frustrated Carter completely irritated at her leadership's decision to simply blow up the SGC because they didn't know what to do. And those beats with Teal'c were so great too:
              SAM: You know, they're proceeding with a plan that makes assumptions about gravity and space-time with absolutely no regard for the fact that it completely contradicts our observations.

              TEAL'C: I see.

              SAM: In other words, Teal'c, they don't really know what the hell's going on, so they're just going to blow it up. There doesn't seem to be a damn thing I can do about it.
              And she got to use food to explain her train o' thought too. Sweeeeeeeeeet.

              But no...we don't want all Sam/all the time...that being said, do we want more Sam? HECK YEAH!...but we want the Sam who had to use her mind and her ingenuity to Carter!Rig a solution with the limited resources of earth while still being the the Sam who was imperfect but dilligent, honorable, brave and funny.
              Excellent points about 'A Matter of Time'. I've always seen it as showing that even though Sam was the one who thought up the solution, she couldn't have saved the world alone - General Hammond's mention of the second stargate inspired her idea and I imagine that he had to do a fair amount of arguing to get the higher-ups to approve Sam's plan over one the other scientists had come up with, Jack and Cromwell took care of physically getting the bomb primed and in place and Teal'c was the one who saved Jack from following Cromwell, as well as providing what I think was needed moral support.

              All of the regulars - except Daniel, obviously - plus a guest star, pitched in.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                I definitely agree, deep. I don't believe it overshadowed anybody last season either. In fact, if anything, it was severely downplayed. The abundance of Earth-based episodes, the increased focus on twu wuv, and an admirable attempt to keep Jack/RDA in the fore all contributed to a lack of leading opportunities for Sam. And from a team perspective, we didn't really get to see the three of them gel on their own without Jack. I mean, we can assume of course, because we have years of evidence. But when you get right down to it, we never got to see if Jack/RDA really was the glue that held them together or not. I'd like to think that he was in the beginning, and that it was the characters' own bonds that kept them together as they all matured. But we really won't ever know, I guess. Those relationships have been stunted, it would seem, almost indefinitely.

                Equality is the key. TPTB have a history, long before CB and BB came into play, of not knowing how to balance out their time 100%. At the end of the day, it all balanced itself out of course. But there were several moments throughout their eight-year existence that teetered between focusing too much on Jack/Daniel, Sam/Jack, or Sam/Daniel/Jack... They weren't too bad, of course, because the warm and fuzzy team feeling was always there. And they certainly weren't several episodes grouped together like they have been in this season. But I think it's something they struggled with a bit in the beginning, overcame between Seasons Three and Six, and then something they picked up again. I don't think it can be traced back to any one person, either. It's just circumstance, I guess.

                The actors they have could be utilized in a way that could make even BSG's head spin. I don't want to say that such a feat would require an entirely fresh and new production staff, because that's a little harsh. I guess they just need to take a good, hard look at the talent they have and consider what they want from this cast. Do they want to use a 110% cast at 50% capacity, or do they want to double (or triple) their expectations by simply spreading the plot love when it comes to writing for them?

                You'd think the choice would be pretty clear, but I'm not so sure it is anymore.
                Great post spaz. Very well written points.

                I suppose one of the things that the new team is lacking is Time. Time to grow, expand, and get to know each other and trust each other.
                And yet, eight seasons aside, I feel like the original team kind of clicked right from the start, and by the season finale of season1 they were already beginning to feel like a family.

                In some ways I suppose we almost have to think of season9 as a season1, the beginning of a new team.

                It would still be nice to retain some of the history between characters that was developed over the past eight seasons though.

                ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                  Ooooooh, thank you, Kat!!! I'm really naff at Photoshop, so thank you!!!
                  did you just say "naff"? is "naff" back now?


                    Originally posted by stargate barbie
                    did you just say "naff"? is "naff" back now?

                    Dense American here. Please translate as long as it's, you know, within the forum rules.

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...



                        Originally posted by ChopinGal
                        Teal'c : Major Carter, I wish I had some sleaves.
                        Carter: I know teal'c I feel the same way.
                        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                          Originally posted by ChopinGal
                          Teal' that your staff weapon or are you just glad to see me? Nevermind....2100, my there.

                          (sorry, couldn't resist)
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by ChopinGal
                            Sam: It's easy, Teal'c, just keep one eye open and close the other one.
                            Teal'c: Like this?
                            Sam: Uh... it's getting better.
                            Teal'c: This 'winking' is more difficult than it seemed.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by ChopinGal
                              Captionary this ...

                              Carter: Teal'c...
                              Teal'c: I did not break wind. I believe it was Daniel Jackson.


                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal
                                sam thinking: dammit, he took my top again.
                                teal'c thinking: don't even think about trying to get the top back.


                                both thinking: i said i was gonna be wearing this

