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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55
    Hmm--now if only I could pass off a trip to Baltimore as work-related.
    I'm devising a plan as we speak - for both of us!


      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
      Well I've decided to go ahead and buy a ticket to Shore Leave and Gabit 2.0 that way I know I'll at least have a ticket to get in. I'll worry about transportation issues next year after I've dealt with the stress from the holidays, family, and watching the second half of season nine.

      I've told my husband about Shore Leave/Gabit and he already excited about going on vacation again. He's hoping Amanda will do more conventions in the states seeing as it seems to be the only way he is capable of getting me to travel. Huh, go figure.
      Haha, good for you guys! That's so funny. I'm limiting my travels to Shore Leave (if that), as there's only so far I'm willing to travel alone.



        Okay perhaps I'm in the minority...but I LOVED Grace Under Pressure...and I must humbly disagree my miniature geek friend in that I don't think this did ANYTHING negative to the Carter character. Quite the contrary actually.

        See, the times Delusion!Sam were so Carter-like were the times they were talking about something or in a way that McKay knew Sam...and this consisted mostly of her sciencey side or when they just have their typical personalty clashes because he's an arrogant buffoon.

        Delusion!Sam: The way I see it, you're scared. You're a little panicked, you're a LOT lonely. (smirking) You knew you could use some help so your subconscious is manifesting the ONE person you know is smarter than you.

        McKay: Oh, I don't think so.

        Delusion!Sam: Oh, don't start with me, McKay.

        McKay: You are very clever. I will even give you brilliant. But there is brilliant (pointing at Delusion!Sam) and then there's me.

        Delusion!Sam: Every time we've worked together, you've been wrong, and I've been right.

        Things get murkier in the murky deep dark waters when they discussed things outside of this he has to fill in the blanks with his own interpretation of Sam. Oh and as for that "I conjured you up for one last romp" line, Delusion!Sam corrects him (even his delusion wouldn't play along with his delusion of him and Real!Sam)...

        Delusion!Sam: Why else would I be here?

        McKay: I don't know...maybe one last romp before I die.

        Delusion!Sam: One LAST romp? Please. We never...

        McKay (interrupting): Okay one first romp...but it's rompin' that comes to mind, not your brains, blondie. Now, you've got to admit I'm a handsome man standing...

        Delusion!Sam (interrupting): You're essentially arguing with yourself. You realize that, right?

        Delusion!Sam desperately tries to keep him from going through with his plan to waste tons of power in a futile attempt to propel the craft forward. Unfortunately, McKay being the arrogant buffoon that he is wouldn't listen to her, which of course was actually the wiser side of him telling him it was a bad idea. So Delusion!Sam tries to slow him down. At first, she tries to make him think he's doing something wrong technically...but he catches on.

        McKay: You're messing with me.

        Delusion!Sam: Sorry?

        McKay: You're trying to slow me down.

        Delusion!Sam: I don't know what you're talking about.

        McKay: No, don't play mindgames with me.

        Delusion!Sam: I AM a mindgame.

        Unfortunately for Rodney, even his delusion didn't do what he would want her to do, doesn't agree with him about anything or dress the way he wanted because he knew Sam wouldn't either.

        When the Puddle Jumper hits the ocean floor, McKay's relieved but Delusion!Sam knows it's not a good sign.

        Delusion!Sam: This isn't good.

        McKay: Look, just...just...SHUT UP! (Delusion!Sam is surprised by his outburst) I mean, you come in here, you don't help me, you say the ONE plan I've got is bad, you CLAIM to be a creation of my mind and yet, you are in NO way dressed provocatively...

        Delusion!Sam won't help him with his plan but does help him with ideas to prolong his life and McKay actually takes this advice.

        McKay: We make a good team, you and I.

        Delusion!Sam (pauses, sports an incredulous expression): Sure.

        McKay: No, no. I mean it. I really enjoy working with you. Always have.

        (Delusion!Sam nods dubiously)

        McKay: I wonder...wonder why we never...hooked up.

        Delusion!Sam: Well aside from the fact that you're petty, arrogant and treat people badly...

        McKay: Yes.

        Delusion!Sam: No that's pretty much it...petty, arrogant, bad with people...

        McKay (still delusional): Oh, do find me attractive, I mean, physically.

        Delusion!Sam (changes the subject): Stick to working on my idea.

        McKay: No, this is my idea.

        Delusion!Sam: How do you figure?

        McKay: Well, you don't exist. You think what my subconscious tells you to think. So, really the idea was mine.

        (Delusion!Sam smiles and McKay realizes what's happening)

        McKay: Oh wow. I'm arguing with myself about who had an idea or me. I really am petty, aren't I?

        Delusion!Sam: And arrogant and bad with people. Yes.

        Now I'm sure shippers have a problem with this scene because Sam didn't tell McKay she was with Jack and further that she didn't contradict McKay suggesting she was attracted to him. It's important to remember two key things here...firstly, Sam said she was attracted to him. Now she was toying with him at the time but still, she said it...

        From Redemption 2:

        Real!Sam kisses him on the cheek, he looks surprised.

        McKay: (In reference to the kiss) That means you don't hate me.

        Real!Sam: Maybe ... too bad for you.

        McKay: Why?

        Real!Sam: (Walking away from him, a HUGE smile on her face) I was more attracted to you when I did.

        McKay: Really?? Right ...

        Now we know McKay is holding a torch of sorts for Sam, is attracted to her and does respect her no matter how rude and arrogant he is to her when they work for her to even suggest she's attracted to him on any level probably stuck with him.

        But then he's bad with people...which is why he wouldn't notice or care if she had feelings for someone else. But then, even if he were observant, he wouldn't have seen anything between Sam and Jack because there wasn't occasion. So then, since Delusion!Sam is just that, his delusion, she'd have no reason to mention Jack because she is of his mind and HE didn't know.

        Now he TRIES to play out his little fantasy with her after she gives him advice that he actually follows...and he gets a bit frisky, if you will.

        McKay: Well done, Sam!

        Delusion!Sam: Thanks. You too.

        McKay: Come here.

        (He grabs Delusion!Sam)

        Delusion!Sam (grunts): Uh...okay. (She pats him on the back...he pulls back and then goes in to kiss her...she turns her head causing him to miss and kiss her cheek...she looks really uncomfortable as he's holding her) Oh, you do realize what you're actually doing here, right?

        McKay (pushes away from Delusion!Sam, exasperated): Aw come on! You're a figment of my imagination! The least you could do is take your top off.

        Delusion!Sam: Your subconscious mind knows that I would NEVER be into that.

        McKay (groans): You are the...worst hallucination ever.

        Delusion!Sam: Oh you don't mean that.

        McKay (very aggitated): Yes...yes I do. Now please just leave me alone while I work on getting myself out of this!

        Delusion!Sam tries once again to get him to see that his idea is bad and tells him that this is why they could never have a relationship because he doesn't listen to people or trust them. McKay rants for awhile about why he believes he's entitled to feel that way because he feels let down by others. So in his mind, he has to depend on himself.

        ***To Be Continued***
        Last edited by Uber; 13 December 2005, 02:36 PM.

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...



          As for the big scene with Delusion!Sam kissing McKay? It reminded me a lot of Urgo, when he was desperately trying to keep Sam from flipping that switch. He changed into whatever he could to get her to change her mind. How does that relate here? Let's put it into context. Delusion!Sam was there to help him but he's not listening to her advice. So not only does he not listen to or trust others, apparently he doesn't listen to or trust himself either. Delusion!Sam was she tried one last ditch effort to get him to stop what he was doing.

          Delusion!Sam (fully clothed) swims over to McKay while he's working on the PJ.

          Delusion!Sam: Why don't you turn up the heat?

          McKay: I did. It's the sea water. (Delusion!Sam moves up to McKay) I've got barely enough power as it is (McKay notices Delusion!Sam who slides next to him and holds onto him) besides it's almost done here...what are you doing? (he turns toward her)

          Delusion!Sam: For warmth. (she pull on his jacket and looks at him alluringly and leans up to him little by little)

          McKay:'re not physically can't transfer any heat.

          Delusion!Sam (smiles mischievously and pushes back): It doesn't mean I can't get you hot.

          McKay (stunned): Excuse me?

          (Delusion!Sam is now underwater and comes up wearing a bikini. She smiles and goes over to McKay and kisses him)

          Delusion!Sam: You know, I was thinking about what you said. I think you were right.

          McKay (stammering): I-I am. I was right about what?

          Delusion!Sam: Well, I am your's only fair you should get some.

          (Delusion!Sam kisses him again)

          McKay: Really?

          Delusion!Sam: Really.

          (another kiss)

          McKay: I knew it. I knew you were hot.

          (McKay kisses her now...[all great kisses btw]. He's enjoying it immensely, until the lightbulb goes off)

          McKay: Wait a second.

          Delusion!Sam: Don't ruin the moment.

          McKay: No. I know what you're trying to do.

          Delusion!Sam: Well I should hope so.

          McKay: You're trying to slow me down again.

          Delusion!Sam: Actually I'm trying to do the opposite.

          McKay:'re distracting me. You know I've only got a few minutes to execute my plan and you're doing the ONE thing you know could possibly slow me down.

          (Delusion!Sam tries again)

          Delusion!Sam: You're thinking too much. Come here. (she leans in for a kiss and McKay pushes her away).

          McKay: No. No I'm not going to fall for your plan, Lieutenant Colonel Siren. (McKay goes back to working) Okay, this program is going to work and I am going to execute it.

          Delusion!Sam (now fully clothed and dry): Don't do it, Rodney. It's not going to work. Look, you're cold, you're desperate, you banged your head, you're primed to make a mistake.

          McKay (still working): I should have ignored you from the beginning. You've done nothing but slow me down.

          Delusion!Sam: They're coming for you. They're going to get you out of here. (McKay starts humming to ignore Delusion!Sam...who's getting more desperate) Please, just give them a chance!

          McKay: I'm not listening!

          Delusion!Sam: DON'T!

          McKay (finishing): And there, it's ready! No time to argue.

          Delusion!Sam: It's a mistake.

          McKay: I trust you'll be gone by the time I uh reach the surface? Hunh?

          (McKay presses the button and of course the plan fails...but now he has very little power left. Delusion!Sam almost says something but McKay stops her.)

          So Delusion!Sam was right (of course). And being a part of his subconscious, McKay should have listened to what she was warning. She tried everything...including get him to stop. The problem was, Delusion!Sam had already established she wasn't interested in this so he knew she had ulterior motives for her advances.

          I liked the scene near the end of the episode where he thought about Griffin's motivations for sacrificing he was a brave man and that it just didn't seem right that he died so that McKay could have a chance. By this time the jumper's pretty full of water (up to his neck) and McKay's almost ready to give up.

          McKay: It's been a bad day hunh?

          Delusion!Sam: You're going to get out of this.

          McKay (shivering, he chuckles humorlessly and closes his eyes): I don't think I'd even believe that if you were naked.

          (McKay peeks and Delusion!Sam grins. Nope. She's still fully clothed)

          McKay: Huh. Oh well. (McKay starts to nod off...Delusion!Sam moves in closer to him)

          Delusion!Sam: Stick with me Rodney. You've got to stay alert.

          McKay: My plan was stupid. What the hell was I thinking?

          Delusion!Sam: 20/20 hindsight.

          McKay: You were right. I should have listened to you. (Delusion!Sam smiles softly) I've always admired you, Sam. I'm not just trying to...

          Delusion!Sam: I know.

          McKay: I honestly don't think you're smarter than I am. (Delusion!Sam frowns) On your best day, we're like, maybe a tie?

          Delusion!Sam: There is a compliment coming, right?

          McKay: Yes. My intelligence aside, you're wiser. I guess at the end of the day that's...that's why you're down here. You were right.

          Delusion!Sam (smiling softly): Well, YOU were right. At least subconsciously.

          McKay: Hmm. At least that's something.

          Finally...the rescue. McKay questions it but Delusion!Sam assures him it's real and prods him to believe that they came for him. He finally listens to her and believes that he's going to be rescued.

 final assessment? There was nothing negative regarding Sam or ship. McKay tried to play out his fantasy but even his Delusion!Sam wasn't game until it was out of desperation to get him to not go through with his plan.

          Furthermore...and this is key...Delusion!Sam wasn't real. She wasn't Sam. Sure, she had Sam-like qualities and she looked a lot like Sam, but she wasn't real. At all. She was however the one person that McKay knew he could count on for a solution...the ONE person he trusted in the universe to show him how to get out of that mess. This to me makes Real!Sam look great because McKay is so self sufficient that he doesn't depend on anyone. That is the only aspect of this episode that anyone should use to figure into their assessment of who Sam is. The rest is just Rodney McKay being Rodney McKay.

          I compared her earlier as an AU like character, but she isn't even that. As this wasn't Sam but merely a hallucination, I see Delusion!Sam as just another character played by the brilliant and talented Amanda Tapping.

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Gah! LOL

            Worst piece of script-writing DREK I've seen in a long time on either SG-1 or Atlantis. Were it not for the acting of AT and DH, I'd have been snoring before the second act.

            The problem I had with it was that, it tried to pretend it was touching upon deep issues and psychological angst(s). It attempted to play at being erudite in its message, when in point of fact it came off as nothing more than a flat 2-dimensional facimilie of what it could have been. It began with the potential to delve into an intelligent character epiphany, yet it made no real profound point(s) by the time the curtain fell. We were left with ... nothing. Sure, some of the dialogue was cute and witty; certainly AT and DH did a marvelous job teasing and snarking at one another, but an episode based solely on AT and DH's characters flinging personal and professional innuendo(s) at one another does not (for me) make a particularily thought provoking piece of entertainment. It didn't stand on its own. It had no message OTHER than the snark-banter the characters threw back and forth. That kind of snark should support a good storyline, not entail it.

            Most unfortunately, GUP did nothing significant to develop the character of Rodney. It pretended it was going to and then it fell flat on its face. To my point of view, you could turn off the sound entirely, completely ignore the dialogue and still get the same impact from the episode as if you had the sound on. That's a credit to the actors, and not the script.

            So nope. GUP goes directly on my "suckage" list. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. We shall agree to disagree, your Uberness.

            HOWEVER ... it was most definitely a joy to see AT on screen again, I do agree on that point entirely.


            PS--> I should point out that I could care less about the 'ship factor or the fact that Sam was half naked, in fact I was looking forward to Rodney's little "fantasy", I really was. But in context. Within the scope of something resembling an intelligent narrative that had something meaningful to impart to the audience. A good story, perhaps? I saw none of that in GUP. I saw the ghost of a shell of a plot with contrived devices
            the pilot of the Jumper essentially "killed" himself just to further one particularly weak plot device *sigh*
            - and that does not make a good piece of fiction. There has to be something BEHIND the episode, something that matters more than a snark-a-thon between two characters, regardless of how amusing it may be to watch said snark-a-thon. I really just wanted.... more.

            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              Originally posted by minigeek
              Gah! LOL

              Worst piece of script-writing DREK I've seen in a long time on either SG-1 or Atlantis. Were it not for the acting of AT and DH, I'd have been snoring before the second act.

              The problem I had with it was that, it tried to pretend it was touching upon deep issues and psychological angst(s). It attempted to play at being erudite in its message, when in point of fact it came off as nothing more than a flat 2-dimensional facimilie of what it could have been. It began with the potential to delve into an intelligent character epiphany, yet it made no real profound point(s) by the time the curtain fell. We were left with ... nothing. Sure, some of the dialogue was cute and witty; certainly AT and DH did a marvelous job teasing and snarking at one another, but an episode based solely on AT and DH's characters flinging personal and professional innuendo(s) at one another does not (for me) make a particularily thought provoking piece of entertainment. It didn't stand on its own. It had no message OTHER than the snark-banter the characters threw back and forth. That kind of snark should support a good storyline, not entail it.

              Most unfortunately, GUP did nothing significant to develop the character of Rodney. It pretended it was going to and then it fell flat on its face. To my point of view, you could turn off the sound entirely, completely ignore the dialogue and still get the same impact from the episode as if you had the sound on. That's a credit to the actors, and not the script.

              So nope. GUP goes directly on my "suckage" list. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. We shall agree to disagree, your Uberness.

              HOWEVER ... it was most definitely a joy to see AT on screen again, I do agree on that point entirely.


              PS--> I should point out that I could care less about the 'ship factor or the fact that Sam was half naked, in fact I was looking forward to Rodney's little "fantasy", I really was. But in context. Within the scope of something resembling an intelligent narrative that had something meaningful to impart to the audience. A good story, perhaps? I saw none of that in GUP. I saw the ghost of a shell of a plot with contrived devices
              the pilot of the Jumper essentially "killed" himself just to further one particularly weak plot device *sigh*
              - and that does not make a good piece of fiction. There has to be something BEHIND the episode, something that matters more than a snark-a-thon between two characters, regardless of how amusing it may be to watch said snark-a-thon. I really just wanted.... more.

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

                But I still love YOU Überness!


                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                  Originally posted by minigeek
                  Gah! LOL

                  Worst piece of script-writing DREK I've seen in a long time on either SG-1 or Atlantis ...

                  ... It attempted to play at being erudite in its message, when in point of fact it came off as nothing more than a flat 2-dimensional facsimile of what it could have been ... it made no real profound point(s) by the time the curtain fell. We were left with ... nothing. Sure, some of the dialogue was cute and witty; ... but an episode based solely on ... characters flinging personal and professional innuendo(s) at one another does not (for me) make a particularily thought provoking piece of entertainment. It didn't stand on its own. It had no message OTHER than the snark-banter the characters threw back and forth. That kind of snark should support a good storyline, not entail it.


                  ... I saw the ghost of a shell of a plot with contrived devices ... and that does not make a good piece of fiction. There has to be something BEHIND the episode, something that matters more than a snark-a-thon between two characters, regardless of how amusing it may be to watch said snark-a-thon. I really just wanted.... more.
                  Well, mini, I've taken liberty with your post and just left the words (hopefully with context still in place) that spoke to me about some other scripts and another couple ... much of this reminded me of Daniel and Vala in action too.

                  I really just wanted more too.


                    Originally posted by ChopinGal
                    Well, mini, I've taken liberty with your post and just left the words (hopefully with context still in place) that spoke to me about some other scripts and another couple ... much of this reminded me of Daniel and Vala in action too.

                    I really just wanted more too.
                    I think you're bang on with that. Very similar indeed. I'm disappointed to see that Martin Gero wrote GUP. I've liked many of his other episodes. Oh well, I suppose one cannot like every single thing a person writes.

                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~



                        Originally posted by ChopinGal
                        LOL! OMG I hadn't seen that one before! That's priceless! Afraid I can't do a caption justice.

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          And, this just in ... hot off the Samanda press:


                          Two Samandans settle their disputes in the ring ... but the boxers were not identified. Is it Lys and Spaz? Or is it Uber and minigeek?!
                          Last edited by ChopinGal; 13 December 2005, 03:49 PM.


                            Originally posted by minigeek
                            LOL! OMG I hadn't seen that one before! That's priceless! Afraid I can't do a caption justice.
                            LOL back at you! Exactly ... kinda leaves one speechless, doesn't it?! But I'm sure our fellow Samandans will rise to the occasion. Thanks to my scifi buddy, Geogirl, once again for what seems to be a very playful moment on the set or at a con!


                              Originally posted by ChopinGal
                              And, this just in ... hot off the Samanda press:


                              Two Samandans settle their disputes in the ring ... but the boxers were not identified. Is it Lys and Spaz? Or is it Uber and minigeek?!

                              Actually, I'm more of a tai kwon do gal myself...
                              (that's me out in front):

                              And this is my dad:

                              And this is my dog:

                              And now I'm done.

                              Last edited by minigeek; 13 December 2005, 03:57 PM.

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Well, I just watched GUP - and I liked it
                                First off - Amanda was hot And yes, I have watched that 'Lt Col Siren' scene a few times now

                                Secondly, I didn't think it was that bad on the character development. McKay seemed to genuinely not trust his counterparts (Zelenka especially) but deep down in his subconsious (ie Sam ) he knows that he does need to. While its been hinted at before, it was pretty much confirmed in this episode how McKay doesn't really want to trust anyone other than himself. But on the subconsious level, he knows that he should and will trust them and that's in part due to the influence Sam has had on him (ie in Redemption). At least thats my take on it.

                                Anyway, it was an enjoyable episode, and worth it for that one scene alone
                                Last edited by Skydiver; 13 December 2005, 04:25 PM.

