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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SG1Poz
    The grand finale at the Best Epsidode contest in upon us. We are down to the last three.

    Please vote for one of the following that are left (If you are interested) The url is below my sig.

    Window of Opportunity

    Fifth Race

    Lost City Part 2
    i will, but how do you vote for this thingie again? (i know which ep i'm going to pick, so i want to be very careful not to knock it out by not understanding the voting process)




      Originally posted by majorsal
      i will, but how do you vote for this thingie again? (i know which ep i'm going to pick, so i want to be very careful not to knock it out by not understanding the voting process)

      Ok I just remembered I didn't explain.

      You vote for the Least favorite of the three. I personnaly want Lost City 2 to win


        How about one of Amanda's fantastic smile?

        (It was a rhetorical question.)


          Originally posted by SG1Poz
          Ok I just remembered I didn't explain.

          You vote for the Least favorite of the three. I personnaly want Lost City 2 to win

          i gotta go edit it then. i voted for what i wanted to win
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by parsifal
            How about one of Amanda's fantastic smile?
            Yes! Wheee! These pics are great!


              Originally posted by Skydiver

              i gotta go edit it then. i voted for what i wanted to win

              LOL, I loved both Lost City 2 and WoO so I won't be sad if either win. Lost City wowed me with the CG effects and of course the Sam and Jack moments. WoO I loved for the comedic effect and of course the wowser kiss Jack laid on Sam
              g' nite all


                I see that Legends has come out with some new signed pictures of Amanda, with some from the Femmes Fatales shoot. (including the flag pic ) If you like that sort of thing, here’s the web page

                The prices don’t seem too bad, and I believe that Legends is pretty good about donating a share of their profits to charity. Sky, am I right about that? I bought some autographed things from them at Gatecon in Vancouver last year, and they seemed like a class act.



                  i'm not sure. some of thier pictures do have all proceeds or a portion of them going to charity, some don't

                  i would presume that their charity policy is on thier site somewhere
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    i'm not sure. some of thier pictures do have all proceeds or a portion of them going to charity, some don't

                    i would presume that their charity policy is on thier site somewhere
                    I'm sure that it's the signed photos that have part of the money going to the actors favourite charity. I'm not too sure about the unsigned ones.


                      Originally posted by minigeek
                      Simha!! Hello!! So you're another one who believes they're already married, eh? Me too. I think there's a great big secrecy campaign goin' on...

                      That was such a cool little add-on scene. Write more! lol
                      WARNING – the following contains unabashed pro-shippiness, of the dreaded Sam/Jack flavor. Non-Sam/Jack shippers are strongly cautioned.

                      I’ve always thought there’d be no way that Sam and Jack would not be married like a shot if the opportunity presented itself. I think they’d be like two powerful, perfectly aligned magnets: when you let them come together, each reinforces the other and it takes tremendous force to ever tear them apart again.

                      So, yes – I am of the firm opinion that they visited Vegas while Sam was stationed at Area 51, and came away with nice rings and photos, and nicer marriage certificates all signed, good, legal and valid in all 50 states. And I have to issue a “Way to Go, Sam!” to that notion, because I do think she loved and wanted Jack (and he loved and wanted her, too, IMO, but this is a Sam thread, so she gets the shout out here ). I don’t think they’ll have a hearts and flowers and happily ever after sort of marriage – they’re two very strong personalities, and I suspect some of the blowups will be epic ones (what does one expect with a naquadah-enhanced bride, anyway? ) – but I think there’s a friendship and a degree of mutual respect and a firm sense of the other’s worth as a person and a partner that will get them through most everything if they just make the effort to talk to each other, even if they get through it entirely in their own mutual, um… uniquely interactive way.

                      I’m also willing to bet that Teal’c knows because Sam can’t and won’t keep anything from him, and Cassie because that’s as close as she can get to sharing it with Janet ( to a lack of Janet), but Mitchell, Landry, and Lam don’t have a clue. Sam’s living in officers’ quarters on Peterson, with her house rented out, and no one thinks anything of how military personnel come and go there, or how Sam drives Jack back to the base when he has to fly back to Washington... I’d suspect Harriman knows, just because I suspect he knows everything about everybody at Stargate Command, and maybe Siler, because one gets to talking when one’s climbed in between the massive capacitors to maintain and upgrade the Gate. I think Daniel knows, but I’m not sure he’s happy about it (and no, not because I think he wants either party in the marriage for himself!), and that’s part of why he’s been such a prig for so much of season 9. I mean, Teal’c gets to be a Great Liberator and a Founding Father to the entire Free Jaffa Nation, Sam gets Jack, Jack gets Sam, and Daniel gets stuck in the Milky Way Galaxy, and shackled to Vala to boot. I’d be far beyond the prig stage, myself, after that! (Can you say “Simha the Maniacal Does Her Apophis Impersonation”? I know you can. ) And, strangely enough, I think Mark Carter doesn’t know, because Sam’s very wary of his reaction considering she married a two star general, and Mark's known issues with the military, but I think he’s going to be the best surprise she’s ever gotten from her family when she finally does tell him. I think Mark Carter would be delighted.

                      And that would be all for now from Simha the incognito romantic.
                      ...a very cranky blog:


                        Originally posted by parsifal
                        So I assume this would also be acceptable?

                        Wow. I definitely need to go shopping for a cranberry red halter top...
                        ...a very cranky blog:


                          Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                          WARNING – the following contains unabashed pro-shippiness, of the dreaded Sam/Jack flavor. Non-Sam/Jack shippers are strongly cautioned.

                          I’ve always thought there’d be no way that Sam and Jack would not be married like a shot if the opportunity presented itself. I think they’d be like two powerful, perfectly aligned magnets: when you let them come together, each reinforces the other and it takes tremendous force to ever tear them apart again.

                          So, yes – I am of the firm opinion that they visited Vegas while Sam was stationed at Area 51, and came away with nice rings and photos, and nicer marriage certificates all signed, good, legal and valid in all 50 states. And I have to issue a “Way to Go, Sam!” to that notion, because I do think she loved and wanted Jack (and he loved and wanted her, too, IMO, but this is a Sam thread, so she gets the shout out here ). I don’t think they’ll have a hearts and flowers and happily ever after sort of marriage – they’re two very strong personalities, and I suspect some of the blowups will be epic ones (what does one expect with a naquadah-enhanced bride, anyway? ) – but I think there’s a friendship and a degree of mutual respect and a firm sense of the other’s worth as a person and a partner that will get them through most everything if they just make the effort to talk to each other, even if they get through it entirely in their own mutual, um… uniquely interactive way.

                          I’m also willing to bet that Teal’c knows because Sam can’t and won’t keep anything from him, and Cassie because that’s as close as she can get to sharing it with Janet ( to a lack of Janet), but Mitchell, Landry, and Lam don’t have a clue. Sam’s living in officers’ quarters on Peterson, with her house rented out, and no one thinks anything of how military personnel come and go there, or how Sam drives Jack back to the base when he has to fly back to Washington... I’d suspect Harriman knows, just because I suspect he knows everything about everybody at Stargate Command, and maybe Siler, because one gets to talking when one’s climbed in between the massive capacitors to maintain and upgrade the Gate. I think Daniel knows, but I’m not sure he’s happy about it (and no, not because I think he wants either party in the marriage for himself!), and that’s part of why he’s been such a prig for so much of season 9. I mean, Teal’c gets to be a Great Liberator and a Founding Father to the entire Free Jaffa Nation, Sam gets Jack, Jack gets Sam, and Daniel gets stuck in the Milky Way Galaxy, and shackled to Vala to boot. I’d be far beyond the prig stage, myself, after that! (Can you say “Simha the Maniacal Does Her Apophis Impersonation”? I know you can. ) And, strangely enough, I think Mark Carter doesn’t know, because Sam’s very wary of his reaction considering she married a two star general, and Mark's known issues with the military, but I think he’s going to be the best surprise she’s ever gotten from her family when she finally does tell him. I think Mark Carter would be delighted.

                          And that would be all for now from Simha the incognito romantic.
                          Woohoo, you go girl!

                          You and me both. Well, at the risk of putting waaaay too much 'ship into the "Sam Carter" thread, I've also discussed this on and off with Annunaki, and she was actually the one to suggest (the silent marriage thing) to me way back before the season started (after the end of season eight). But the more I see of season nine, and the less I hear from tptb about it, the more I'm convinced it's true. I suppose it's a pipe dream shipper's fantasy, but what the hey, right?

                          There's too many hints in that direction for my shipper heart to ignore. Besides, did you notice during ETHON this week, when Cam mentioned General O'Neill, the immediate cut-shot for a response was to Carter? Tee, hee...

                          mini(don't you dare wreck this for me AD, I'm havin' a moment here!! )geek

                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            Originally Posted by parsifal
                            So I assume this would also be acceptable?

                            Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                            Wow. I definitely need to go shopping for a cranberry red halter top...
                            Yea everyone going to the con should wear that outfit

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by minigeek
                              Woohoo, you go girl!

                              You and me both. Well, at the risk of putting waaaay too much 'ship into the "Sam Carter" thread, I've also discussed this on and off with Annunaki, and she was actually the one to suggest (the silent marriage thing) to me way back before the season started (after the end of season eight). But the more I see of season nine, and the less I hear from tptb about it, the more I'm convinced it's true. I suppose it's a pipe dream shipper's fantasy, but what the hey, right?

                              There's too many hints in that direction for my shipper heart to ignore. Besides, did you notice during ETHON this week, when Cam mentioned General O'Neill, the immediate cut-shot for a response was to Carter? Tee, hee...

                              mini(don't you dare wreck this for me AD, I'm havin' a moment here!! )geek
                              I hate to burst your bubble mini but
                              Originally Posted by Tracy Jane
                              But RDA has put on a little weight round the middle, hasn't he?
                              Darn that dispells the myth that Sam and Jack are together. After all with all the "workouts" they'd be doing, there's no way Sam would let Jack put weight on

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                                I hate to burst your bubble mini but

                                LOL, but he's a guy - most guys I know (who've worked out in the past) can put a little meat on, then spend two weeks in the gym and *poof*, it's all gone. I hate 'em for that. Pick any diet and exercise plan you choose and guys'll always lose the weight and build up muscle faster than gals, too. T'aint fair, I tell ya. D'oh.

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

