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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Great run of piccies, ONTLLs. I esp love the whumped Jack ones.
    "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
    Colonel Jack O'Neill


      Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post

      "Show and Tell" Screen caps!!

      WARNING! The FOLLOWING PICTURES are not for the faint-hearted thunker! Please make sure that your seatbelt is securely fastened and that you are close to an emergency exit - or at least a soft landing place. -thanks Alaskhah

      Look at those Brown facinating, alluring, appealing, attractive, bewitching, captivating, charming, enchanting, engaging, entrancing, fetching, glamorous, luring, magnetic, enthralling, gripping, hypnotizing, mesmerizing, riveting, spellbinding; enticing, tantalizing, tempting; exciting, interesting, intriguing, titillating; beckoning, inviting, winning; delightful, pleasing, Seductive, SEXY EYES..

      Okay, break time!! Will continue later
      These are wonderful!! I love Show and Tell - Jack and the little boy. Wonder what happened to him - he was a good actor. Can't wait for your caps of him going limp in Jack's arms.
      They won't let me green you - consider yourself GREENED
      Last edited by Zoser; 10 July 2007, 01:07 PM.
      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


        Originally posted by Zoser View Post
        These are wonderful!! I love Show and Tell - Jack and the little boy. Wonder what happened to him - he was a good actor. Can't wait for your caps of him going limp in Jack's arms.
        They won't let me green you - consider yourself GREENED


        Back from Doctor's appointment and Lad appointment.. More needles.. OY!! I am thinking my Anemia problem is back again, I am tired and havng dizzy spells at work. Was told not to come, till I figure it out!! I hate this!!

        So reality sucks, lets spend time with JACK!!

        Preview of what is to come!!

        but for now, its time to sit back watch some "Babylon 5"

        Later Campers!!
        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
          pssst.. NAZ.. Don't give him back his shirt!!
          You didn't leave Mac and Rourke alone at home did you??
          ONTLL: Flirt!
          ONTLLJC: I am just say hello.. you are stealing shirts!!
          ONTLL: I am not stealing shirts.. Naz is!! I am innocent!!
          ONTLLJC: Right!!
          ONTLL: Hey
          Heya ONTLLJC, cutie-pie.
          Don't worry ONTLLs, I haven't given Jack his shirt back yet! hehehe.

          "Ah, I suppose it could be worse.. *whispers* But I'm not going to give her any ideas!"

          What was that Jack?
          nazJC: Nothing! *innocent grin*

          We're back home from the beach now. And boy am I tired! Rourkie and Mac came along and were boating most of the day.

          "Hey there ONTLLs, sweetheart,"
          -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
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            Taking the boys out to get icecream. Later!

            "Mmm, icecream!!"
            -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
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                Oooh, the smirk! *THUNK*

                -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
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                  Crystal Skull is on now; such a nice episode.



                    Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
                    Crystal Skull is on now; such a nice episode.
                    Ohh yeah. Love the bit of whump.

                    -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
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                      Originally posted by not_a_zatarc View Post
                      Sweaty whump we may have stumbled upon a new kind of porn, could be worth researching.


                        Originally posted by not_a_zatarc View Post
                        Heya ONTLLJC, cutie-pie.
                        Don't worry ONTLLs, I haven't given Jack his shirt back yet! hehehe.

                        "Ah, I suppose it could be worse.. *whispers* But I'm not going to give her any ideas!"

                        What was that Jack?
                        nazJC: Nothing! *innocent grin*

                        We're back home from the beach now. And boy am I tired! Rourkie and Mac came along and were boating most of the day.

                        Hello Sweetie!! How you doing??

                        "And you call me a flirt!!"

                        ONTLL: Oh hey Jack!! Um.. Don't look at me like that!!
                        ONTLLJC: Why??
                        ONTLL: Cuz um.. you might end up getting jum..*hand covers mouth*
                        ONTLLJC: P.G. Forum Sweetie.. Excuse us please! Copboy.. um.. can you?? *takes ONTLL's away from computer*
                        ONTLLJRS: Fine.. Um.. the Button, which button.. Oh yeah!! "Submit Reply" I found it!!
                        ONTLLJC: *from the couch* Hit it!!
                        ONTLLJRS: Oh yeah!! Later Campers!! As Sweetie would say!!
                        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                          ONTLLs sorry to hear your under the weather, VJC blows kisses and we both hope you feel better soon.


                            -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
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                              I've been away for a while (my dog has been very ill) so I missed some birthdays and welcomes. So a big :

                              Happy B-day and Wlecome!

                              To all I missed.

                              What a great run of caps ONTLLs. Now I need to bring some more whumped Mac pics lol. For now, I have "Prometheus" caps from MacGyver S7. He looked great in the suit and dirty white t-shirt in this ep. He looked so strong..and tall--as usual lol. I thought the massive height differential between he and Jeanette Goldstein was cute. Enjoy:

                              Later all and get well soon ONTLLs,

                              Signature By Amber Moon


                                Well, I think I'm gonna turn in early GGs! *yawns* Been a long day. Nighty night! *waves*

                                "G'night girls. Saved a spot for you naz, hun,"

                                Thanks cutie-pie.
                                -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
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