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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
    So for those in the U.S. that were able to watch tonight's SG-1 episode what is your rating 1 being boring and 5 being great? Is it worth watching the 2nd showing since I missed the first showing of the episode?

    IMO, you should watch it, not because it's a great episode, but because it does have a lot of Cameron back story. I don't think I really need spoiler space for the next part, but I'm including it just in case.
    Sam and Daniel and Teal'c do a lot of standing around, and Cam is mainly strapped in a chair, suffering through some painful memories. Not exactly an action packed story.
    It's probably not going to be on anyone's favorite epi list, but at least it's not cringe-worthy.



      Originally posted by NearlyCircular
      IMO, you should watch it, not because it's a great episode, but because it does have a lot of Cameron back story. I don't think I really need spoiler space for the next part, but I'm including it just in case.
      Sam and Daniel and Teal'c do a lot of standing around, and Cam is mainly strapped in a chair, suffering through some painful memories. Not exactly an action packed story.
      It's probably not going to be on anyone's favorite epi list, but at least it's not cringe-worthy.

      Thanks Sky and NC !! Here is another question for you or anyone that saw the show... spoiler only if you haven't seen the first episode of s9
      Does it explain how Sam, or Sg-1 for that matter, knew Cam before coming to the SGC?


        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
        Thanks Sky and NC !! Here is another question for you or anyone that saw the show... spoiler only if you haven't seen the first episode of s9
        Does it explain how Sam, or Sg-1 for that matter, knew Cam before coming to the SGC?



          Jolinar shouldn't have died. Sorry, I think it was an interesting plot device (Jolinar) that I would like to have seen more of. Besides, it would have made Jack envious of Martouf (more so than he already did cuz I suspect he knew that Martouf liked Carter (as if you couldn't tell from Jolinar's Memories and the following episode after that) And hell, there was even evidence of it in Serpent's Song. More so, I would much rather approve a Martouf/Sam pregnancy then some immaculate conception in the part of Vala.

          The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


            Lol for some reason I'm finding that run down extremley comical.... SG-1..saving the galaxy by
            standing around and looking pretty

            Originally posted by NearlyCircular
            IMO, you should watch it, not because it's a great episode, but because it does have a lot of Cameron back story. I don't think I really need spoiler space for the next part, but I'm including it just in case.
            Sam and Daniel and Teal'c do a lot of standing around, and Cam is mainly strapped in a chair, suffering through some painful memories. Not exactly an action packed story.
            It's probably not going to be on anyone's favorite epi list, but at least it's not cringe-worthy.



              Cameron was an X-302 pilot that fought in Antarctica.

              The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                Originally posted by rarocks24
                Jolinar shouldn't have died. Sorry, I think it was an interesting plot device (Jolinar) that I would like to have seen more of. Besides, it would have made Jack envious of Martouf (more so than he already did cuz I suspect he knew that Martouf liked Carter (as if you couldn't tell from Jolinar's Memories and the following episode after that) And hell, there was even evidence of it in Serpent's Song. More so, I would much rather approve a Martouf/Sam pregnancy then some immaculate conception in the part of Vala.
                Oh, its definitely an interesting thing to explore in an AU. As for the real Sam, I probably think it was the best for the character for Jolinar to have died.
                What there should have been though were more ramifications from it, instead of jsut dropping the arc like they did.


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                  Edit: I'm gonna add to this a note of explanation. I lost a baby last January. In fact, it will be a week on Tuesday. Knowing everything that Amanda went through was what kept me going, and she really is truly inspirational. I knew she had had two miscarriages, but I didn't know it was at that time. My heart goes out to her, it really does, because I know what that pain is like, both physical and emotional.
                  ((Tracy)) My heart goes out to you, I am so sorry that you had to go through such a painful experience. My sister in law had to suffer through 3 miscarriages as well. I am very close to her and my brother and it was a difficult and painful time, but I can't even imagine being the one loosing a child.

                  I am so glad that knowing about Amanda's experiences helped you get through it! It is nothing comparable to what you went through, but a few years ago, I was very, very sick, and Amanda "helped" me get through it, too. She is such an inspiration to so many of us!!!

                  Thank you, Skydiver


                    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                    So for those in the U.S. that were able to watch tonight's SG-1 episode what is your rating 1 being boring and 5 being great? Is it worth watching the 2nd showing since I missed the first showing of the episode?
                    Seems like I am the only one here, but I actually enjoyed tonight's episode, I thought it was pretty good.
                    It probably helped that I didn't have any expectations at all, knowing that it would be an episode about
                    I liked that there were hardly any of those *cringeworthy* one-liners, but rather a serious Mitchell, and that we got to see some of his backstory. I actually like the Mitchell I saw today.
                    Of course, I didn't like that Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c didn't get a lot to say, but that was to be expected (or at least I expected it) in an ep centering on one character.
                    What does concern me though is the fact that in two eps in a row all Sam got to do was to "babysit" (as someone said so well last week). Seeing Sam care about and taking care of others is fine with me, and it was actually time that they showed the team care about "the new guy". But if that's all she gets to do from now on, I will have a serious problem.

                    Just MHO! Looking forward to next week!

                    Thank you, Skydiver


                      Originally posted by Dani76
                      Seems like I am the only one here, but I actually enjoyed tonight's episode, I thought it was pretty good.
                      It probably helped that I didn't have any expectations at all, knowing that it would be an episode about
                      I liked that there were hardly any of those *cringeworthy* one-liners, but rather a serious Mitchell, and that we got to see some of his backstory. I actually like the Mitchell I saw today.
                      Of course, I didn't like that Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c didn't get a lot to say, but that was to be expected (or at least I expected it) in an ep centering on one character.
                      What does concern me though is the fact that in two eps in a row all Sam got to do was to "babysit" (as someone said so well last week). Seeing Sam care about and taking care of others is fine with me, and it was actually time that they showed the team care about "the new guy". But if that's all she gets to do from now on, I will have a serious problem.

                      Just MHO! Looking forward to next week!
                      i can't comment on the ep because i haven't seen it yet, but i'm very glad to know that
                      mitchell is more serious in this ep.

                      i sincerely and want to *really* like and get into mitchell. i'm hoping this ep will take me back to the first ep of i saw him in.

                      concerning next week's 'ripple effect'...

                      any spoilers from the clips???




                        Fly-by post! I just noticed no one had posted in over an hour!


                        General Principles BUMP!!!!!


                          Originally posted by Dani76
                          Seems like I am the only one here, but I actually enjoyed tonight's episode, I thought it was pretty good.
                          It probably helped that I didn't have any expectations at all, knowing that it would be an episode about
                          I liked that there were hardly any of those *cringeworthy* one-liners, but rather a serious Mitchell, and that we got to see some of his backstory. I actually like the Mitchell I saw today.
                          Of course, I didn't like that Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c didn't get a lot to say, but that was to be expected (or at least I expected it) in an ep centering on one character.
                          What does concern me though is the fact that in two eps in a row all Sam got to do was to "babysit" (as someone said so well last week). Seeing Sam care about and taking care of others is fine with me, and it was actually time that they showed the team care about "the new guy". But if that's all she gets to do from now on, I will have a serious problem.

                          Just MHO! Looking forward to next week!
                          Sorry to be coming in negative again but at least you probably expect it from me so you can skip on by this post. I really am trying - wasn't even goign to watch this one but I did and once again was disappointed. I felt that what we learned about Mitchell was insignificant. I agree with someone who asked if we got to see
                          how he knew SG1 before he got to the SGC
                          but alas again that takes backseat to stuff I really don't care about, plus if we have to have the obligatory
                          scenes in every freakin' ep then this show and the writers really are worse off than I thought (
                          my $ is on a scene in RE with Carter kissing Marty
                          as that obligaotry scene for next week.

                          I would rather have seen scenes of the team working together as opposed to standing around looking angsty. I want to see the team bond doing team stuff - I really have no investment in Mitchell and after 12 eps can honestly say that I probably never will so his relationship with
                          his father
                          does not interest me in the slightest. I want to see his realtionship with the team working together and with Carter, Daniel and Teal'c with something substantial and significant to contribute.

                          Show me why this guy even deserves to be on SG1, show me why these three stellar people would come back from other pursuits to work with this yahoo, funny-man - so far none, absolutely none, of that, IMO, after 12 episodes. And I am sorry but I thought BB was wooden in FS and that has not changed. To me he always seems to be looking down or looking into space staring at nothing even when he is talking and his one-liners, again I felt there were too many especially that stupid one that fell flat in the brefing room about hoping
                          there would be dancing
                          too many shades of Jack. I must say I did not think I had very high expectations for the show anymore but I am consistently let down. I just have to keep lowering the bar I guess.

                          This was a 1 on my scale and likely the most boring, slow-paced, inconsequential episode in a verrry long time (Wormhle Extreme ranks up there as does 4hm2 and this just sits in that pack like thick sap running down the maple trees in winter). For me the best part of the show was the clip for next week and that didn't really have any spoilers in it. I read where someone else said they find themselves sitting and feeling guilty as they watch the show because they make fun of it while it is in progress and that is where I am right now - so much of it is jut not worth my time. I admit I did FF through a large portion of it since it was so plodding and so boring and so predictable. Even on FF I could tell what was happening and that is too bad for a show that once grabbed me and held me for one hour straight. I would rush home to watch if I could or tape it and watch as soon as I could. Now I just tape it and when I get to it I put it on and then roam around the house or FF. Sad and depressing for me.

                          Sorry again to be negtive but just venting a little more. Soon, I hope even this will stop once I cut that cord altogether. The cord is hanging by a thread since I don't watch the whole show or stay in the room or anything so it shouldn't be long before it splits altogether. Someone said, in response to one of my posts in another thread that they think I am in the "anger" stage of this loss and that is probably true but episodes like this don't make me angry they just make me kind of sad (it is only a TV show afterall) but I do miss the real SG1 that I spent so much time getting invested in and I do, inded, missthe Stargate almost as much as I miss Carter, Daniel and Teal'c, and the well-written, intelligent drama that was Stargate SG1.


                            Hi all! Just popping in with a couple of fic recs:

                            Other Eyes by Pam Rowden
                            Memories also by Pam Rowden.

                            These are two good, solid Samfics. I think Majorsal will like Other Eyes (If I'm remembering correctly a comment that MS made months and months ago about Grace and The Cloud).

                            Shades of Grey: The Aftermath is a great Samfic where Sam gets to get to be the heroically strong, smart, whumped hero that only the guys usually get to be.

                            Also, if you haven't read it,
                            Growing Pains by iamdragonrider is a lot of fun (well written and with great characterizations of all 4 of the original team members).
                            Last edited by astrogeologist; 13 January 2006, 09:52 PM.


                              Well I was not sure if I would even bother watching tonights episode since I was at a conference all day and had a 4 hour drive home when it finished. But a friend of mine wanted to come over and watch the new episode of Battlestar Galactica so I told him to come on over we watched it and then watched the new SG-1. I had to laugh at some of his comments tonight. First I should say while he likes Stargate he has not seen all the episodes but he does watch it when it is on the local Fox station. He does not have SciFi. Here are a few things he had to say while we watched tonight - the new guys is trying to be like O'Neill from the first few seasons - this is like the episode of ST:TNG were.... - were did they get this Browder guy from I don't remember seeing him before (I said Farscape- which he did not like) - We also had it figured out as to "who done it" well before the reveal. As a side note he buys TV Guide most weeks and since he knows I like SG he brought the Cards from his new one to me - his set had ATs card so I scanned it for anyone that would like to see the card (front & back)

                              My View From The Peanut Gallery


                                In Avalon we got flashback as to how they knew Mitchell. Basically he was the leader of the X-302's in Antartica - he was shot down and injured - they made it their mission to go and visit him etc... Which actually considering the characters makes sense.

                                As for the new episode; I think it's a question of whether you want to know more about Mitchell or not if you like it. My suggestion is, since he isn't going away, get to know him away rom his quips.

                                Although his endless quips do make a sick sort of sense. I think in the end he is just a very nervous kinda guy and he isn't sure where he is fitting in. Hopefully that'll change.

                                Hopefully we'll also get to see more of Sam aswell - although after what I have read about her in Ripple Effect, I think purely on a time management level they cut down some of Amanda's parts in previous episodes to get it filmed.
                                Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

                                Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.

