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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    I think this one is pretty neat, myself.
    Yeah... I'm torn on that one, it is quite cool, but I had to alter the brightness and contrast so much to be able to see even that much. And I don't think it will make a good avatar, but that could just be me.
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally Posted by Mandysg1
      I saw Crusade, but I don't remember that scene, could you please put into context
      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
      It's the scene at the beginning where Cameron brings Daniel/Vala into the commissary where she's eating
      Oops now I remember, I think I got Crusade and Camelot mixed up, easily done these days (ah this season)

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        Oops now I remember, I think I got Crusade and Camelot mixed up, easily done these days (ah this season)
        I did that too, don't worry. I keep thinking Crusade is the name of the finale. The title just has a finale feel to it.
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by Strix varia

          Can anyone go back and watch the season ending to see if
          any of the Ori ships are close enough to get caught in a kawoosh if Sam could get the giant gate to shut down and then dial out again? It would be fun to watch them get obliterated that way... Of course, we know the ship that Vala is on won't get destroyed.

          I read the reviews here before I watched the show. So there were certain things I was looking for
          like how to get Sam out there on her own? (I was thinking maybe the force of some of the nearby blasts would send her back toward the gate. Of course you have to worry that none of the debris also makes it her way.) I wondered if they get the ori ships caught in the kawoosh, but sadly I think they are all too far away. All of our ships didn't seem to be doing any damage to the ori for them to retreat.

          MAJOR season 10

          I think the Ori beam the survivors on board their ships after the fight. Daniel ends up on the Ori ship somehow with vala. Mabe he ascends and ends up there ... who knows. My guess is Mitchell made it to the F-302 for his escape from the fight. Teal'c and L.... Alliance not sure, but Teal'c is defininetly alive! Sam is of course alive. Maybe Teal'c is the one that beams Sam aboard.


            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
            1.) More Sam
            2.) More Teal'c
            3.) More Sam/Teal'c
            4.) More Sam/Daniel
            5.) More Daniel/Teal'c
            6.) More Daniel/Sam/Teal'c
            7.) More Daniel
            8.) More Sam/Vala
            9.) More Teal'c/Vala
            10.) Any Jack

            Hmm, this about sums up my wish list for season ten. Seeing Jack would be a nice added bonus, but I really don't expect to see him. However, I can honestly say that nowhere on my list does it say 'More Mitchell'. I'm not saying get rid of the guy, but we've had an entire season of Mitchell, it's time for him to be integrated with the rest of the team and stop throwing him out in front of so many episodes.
            I know. Sadly, I'm not holding my breath on Jack either. And I fear there may be quite a few fans who asphyxiate before Season Ten's (or series) finale. If they could grab RDA for even the briefest of cameos, that would be great!

            And I understand what you mean about Mitchell, and by extension, Vala. I know many here may disagree with me, so I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but I have never wanted Sam to be the main focus of the show to the level of anything even remotely close to Jack. To me, Richard Dean Anderson is the only one who had that opportunity, and actually deserved it. Still, towards the end of The Original SG-1's run, they were all more like equals than anything else, which was great. Richard Dean Anderson had the behind-the-scenes leverage, but when it came to the fans, I don't think he was really any more popular than the other three.

            When Jack/RDA left, while I liked the concept of Sam leading SG-1 with Daniel and Teal'c, I never really wanted her to overshadow them in any respect. All three of them have played an important role over the years, and they deserve their time to shine.

            It's quite different now, though. The fact that the three original characters rarely interact with each other says a lot about how much it's changed. Sam, Teal'c and Daniel are no longer the focuses of the show, and their individual struggles and their complex relationship don't matter anymore.

            Really, I don't want Cameron or Vala to go away. I think it's possible for this show to thrive with such a powerhouse of actors at its disposal. It's all a matter of utilization. Sam, Daniel and Teal'c have seniority and should be treated like they do, imo. When it comes to deciding who should be wallpapered, it shouldn't be the typically silent one, or the one who's not as easy to write. It may have something to do with preference, but I'd really like to think that these five actors/characters can gain some kind of equal ground on the show from now on. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how they're used in the season premiere. That'll tell us where the show is headed.
            Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 13 March 2006, 09:05 AM.


              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
              MAJOR season 10

              I think the Ori beam the survivors on board their ships after the fight. Daniel ends up on the Ori ship somehow with vala. Mabe he ascends and ends up there ... who knows. My guess is Mitchell made it to the F-302 for his escape from the fight. Teal'c and L.... Alliance not sure, but Teal'c is defininetly alive! Sam is of course alive. Maybe Teal'c is the one that beams Sam aboard.
              It definitely would've been cool if Sam
              had been forced through the wormhole or something, but it'll be nice if Teal'c beams her up, and the two of them can find Cameron and get to work on the pressing matters with the Ori.


                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                I know. Sadly, I'm not holding my breath on Jack either. And I fear there may be quite a few fans who asphyxiate before Season Ten's (or series) finale. If they could grab RDA for even the briefest of cameos, that would be great!

                And I understand what you mean about Mitchell, and by extension, Vala. I know many here may disagree with me, so I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but I have never wanted Sam to be the main focus of the show to the level of anything even remotely close to Jack. To me, Richard Dean Anderson is the only one who had that opportunity, and actually deserved it. Still, towards the end of The Original SG-1's run, they were all more like equals than anything else, which was great. Richard Dean Anderson had the behind-the-scenes leverage, but when it came to the fans, I don't think he was really any more popular than the other three.

                When Jack/RDA left, while I liked the concept of Sam leading SG-1 with Daniel and Teal'c, I never really wanted her to overshadow them in any respect. All three of them have played an important role over the years, and they deserve their time to shine.

                It's quite different now, though. The fact that the three original characters rarely interact with each other says a lot about how much it's changed. Sam, Teal'c and Daniel are no longer the focuses of the show, and their individual struggles and their complex relationship don't matter anymore.

                Really, I don't want Cameron or Vala to go away. I think it's possible for this show to thrive with such a powerhouse of actors at its disposal. It's all a matter of utilization. Sam, Daniel and Teal'c have seniority and should be treated like they do, imo. When it comes to deciding who should be wallpapered, it shouldn't be the typically silent one, or the one who's not as easy to write. It may have something to do with preference, but I'd really like to think that these five actors/characters can gain some kind of equal ground on the show from now on. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how they're used in the season premiere. That'll tell us where the show is headed.
                Spaz you're not alone in your feelings, I never thought it should be the Sam show either. I thought Sam should have been leader, and as the earlier years did with RDA have it a team show, with the focus more on the Big 3 and work the new characters into the team/show. Not have it as I'm the new guy and now the star of the show.

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                  It definitely would've been cool if Sam
                  had been forced through the wormhole or something, but it'll be nice if Teal'c beams her up, and the two of them can find Cameron and get to work on the pressing matters with the Ori.
                  See, I was hoping that the scene would have been the Ori ships coming through the gate, with Sam deactivating it while one of them had only partly rematerialized, thus tearing it asunder. It would have been a cool way to show that the Ori aren't so unbeatable while still indicating that it wasn't going to be a walk in the park.

                  What can I say, I'm a sucker for SG-1's (and Sam's) penchant for pulling out great but improbable ideas as a means to victory. Besides, that's some CGI I could really get behind and cheer for. The battle we got was so predictable, which is something SG-1 never used to be. Two motheships in Within the Serpent's Grasp, beaming up the gate in Nemesis, blowing up a sun Exodus, Daniel dying, destroying Abydos, the Ancient outpost on Earth, etc. This whole story seemed so ordinary by comparison.

                  I'm hoping that next season sees Sam opening the supergate herself, thus destroying one or two of the Ori flying crappers with the kawoosh herself.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    One more chapter of Trinkets up


                    this one set s8 and spoilers for Threads
                    Eeeee!! That means just ... one more week and it'll be done, right?! Then I can read it ALLLLL!!! I'm so excited!

                    mini(the impatient)geek

                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                      Originally posted by golfbooy
                      What can I say, I'm a sucker for SG-1's (and Sam's) penchant for pulling out great but improbable ideas as a means to victory. <more snippage>
                      Definitely! They've so seamlessly done it before. I don't know why it doesn't ring as true anymore.

                      I'm hoping that next season sees Sam opening the supergate herself, thus destroying one or two of the Ori flying crappers with the kawoosh herself.
                      That would be great!
                      They left her looking pretty helpless, but if she could roll up her sleeves and let her anger and/or adrenaline get the job taken care of next season, that'd be so cool.


                        Originally posted by minigeek
                        Eeeee!! That means just ... one more week and it'll be done, right?! Then I can read it ALLLLL!!! I'm so excited!

                        mini(the impatient)geek
                        Awwww, Mini, you should start now, come on, one chapter per day and it will be fine! You have to read it, it's amazing!
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                          Awwww, Mini, you should start now, come on, one chapter per day and it will be fine! You have to read it, it's amazing!
                          I'm going to! But I won't be able to stop if I start now. And I can't wait a whole week for the ending if I get myself all hooked on it before it's done. MUST... WAIT.... MUST .... NOT.... GIVE .... IN....

                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

                            Sorry, back on topic... Uh, yeah, who would like to establish a Relationship Wish List for next season?

                            1.) More Sam/Teal'c
                            2.) More Sam/Daniel
                            3.) More Daniel/Teal'c
                            4.) More Daniel/Sam/Teal'c
                            5.) More Sam/Vala
                            6.) More Teal'c/Vala
                            7.) More Teal'c/Cameron

                            That's all I've got... anything else I've forgotten?
                            What about more team ? Seriously, this season each time they're all four of them in the same room, one of them if not two has the sudden urge to go running somewhere else. What about they only show us how great those people can be together, working together, saving the world together, having fun together ?
                            Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                              Originally posted by minigeek
                              I'm going to! But I won't be able to stop if I start now. And I can't wait a whole week for the ending if I get myself all hooked on it before it's done. MUST... WAIT.... MUST .... NOT.... GIVE .... IN....
                              Give in!! Give in!!


                                Hehehehe, thanks for the back up Spazzy!
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

