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Amanda/her roles discussion and appreciation thread

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    A couple of quick points:

    I started watching episodes when SciFi was doing the marathons & they were running S4, I believe. I quickly became a Sam fan. Then going back and watching S1, there were some cringe worthy moments, like the reproductive organs speech. I think if I had seen that first & some of the cliched aspects of Emancipation etc. I would have taken longer to like Sam. But going back, I look at the neat moments, like her excitement talking to Daniel about the gate system & kicking Turghan's butt.

    As to acting moments--I'll pick 2 for today

    Sally, I think mentioned the slow dance scene with Pete. I like that scene b/c to me it seems like Sam is thinking. I interpret it as being a bit unsure, but then letting go and enjoying the romantic moment.

    I think RepliCarter really showcases AT's talent. You just about forget it's the same actress playing both parts. They're 2 completely different characters.


      Ok last post for tonight...I think that is if no one post while I am typing...and this is a huge multi-qouting posts
      I feel like I am spamming this thread lol

      Originally posted by majorsal
      i'm sure you'll meet amanda someday. she's a very easy-going and nice person too, so any nervousness i'm sure will vanish because amanda will be there for you.
      Ok so I never met her, but will soon I hope But I know I would be nervous but from what I have heard she makes you calm down...and I so can believe that cause it is just her karma, that gives that relaxing thing over you...Some people just can make people relax...

      if you ever got the chance to interview amanda for gateworld/magazine, what questions would you ask her?
      What would you have done different with Sam if you look back it. (I mean we know some moments she didn't like but I would want to know more of them)

      Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan
      For me my faverite epi is any episode which has Amanda Tapping in it cause she rocks. Amanda is my all time faverite actress, I Love Her <3. I Love the way she takes a script and Character and makes it her own. I love everything about her she Rocks. Shes Talented, Amazing, Absolutely Stunning, Fun, Funny, well really although I know no ones perfect, in my eyes she pretty close to it <3. Well what more can i say but I Love and adore her, Shes my Idol <3
      Welcome here
      you are such a fangurl nice...

      **feels the inner fangurl coming up again***

      Originally posted by majorsal
      sam felt something was off with her dad in 'reckoning pt2', but imagine having your worst fears confirmed... poor sam! (((sam)))

      amanda played that scene with so much emotion, shock, and grief. then her scene where she sat by jacob's side while he died... argh!

      *is proud of amanda*

      Yes she felt something was wrong in Reckoning, she also asked him but he didn't say it. Of course in the end it wouldn't have made a difference when Jacob would have said it, cause he would die...and neither Sam neither anyone else could have helped that. the fact is I think Jacob just wanted not to bother Sam with it cause he knew that her life was already busy enough and he didn't want her to worry or calling him every now and then like she did after Secrets...I think he wanted that prevent that, not only for him, but also for Sam...and I think it was a good discission in the end

      Originally posted by majorsal

      what you're talking about reminds me of s7's 'lifeboat', where sam was barely in this ep. but what she did have had impact.

      the scene where sam and jack wake up in the infirmary, and janet asks sam if she's alright. from what jack said, they had headaches from heck , and amanda played *that* wonderfully. she barely talked -saying only 'janet?' i think- but the way amanda had sam look and react to things... you could see someone with a migraine strength headache going on there.

      i'll admit it, i obsess on sam! , so i pay attention to these things.
      You know funny that you mention that scene cause that was the scene I had in my mind when I said that... Cause I loved Lifeboat for so many reason... biggest reason cause I am a bit Teryl fan too and she did amazing in it...
      And that moment in the infermery...just grabbed me... she wasn't in it much but the moments she was in...Was amazing

      Originally posted by majorsal

      i'm really glad this thread is going strong. amanda deserves it.

      She certainly does deserve this thread! and she deserves to be talked about!!!

      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      I like that part of Sam too...I just really have issues with Pete. Yeah, he served a purpose, but I'd like her to be flirty with Jack!
      Nope no issues with Pete at all...I actually liked him...I mean he was sweet, kind, nice,...Only thing I didn't like was the stalking thing...I just can't understand Sam reaction towards that. I mean after she knew about the stalking how could she still date him. I mean I would have big issues with that... I think somewhere I would think that man didn't trust me... But I think Sam really cared and even loved Pete in a way that she could see past that and just start from scratch...
      that is a great strength of Sam

      Originally posted by majorsal
      i'd say you like amanda tapping.

      and what's NOT to like!?

      *has fangirl moment*

      thanks for contributing, amanda_tapping_fan.

      ***ok I have to do it...joins fangurl moment ***


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      My Amanda/Sam collage...

      And a Sam Carter poem I wrote.

      Sam Rocks!

      Amanda Rocks!

      *is a fangirl*
      Wow Jena this is amazing...I love the collage...that must have taken forever and the poem is just amazing... great work

      Originally posted by antoa315
      See, Pete didn't bug me too much... except that stalker thing... we'll just ignore that.

      I am a *huge* j/s shipper, but I am also a huge Carter fan, and it was just nice that she got laid.
      See that is exactly how I feel about things...I am in the first place a Samantha Carter fan...and then I am a shipper. Of course not that huge since I can see Sam with someone else then Jack...but in the end I think the couple I ship the most for is Sam and Jack...

      But I certainly don't mind any other Sam ship


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
        My Amanda/Sam collage...


        And a Sam Carter poem I wrote.

        Sam Rocks!

        Amanda Rocks!

        *is a fangirl*
        JENA!! Squee, lovely collage, I love it, and beautiful poem!
        *is a fangirl too!*


          I'm sure Amanda is *very* busy filming SGA as well as being involved with Sanctuary, but does anyone know if she'll be doing any interviews to promote Sanctuary in the next month or so?

          I just want to keep an eye out.

          I posted in the Sam's a Great Character Thread that I had my 10 favorite female scifi characters (though I should have said changed that to scifi/fantasy and I personally didn't include movie characters). Samantha Carter and Helen Magnus made my list.
          Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            See that is exactly how I feel about things...I am in the first place a Samantha Carter fan...and then I am a shipper. Of course not that huge since I can see Sam with someone else then Jack...but in the end I think the couple I ship the most for is Sam and Jack...

            But I certainly don't mind any other Sam ship
            See, I can't ship her with anyone else, but I am all for her letting off some steam and scratching an itch.


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
              Ok so I never met her, but will soon I hope But I know I would be nervous but from what I have heard she makes you calm down...and I so can believe that cause it is just her karma, that gives that relaxing thing over you...Some people just can make people relax...

              She certainly does deserve this thread! and she deserves to be talked about!!!

              Nope no issues with Pete at all...I actually liked him...I mean he was sweet, kind, nice,...Only thing I didn't like was the stalking thing...I just can't understand Sam reaction towards that. I mean after she knew about the stalking how could she still date him. I mean I would have big issues with that... I think somewhere I would think that man didn't trust me... But I think Sam really cared and even loved Pete in a way that she could see past that and just start from scratch...
              that is a great strength of Sam
              I've never met her either, but God willing summer '08 is my time to meet Amanda! She is so amazing and wonderful at everything she does, I LOVE her as Sam Carter, and can't wait to see her in Sanctuary, it just looks so AWESOME!

              Also I agree, she totally deserves this thread! I have to make an Amanda sig now...motivation to save and save and save even when I don't think I'll ever save enough!

              I can also say that I did have real issues with Pete, he was a nice guy to an extent, but he also stalked her...after telling her that trust was important in a relationship. He had a background check done on her without her knowledge. That is not some thing someone so bent on TRUST does, he didn't trust her but he expected her to trust him? What a jerkface! See, thinking about him this way makes me forget that he was a BIG part of the Jack and Sam relationship...I ONLY ship them. I can't see anyone better with Sam than Jack! SQUEE!


                Originally posted by antoa315
                See, I can't ship her with anyone else, but I am all for her letting off some steam and scratching an itch.
                Heehee...that's funny...I guess I am too. Go ahead Sam...get it out, when you're ready for he'll be waiting!


                  Originally posted by jckfan55
                  Sally, I think mentioned the slow dance scene with Pete. I like that scene b/c to me it seems like Sam is thinking. I interpret it as being a bit unsure, but then letting go and enjoying the romantic moment.
                  I think you are right Jckfan... I think at first Sam was overthinking it to much...but that is something that Sam does a much thinking. Sometimes she just has to let go... and in a way that is something Pete also did...give her the oppurtunity to let go...give her the change to just enjoy the moment. Not only in the dance but also the flirting...and yes even the bed scene. I think it showed a Sam who wasn't thinking. Of course at some point she started thinking again... but then again that is Sam eh

                  And welcme jckfan

                  Originally posted by antoa315
                  See, I can't ship her with anyone else, but I am all for her letting off some steam and scratching an itch.

                  See I know I am one of the only ones here who can actually ship her with anyone else lol...


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                    Nope no issues with Pete at all...I actually liked him...I mean he was sweet, kind, nice,...Only thing I didn't like was the stalking thing...I just can't understand Sam reaction towards that. I mean after she knew about the stalking how could she still date him. I mean I would have big issues with that... I think somewhere I would think that man didn't trust me... But I think Sam really cared and even loved Pete in a way that she could see past that and just start from scratch...
                    that is a great strength of Sam
                    See, that's it... He stalked her. I know I'd feel a bit violated if someone did that to me. Talk about no trust. A relationship should be built from trust and respect...and it seemed Pete had neither for her. Maybe he was so infatuated with her he just *had* to know...but geez, what horrible way to do it. Eh, he got shot in the end.

                    See that is exactly how I feel about things...I am in the first place a Samantha Carter fan...and then I am a shipper. Of course not that huge since I can see Sam with someone else then Jack...but in the end I think the couple I ship the most for is Sam and Jack...
                    I am a Sam fan. I am a Jack fan. I am a shipper. Oh, I'll admit it! I can only ship Jack and Sam! I *maybe* could have seen Sam/Daniel in the first season, but not anymore. I do want Sam to be happy...and if made her happy for a while, then good. But he was a catalyst for something else.

                    Yeah, I am a Sam fan, and she can certainly stand on her own, she's proven that time and time again. She is definitely not one half of a 'ship'. But I also can't deny that Jack, as well as the rest of her team and friends, have made her who she is today. The people she's met, the things she's done, the feelings she's had...from COTG to Undending, you can see the affect they've had as we've watched this character grow and change.

                    I guess I can't say I am a Sam fan more than a shipper because I know she wouldn't be the Sam Carter I love so much without that specific relationship. And that that relationship wouldn't be what it is without Sam being who she is. In my head, it's all one big...I don't know the word...but it's all intertwined... (Jenn? Where are you? You know what I mean! ) And really, it's that way with SG-1 in general. As a team, they have shaped each other into what we see today.


                      Hey, I just saw the trailer for Sanctuary
                      is anyone else getting Buffy vibes or is it just me?

                      Though I do like the new look and the costumes
                      "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
                      "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
                      Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


                        Duuude, I've been here for a long time, and I didn't even know this thread existed. But I see that there were some cool people who jumpstarted it almost 2 years ago, so kudos to them for keeping it alive this long!


                          Hi Everyone,

                          I was thinking about Sam and I think the only thing he did wrong was the stalking, ok so pretty big mistake to make but I think is very similar to Sam in that he likes to be in control all the time and doesn't like being in the drak and so he used his posion of power to get the infomation he wanted, this total lack of trust and respect for Sam is what made me dislike him. Although I did like the side he brought out in Sam, the happy, funny sides but also the nervous and unsure sides too and I loved seeing in to Sam's head..
                          I remember watching Chimera for the first time and the sene where Sam and em make-out(sorry not sure if thats ok to write?) while I was screaming cause I'm a S/J shipper, I was also thinking wow Sam's all grown up really, I know that sounds wierd but that was truly was my reaction I think maybe cause its the first time, I think anyway we see her interested in any besides work at that moment she's pure sexual woman and I say is wow! Jack's a lucky man


                          PS if any of my post is to far past PG let me know I'll change it. Thanks
                          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                            Originally posted by antoa315
                            See, Pete didn't bug me too much... except that stalker thing... we'll just ignore that.

                            I am a *huge* j/s shipper, but I am also a huge Carter fan, and it was just nice that she got laid.
                            Originally posted by antoa315
                            See, I can't ship her with anyone else, but I am all for her letting off some steam and scratching an itch.
                            That's how I feel. I think the bedroom scene with Pete showed just how bad that itch was. It made Sam more human. She'd almost certainly gone without for YEARS... And there was something almost sad and desperate about the entire thing, too. Sam seemed completely in charge at that moment, as she did through most of her relationship with Pete. I prefer my relationships to be more two-sided, and I suspect from things which happen elsewhere Sam does too.

                            Still, all those years of UST really had taken a toll, and it was nice to see it admited that women have sex drives, too. Usually it's just men who get to see that addressed.
                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                            I think that geekySam is geeky because of the little things and the little differences between her and Sam... I mean geekySam never joined the airforce...I think that is a big difference in her life. I think the AF made her less Geeky.
                            I also wonder why GeekySam never joined the AF? I mean her mom died(that is what I presume) and she would have blamed her dad, maybe instead of joining the AF to prove something to her dad. She rejected the AF...Cause that associated her with the dead of her mom and with her dad...
                            Except, as someone mentioned, Sam was not geeky in TBftGoG or PoV, and also not in the Air Force. Also, Geeky!Sam had several Air Force posters up in her office, so I don't think she had a negative relationship with the Air Force. I suspect she wanted to join but never dared. Just like she wanted to use the line about reproductive organs but never dared. For some reason, which I suspect we'll never know, Geeky!Sam seems to have less courage than our Sam.

                            That's the sort of stuff best left for fanfic, but I wonder if it's because maybe her *Dad* died when she was very young. Psycology, from what I've read, seems to think Dad's instill courage and willingness to go out and try new things in kids while Mom's tend to instill a sense of stability and security and knowing you will be accepted no matter what by those you love. I think Geek!Sam lacks that courage, which is why I wonder about her dad, while 'our' Sam seems to lack that sense of security from losing her mom... This would also expain why she admires the Air Force so much but was too afraid to join.

                            That might also mean PoV and TBftGoG Sam had both parents and so was more stable than either our Sam or Geeky!Sam...
                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                            I guess I can't say I am a Sam fan more than a shipper because I know she wouldn't be the Sam Carter I love so much without that specific relationship. And that that relationship wouldn't be what it is without Sam being who she is. In my head, it's all one big...I don't know the word...but it's all intertwined... (Jenn? Where are you? You know what I mean! ) And really, it's that way with SG-1 in general. As a team, they have shaped each other into what we see today.
                            Our characters determine who we are attracted to and the relationships we form, and those relationships and the people we associate with in return affect us and shape our character. So you can't separate the two. IMHO, the relationships of a character tell you about the character, and the character tells you about the relationship. You can't understand one without understanding the other. You'll end up with an incomplete picture.


                              Holy Hannah, the thread count doubled over night! I'm seriously on the wrong side of the world Catching up is proving difficult lol.

                              I was thinking more about what draws people to Sam and/or Amanda. There's an old saying by Russian director Konstantin Stanislavsky, that you should love the art in yourself and not yourself in art. I think that as an actor when you are truly selfless, that is when you shine the most. It isn't the "acting", it's the "being" - the thinking and feeling and listening in the moment. Because the minute you start "pretending to be" is the same minute when the audience goes "I didn't believe that". I just think that essence of loving the art in oneself encompasses Amanda. There's no big ego, there's no flaunting, there's just a genuine sense of commitment and compassion. Sam as a character is alway reacting - vocally, facially, emotionally. She is never not 'being'. And I think that's just one of the main reasons I like her so much.

                              Okay moving on from the mush I'm sharing this again because I don't really have any Sam Carter WP's to contribute. Everything always comes out shippy lol. So I resurrected this. The actual size is roughly the same as an A3 piece of paper. I do a few SG paintings/drawings from time to time, I've done quite a bit of Sam stuff now but a lot of it never leaves the confines of my bedroom because of the cost to scan them. I put this on the Sam/Vala thread a long time ago, it's scanned so sorry if it's a bit blurry.



                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                                Duuude, I've been here for a long time, and I didn't even know this thread existed. But I see that there were some cool people who jumpstarted it almost 2 years ago, so kudos to them for keeping it alive this long!
                                Yeah that goes for me too! any thread that features Amanda deserves to be kept alive
                                Keep up the good work guys....
                                : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
                                Geeky : Oh brother...
                                : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

                                Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis

