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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    All I can say is someone watches Xena and honestly, that storyline was crap in that too.

    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    *checks front page and looks at spoilers*

    *dies in a most agonizing way*


      Lol... great minds Strix, didn't see your post before I did mine

      Originally posted by Strix varia
      Well, something hideously similar was done on Xena Warrior Princess when
      Gabrielle gave birth to Dahok's demon daughter, Hope, who aged miraculously fast and tried to lead Dahok's evil minions in taking over the world... all the while pining for her mother's love.

      (Strix beats head against wall)


        Originally posted by Strix varia
        Well, something hideously similar was done on Xena Warrior Princess when
        Gabrielle gave birth to Dahok's demon daughter, Hope, who aged miraculously fast and tried to lead Dahok's evil minions in taking over the world... all the while pining for her mother's love.

        (Strix beats head against wall)
        yes, it is familiar.

        and now i remmber that i stopped watching xena for its last season...and didn't even realize that i missed a whole season until i read all the femslashers voicing thier strident opinions about it
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          what i wanna know is, if daniel is going to be xena to vala's gabrielle will he run around in a short leather skirt and metal enhanced bra?????
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Let me add Starman to the list of "homages".


              Originally posted by Skydiver
              what i wanna know is, if daniel is going to be xena to vala's gabrielle will he run around in a short leather skirt and metal enhanced bra?????

              The slashers would love that, Daniel in a skirt. And leather no less. Sorry this storyline is so overplayed.


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                what i wanna know is, if daniel is going to be xena to vala's gabrielle will he run around in a short leather skirt and metal enhanced bra?????

                geez, how depressing and a very unpleasant image!

                You know, fans complained about not enough team episodes in season 7 and 8, but now in comparison, these seasons looked like gold in terms of team compared to season 9 thus far, and the news of season 10 at this point. I want a team show again---where all the characters care about each other. I know it's a different team, but still, is this too much to ask for? Team episodes where they go off-world ALL TOGETHER and bump up against something really interesting. Remember those type of episodes?


                  evil hybrid children with a weakness and ultimate "goodifying" because of the valiant parent's love - is one of the most cliched, unimaginative, credibility-death, barrel bottom scraping storylines out there. I've come to expect far better from this team.

                  Personally I'd be interested in who decided that plotline was a good idea... whoever it was, check their desk drawer for crack, I'm pretty sure you'll find it in there....

                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  yes, it is familiar.

                  and now i remmber that i stopped watching xena for its last season...and didn't even realize that i missed a whole season until i read all the femslashers voicing thier strident opinions about it


                    Originally posted by chocdoc
                    geez, how depressing and a very unpleasant image!

                    You know, fans complained about not enough team episodes in season 7 and 8, but now in comparison, these seasons looked like gold in terms of team compared to season 9 thus far, and the news of season 10 at this point. I want a team show again---where all the characters care about each other. I know it's a different team, but still, is this too much to ask for? Team episodes where they go off-world ALL TOGETHER and bump up against something really interesting. Remember those type of episodes?
                    I remember and I morn their loss.
                    I remember Soldier Sam and Science Sam and I miss that too.
                    I remember Acheology Daniel and OverlyLeftwingHippy Daneil and I miss him.
                    I remember A Colonal in charge who you respected and who respected his team.. He wasnt the shinnest nickel in the bank, but he didn't have to be because he had Sam and Daniel for the techie stuff and but he dang well knew his job when it came to blown stuff up.
                    I remember an important Teal'c someone the SGC could rely on.
                    I remember the Stargate, big round thing, spins, lights up, sorta flushes sideways.

                    I morn the passing of these things.
                    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                      Originally posted by Myrth
                      evil hybrid children with a weakness and ultimate "goodifying" because of the valiant parent's love - is one of the most cliched, unimaginative, credibility-death, barrel bottom scraping storylines out there. I've come to expect far better from this team.

                      Personally I'd be interested in who decided that plotline was a good idea... whoever it was, check their desk drawer for crack, I'm pretty sure you'll find it in there....


                      Wow... That is a very good point. And I'm with minigeek: that was a level of spoilerage even THIS spoiler fiend doesn't normally achieve, so... yeah... WAY a lot of details. Crazy.


                        Maybe their testing the audience reaction to the spoilers to decide whether or not to go that route. Please god let that be the case!!

                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz


                        Wow... That is a very good point. And I'm with minigeek: that was a level of spoilerage even THIS spoiler fiend doesn't normally achieve, so... yeah... WAY a lot of details. Crazy.


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz


                          Wow... That is a very good point. And I'm with minigeek: that was a level of spoilerage even THIS spoiler fiend doesn't normally achieve, so... yeah... WAY a lot of details. Crazy.
                          I was so hoping that wasn't how S10 starts and it is!

                          I'm thinking besides the obvious cliff hanger for S9
                          Vala's child. I'm also wondering if something happens to Mitchell at the end of the show and that's why he isn't mentioned in the spoiler. They will leave Mitchell fans wondering all spring to see if he survived. Didn't BB say something about waiting to see if his character survived?
                          Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 11 January 2006, 06:16 PM.


                            Originally posted by Myrth
                            Maybe their testing the audience reaction to the spoilers to decide whether or not to go that route. Please god let that be the case!!
                            I vote for this... but considering the spoilers are EXACTLY what people were predicting and RCC has lost all ability to be creative. I am going to assume this is not the case.
                            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                              Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                              Warning, off topic rant upcoming-

                              Reading the spoilers about the season opener and the news of yet another new space ship made me think again about some of the changes in SG-1. Have you noticed that over the last few years, SG-1 has become more about space ships and less about the Stargate? I believe that a lot of fanboys don’t believe it’s really sci fi unless there are space ships and especially space battles, but that’s not what Stargate used to be about. It’s one of the things that used to set it apart from the other sci fi shows out there. For a lot of us, the best part of Stargate was watching the team go through the gate and encounter new worlds that way. It wasn’t about the journey, but about what happened once you got there. It was about fighting an enemy, but we were as interested in the characters as in the fight. Now, we get to see ships blowing up in space a lot more, but less character interaction. Maybe it’s the network, or maybe the writers want to write more of the “fun” stuff, but to me it’s just another indication of how much SG-1 is becoming more like almost every other sci fi show. I just hope it doesn’t mean we’ll be faced with lots of scenes showing Sam and the rest of the team standing on the bridge of a ship and reacting to a battle playing out in front of them. I’d much rather see them on some planet, fighting the Ori, or working with allies to find a way to fight them, or just exploring for the sake of exploring.

                              I agree 200% - this has been a major problem for the past few seasons and it is one of the main reasons the show is losing it's cool and this fan (along with the crappy way they are writing and the crappy way they are treating AT and Carter). There is so much wrong with this show right now it is laughable. I say to TPTB and the suits: change the darn name and move on - if you want to "reinvent" the show to be campy, cliche, cheesy sci-fi, just like so many other run-of-the-mill sci-fi crapfests, do not insult the Stargate SG1 legacy or its fans with the crap you are writing now and presume to call it Stargate SG1. It certainly does not appear to be increasing the ratings in any real or meaningful way that's for sure. Once again, my silent hope is that the ratings for RE knock their socks off so they can actually see how many potential Stargate SG1 viewers are out there but who choose not to watch most of the crap they turn out these days.


                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                                *checks front page and looks at spoilers*

                                *dies in a most agonizing way*
                                yeah, i wasn't impressed either.

                                maybe things will work out???



