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Amanda/her roles discussion and appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
    You rang??

    (btw never say that when I have time cause I know I will make some lol)

    1. 2. 2b.

    3. 4. 5.

    6. 7. 8.

    9. 10.
    All very pretty. This Sam is indeed my favorite!

    "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."--Thucydides


      Originally posted by JenniferJF
      Yeah.. I suspect that was self-preservation - and habit.
      Yeah I think you are right...I mean that it could be a habit. I think in the beginning it was to me self- preservation from Sam on, but after a while it became a habit, I think Sam was scared of her feeling and of what she might go into...So it was safe to play with her doohickeys, to work, to do the things she knew... and not jump into something she didn't know, she couldn't know what would happen.

      And I find it interesting that, IMHO, since S8 we've been seeing more of the 'other Sam's' integrated into 'our' Sam. She's been a bit quirky and sometimes goofy, like Geeky!Sam, quitely confident like ITLoD Sam, compassionate and caring and NOT afraid to touch and to hold like PoV Sam, and even a bit of smugly successful Replicarter.
      you are right...I think now since Threads we have seen the real Sam...something changed her since then. I mean I think the event that happened in Threads. Losing her dad, breaking up with Pete. knowing that next to work there are friends and a man who will always be there for you. Made her realise that she has to live her life...what she wants and what she wants to do with it. So she has learned to accept every aspect of herself. the geeky!Sam, RepliCarter, the woman, scientist, solidier, lover,... She now is just herself, and is glad with who she is...

      Personally, I think that's because since S8, she's become more accepting of who she is and is no longer 'role playing' as much, so we're seeing more of her true self and a more integrated whole than we've seen before. And I like it
      Yes that is exactly...she is who she is and she is happy for who she is... she still tries to improve doing her work and all...but it isn't anymore to prove herself to others or to prove herself...She now does it cause she loves it so much...She wants to do it for herself... Cause she loves it and she thinks it is important.
      But she finally discovered something besides work...

      Originally posted by antoa315
      Since I watched all the eps in a month and a half span, I guess the differences for me weren't as obvious the first time around. Now that I am watching all of the episodes again, I am seeing it more. I am now in season 7 of my second run-through.
      Nice...I must say I loved Sam in season 7...I think Amanda had some good eps in that season.
      Just thinking about Grace, Death Knell, Lost City, Chimera, Evolutions, Space race...those eps where great...and I know I am missing some...
      But Sam got the change to be more on her own. Amanda explored new aspects of Sam in season 7. She got that oppurtunity. I think Sam in season 7 explored her leadership, her personal life, her love life...
      It was a good season for her...

      I just remembered a scene that shows her geeky side - when she's ranting about the movie 'Signs' to Daniel. Only a total geek would get that worked up about it!
      wow I can't remember that moment anymore where is that moment? Cause I drawing a blank here

      Originally posted by starlover1990
      It is also just like you say i have faith in the writers but in the end AT will make it better
      And some of the things she does you know that aren't written in the script, some things you can't write in it but she does it and makes it better
      I think a lot comes from what the actress does honestly. I mean you can have the best script ever... and give it to just any actress and still it can become a bad movie. Just because the actress doesn't play it good, or doesn't know how to play it. Give that same script to an actress like Amanda and this same movie will be a great and amazing movie...that everyone wants to see...

      Same counts for if the script isn't that good but you give it to an actress that is good...Still the movie can be good...even though the script wasn't cause a lot comes from the actress and how they play and how they portray the character.

      Of course in the end you need both. You need a good actress and a great script and don't forget an amazing director. I mean honestly I think the director has to be good. to make an ep or a movie in a succes.

      And you also need all the people around it...I think lights, sounds, sets, costumes, visual effects,.... you all need it. you have to be a team to make a show, a movie into a succes.

      And I think that is what made SG big...they had it all... and I am glad Amanda was a part of it

      Ow good season...even with me as shipper and the introducing of Pete, it is my favorite season.
      I like multiply episodes with Sam in a big rol..but then again i like most episodes with
      See I love Sam centrics eps for sure...Cause you can make sure of it that it will be a good ep...Cause Amanda is amazing in it. But I also like the eps where Amanda is harldy in it. That you only see Sam for a few times. Cause even then she seems to amaze me. I mean it is easier to amaze someone in an ep centreced about the character you play...But if you can amaze people with only a few minutes of screentime...that makes you a great actress

      Originally posted by GateGirl422
      I think that's it though. Amanda's got that *grounded-ness* about her, and it reflects in Sam Carter. One of the things that folks talk about when they meet her is just how "normal" she is. I got blown away because I actually couldn't believe that I was talking to the woman who plays my "hero" for want of a better word. She's just so genuine and real.
      But don't make a mistake...Amanda has an ego...every actress has! I mean if you don't have an ego you don't survive in the business... And of course that doesn't change the fact that she is kind and so ground to earth. Sometimes we tend to forget that she has that ego and because of it she does perform that good...Cause she only wants to be better....she gives herself 100% to do better and always tries to improve
      And that is also why Amanda gets so hurt by negative comments...

      I think we sometimes do forget that Amanda is just a person like everyone of us...I mean it is easy to forget but she is just one of us... But because we all look up to her and admire her it is easy to forget it. But in the essence she wants the same things as we do...

      I don't know how I will react when I ever see her but I am sure I will cry. Cause Amanda is to me someone who really inspires me a lot. and makes me who I am today!

      Originally posted by kir_fect
      I watched all the episodes over a three month period due to having to space out purchasing the DVD's. I am thinking about starting over at the begining this summer and watching them all back to back again.
      You know I did that after I that is last year already
      I had time off and I watched all my seasons after eachother in about a few months and that was fun...I am thinking of rewatching all the eps in order again soon... An ep or so every other day... And try not to skip an ep...what will be hard for me...Cause I know some eps I just don't like and I will want to skip them but I am not going to do it...
      I am also going to listen to all the audiocommentaries back and all the extra's...

      I made a Sanctuary Trailer.

      wow this one is really cool...the music really fits the clips and all... Btw I can't comment anymore on youtube I don't know why though...cause my account isn't deleted, neither is it suspended... strange

      Btw after seeing this trailer I am really excited but on the other hand also not... ok I know this sounds weird eh...
      the fact is I am not sure if I am going to like it. It reminds me to much of Buffy. And I really didn't like that. I mean the only ep I liked of that is that musical ep they ever did lol.

      I just hope it isn't anything close to that. Cause I want to see it only cause of Amanda being in it... I know she will do an amazing job, no matter what...

      Is it May yet??


        Originally posted by kir_fect
        All very pretty. This Sam is indeed my favorite!
        Thank you!

        I wouldn't say she is my favourite but after going through all these caps...I must say I have grown fond on her too now I mean she is so cute and adorable...I would want to hug her anytime...she is such a hugable person


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
          You rang??

          (btw never say that when I have time cause I know I will make some lol)

          1. 2. 2b.

          3. 4. 5.

          6. 7. 8.

          9. 10.
          Thanks for the icons! I actually worded my statement weird... I think it was late. I actually do know how to make icons, I am still practicing though - getting better. Wallpapers are more my thing. Easier to work with large spaces.


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje

            Yes I understand you...their friendship is totally different...But that has a lot to do with that they are different and that they made their friendship in a different way and also on other circumstances.
            They also have ohter backgrounds...
            Sam/Janet were a bit the same persons...I mean not totally but kind of...
            Sam/Vala very different...but in a way also the same a a bit

            the things i would have liked to have seen between sam and vala were:

            1 -they have this huge and honkin similarity in that they were both former hosts. explore that. i know vala was a host a LOT longer than sam, but since her symbiote didn't die within her, does she carry the hosts memories?

            2 - there is an ep (hasn't aired in the US yet) where we meet vala's dad. *that* could have been another moment for sam and vala to share together, since both have had issues with their fathers and their lacking of parental skills.

            3 - i *really* like it that sam and vala became friends, but 'why' did they? was it because they were the only women on the team, or did something just click there to make them reach out to one another.

            vala and sam are like two sides of a coin. vala is the storm and sam is the calm after. do they even each other out? do they see something in the other that makes them want to be more that way?




              Originally posted by antoa315
              Yes. That was me too. And I just found out in the Vancouver thread that Gatechild is also an Irish dancer (one that I had met on Roxann Dawson's forum a while back - and I met her sister on Marinia Sirtis' forum too)

              Had I known, I would have dragged her up on stage with me!
              i'm going to try to turn this post into 'on topic'.

              i wonder if sam likes to dance? we saw her dancing with pete in 'chimera', but slow dancing is easy to fake.

              i could see sam having kind of a 'spicy' side, but not really wanting others to see it. we *know* she likes motorcycle riding, but what else do you think is a spicy joy she might partake in?

              i'm thinking she might take some 'tango' lessons and then drag her friends to a dance joint and let them see the results.




                Originally posted by majorsal
                i'm going to try to turn this post into 'on topic'.

                i wonder if sam likes to dance? we saw her dancing with pete in 'chimera', but slow dancing is easy to fake.

                i could see sam having kind of a 'spicy' side, but not really wanting others to see it. we *know* she likes motorcycle riding, but what else do you think is a spicy joy she might partake in?

                i'm thinking she might take some 'tango' lessons and then drag her friends to a dance joint and let them see the results.

                I'd like to see Sam dance 'spicy' with Jack!

                Is it getting hot in here?


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                  Like Jena said...RepliCarter I love her...I mean of course I am totally biased lol But Amanda did an amazing job with it!
                  I think why I like RC so much is the fact that in every aspect she is Sam but she has that evilness in her. Ok I don't know if I am making sense here but what I mean is that RC is made in Sam her image, she is Sam only because of a few adjustements she wants to take over the world. I think in a way that is also Sam...But like RC says to her in Gemini...she is limited by her fears...but there is something what RC is wrong...Not her fears but her ethics... Sam wouldn't want to hurt people or take over the world. She wants to be there for the world! Help them...Help everyone.
                  and that is the essence why Sam and RC are different...RC doesn't have guilt or ethics...that is why she is just a machine...

                  Don't forget Sam in GuP...It was Sam but also not Sam eh
                  i LOVE replicarter and i *loved* gemini!

                  amanda played replicarter as the victim (at first) for the viewers *and* sam. but what i'd like to know... did the stuff replicarter showed sam - the being born and then killing her friends in the gateroom: did those things *really* happen, or was that replicarter using images she *knew* would influence sam to manipulate her?

                  was replicarter tortured by fifth? i'm talking more mental torture. was replicarter 'born' evil? fifth was a flawed human replicater, so did he pass on the 'flaw/humanity' to replicarter? or, did replicarter become evil because fifth pushed her into it?

                  i really, REALLY want these questions answered.




                    Originally posted by SamCarterRocks

                    Well, I have to say the first ep i saw (Beneath the Surface) I fell in Love with Sam, well not in love persay...but, you know what i mean. Something drew me to her almost immidiately. Plus, i became an instant sam/Jack shipper

                    i became an s/j shipper in 'broca divide'.

                    i love the chemistry amanda has with all her co-stars, but the ship chemistry she has with rda... *sighs*

                    if they hadn't shipped her with jack from the beginning (and rda hadn't played jack), i could have seen sam end up with daniel. or now, with mitchell. i think because both men play such wonderful characters (and because both men are hunks ).

                    but i'm glad they stayed with sam/jack. i have a very soft spot for love stories, and sam and jack, respectfully, are very wonderful characters.

                    -anyone not a sam/jack shipper, please don't let this put you off from talking about what character you would have liked to have seen shipped with. this is *not* an s/j thread, nor is it an anti s/j thread. it is just a thread to talk about amanda and her roles, equal and fair. -

                    As for my fav eps, pretty much all thoughs that were mentioned previously, I really like Lost City part.2 when Sam and Jack have a moment when he's on the chair, and Sam is like 'Fight it Jack' (or something that sounds like that) hee hee ahhh...anyways i think that i'll stop writing now..sorry about that i was taken away...
                    is it sometimes VERY hard for me to be unbiased when it comes to amanda... one of the things i LOVED about this scene you're mentioning is that the way it was filmed, it was shown how *important* sam was the the story/show. while i know without a doubt that daniel and teal'c care for jack, that scene was not only highlighting the s/j thing, it was showing *sam's* importance to the show.

                    i'm also thinking about the scene in 'heroes', when sam and jack are hugging one another when sam was dealing with janet's death and her relief that jack hadn't died also. again, this scene - the way it was filmed... rda/jack is the star of the show, but the emphasis on that scene was with sam way more than jack. the camera focused more on her.

                    i just remember being impressed with the statement this directorial moment was saying. i got the same 'feeling' with the beginning of 'unending', when
                    thor beamed onto the ship and 'sam' is the one that greeted him and sam was the one that had the dealings/discussions with him.

                    i'm in NO way saying that sam is more important than the other characters [i'm not that deluded ], but it's nice sometimes to see that sam is considered important to the franchise. it just makes me smile with pride.




                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      i LOVE replicarter and i *loved* gemini!

                      amanda played replicarter as the victim (at first) for the viewers *and* sam. but what i'd like to know... did the stuff replicarter showed sam - the being born and then killing her friends in the gateroom: did those things *really* happen, or was that replicarter using images she *knew* would influence sam to manipulate her?

                      was replicarter tortured by fifth? i'm talking more mental torture. was replicarter 'born' evil? fifth was a flawed human replicater, so did he pass on the 'flaw/humanity' to replicarter? or, did replicarter become evil because fifth pushed her into it?
                      I don't think we'll ever know the answer. Our knowledge of Sam the character hardly changes, IMHO, whichever way it is. Either way, those are the things - killing her friends, being alone, listening to the willow - which would effect Sam, so we know those things would drive Sam crazy and are among her biggest fears or significant memories. Also, the Replicator knew Sam well enough to know that Sam has a rule hang-up which was keeping her from achieving her desires, which though Sam denied it at the time was almost the exact same thing Jacob told her later.

                      The rest is probably destined to be forever speculation.

                      Personally, I tend to think the images were probably real, and Replicarter used what actually happened to manipulate Sam. That's based primarily on the fact that, in S9 and S10, Sam has little "Replicarter" moments when she reminds me of her. The example that comes to mind is in The Scourge
                      as she's talking to Woolsey in the cave. Her attitude just smacks of Replicarter too me.


                        Originally posted by SamCarterRocks
                        And i gotta say that Grace is my all time fav too
                        i remember when that ep first aired, i had issue after issue of trying to record the ep to keep. i *finally* got a good copy the next time scifi played the episode.

                        damian kindler wrote this ep, and since i 'love' it, i have even more good feelings about him doing 'sanctuary'.

                        i'd still like to find out who those aliens were on the other ship, and just who/what was grace?




                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          i'd still like to find out who those aliens were on the other ship, and just who/what was grace?

                          And I've discussed this at some length with various people. The best explanation, to me, is that Grace was an adjective - what Sam was trying to achieve. Only by integrating all the aspects of her personality represented by her teammates could she become the complete "graceful" woman she could be. She had to accept who she was, what she wanted, and not hide any aspect of her personality.

                          What's sad about this interpretation is that, while managing to save her life, she ultimately failed at the greater task. She backed off at the last moment and suppressed what she really wanted and part of who she really was. It wasn't for another year and a half that she managed to achieve Grace, which we've seen in her new ease and confidence, in everything from the way she acts to her softer manner of speaking.

                          The best thing, IMHO, is the episode shows what it means to be a woman at the end of the 20th It's not a choice between soldier, scientist, and woman as Sam seemed to think back in CotG, but learning to be all three simultanously and without apology.


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje

                            I think Geeky!Sam is also funny cause of the fact that she is the total oposite of Sam...Or that is what it looks like. But in fact Sam and Geeky!Sam are really a lot alike. only Sam isn't that clumbsy (sp?) But if you look at Sam...And Geeky!Sam...they are much alike. Of course that is what they planned...I mean the writers aren't dumb. But if you add a few things with Geeky!Sam you just get Sam...What is frightening but in the end let's face it Sam is a nerd.

                            amanda's portrayl of geekysam was priceless!

                            i'd like to know what some of the 'differences' in geekysam's life was that made her, well, geeky.

                            we saw, when geekysam was in ancient egypt that she lost some of that geekiness; was that due to others having confidence in her, or 'her' having confidence in herself?

                            speaking of 'moebius'... i have some issues with that ep, especially that our sg1 team, the one we'd followed for 8 years, esentially died in ancient egypt. or, maybe they never did because they never had to go back to ancient egypt.... argh, the headache of time travel!

                            but all i know is that some version of sg1 died one time. whether that was eventually erased and never to happen, it 'did' at some point in time. that really makes me sad. *hugs team*




                              Originally posted by antoa315

                              I also think that there is a lot of 'our Sam' in Geeky!Sam. It's Sam if she wasn't quite as comfortable in her skin and hadn't gone into the air force. Once Geeky!Sam had seem a bit of 'life' she seamed to relax a little (in ancient egypt) and become even more like 'our Sam'.
                              and it makes you wonder if geekysam ever regretted going on that adventure/mission? you could tell that gs (geekysam, so i can save my wrists ) was just floating on air to have this kind of importance and adventure in her life, but... she ended up living the rest of her life in ancient egypt. can't say that's a very nice life to have.

                              or, it never happened, because sg1A and sg1B(gs's team) fixed the timeline and sg3 never had to go back in time.... *whimpers*




                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                the things i would have liked to have seen between sam and vala were:

                                1 -they have this huge and honkin similarity in that they were both former hosts. explore that. i know vala was a host a LOT longer than sam, but since her symbiote didn't die within her, does she carry the hosts memories?

                                2 - there is an ep (hasn't aired in the US yet) where we meet vala's dad. *that* could have been another moment for sam and vala to share together, since both have had issues with their fathers and their lacking of parental skills.

                                3 - i *really* like it that sam and vala became friends, but 'why' did they? was it because they were the only women on the team, or did something just click there to make them reach out to one another.

                                vala and sam are like two sides of a coin. vala is the storm and sam is the calm after. do they even each other out? do they see something in the other that makes them want to be more that way?

                                Ok want me to hurt my wrists eh well I don't mind...Talking about Sam is fun

                                1) See I am not sure Vala would want to talk about her being a host. Or for that matter does Sam wants that? I mean in the last couple of years have you ever heard Sam talking about Jolinar? I mean after a few eps...we never heard of her again. I think TPTB missed that ark a long time ago. I still am sad about that...Cause they could have done so much with it. So many open roads...
                                As for Vala, I do think she has some of the memories of Ketesh(sp?)... But also a lot of them she surpressed...
                                Spoilers season 10: momento mori
                                In that ep that women (sorry can't rememebr her name) goes out to find information Ketesh would have I take it she does remember is in her mind. I think Vala just doesn't know all of it. I think she remembers some things...of what Ketesh did, but also other things that she totally doesn't know, or doesn't want to know anymore... And I think with that device they can find what they look for. That is if Vala wants it of course

                                2) the ep you are talking about is Family ties.
                                Spoilers family ties:
                                I think there is a big difference between Sam her dad and Vala her dad. I mean Sam her dad was in the essence a great person. He wanted to be there for her but he just couldn't because of work. Vala her dad was just a thief and a liar.
                                So no they didn't have the same background. they did both have issues with their dads though... but in the end Sam forgave her dad, she loved her dad whatever happened she loved him...
                                Vala on the other hand was mad, upset at him. But deep down inside she wanted to love him too... but she just couldn't cause of what happened... and in the end she tried it...You could see that in the ep, but she got again dissapointed by him...what is actually sad
                                But that made Vala into who she was...the thief...But also she wanted to be a better person...that is also what SG-1 showed, that there is another way.

                                3) that is one of the things that I also never gotten... What made them friends...honestly the fact that they were women did help for sure. I mean that is something that they have in commen...and that grew them together. But what made them real friends...Honestly I don't know.
                                Spoilers from Beachhead and further:
                                In the beginning she totally didn't like Vala at all...But I think that had a lot to do of what Daniel and the others said about her.
                                Then in the end of Beachhead you saw the real Vala...the person who had learned that these are friends and that you have to do stuff, and not only for yourself but for others too...That is why she did the whole supergate thing... Cause she saw what friends where.. She had observed them.
                                I think at that time...Sam saw the real Vala...She knew what she had to know. The past wasn't a fact anymore. She had done something to save earth and wasn't being selfish.
                                Then crusade, Sam saw again what a great person Vala was and that she wasn't the thief/liar/selfish brat anymore...So I think that was what made Sam grow towards Vala...and becoming friends...

                                I think if you dig deeper you can find more but then I will have to rewatch season 9 and 10 again...and honestly atm I lack time for doing that and I rather watch some of the older eps

                                Sally: did I mention I love this thread

