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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Critter
    Leave it to C7 to just watch "his parts"!!!!
    Well, duh! (or should it be D'oh!)

    I needed a laugh. I watched a very sad West Wing last night and next week's gonna be even sadder.


      Originally posted by Jynjyr
      OK. Maybe not a *snicker* rooster. The head band needs to be higher to make the *hee - hee* hair look like a rooster comb. How about a . . . haystack?
      JRC: To all the other 'Rourkes' out there, *heavy sigh* just ignore her today. Who knew that a nice, sunny day and 3 nights from the full moon would make her . . . . . . NUTS!!
      Hey JRC.. you can come to my house if you need to ahem leave that NUT house!! Sounds crazy over there for you!

      **trys to hold back ONTLLJRS, uh oh too late**

      "Rooster!!, Haystack... Why can't they just accept like I am"

      ONTLL: huh Rourke your not gonna Blow up at Them!! You feeling okay!! *check forhead*

      "I am fine.. These GGG's need to learn some Respect!!"

      ONTLL: OY Here we go.. Lecture time..

      "No Lecture... I just want respect on how I look!!"

      ONTLL: I do that all the time..

      "Sure you do.. When I am wearing this Shirt"

      ONTLL: uh huh!!!

      "Drink you Coffee!!"

      ONTLL: uh huh!! that was close!!
      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


        Originally posted by blueiris
        Well, just woke from a little thunk-coma that sent me into. That long hair just gets to me.

        *He reminds me a little of Colin Farrell here.*

        OY Really??

        This pic reminds me of the Kid in RDA.. How much fun he has!!

        ONTLLJC: uh stop looking at the picture, and post this.. Your DROOLING all over the Keyboard again
        ONTLLMC: We just washed it the other day when Kliggs posted this..
        ONTLLJC: Kliggins.. No more of these please!!
        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


          Originally posted by ChevronSeven
          Well, duh! (or should it be D'oh!)

          I needed a laugh. I watched a very sad West Wing last night and next week's gonna be even sadder.
          Me too C7. I watched West Wing at moms and taped the Simpsons. I thought it was funny.

          They didn't like my Simpsons episode


            Originally posted by Terrah
            Here's a better image, to make up for my previous post

            uh oh.. uh...

            ONTLLMC comes running in "What was that??"
            ONTLLJC behind Mac "What happened??"
            ONTLLJRS: Oh a Color picture of the orginal in Scruff..
            ONTLLMC: oh okay.. *turns and walks away*
            ONTLLJC: Really, that was it *turns and follows Mac*
            ONTLLJRS: Well, they are alot of help *looks down at ONTLL's still in a daze, looks at computer and hits "Submit Reply"*
            Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


              Originally posted by not_a_zatarc
              Bumping now...

              and I'm off to watch...*whispers* ::Rourke:: before bed. 'Night!

              Oaky NAZ.. its morning over here, so it should be morning there.. So what did you think of "Eyes of a Stranger".. Want you opinion?? Come on now.. Don't be Shy!!"

              ONTLLJRS: Uh are you pushing her just a little bit!!
              ONTLL: No.. I like hearing about your movie..
              ONTLLJRS: Really!!
              ONTLL: Yes.. and I am curious!!
              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                Ok, So, I wander over to look at the auction for the Waterkeeper Alliance where they are auctioning off lunch with RDA and AT. I've sent it to hubs and Mom asking if they want to get me a present to end all's the chance... But I got to thinking....if I won the bidding...would I be able to carry on a conversation with them!!!! Especially RDA?!

                I know ONTLL's could...but sitting across from this:



                  Originally posted by sclairef99
                  Ok, So, I wander over to look at the auction for the Waterkeeper Alliance where they are auctioning off lunch with RDA and AT. I've sent it to hubs and Mom asking if they want to get me a present to end all's the chance... But I got to thinking....if I won the bidding...would I be able to carry on a conversation with them!!!! Especially RDA?!

                  I know ONTLL's could...but sitting across from this:


                  Just wear your drooling bib and you'd be just fine sclaire! You know they make bibs now that have a little pocket at the bottom to catch the food that misses the mouth...that would probably be worth investing in....just in case!
                  Desperate Thunker


                    Originally posted by sclairef99
                    Ok, So, I wander over to look at the auction for the Waterkeeper Alliance where they are auctioning off lunch with RDA and AT. I've sent it to hubs and Mom asking if they want to get me a present to end all's the chance... But I got to thinking....if I won the bidding...would I be able to carry on a conversation with them!!!! Especially RDA?!
                    I know ONTLL's could...but sitting across from this:
                    Auction for Lunch with HIM.. WHERE?? WHEN?? Show me the Link WHERE??

                    as for Sitting across from him.. I was shaking for about two days after the first meeting with him, and am still Shaking from Lake Louise, its Not Easy..(and the darn thing is.. He knows it!!)

                    ONTLLJRS: Breathe girl, breathe..
                    ONTLLJC: What is going on now??
                    ONTLLJRS: something about an auction to have lunch with the Real one
                    ONTLLJC: She has a Date with him already, why pay for it now
                    ONTLLJRS: Maybe she just want to see what its about??
                    ONTLLJC: Why?? She has no time, she has to Work all the time.
                    ONTLL: JACK.. CAGE..
                    ONTLLJC: Yes ma'am *sulks and walks over the Cage, and sit in it*

                    "This is crazy!!"
                    ONTLLJRS: you ask for that one!!
                    ONTLL: Watch it Rourke, the "other one" is being delivered today!!
                    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                      Too Late SC99 I found it.. The Richard Dean Anderson Website ( had a link to Waterkeeper Alliance

                      I also found this there too..

                      Apparently unaware of how much the fans were already anticipating his appearance on The Simpsons, Richard dropped by with another quick note and a little reminder.

                      April 9, 2006

                      Did I mention the Simpsons episode is on tonight, Sunday, April 9? Hope it's not too late to spread the word about the Simpsons debut. Either way, my career is complete.

                      I will be traveling back to Vancouver after a day in California reconnecting with Wylie. I hadn't seen her since we got back from Mammoth Mountain about ten days ago. All is well.


                      Okay if I was getting phone calls from this guy on a regular basis Life would be complete..
                      Ahem.. Mammoth Moutain, does that mean he is still downhill Skiing.. After HOW MANY Knee operations?? (I have a pin in my left leg from breaking it (broke my Femer) and I will not go on skis at all) but him.. HE's NUTS!! but we still adore, delight, enjoy, fancy, love, relish, revel; covet, crave, wish, yearn, and desire for..
                      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                        Is this picture NEW??

                        Title: Lunch on set of Stargate with Richard Dean Anderson and Amanda Tapping and take home a paddle signed by the cast and Robert F Kennedy Jr.

                        Current Bid: $850.00

                        Next Bid: $900.00

                        Lot Closes: 4/20/2006 6:00:00 PM EST

                        go here for more info:

                        Well anyone want to get together and Group Bid..

                        LOL.. All the GGG's bid for one Lunch with RDA.. That would be cool.. We all show up for Lunch, he's expecting one and gets about 100 of us (sorry dreaming outloud!!)
                        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

                          Too Late SC99 I found it.. The Richard Dean Anderson Website ( had a link to Waterkeeper Alliance

                          I also found this there too..

                          Apparently unaware of how much the fans were already anticipating his appearance on The Simpsons, Richard dropped by with another quick note and a little reminder.

                          April 9, 2006

                          Did I mention the Simpsons episode is on tonight, Sunday, April 9? Hope it's not too late to spread the word about the Simpsons debut. Either way, my career is complete.

                          I will be traveling back to Vancouver after a day in California reconnecting with Wylie. I hadn't seen her since we got back from Mammoth Mountain about ten days ago. All is well.


                          Okay if I was getting phone calls from this guy on a regular basis Life would be complete..
                          Ahem.. Mammoth Moutain, does that mean he is still downhill Skiing.. After HOW MANY Knee operations?? (I have a pin in my left leg from breaking it (broke my Femer) and I will not go on skis at all) but him.. HE's NUTS!! but we still adore, delight, enjoy, fancy, love, relish, revel; covet, crave, wish, yearn, and desire for..
                          He has had three knee operations Ontlls, two in 1996 and one in 2002 right before the start of season 6.



                            Originally posted by Kliggins
                            He has had three knee operations Ontlls, two in 1996 and one in 2002 right before the start of season 6.

                            Kliggins...I do believe he is sticking his tongue out at you in that picture. You'd better post a scruffy, black stocking cap picture


                              ONTLL: I let you out of the Cage and your on the Phone..
                              ONTLLJC: Yes.. I am CALLING ALL GGG's.. cuz you going to Work soon
                              ONTLL: Jack.. Do you want to go back in that Cage..
                              ONTLLJC: No..
                              ONTLL: Well then stop saying that word!!
                              ONTLLJC: Work..
                              ONTLL: JACK! Yes..
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by Kliggins
                                He has had three knee operations Ontlls, two in 1996 and one in 2002 right before the start of season 6.

                                I thought Season 6 Knee problem was when he picked up Wylie the wrong way??

                                and I agree with SLBaum.. He is sticking his Tounge out at YOU!!

                                but in case Kliggs don't post one..

                                THUNKS MALA!!

                                Okay.. Tempature here just went up a few degrees Time to get ready for that "W" word..

                                Later GGG's
                                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!

