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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by nell

    Talk too much??? About RDA??? Honey, I want details after your event!!

    Seriously, I think the SSCS is a very worthy organization. I admire RDA for his conviction and committment to the society.

    Now, let's talk THUNK!!! Plan A. So, when you shake his hand, look into his eyes!! Plan B. Hubby is standing nearby to steady you. Queenie, have a thunkalicious time!

    P.S. I think your jewelry is beautiful and should be a nice contribution to the auction!

    P.S.S. The eyes!!!
    Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS]
    You want some tips..

    Rule Number 1 - BREATHE!! (its kinda important!! )
    Rule Number 2 - Have you hubby standing behind you (it helps, he can pinch you to make sure your in Reality and not dreaming)
    Rule Number 3 - Bottle of water.. (Yeah never know, he might be thirsty!!)
    Rule Number 4 - SMILE and have Fun.. (He will be!!)
    Rule Number 5 - Have lots of Back-up Film, its weird seeing things about him, that we talk about here. You know his Sticky-up Hair, His EYES, His smile..
    Rule Number 6 - Have More FUN!! and do forget to report to us GGG's what happened!!
    Thanks for the tips! I need all the help I can get.
    I know SSCS doesn't want this event to be an 'RDA Con', so I will have to squeee inside and be all dignified like on the outside.

    P.S. Thanks nell!!
    sig by PM


      Originally posted by Kliggins
      Yep, I did.

      Then you understand the babbling thing. Or it's the nervous talking thing. If either one kicks in, I'm jumping overboard.
      sig by PM




          Good Morning


          My LJ


            Originally posted by Jynjyr
            Hi Gang. *waves* I'm back from MediaWestCon. It was fun, as usual. I worked too hard, as usual. I bought a picture in the Art Show. As usual. This one, with a bright blue shirt, green lens sunglasses and no hand in the air.
            Welcome back Jynjyr

            That's a really nice pic too!


            My LJ


              Originally posted by Kliggins
              Welcome Back Jynjyr! Glad you had a great time. Was it a photograph or an actual painting you bought? I heard there was a panel on RDA. Was that true and did you attend?

              Welcome Back Mary. Glad you had a good time too. Above questions go for you too, too lazy to type them again.
              It's an actual, honest-to-goodness, hand-drawn picture. The artist, Jesse McClain, uses pencils and paints.

              Yep, they had a panel on RDA. Sort of a fan-club type meeting. Not that he has an 'Official' Fan club. Basically about ten of us sat and chatted about him on Stargate and his other roles. It was pretty unanimous that although 'Crazy Ray' is a scary person, he is OH SO frickin' HOT.

              You're never too old to do something goofy.
              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                Originally posted by Jynjyr
                It's an actual, honest-to-goodness, hand-drawn picture. The artist, Jesse McClain, uses pencils and paints.

                Yep, they had a panel on RDA. Sort of a fan-club type meeting. Not that he has an 'Official' Fan club. Basically about ten of us sat and chatted about him on Stargate and his other roles. It was pretty unanimous that although 'Crazy Ray' is a scary person, he is OH SO frickin' HOT.

                Another one of Jesse's. How nice.

                LOL at the panel consensus.


                  Originally posted by Buc252
                  Here, too! And Buffalo just does NOT get to 90 in May!!!
                  I'm in Pittsburgh and it usually isn't like this either. It's usually somewhere in the 70's.


                  My LJ



                    My LJ


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                      RDA just gets better with age. I'm not too fond of the mullet, to be honest...but the end of SG-1 Season 2 and on, with the adorably ruffled gray hair...yeah...*Thunk*
                      i so agree with you. he looks great, hes so yummy. . going to watch some stargate episodes now

                      sig by starlover1990



                        My LJ




                          My LJ


                            GOOD MORNING!!!! Bit o' thunkin' before work! Wahooooo. 4 more days 'till me service in the icky fast food industry ends! YEEHAW!!!

                            "Umm, okay, somebody... I'm not mentioning any names here... needs a chill pill.."

                            "Chhhyeah, I'll say. Want me to get the straightjacket?"

                            *sigh* "I'll get it this time."
                            -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
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                              Morning Naz


                              My LJ


                                Good morning, ivy. How's your foot doing?

                                Better we hope.

