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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    You know what, Qasim... how about we save up our student loans and try and by Skiffy out?! We'd do a much better job. Might be an X Rated version of The Samantha Show" by the time we were finished though.
    Dont have a student loan *rummages in drawer for parents chequebook*

    LOL didnt someone post a pic of Amanda at a con and put the caption 'Amanda's response to a question about an x-rated ep of SG1' *is ashamed that he cant remember who it was*
    gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
    so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
    love Torri


      Originally posted by Qasim
      Dont have a student loan *rummages in drawer for parents chequebook*

      LOL didnt someone post a pic of Amanda at a con and put the caption 'Amanda's response to a question about an x-rated ep of SG1' *is ashamed that he cant remember who it was*
      Dunno. Wish I knew which pic went with the caption though. Lol. Was it excited, confused or horrified?
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
        I do like Pete the mechanic. We know that she likes cheeky, slightly bad boys, so the two of them speeding together all getting all hot, sweaty and dirty would have been fun, if only to see that kinda side of her. I mean the whole slightly bad girl side. We always hear about her having fun and letting her hair down with her vehicles, but bar Space Race we still haven't seen much.
        see, that's why i liked Eric, the guy i created for sam. cheeky, bad guy...but knew when to back off

        i really need to bring him back. poor guy
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Hi shipper i just poped into say hi and see how things are going


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
            Dunno. Wish I knew which pic went with the caption though. Lol. Was it excited, confused or horrified?
            Well I was 99% sure it was tsaxlady

            Originally posted by tsaxlady
            You know someone asked me this morning if there was an X-rated version of one of the shows and I went (see picture – she made a face) I don’t think so mister.
            More at
            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
            love Torri


              Originally posted by Deano
              see how things are going
              Deano!!!! Whats your favourite Sam ep?
              gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
              so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
              love Torri


                Thanks for that Qasim. Awww.... she's a honey that woman.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by jafacakes
                  Will you throw us some bones? please
                  4th horseman spoilers
                  well with 12 minutes to go, sam's had about 4 scenes, three with orlin adn one with landry. all short. she realizes that orlin is dying to remember the cure adn implores him to not remember, to save himself.

                  cam has some great lines, some cam/daniel banter, teal'c has some nice dramatic stuff with gerak, some bonding with bratac

                  there's a nice little scene with hammy, sam, daniel and cam in the briefing room.

                  sam is in the control room, teal'c comes with gerak

                  gerak cures the plague victims...and dies becaues of it
                  and we end with an unsettling bit of unsettled bits with the cover story being even more questioned

                  and orlin....sam goes to visit him but his memory is toast. doesn't even remember her. he's in some sort of care home ormental facility

                  the end

                  next's a mitchell eps.

                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by jafacakes
                    Will you throw us some bones? please
                    Here are some bones...I hope this isn't breaking any forum rules or anything.

                    Landry gets absolutely FRIED by other world leaders, they have a case of the plague in Mexico and Canada, there's lots of good Sam/Orlin scenes, especially when he knocks over stuff in the lab and Sam comes to his defense. He knows he's dying, and it's just kind of sad to see. The anti-prior device works; Daniel and Mitchell capture a Prior and get a sample of his blood. Teal'c and Bra'tak discuss the future of the Jaffa; Teal'c suggests that Bra'tak should be leading the Jaffa. Gerak "amazes" the council with his new Prior abilities. The plague is all over Europe and Africa. Carter believes that the blood sample from the Prior is worthless because the virus has mutated into so many strands. Teal'c and Bra'tak and their allies go after Gerak, and they're about to confront him, and Landry asks Orlin if he can do one more thing for them.

                    Orlin goes and sees the Prior with Landry. He knows the Prior, the name of his wife and kids. The Prior freaks out and grabs Landry with his telekenetic powers. Orlin says that the Prior said that the Ori are here in this galaxy to destroy the Ancients. Teal'c takes Gerak and they go to a battle site; where Gerak's father died. He tries to make Gerak see that the Ori aren't Gods. Teal'c tells them if he doesn't change, Gerak will have to kill his fellow Jaffa and says to kill him first; Teal'c would rather die than be a slave again. Landry tested positive for the virus.

                    Finally, HAMMOND COMES BACK!!!! Yea!!!! It's not for long, but it was really nice to see him. Lam and Landry have a moment; she reveals that Orlin took a turn for the worse. Lam drills her father about leaving her as a child, not telling her things about his job; then says that she understands why he had to do it. Teal'c comes back with Gerak to the SGC, he says Gerak will help them, but then Gerak says if he helps them, he will die. But then says he will die free. He apparently cures them all, then goes up in a big ball of flames. The plague is cured, with Gerak and Orlin's help. (They needed to use Orlin's formula to cure the rest of the world) Landry, Lam, Daniel and Teal'c discuss the future of the Ori in the briefing room; one notices that Sam is not there.

                    Orlin is putting together a puzzle; Sam comes in and he doesn't know who she is. She sits down to help him, and that's where it ends. It was sad; to see the blank look in his eyes knowing what he and Sam had when he was on earth.

                    My new vid will not upload to my putfile site...It's making me mad....

                    Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
                    My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
                    My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
                    My Stargate Videos
                    It's meant to be!


                      Originally posted by Qasim
                      Deano!!!! Whats your favourite Sam ep?
                      Solitudes (sp) Sam was brilliant in it


                        Of course, the forum had to break down when I wanted to add my 2 Just wanted to share some *bones*

                        Anyways, a couple of thoughts on Sam's part in this ep:
                        She didn't have that much to do, not very many scenes. But I really liked her scenes with Orlin, especially the last one: It was really sad to see Orlin like this, but it was soooo good to see Sam's nurturing and caring side again. I am sure I was not the only one wondering why Sam wasn't in the briefing room in the end, but at the same time I kinda suspected something like the last scene. It was sooo Sam.

                        I also liked the scene with Hammond, was good to see him back. There was a little bit of team spirit there (well, maybe that's just me looking and wishing for it), but I thought I caught a glimpse of "aww, good ol'times" in Sam's and Daniel's eyes. Could have been a little bit more for my taste, but that's just me.

                        Finally: "gateroom - Teal'c steps through with Gerak - guns pointed at both of them - Sam takes control and tells I don't know how many soldiers to STAND DOWN!: That was cool, at least a bit of Sam in command (of the whole base???)

                        As to the episode itself:
                        I thought it was good, the solution was not what I expected at all. Good scenes with Mitchell and Daniel; liked Landry. I did not like the little outburst Dr. Lam had when she talked to her SICK father.

                        Oh, and no matter what, it was good to hear the theme music in its full length once again, put me in the right mood.

                        Disclaimer: All just IMHO!
                        Last edited by Dani76; 06 January 2006, 06:29 PM.

                        Thank you, Skydiver



                          Sorry, I love the bones and I'm very happy

                          So happy Garek's gone cos he was peeing me off big time. And Sam doing the whole mothering thing. It makes me want to mother her. Weird paradoxical thing

                          Thanks guys
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            all in all, it was interesting. decently paced, slightly too 'real' with the whole bird flu panic and the word pandemic was used, but it was enjoyable
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              all in all, it was interesting. decently paced, slightly too 'real' with the whole bird flu panic and the word pandemic was used, but it was enjoyable
                              Yeah, but when the story was scripted, they didn't know about Bird Flu etc. I remember my fave show when I was ten being cancelled in the middle of the series, because there were bombs every week and there was a bomb explosion somewhere.... manchester I think. In that case, yeah, the episode needed rescheduling, but here, I think it was probably distanced enough to still be tasteful.
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Thanks for the "bones" Sky,Ltcolonelsam and Dani76.
                                It's nice to see Sam
                                retain her military autority and her caring side on the same episode. The last scene with Orlin reminds me of the one between Jack and Merrin in Learning curve .
                                But if Gerack can be so easily convinced to help earth against the orii then can't see that storyline going much further

                                oh, and I tried to green you but it doesn't let me

